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Woolly Page 22

by Ben Mezrich

  marriage of, 60–61, 68

  married life of, 63–68

  motion sickness of, 41–42

  Nantucket trip of, 230–31, 233–34, 236–37, 239–40

  narcolepsy of, 37–38, 222, 257

  on Neanderthals, 156–57, 244

  on ostriches, 261–62

  parents and stepparents of, 23–24, 26–27, 35–44, 46

  passenger pigeons and, 92–93, 95

  PGP of, 75–76, 90, 92, 244

  Ph.D. dissertation of, 50

  physical appearance of, 17–19, 24, 40, 43, 46, 54, 58, 61, 71, 73, 94, 128, 139, 204, 222, 225

  pig organ transplantation project and, 125, 128, 131

  Pleistocene Park and, 114–15, 191

  precocity of, 35–36, 47

  and proposed resurrection of Mammoths, 77–80, 88, 92, 94–96, 108, 110, 129–30

  and rareness of cancer in elephants, 209–10

  skiing of, 46–50, 54–55

  social life of, 57–61

  stepbrothers of, 36–37

  surprise party for, 221–26

  synthesizing human cells and, 244–45

  synthesizing stem cells and, 224

  synthetic biology and, 75, 79, 257

  synthetic uterus and, 226–27

  TEDx Talk and, 149

  Venus flytrap project of, 38

  Warp Drive and, 146, 149, 174

  wife courted by, 57–58, 60

  wife’s relationship with, 57–61, 63–68, 72–73, 80

  World’s Fair visit of, 40–44

  Yang’s relationship with, 125–26, 128–30

  yard fire of, 39–40

  Church, Marie, 80, 87, 95

  Brand–Phelan conference and, 108

  childhood and adolescence of, 72–73

  Church, Virginia:

  and son’s childhood and adolescence, 23–24, 26–27, 35–44, 46

  World’s Fair visit of, 40–44

  Clearwater Bay, Fla., 35–40

  climate change:

  Kotelny Island and, 83

  Pleistocene Park and, 115

  Zimov and, 111–14, 118–20, 130

  cloning, 108–9, 155, 157–58, 271

  of dinosaurs, 78

  of dogs, 183, 215–17, 219, 224

  of Dolly the sheep, 109, 184

  of humans alleged, 183–84, 216–17

  of Mammoths, 150, 185–86, 191, 219–20, 253

  Minh and, 183–86, 213–17, 219

  of Neanderthals, 157

  of passenger pigeons, 94

  of Pyrenean ibex, 109

  clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), 151–54, 200, 231, 264–65

  cloning Mammoths and, 186

  controversy over, 235–36

  and implanting Mammoth genetic material into elephant cells, 151, 153–54, 172–73, 190, 242

  synthesizing stem cells and, 201

  Yang on, 151–52, 193

  Colbert, Stephen, 19, 237–38

  conservation, 107–8

  Brand and, 91–93, 95, 108, 269, 271–72

  Church and, 76, 95–96, 205

  elephants and, 145, 205, 210

  Mammoth ivory and, 84–85

  Pleistocene Park and, 114

  cows, 183, 216, 270

  Crichton, Michael, 78, 80, 114

  Crick, Francis, 50–51, 152

  crystallography, 48, 59


  Davis Island, 23–27

  dengue fever, 235

  Dhadwar, Bobby, 191, 197–202

  acquiring elephant stem cells and, 162–63

  acquiring elephant tissue and, 155–56, 158–61

  altered hemoglobin cells and, 241–42

  background of, 135, 137, 141, 227

  Church’s first meeting and interview with, 137, 139–40

  Church’s relationship with, 134, 141–42

  creating synthetic uterus and, 227

  CRISPR and, 136–37, 152

  in crossing U.S.–Canadian border, 133–42

  education of, 134, 137–39, 145

  family of, 135, 137, 141

  immortalizing elephant cells and, 199–202, 205, 223

  and implanting Mammoth genetic material into elephant cells, 162, 223, 226, 240, 242–43, 246–47

