Tempest the Wolf

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Tempest the Wolf Page 4

by Dahlia Rose

  “His name is Boscoe, the werewolf that bit me,” Tempest said. “He’s been trying to call to me in my mind and pull me toward him.”

  “Boscoe is going to die,” Alex said bluntly. “So if he can hear us right now, he should know his time is coming to an end.”

  Dom kissed her shoulder. “I’ll begin my search tomorrow and get a lead on this bastard. He dared to try and take what is ours, now he’s going to pay.”

  “I know.” Tempest searched her mind for any feeling of Boscoe, knowing full well he was there. As she lightly dozed between the bodies of Dom and Alex she picked up on a sliver of fear. Boscoe was rethinking the steps he had taken but it was too late. Now he understood what he started and how it would end.

  Chapter Four

  Another two days passed in relative peace, but still the tension was evident. The moon wasn’t even up all the way and wasn’t at the full moon phase. But the night called to her, her body was satisfied, she’d eaten and she was sated in all ways. Now something else sang along the nerve endings in her body, new and unexpected. I’m changing, she thought, but it was more with excitement than panic. Her men had gone with others from the pack at sundown to check the perimeter of their property, smelling for any signs of the werewolves who threatened their peace. She was relieved when she heard their voices downstairs and their conversation.

  “They’re worried, Alex. They need to see her and make sure she’s still the same,” Dom said.

  “She’s fine. She won’t be able to shift until the next full moon,” Alex said. She could hear the stubbornness in his voice.

  “I would agree but she’s our Beta, they need to be reassured,” Dom said.

  Alex gave a low growl. “We’ll talk to her while she drinks some tea. She’s still getting accustomed to this new skin and this will be her choice.”

  “Alex, something is happening. I think I’m changing,” she called.

  Their footsteps increased to a run on the stairs and they burst into the room at the same time. Again on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed, she could feel her bones begin the metamorphosis that would make her wolf.

  “It’s too early, you’re only supposed to change when the moon is full,” Dom said.

  “How is this possible?” She heard Boscoe’s voice in her head.

  “You bit me, how do I know? Get out of my head,” Tempest snapped.

  “Close the door on him,” Alex roared.

  She’d told him about the mental door that was created when Boscoe bit her and how she could manipulate it. But it worked both ways. He could do the same, or when she was sleeping he could sneak into her mind.

  “Calm.” Dom put his hand on his shoulder. “She needs us through this shift. It may be painful.”

  “It doesn’t hurt.” She arched and moaned as the sensations ran across her body. “It’s almost like sparklers along my skin. Is this how you feel when you change? Oh damn, this feels incredible.”

  “Um yeah, the freedom to be the wolf is intoxicating,” Alex said doubtfully. “But that’s blood born, the bitten feel more pain as they shift, especially the first time.”

  “It’s not painful,” she gasped, and then cleared her throat. She tried to speak again but the only thing that came out was a howl.

  The shift completed without one sensation of pain. She still knew who she was, she recognized Alex and Dom who stared at her were, but there was something more. The primal urge to run with the pack and follow her instincts, to hunt. She bent her head to see her paws and they were pure white. Alex and Dom looked at her and she blinked at them as she hopped off the bed. They moved as she trotted out the door and then followed her down the stairs and out the back door. She moved toward the main campgrounds. “Call the pack,” she sent the words out along the lines that connected her to them.

  Dom shook his head. “No baby, you’re the white wolf, their Beta, you call them. Show them you are still their protector.”

  Tempest sent a look from Dom to Alex and he nodded his agreement to what Dom said. She threw her head back and howled, a long soulful sound that made lights go on in the houses that held the member of the Cormina pack. She let the sound loose from the larynx of her wolf form and her pack came out, crowding around her, reaching out to touch her fur. They whispered excitedly, sending the ripple along each shifter at her new form. She heard the hushed words. The white wolf, a were shifting without a full moon.

