Home at Last [Davis Hollow, Davis Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Home at Last [Davis Hollow, Davis Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 8

by JQ Jones

  This time even Linc laughed.

  “That big ole Oklahoma boy might break your heart, but at least you’ll realize you have one,” Jeff said.

  “I won’t go into details.”

  “Please don’t,” Jeff, Linc, and Cyn said together.

  “But, it’s something else.”

  “I wouldn’t use quite those words but I get…we get what you’re saying. We trust you, but who knows about Christopher Davis. We’re trusting your judgment,” Cyn said.

  “Just don’t get hurt,” Linc said.

  “That’s something I can’t plan for,” Iona said.

  They switched the conversation to the animals, who seemed to be pining, even the geese. Iona laughed, feeling better by the end of the call. She closed her eyes for a quick rest.

  * * * *

  Her nap was interrupted by loud shrieks from downstairs. From the landing she was able to see a tall, thin blonde yelling at CJ. Beside the blonde were two equally tall older people, who, by their looks, had to be CJ’s parents.

  Clint stood at the top of the stairs. “I think I’m gonna need popcorn,” he said.

  Chapter Nine:

  Tied to the Mast

  True to his word, Clint returned with a tray with popcorn, lemonade, and beer.

  “Have some, cousin,” Clint said. He poured her a glass of lemonade.

  “This is too important for me to eat popcorn,” she said as she sipped the cold, tart drink. “I should probably go back to the room, but I’d rather be here to watch. She’s really mad. Well, both of them are. I assume the older woman is CJ’s mother.”

  “That is his mother and the spitting-mad blonde is, in fact, Elizabeth Blankenship.” She shook away the beer Clint offered and glanced over the waist-high balustrade.

  “I cannot believe that you called me to break our engagement. Called? What am I, Christopher? Some kind of cheap mistress to be dismissed when my services are no longer needed?” Elizabeth said. She had a breathy high voice, like Marilyn Monroe on helium.

  From the second-story landing, all Iona could see was the top of everyone’s head. CJ’s parents stood to the left of the door. CJ and Elizabeth were in the middle of the alcove, slightly to the right of a table that held a bouquet of fall foliage and bronze and gold chrysanthemums in a polished silver bowl.

  “For Marcus and Cheryl to leave the South of France this early in the season means somebody told,” Clint said. “Liz was in somewhere, Fiji, probably.”

  “She’s tall,” Iona said. “And blonde. They make a good couple. He wouldn’t have to bend down so far to kiss her. She’s Amazonian.”

  Clint barked a laugh that brought CJ’s eyes up to the landing. A twist of his mouth made Clint laugh louder.

  CJ turned to quickly walk down the hallway to the kitchen, while Liz burst into tears. Sobbing gently and draping herself gracefully over Cheryl’s shoulder, Elizabeth allowed Cheryl to comfort her. She accepted the help in getting to the den. Cheryl patted Elizabeth on the back and spoke softly to her. Marcus glanced up and slightly smiled before he joined his wife and guest.

  “I thought she’d do that earlier. She always cries sooner rather than later,” Clint said. He and Iona sat on matching tapestry chairs against a window along the wide hallway. Clint popped another handful of popcorn into his mouth. Iona sipped her lemonade.

  “I didn’t know that this would turn into a total drama. I have suggested a few times I go home. No one needs to worry about CJ and I. He can go back to whatever, if whatever is what he wants. I’ll just go home and we continue business as usual,” Iona said.

  “Lil Bit, you move from this house and I’ll track you down and bring you back.” CJ stood by the back stairs with arms crossed. “Cheryl and Dad are looking for you, Clint. Wanna know how you let this happen. You being the bodyguard and all, Cheryl said something about you going with them when they go back to Europe.”

  “Shit, Cheryl hates leaving during the season. Marcus hates dealing with Cheryl. This should be a great conversation. You owe me huge, cuz.” Clint sprinted down the steps and out the front door.

  “You guys are really cousins? He’s not mentioned on the official sites or even in gossip,” Iona said.

  “He’s my Uncle Paul’s son, but Clint doesn’t like the public knowing his business. His mother ran a daycare around here. They weren’t married. He came to live with us after his mother died when he was six. We grew up in this house together, went to college together, and run this business together. Marcus is a player, always has been, probably always will be. Uncle Paul raised us, took over the business after my granddad died. Uncle Paul passed away about fifteen years ago, leaving the majority of the companies to me and Clint. Clint likes to stay in the background, plus if he’s a bodyguard, people talk around him,” CJ said. He moved to her quickly. “You’re staying, Lil Bit.”

