Hungry as the Sea

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Hungry as the Sea Page 20

by Wilbur Smith

  suddenly seem of so little worth? He toyed with the idea of returning

  to the revelry in the wardroom, and grimaced as he imagined the dismay

  of his officers at the Master's inhibiting intrusion.

  He turned away from the porthole and poured whisky into a glass, lit a

  cheroot and dropped into the chair. The whisky tasted like toothpaste

  and the cheroot was bitter.

  He left the glass on his desk and stubbed the cheroot before he went

  through on to the navigation bridge.

  The night lights were so dim after his brightly lit cabin that he did

  not notice Graham, the Third Officer, until his eyes adjusted to the

  ruby glow.

  Good evening, Mr. Graham. He moved to the chart table and checked the

  log. Graham was hovering anxiously, and Nick searched for something to


  Missing the party? he asked at last.

  Sir. It was not a promising conversational opening, and despite his

  loneliness of a few minutes previously, Nick suddenly wanted to be alone


  I will stand the rest of your watch. Go off and enjoy yourself. The

  Third Officer gawped at him.

  You've got three seconds before I change my mind, That's jolly decent of

  you, sir/ called Graham over his shoulder as he fled.

  The party in the wardroom had by now degenerated into open competition

  for Samantha's attention and approbation.

  David Allen, wearing a lampshade on his head and, for some unaccountable

  reason, with his right hand thrust into his jacket in a Napoleonic

  gesture, was standing on the wardroom bar counter and declaiming Henry's

  speech before Agincourt, glossing over the Passages which he had

  forgotten with a Idurn-de-durn'. However, when Tim Graham entered, he

  became immediately the First Officer.

  He removed the lampshade and inquired frostily.

  Mr. Graham, am I correct in believing that you are officer of the watch?

  Your station at this moment is on the bridge!

  The- old man came and offered to stand my watch/ said Tim Graham.

  Good Lord! David replaced his lampshade, and poured a large gin for his

  Third Officer. "The old bastard must have come over all soft suddenly.

  Beauty Baker, who was hanging off the wall like a gibbon ape, dropped to

  his feet and drew himself up with rather unsteady dignity, hitched his

  trousers and announced ominously, if anybody calls the old bastard a

  bastard, I will personally kick his teeth down his throat. He swept the

  wardroom with an eye that was belligerent and truculent, until it halted

  on Samantha. Immediately it softened. That one doesn't count, Sammy!

  he said.

  Of course not, Samantha agreed. You can start again. Beauty returned

  to the starting point of the obstacle course, fortified himself with a

  draught of rum, pushed up his spectacles with a thumb and spat on his


  One to get ready, two to get steady - and three to be off! sang out

  Samantha, and clicked the stopwatch. Beauty Baker swung dizzily from

  the roof, clawing his way around the wardroom without touching the deck,

  cheered on by the entire company.

  Eight point six seconds! Samantha clicked the watch, as he ended up on

  the bar counter, the finishing post. A new world record., A drink for

  the new world champion- I'm next, time me, Sammy!

  They were like schoolboys. Hey, watch me, Sammy! But after another ten

  minutes, she handed the stopwatch to Tim Graham, who as a late arrival

  was still sober.

  I'll be back! she lied, picked up a plate with a large untouched hunk

  of Angel's cake upon it and was gone before any of them realized it was


  Nick Berg was working over the chart-table, so intent that he was not

  aware of her for many seconds. In the dramatic lighting of the single

  overhead lamp, the strength of his features was emphasized. She saw the

  hard line of his jawbone, the heavy brow and the alert widely spaced set

  of his eyes. His nose was large and slightly hooked, like that of a

  plains Indian or a desert Bedouin, and there were lines at the corners

  of his mouth and around his eyes that were picked out in dark shadow. In

  his complete absorption with the charts and Admiralty Pilot, he had

  relaxed his mouth from its usual severe line. She saw now that the lips

  were full without being fleshy, and there was a certain sensitivity and

  voluptuousness there that she had not noticed before.

  She stood quietly, enchanted with him, until he looked up suddenly,

  catching the rapt expression upon her face.

  She tried not to appear flustered, but even in her own ears her voice

  was breathless.

  I'm sorry to disturb you. I brought some cake for Timmy Graham. I sent

  him below to join the party. Oh, I didn't notice him. I thought he was

  here. She made no move to leave, holding the plate in one hand, and

  they were silent a moment longer.

  I don't suppose I could interest you in a slice? It's going begging.

  Share it/he suggested, and she came to the chart-table.

  owe you an apology/ he said, and was immediately aware of the harshness

  in his own voice. He hated to apologize, and she sensed it.

  I picked a bad moment/ she said, and broke off a piece of the cake. But

  this seems a better time. Thank you again, an( I'm sorry for all the

  trouble I caused. I understand now that it nearly cost you the Golden

  Adventurer. They both turned to look out of the big armoured glass

  windows to where she lay.