  “She came to you,” Alex called. “Her first shift wasn’t painful, filled with the sound of breaking bones and muscles contorting. Her first shift and all she could think about was her pack. She is still your Beta, and are you going to let her run alone?”

  “No, we are not.” Heath stepped forward, holding Matthew the baby. He put the baby down and on his wobbly shaky legs the baby walked toward Tempest and wrapped his arms around her fur. She pressed her muzzle against his little neck and was rewarded with a giggle. “She is still our Beta, I will run with her.”

  “We all will,” another shifter of the Cormina pack announced.

  The sounds became a chorus and as Heath handed off Matthew to a young woman who was close to Vanity. The Cormina pack, including her mates, began their shift. Tempest ran and they followed, the howls of their enjoyment filling the night. They ran for hours and by instinct she knew how to lead them back home. The pack bond was stronger than ever, and now as the white wolf she could feel each one of the members that made up their family. She could even feel Vanity and Isla as they hunted for the Gray even though they were far away. She wasn’t a human any more, but more, and now she was one of them.

  Back at the plantation property, the pack was happy and sated because of the run. They shifted and went to the sanctuary of their own homes. Tempest and her mates entered the main house, naked, sweaty, and happy. She could hear Boscoe pounding on the mental door she had closed on him hours ago. Screaming in anger at how his plan was failing. It was never going to succeed because he started a chain reaction that would end in his doom. He’d also incurred her anger by doing something against her will, so she opened the door just a crack so he could hear.

  “That was invigorating,” she said with a laugh. She twirled in her kitchen, feeling more alive ever. The energy singing along her veins was heated with wolf’s blood.

  “You are magnificent as a woman or wolf.” Alex caught her naked body against his and kissed her hungrily. “And you are ours.”

  “Be careful, don’t start anything you may not be able to finish right now, my appetite is heightened,” Tempest said in a sultry voice. She turned to Dom and rubbed against him sensuously before licking his chest. “I may want more and more.”

  “Damn if you won’t get it,” Dominic growled before he savagely kissed her lips. He lifted her and as she wrapped her legs around his waist he impaled her onto his cock. She whimpered into his mouth as he began to fuck her with wild abandon. He sent her senses soaring and awakened a ferocious ardor that she was unable to control. He moved forward until she felt the cool wood of her large, natural wood-colored table against her ass. She scooted back easily as he continued to pound into her. Bracing her hands on either side she anchored herself, and as he fucked her she pushed into each motion eagerly, undulating her hips. The breath hissed out from between his teeth when she took over the rhythm. She watched with delight as the muscles in his back strained when he threw his head back. She turned to see Alex watching them with arousal etched across his face. He stroked his rigid cock in tune to the thrusts Dominic sent into her soaking wet sex.

  “Come over here and kiss me,” Tempest demanded.

  Alex moved forward to her and cupped his hand around the back of her neck before devouring her lips. She felt his hand play with her pert, hard nipples before sliding down her torso to the mound of her sex. He used his hand to part the full velvety lips of her pussy and rub her clit. She bucked at the sensation it caused, dragging a groan from the depths of Dominic.

  She tore her mouth away from Alex’s and mo
aned wantonly. “Oh, I’m coming, I’m coming!”

  “Yes, Babydoll, you come hard for me all over my cock,” Dom said gutturally. “I’m there with you.”

  She moved at a frantic pace and the heat of her orgasm washed over her. She closed her eyes and screamed her delight. She felt the heat of Dominic’s seed fill her and his harsh groans completely combined with hers. He leaned forward to kiss her breasts lovingly as they both came floating back to earth from the sexual high. But it was Alex’s turn and she could tell when he kissed her that watching her and Dominic fuck had heightened his arousal. He plunged his fingers inside her as soon as Dominic slipped from her snatch and she whimpered in delight as he lit the fuse to passion once more.

  “Ready for me, sweetheart.” His voice was laced with desire.

  “Yes, God yes,” Tempest answered eagerly.