  Mammoth team and, 145, 147–48, 152, 154, 159–63, 175, 188, 197–98, 201, 205, 223, 226, 242–43, 246–47

  research on aging of, 136–39, 141–42, 198–99, 243

  synthesizing stem cells and, 205, 223

  wife of, 134–42, 145, 198

  Yang’s relationship with, 141–42

  dinosaurs, 42, 156

  DNA of, 78, 80, 261–63

  resurrection of, 78, 80

  Disney Pavilion, 43

  DNA, 127–28, 210, 219–20, 244, 271

  ancient, 78, 80, 172, 261–63, 265–66

  body size traits and, 259

  Cas 9 protein and, 152–53

  chemical building blocks of, 51, 53, 152

  Church and, 17–19, 47, 50, 55, 59, 94, 109–10, 139, 221, 230, 261–66

  cloning and, 191, 216

  CRISPR and, 193, 231

  Dhadwar and, 136–37, 152

  double helix structure of, 47, 51, 152

  editing of, 18, 109–10, 193, 264–65

  fruit fly genetics and, 62

  HGP and, 54

  immortalizing cells and, 199

  and implanting Mammoth genetic material into elephant cells, 162, 172, 174–75, 190, 246

  Mammoths’ genetic traits and, 150

  Minh’s Mammoth specimen and, 185

  passenger pigeons and, 94

  and proposed resurrection of Mammoths, 79–80, 110

  sequencing of, 17, 50, 54–55, 74, 78, 94, 148

  synthesizing stem cells and, 200–201

  transplantation medicine and, 124

  DNA Direct, 91–92

  dogs, 222, 266–67

  cloning of, 183, 215–17, 219, 224

  Dolly the sheep, 109, 184

  dragonflies, 26

  Duke University, 47–50, 73, 225


  E. coli, 165, 168, 237–38, 244

  Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 89

  Elements Café, 143–45, 154, 156, 159, 161

  elephants, 145, 261

  acquiring stem cells of, 162–63, 167–68, 173, 189, 194

  acquiring tissue of, 155–56, 158–62

  African, 79, 84, 158–61, 206–7

  Asian, 79, 84, 160–62, 166–69, 172, 205–11, 224, 226, 242, 262–63, 266–67, 269–70

  Church’s childhood and, 95

  Church’s visit with herd of, 204–9, 211, 223

  in circuses, 205–7

  comparisons between Mammoths and, 77, 79, 84–85, 147

  complex and emotional lives of, 210–11

  fetal GMO, 267

  genome of, 154, 262, 264–67

  gestation period of, 163, 259, 270

  giving birth, 166–69

  hemoglobin and, 262–63

  herpes in, 211–12, 223–24

  immortalizing cells of, 199–202, 205, 212, 223, 240, 242

  implanting Mammoth genetic material into cells of, 110, 150–51, 153–54, 162–63, 172–75, 190–91, 223–24, 226, 240, 242–43, 246–48

  ivory tusks of, 84–85, 211

  placentas of, 162–63, 167–70, 173–74, 194

  and proposed resurrection of Mammoths, 79–80

  rareness of cancer in, 173, 194, 209–10, 259

  during rutting season, 208

  sequencing of, 189–90

  sizes of, 258–59

  synthetic uterus and, 226–27

  temperaments of, 159–60, 168–69, 206–9

  Zimov’s manifesto and, 118

  elk, 101–5, 114–15, 251

  Energy Department, U.S. (DOE), 52–55, 74

  environment, 20, 89

  of Arctic, 30–32

  body size traits and, 259

Chersky, 12–15, 111

  and Church’s childhood and adolescence, 24–27, 35–44

  creating synthetic life forms and, 237–38

  of Kolyma, 97–98

  of Kotelny Island, 81–83, 85–86

  of Mammoths, 3–7, 16, 76–77, 79, 84–86, 113, 130, 147–48, 160–61, 220, 262, 269

  Minh’s excavation project and, 180

  Pleistocene Park and, 251

  Quinn and, 9–16

  Wasatch Mountains and, 45–46, 53–54

  Zimov’s childhood and, 32, 98

  Zimov’s cross-country trip and, 98–105

  Zimov’s father’s manifesto and, 117–20

  and Zimov’s trip to Wrangel Island, 249–52, 254

  Esvelt, Kevin, 232–35, 239–40

  European aurochs, 110, 270

  extinction vortex, 271


  facilitated adaptation, 272

  Fernandez-Arias, Alberto, 108–9

  Ford Motor Pavilion, 42

  Founders Fund, 192

  frogs, 146, 271–72

  fruit flies, 62, 262

  Futurama, 41–42


  Gates Foundation, 129

  General Motors (GM) Pavilion, 41–42

  genes, genetics, 50–52, 128, 134, 144, 146–51, 157, 192, 210

  acquiring elephant tissue and, 160–61

  in active creation, 21

  body size traits and, 259

  Cas 9 protein and, 153

  Church and, 18–19, 47–48, 50, 61–62, 74, 76, 92, 96, 109–10, 126, 129, 132, 139, 151, 172, 190–91, 221–24, 226, 230, 234, 240, 242–43, 246–48, 259–62, 265–67, 269