  “You know this can’t be done. Your fiancée is downstairs with your parents. By the way, she cries without looking a hot mess. You got shit to clear up before we ummm, whatever. Anyway, I’m going home.” Iona backed away toward his room. “I have a lot of work to do.”

  “Since you’re working for me, I think you can take a break. You’re not leaving for a couple of days, Lil Bit. I told Liz it’s over. You just saw me do it. Hell, I’ll tell her again in front of you if you want me to, but I have never needed anyone in my life like I need you. I don’t know what is going on, but until we figure it out, you’re staying.” He spoke in a soft rumble that went directly to Iona’s heart then traveled quickly to her pussy. She couldn’t look at him without wanting him, craving his touch.

  “Come on, now, CJ. It was a great experience, but you have a life and I have a life. A life that I liked just fine before you blew it up with trips to Europe and kidnappings to Oklahoma,” Iona said, smiling softly. They backed into his bedroom, a huge suite with a spectacular view of the distant mountains. She banged open the closets to collect the luggage she thought was stored there.

  None of her stuff was there. The walk-in closet was neatly divided to display his wardrobe of handmade business suits, trendy casual wear, and cowboy clothes. To the right were shoes of every type and at least six sets of cowboy boots. Hanging on a mirror was a beautiful jade kimono with delicate thread of sapphire shot through. She loved it. It was exactly the shade of CJ’s eyes.

  “I hate you so much right now,” she said softly.

  “No, you don’t. It will look wonderful on that soft, ticklish brown leprechaun,” he said.

  He pulled her close, tilted her chin, and kissed her with a quiet passion that left them moaning. “This is too, too weird.”

  “But it’s really good, Lil Bit. It’s just not well timed is all,” he said. He raised her to eye level. “This is my house. You are my woman. Liz and I have been playing with each other for too long. Now that I have you and what we have, I’m not throwing that away.” He kissed her with all the passion of his words.

  Her arms clutched around his neck, hands threading through his blond curls to hold him while she kissed him with everything he’d taught her. She twisted in his arms, rubbing herself against his hard chest. The soft cotton of his T-shirt rubbing against her legs left her wanting more or closer contact. His hands clutched her ass, squeezing her cheeks together, caressing her roundness, remembering her, making her remember him, making her want him more. She was tiny but so very curvy. Her ass, plump with muscles, fit into his hands like they were made for each other. He squeezed and rubbed, getting hotter and hotter, wanting to bury himself in that warmth until a scream broke into their single-mindedness. Elizabeth leaned against the now open door, shaking with barely concealed anger.

  “She’s practically stomping her foot. Poor thing.”

  “Poor thing, poor thing, you have got to be kidding, you fucking gold digger. Christopher, I can’t believe you brought your concubine to the house. What are you thinking?” Liz left CJ’s parents in the doorway as she made her way across the room to stand in front of Iona, n
ow struggling to get down, and CJ, clutching her too tightly for her to do what she wanted.

  Elizabeth was beautiful, polished, and confident, slightly flushed but casting an assessing look at Iona, making sure that the look told Iona of her lack of concern even as she continued to castigate CJ. Iona finally disengaged from CJ after a protracted struggle. CJ stood with his chin resting on her head as his hands rested on her hips, facing Elizabeth while she tapped a foot, waiting for them to pay strict attention to her and her needs, which happened slower than Elizabeth could have wanted.

  Iona looked at Elizabeth with great interest. The blonde was at least five feet eight inches with five-inch heels, making her tower even more over Iona in her bare feet. Iona tilted her head to catch CJ’s look of exasperation.

  “Don’t come into my bedroom without knocking ever again, Liz.” CJ’s rumble massaged Iona’s back.

  “CJ, even you know that this is not appropriate. To bring some girl into your house in front of your fiancée is beyond tacky,” CJ’s mother said from the doorway. His father remained quiet as he drank what looked like a Bloody Mary. His eyes darted from CJ and Iona to Elizabeth as if they were participants in some sort of a three-way ping-pong match. Cheryl seemed ready to speak again but stopped when CJ turned to face his mother directly.