  In a quick move he had her on her back and she felt the cool surface of the table against her belly. Alex ran his cock up and down the wet slit of her pussy before plunging deep into her from behind. He filled her with his thick cock and she loved the sensation of his thrusts, feeling his cock slide against the clenching walls of her pussy. He grabbed her hips and took her with such ruthless abandon that she could hardly catch her breath.

  He moved his grip from her luscious curves and she heard his hands slap against the table. She opened her eyes to see him grip above where her hands clutched the carved wood. He was bent over her so she could feel his chest against her back, and his hips moved in a ferocious rhythm as he took her. She knew if this were any other piece of furniture it would have been broken by now. But Dominic carved this with his own hands, and it was heavy and strong. He built her passion up until it spilled over, and she cried out his name again and again. He made her come twice before he called her name out loudly and spilled his seed inside her. When Alex finally stepped back without his body to hold her up she almost slid to the floor. But Dom was there to pick her up in his arms and hold her against him as her body shivered in delight.

  “I may want seconds,” she murmured sleepily.

  Dominic laughed huskily. “I’m sure you will, but right now all us wolves need some rest.”

  “Us wolves.” She looked up at him. “That means me too, huh?”

  Alex stepped close to caress her hair. “You’re a very special wolf and we will protect you even if it means our lives.”

  “And I’d do the same for you, we are not ever going to be apart,” Tempest promised.

  They carried her upstairs and together they showered, closer than ever before. Boscoe whimpered like a beaten pup and begged her to come to him. The bond he thought he’d create was never going to happen. Nothing could get between their relationship. A trivial bite would never turn her from her mates. Their love was born in the midst of a storm, they would adapt, they always did.

  Chapter Four

  She must’ve pushed Boscoe too far because the attack came in the middle of the night a week later when the moon was full. A full month had passed since she was bitten, and she was able to shift into wolf form by will, unlike any bitten born were wolves. As she grew stronger, the pull that Boscoe seemed to think he had got weaker. The connection, the love she shared with Alex and Dominic made it almost impossible for him to inflict his will over here. So he’d wait until she was asleep and try to pull her away. Tempest always woke up before he could get her out the door and one of her mates was always by her side. Maybe that’s what propelled him and his wolves to attack across their boundaries. And it would be a fatal mistake. The first howl made Alex and Dominic sit up with a snarl. She closed her eyes and saw flashes of Boscoe and his wolves in her mind’s eye.

  “They’re trying to attack the grounds.” Tempest scrambled out of the bed. “The children and the weaker ones will be slaughtered if they get into the houses.”

  “They won’t get a chance,” Alex said. “Is Boscoe with them?”

  Tempest nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then he dies tonight,” he answered. “I want you to stay here.”

  “I can shift, I can fight,” Tempest pointed out.

  Dom cupped her cheek. “You’re young yet, only weeks old as a wolf. We need to teach you to fight in your wolf form. We’ll be worrying about you and that will give him an edge. Get the shotgun and if anything comes in here you blow it the fuck away.”

  Tempest nodded and watched as Dominic shifted to the black wolf. Alex had already let his second nature free and ran down the stairs. She could feel his eagerness to rip Boscoe apart as strongly as if the emotion was hers. His howl was long and strong. Tempest heard the answering call of their pack. She could feel all of them, ready to protect those they loved, willing to fight for her. But she also knew that the moon fueled the werewolves’ strength and Boscoe’s rage. Also clear in her mind was his intent was to kill Dom, Alex, and as many of the men as he could before trying to scatter the pack. All to get at her, to break her spirit so she would belong to him.

  “Your white fur will be stained with their blood as you mourn their death!” Boscoe screamed the words with ferocious glee in her head.

  “You hurt them you’ll deal with me, and I will rip your throat out if they are even scratched,” she sent the thought viciously back at him as she dressed.

  “I will enjoy breaking you.”

  Tempest growled low in her throat as she loaded the shotgun. “Try me motherfucker, try me and see what you get.”