  She is beautiful, isn't she? said Nick, and his voice had lost its


  Yes, she's beautiful/ Samantha agreed, and suddenly they were very close

  in the intimate ruddy glow of the night lights.

  He began to talk, stiffly and self-consciously at first, but she drew

  him on, and with secret joy, she sensed him warming and relaxing. Only

  then did she begin to put her own ideas forward.

  Nick was surprised and a little disconcerted at the depth of her view,

  and at her easy coherent expression of ideas, for he was still very much

  aware of her youth. He had expected the giddiness and the giggle, the

  shalowness an uninformed self-interest of immaturity, but it was not

  there, and suddenly the difference in their ages was of no importance.

  They were very close in the night, touching only with their minds, but

  becoming each minute so much more closely involved in their ideas that

  time had no significance.

  They spoke about the sea, for they were both creatures of that element

  and as they discovered this, so their mutual delight in each other grew.

  From below came the faint unmelodious strains of Beauty Baker leading

  the ship's officers in a chorus of:

  The working class can kiss my arse I've got my. 12'12% at last. And at

  another stage in the evening, a very worried Tim Graham appeared on the

  bridge and blurted out, Captain, sir, Doctor Silver is missing. She's

  not in her cabin and we have searched - He saw her then, sitting in the

  Captain's chair and his worry turned to consternation.

  Oh, I see. We didn't know - I mean we didn't expect - I'm sorry, sir.

  Excuse me, sir. Goodnight, sir! And again he fled t
he bridge.

  Doctor? Nick asked.

  I'm afraid so/ she smiled, and then went on to talk about the

  university, explaining her research project, and the other work she had

  in mind. Nicholas listened silently, for like all highly competitive

  and successful men, he respected achievement and ambition.

  The chasm that he imagined existed between them shrank rapidly, so that

  it was an intrusion when the eight to-twelve watch ended, and the relief

  brought other human presence to the bridge, shattering the fragile mood

  they had created around themselves, and denying them further excuse for

  remaining together.

  Goodnight, Captain Berg/ she said.

  Goodnight, Doctor Silver/ he answered reluctantly.

  Until that night, he had not even known her name, and there was so much

  more he wanted to know now, but she was gone from the bridge; as he

  entered his own suite, Nick's earlier loneliness returned, but with even

  more poignancy.

  During the long day of getting Golden Adventurer under tow, the hours of

  trim and accommodation to the sea, until she was following meekly

  settling down to the long journey ahead, Nick thought of the girl at

  unlikely moments; but when he changed his usual routine and dined in the

  saloon rather than his own cabin, she was surrounded by a solidly

  attentive phalanx of young men, and, with a small shock of self-honesty,

  Nick realized that he was actually jealous of them. Twice during the

  meal, he had to suppress the sharp jibes that came to his lips, and

  would have plunged the unfortunate recipient into uncomprehending


  Nick ate no desert and took coffee alone in his day cabin.

  He might have relished Beauty Baker's company, but the Australian was

  aboard Golden Adventurer, working on her main engines. Then, despite the

  tensions and endeavours of the day, his bunk had no attractions for him.

  He glanced at the clock on the panelled bulkhead above his desk and saw

  that it was a few minutes after eight o'clock.

  On impulse he went through to the navigation bridge, and Tim Graham

  leapt guiltily to his feet. He had been sitting in the Master's chair,

  a liberty which deserved at the least a sharp reprimand, but Nick

  pretended not to notice and made a slow round of the bridge, checking

  every detail from the cable tensions of the tow and power settings of

  Warlock's engines, to the riding lights on both ships and the last log


  Mr. Graham/ he said, and the young officer stiffened to attention like

  the victim before a firing squad, I will stand this watch - you may go

  and get some dinner. The Third Officer was so thunderstruck that he

  needed a large gin before he could bring himself to tell the wardroom of

  his good fortune.

  Samantha did not look up from the board but moved a bishop flauntingly

  across the front of David Allen's queen, and when David pounced on it

  with a gurgle of glee, she unleashed her rook from the rear file and

  said, Mate in three, David. One more, Sam, give me my revenge/ pleaded

  David, but she shook her head and slipped out of the wardroom.

  Nicholas became aware of the waft of her perfume. it was an inexpensive

  but exuberant fragrance -'Babe', that was it, the one advertised by

  Hemingway's granddaughter.

  It suited Samantha perfectly. He turned to her, and it was only then

  that he was honest enough to admit to himself that he had relieved his

  Third Officer with the express intention of luring the girl up to the


  There are whales ahead/ he told her, and smiled one of those rare,

  irresistible smiles that she had come to treasure. I hoped you might

  come up.

  Where? Where are they? she asked with unfeigned excitement, and then

  they both saw the spout, a golden feather of spray in the low night

  sunlight two miles ahead.

  Balaenoptera musculus! she exclaimed.