  cloning and, 109, 191, 217, 219

  and database of elephants, 208–9

  Dhadwar’s research and, 136–38, 141

  of dinosaurs, 78

  of fruit flies, 62

  fungus-resistant, 271–72

  gene drives and, 234–36

  genetic rescue and, 272

  immortalizing cells and, 199–200

  and implanting Mammoth genetic material into elephant cells, 110, 150–51, 153–54, 162–63, 172–75, 190–91, 223–24, 226, 240, 242–43, 246–48

  knockout, 123

  Minh and, 179–80, 183, 185

  mosquitoes and, 74, 123, 129, 132, 234–36

  passenger pigeons and, 94

  and proposed resurrection of Mammoths, 80, 108

  sequencing of, 109, 148–49, 153–54, 161, 163, 173, 189–90, 240, 243, 245

  stem cells and, 154, 200–201, 267

  synthesizing human cells and, 245

  and traits of Mammoths, 147–48, 150, 161, 190, 224, 242, 248

  and Wu’s career at Harvard, 62–63

  genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 260–61, 267

  genetic engineering, 91, 173

  acquiring elephant tissue and, 161

  Church and, 74, 79, 94, 96, 109, 156–57, 253

  creating synthetic life forms and, 237, 239, 244

  CRISPR and, 152, 193

  Dhadwar’s research and, 136–38, 158

  fetal GMO elephants and, 267

  genetically enhanced mosquitoes and, 234–36

  and implanting Mammoth genetic material into elephant cells, 248

  of mice, 233–37, 239–40

  and proposed resurrection of Mammoths, 79–80

  Quinn and, 13

  synthesizing stem cells and, 200

  transplantation medicine and, 124, 243

  Warp Drive and, 146–47

  genomes, 271–72

  Church and, 19, 50, 52–54, 61–62, 69, 74–77, 79, 94, 109–10, 156–57, 222–23, 225, 231, 258, 260–61, 264–67, 269

  and creation of synthetic life forms, 237–39

  curing elephant herpes and, 212

  of dinosaurs, 80

  of elephants, 154, 262, 264–67

  of fruit flies, 62

  and implanting Mammoth genetic material into elephant cells, 153

  of Mammoths, 76, 148, 150, 154, 161, 223, 262, 265, 267

  passenger pigeons and, 94

  and proposed resurrection of Mammoths, 77, 79–80

  sequencing of, 50–54, 61–62, 74–75, 77, 79–80, 94, 148, 222, 265–66

  Wu’s work on, 67

  see also Human Genome Project

  grass, 5, 13, 15, 129, 159

  climate change and, 111, 113

  Pleistocene Park and, 114

  Zimov’s manifesto and, 117–19

  great auks, 270

  Grigoryev, Semyon, 218


  Harvard Medical School, 143, 157, 209, 239, 243–45

  Anatomy Department of, 63

  Church’s employment at, 50, 52, 54, 61–67

  Church’s lab at, 72, 115, 151, 222

  Church’s Ph.D. dissertation and, 50

  and Church’s relationship with wife, 63–67

  Genetics Department at, 63–64

  New Research Building at, 17–21, 72, 123–32, 139–40, 145, 149

  Reich’s lab at, 149, 161, 190

  synthesizing human cells and, 244–45

  Wu’s career at, 62–67

  Wu’s tenure evaluation at, 65

  Harvard University, 48, 57, 92, 134, 141, 158

  Church’s enrollment at, 50, 58–60

  Church’s surprise party at, 221–26

  physical appearance of campus of, 58–59

  Wu’s enrollment at, 58–60

  Yang’s enrollment at, 125–28

  Hawaii, exotic diseases in, 271–72

  Hayflick limit, 174, 242

  heath hens, 270

  hemoglobin, 20, 174

  altered cells of, 241–43

  of Mammoths, 77, 148, 150, 161, 190, 200, 242, 262–63

  herpes virus, 211–12, 223–24, 260

  Hiroshima, 52–53

  horses, 11–13, 15, 31, 113–15

  How to Clone a Mammoth (Shapiro), 265

  Hubbard Hall, 107–8, 115

  Human Genome Project (HGP), 19, 74–75, 244–45

  finances of, 54, 67, 74

  founding of, 61–62, 74, 90, 108

  Mammoths’ genetic traits and, 150

  PGP and, 75

  Human Genome Synthesis Project (HGP2), 244

  humans, 138, 222, 227, 260

  alleged cloning of, 183–84, 216–17

  cells of, 153, 162, 173–74, 244–45

  CRISPR and, 153

  DNA of, 148, 150

  emergence of, 113

  hunting of, 6–7, 14–15, 76–77, 82–85, 93, 95, 113, 118–19, 180, 182, 211, 253, 270