  It was he who closed the door because she knew he didn’t want her to know where he was. But it worked both ways. She’d learned how to push it open from her side in her mind without him knowing. A little fact she kept to herself until she needed it. Now was that time, because now she could find him as he ran and tried to attack.

  Matthew! She heard a cry and instantly thought of Heath and Vanity’s little boy. At the back door she could hear the snarls and sound of the fight. Without a second thought she ran out into the yard and across the grass heading toward her old home, the one that Vanity now shared with Heath. His mother had left to find her answers and there was no way Tempest would let the little boy be hurt. Knowing that most of the pack fought at the main campgrounds, Heath would be among them. From the time he heard Alex’s howl, the child’s father would leave his own home to protect theirs. That meant that Matthew would be alone with one of Vanity’s younger cousins and while they were further away, she knew the weres would look for weaker victims.

  Tempest saw she was right, and her feet skidded to a halt when in the moonlight she could make out two silhouettes of werewolves skulking around the house. The hair on its body was coarser and she could see patches of skin through the hair. Its face was a grotesque, malformed wolf with a snout that was too long and teeth that were jagged and sharp. This was what Boscoe expected her to be but instead she was the white wolf in body and spirit, not some rabid animal that went after the weak and an easy kill. One threw itself against the front door, snarling and scraping to gain entry and it spurred her into action.

  “Hey!” she yelled and watched it turn.

  It tracked her with its yellow eyes and howled as it came charging forward. Without hesitation she cocked the shotgun and shot, watching it skid to the ground in front of her. She knew there were only two ways to kill it, except she didn’t have silver. So she walked up to its head before it could start to heal and shot three more times until it was nothing but a mass of shattered bone. Heal from that, she thought mercilessly and then ran up a small patio to the front door.

  She knocked urgently. “Open please, it’s Tempest, your Beta. I’m here to watch over you and Matthew.”

  She heard the locks clicking and then the door was thrown open. Tempest rushed inside and locked everything back quickly, glad to see that Heath had made some serious changes to the hole to protect his family including reinforcing the doors. They wouldn’t last for long but they would give them time.

  “Found you,” Boscoe’s voice came to her loud and clear because now that the mental door was
thrown wide open, he was coming their way. She turned to see a young girl no more than seventeen and in her arms she carried a crying Matthew. They were terrified. Tempest knew she had to keep them calm to keep them safe so she walked up to them and hugged them tight. She calmed her own mind and let the power of her Beta role of the pack wash over them. Matthew stopped crying immediately and she felt the young girls fear wane.

  “There you go.” Tempest smiled gently. “Now I know Matthew and I saw Heath hand you the baby the night we ran, but I don’t know your name.”

  “I’m Isla’s sister Amber,” the young girl answered.

  “Well I’m very happy to meet you. You should come by the main house sometime and we can bake cookies.” Tempest stroked the dark hair back from the tiny oval face.

  “I’d like that a lot,” Amber answered shyly.

  “Then we’ll do that.” Tempest made a note to speak to Isla about her and her sister to find out their back story, but right now there were bigger problems. “I know Heath showed you the hidey hole he built, right?”

  “Yes Mistress, he did,” Amber answered. “I was going to go there and was trying to find Matthew a treat so he wouldn’t cry and they couldn’t find us.”

  Another person calling me Mistress, great.

  “Vanity keeps sugar cookies in the Winnie the Poor jar in the cupboard, get him a few of them and go hide. Do not come out until I, Heath, or someone from our pack comes and gets you,” Tempest explained.

  “But Mistress, it is I who should protect you,” Amber said. “I’m not afraid to fight or die. You should hide with the baby.”

  “Amber, no one is dying for me, let alone a young lady who hasn’t had a chance to live,” Tempest answered. She kissed Matthew’s forehead and then impulsively did the same to Amber. “I’m the one protecting you both, so go do as I tell you and be quiet no matter what you hear, understand?”


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