  I'll take your word for it, Doctor Silver, but to me it's still a blue

  whale. Nick was still smiling, and she looked abashed for a moment.

  Sorry, I wasn't trying to dazzle you with science. Then she looked back

  at the humpy, uninviting cold sea as the whale blew again, a far and

  ethereal column of lonely spray.

  /one/ she said, only one. And the excitement in her voice cooled. There

  are so few of them left now - that might be the last one we will ever

  see. So few that they cannot find each other in the vastness of the

  ocean to breed. Nick's smile was gone also, and again they talked of

  the sea, of their own involvement with it, their mutual concern at what

  man had done to it, and what he was still doing to it.

  When the Marxist government of Mozambique took over from the Portuguese

  colonists, it allowed the Soviets to send in dredges - not trawlers, but

  dredges - and they dredged the weed beds of Delagoa Bay. They actually

  dredged the breeding grounds of the Mozambique prawn.

  They took out a thousand tons of prawn, and destroyed the grounds for

  ever - and they drove an entire species into extinction in six short

  months. Her outrage was in her voice as she told it.

  Two months ago the Australians arrested a Japanese trawler in their

  territorial waters. She had in her freezers the meat of 120,000 giant

  clams that her crew had torn from the barrier reef with crow bars. The

  clam population of a single coral reef would not exceed 20,000. That

  means they had denuded six oceanic reefs in one expedition - and they

  fined the Captain a thousand pounds. It was the Japanese who perfected

  the "long line"/ Nick agreed, the endless floating line, armed with

  specially designed hooks, and laid across the lanes of migration of the

  big pelagic surface-feeding fish, the tuna and the marlin. They wipe

  out the shoals as they advance - wipe them out to the last fish. You

  cannot reduce any animal population beyond a certain point. Samantha

  seemed much older as she turned her face up to Nick. Look what they did

  to the whales. Together they turned back to the windows, gazing out for

  a glimpse of that gentle monster, doomed in hope of another now to

  extinction, one last look at another creature that would disappear from

  the seas The Japanese and the Russians again/ said Nick. They would not

  sign the whaling treaty until there were not enough blues left in the

  seas to make their killing an economic proposition. Then they signed

  it. when there were two or three thousand blue whales left in all the

  oceans, that is when they signed. 'Now they will hunt the fill and the

  seal and the minke to extinction. As they stood side by side staring

  into the bizarre sun-lit for that spark of life in the watery night,

  searching vainly wilderness, without thinking Nick lifted his arm; he

  would have placed it around her shoulders, the age-old protective

  attitude of man to his woman, but he caught himself at the last moment

  before he actually touched her. She had felt his movement and tensed

  for it, swaying slightly towards him in anticipation, but he stepped

  away, letting his arm fall and stooped over the radarscope. She only

  realized then how much she had w
anted him to touch her, but for the rest

  of that evening he stayed within the physical limits which he seemed to

  have set for himself.

  The next evening she declined the wardroom's importunate invitations,

  and after dinner waited in her own cabin, the door an inch ajar so she

  heard Tim Graham leave the bridge, clattering down the companionway with

  exuberance, relieved once more of his watch. The moment he entered the

  wardroom, Samantha slipped from her cabin and ran lightly up to the


  She was with him only minutes after he had assumed the watch and Nick

  was amused by the strength of his pleasure. They grinned at each other

  like school children in a successful piece of mischief.

  Before the light went, they passed close by one of the big tabular

  bergs, and she pointed out the line of filth that edged the white ice

  like the ring around a bathtub that had been used by a chimney sweep.

  Paraffin wax/ she said, and undissolved hydrocarbons. No, he said,

  that's only glacial striation.

  It's crude oil/ she answered him. I've sampled it. It was one of the

  reasons I took the guide job on Golden Adventurer, I wanted first-hand

  knowledge of these seas. But we are two thousand miles south of the

  tanker lanes. The beach at Shackleton Bay is thick with wax balls and

  crude droplets. We found oil-soaked penguins on Cape Alarm, dead and

  dying. They hit an oil slick within fifty miles of that isolated shore.

  I can hardly believe -'Nick started, but she cut across him.

  That's just itV she said. Nobody wants to believe it.

  just walk on by, as though it's another mugging victim lying on the

  sidewalk. You're right/ Nick admitted grudgingly. Very few people

  really care. A few dead penguins, a few little black tar balls sticking

  to your feet on the beach. It doesn't seem much to shout about, but

  it's what we cannot see that should terrify us.

  Those millions of tons of poisonous hydrocarbons that dissolve into the

  sea, that kill slowly and insidiously, but surely. That's what should

  really terrify us, Nicholas! She had used his given name for the first

  time, and they were both acutely aware of it. They were silent again,

  staring intently at the big iceberg as it passed slowly. The sun had

  touched it with ethereal pinks and amethyst, but that dark line of

  poisonous filth was still there.


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