  Neanderthals and, 156–57

  and rareness of cancer in elephants, 209–10

  surgery on, 214–15

  transplantation medicine and, 124

  Zimov’s manifesto and, 118–19


  of humans, 6–7, 14–15, 76–77, 82–85, 93, 95, 113, 118–19, 180, 182, 211, 253, 270

  for ivory, 211, 253

  Kotelny Island and, 82–85

  passenger pigeons and, 93, 95

  Yakuts and, 82–83, 85, 180, 182

  Zimov’s manifesto and, 118–19

  Hwang Woo Suk, 183–86, 191, 215–17, 219–20


  IBM Pavilion, 42

  ice ages, 14, 76–77, 111, 113, 118

  “Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Adult Human Fibroblasts by Defined Factors” (Yamanaka), 200–201

  in vitro fertilization (IVF), 141, 227

  Irkutsk, 29–33

  ivory-billed woodpeckers, 270


  Jurassic Park (Crichton), 78, 80, 114

  Jurassic Park (film), 78, 160


  Kesey, Ken, 89

  Khan, Timur, 81–86

  kidneys, 124–25, 130–31

  Kim, Sung Hou, 48–50, 255

  Kolyma Region, 97–105

  Kolyma River, 33, 250–52

  Kotelny Island, 81–86


>   lichens, 10, 13, 15, 31, 111, 113

  Pleistocene Park and, 114–15

  Zimov’s manifesto and, 118

  liver, 124–25, 128, 130–31, 170, 243–44

  Long Now Foundation, 91

  Luhan Yang, see Yang, Luhan

  Lyme disease, 232–37


  McDonald, Stewart, 26, 36, 46

  malaria, 19

  avian, 271–72

  genetically enhanced mosquitoes and, 74, 123, 132

  Mali, Prashant, 124, 153

  “Mammoth Plus” (Brand), 269–72

  Mandell, Dan, 239

  mice, 173, 222, 262

  Dhadwar’s research and, 136–38, 141

  genetically engineered, 233–37, 239–40

  gestation period of, 259–60

  and implanting Mammoth genetic material into elephant cells, 246–48

  Minh, Jy, 213–20

  background of, 180, 183

  cloning and, 183–86, 213–17, 219

  excavation project of, 179–86

  Mammoth carcass discovered by, 185, 218–19

  and Mammoth carcass discovered by Russians, 218–20

  MIT Technology Review, 157

  moas, 270

  Monroe, Margo, 243

  acquiring elephant tissue and, 159–61

  CRISPR and, 152

  Mammoth team and, 145, 147, 152, 154, 159–61, 175, 198, 223, 226

  mosquitoes, 78, 272

  genetically enhanced, 74, 123, 129, 132, 234–36

  mosses, 5, 10, 12–13, 15, 31, 111, 113–15, 118

  Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering (MAGE), 110

  musk oxen, 114, 251–52, 254–55

  mutations, 52, 136–37, 154, 247, 260, 262

  in aging, 198

  body sizes and, 259

  cloning and, 224

  immortalizing cells and, 200

  and rareness of cancer in elephants, 173, 210

  Muus Khaya, 86, 179–82, 219

  cave halfway up, 180–82, 184–85


  naked mole rats, 136–39, 141

  Nantucket, Mass., 229–37

  Church’s trip to, 230–31, 233–34, 236–37, 239–40

  Lyme disease in, 232–37

  Nantucket Sound, 229–31

  Napolitano, Michael, 239

  National Geographic, 149, 242

  National Geographic Society, 108–16

  Nature, 165, 215–16

  Neanderthals, 156–57, 244

  “Neanderthals Are People Too” (Pääbo), 265

  New York Times, 19, 76–77, 80, 88, 148, 236, 243–45, 265

  Northeast Science Center:

  environment around, 111

  Quinn and, 9–10

  Zimov and, 30–31, 33, 98, 252–53, 255

  Novosibirsk, 30–32, 34


  Oligopaints, 266

  ostriches, 261–62, 270


  Pääbo, Svante, 265

  passenger pigeons, 92–95, 110, 270

  pastures, 31, 117–20, 129–30, 159, 206

  Penn State University, 76–77, 148


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