  “Cheryl, you know Liz and I were always a convenience, a business convenience at that. For some reason, as uninvited guests in my house y’all feel comfortable coming into my bedroom, insulting my invited guest, and complaining about shit that’s already been settled. Y’all leave, now.” CJ voice got progressively deeper.

  Elizabeth glanced at him and started to cry softly into a real lace handkerchief. “I forgive you, CJ. Just get rid of this person. I understand your frustration with all the delays we’ve faced. I know I’ve not been forthcoming in setting a date. But you have my attention. I’m ready to set the date for the wedding for next September. We can’t possibly get the country club in Oklahoma City before then and even that far out I think we might have to pay a premium. No one needs to know that you’ve disrespected me so horribly with this little hood rat,” Liz said.

  Iona had been still in CJ’s arms, trying to control a growing anger. “I’m totally wrong, I know that. But let one more person call me out by name and shit will hit the fan.”

  “I figured that monster temper of yours would show up after a while.” CJ smiled at her, clutching her close to him. CJ brought her closer to the front of his body, using his arms to enclose her in safety.

  Elizabeth flipped her hair in a curtain of gold. “I do not want to discuss this anymore tonight. I’m going to the hotel. Tomorrow you and I will discuss this but not in front of her. She looks like one of those kids born and raised by some crack whore.” Liz turned to leave but never made it to the door.

  By the time “crack whore” left her lips, Iona pulled free of CJ, grabbed Liz’s arm, spun her around, and threw a right hook that connected with a solid smack that echoed through the room. Liz and Cheryl made identical gasps. Iona cradled her throbbing hand, and CJ placed her behind him.

  Marcus laughed as he spoke for the first time. “I’ve wanted to do that for years. Come on, ladies, let’s leave the little Ali alone with CJ. Good night, son. I’m looking forward to what happens tomorrow.”

  He led a sobbing Liz and stunned Cheryl out of the room and even closed the door.

  Iona paced the floor, flexing her injured right hand, trying not to wince each time she closed into a fist.

  “Damn that hurt. Bare knuckles is crazy. Have you ever done that before? Probably you don’t have to hit as hard when you’re bigger. Normally, I don’t believe in unnecessary violence but that felt so necessary at the time. I hate it when people talk like I’m not in the room. I was okay until she did the whole crack ho thing. That was an insult to my family. There’s no way I’ll allow her to insult them,” Iona said.

  She continued pacing the room searching for her bags. “I’m sorry I acted out, but I mean, I literally saw red. I thought that was just an expression but a red film came over my eyes and I went, bam. I’ll apologize if you like, but it’s gonna be by e-mail. I’m getting out of here before I truly lose all my home training.” She looked under the bed. “Where are my damn things?”

  “I had everything moved to the guest room. I figured you wouldn’t sleep with me until this shit is finally resolved,” CJ said. He moved to the door. “Come on, I’ll show you. It’s right down the hall. If you get scared during the night, my door is always opened. Have to say, you got quite a right on you, girl.”

  “Don’t remind me. I certainly make a good first impression.” Iona let out a nervous laugh.

  “That you do, Lil Bit. Come here. I’m the one who should apologize to you. When I called Liz from London and told her that I was ending the engagement, she took it way too well, no crying or cussing, wished me happiness and hung up. That should have been the lightbulb going off. Liz would never be that reasonable, but I was so caught in you and me, us, that I didn’t pay her any attention. Big mistake, won’t happen again.” A slight right turn brought them to another shorter hallway.

  “Here, I thought all I had to do was convince you to give me a chance. To let us get to know each other. I should have known better from Liz and Cheryl. How could I have forgotten Cheryl? She’s my mother and I love her for that, but she loves drama more than any other person I know,” CJ said. He threw open a door to a large suite. Decorated in cool greens, golds, and a splash of red, the room exuded sophistication and taste. Iona crossed over to the window, smiling at the sight of the large pool.

  “You live large, CJ,” she said.

  “This is your room. You don’t have to share my bed if you don’t want to, but you know that that’s something I want very much,” CJ said. He sat on a chaise lounge placed so that the panoramic view of the pool could be seen, his long legs on the floor while he lay with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed.

  “I just want to go home, CJ,” Iona said with her back against the far wall.

  “Sweetie, you are home,” CJ said.

  * * * *

  For dinner, Iona wore one of the silk sheaths Mr. Yablonski had tailored for her. Rusty red, the body-hugging swish of cashmere cocooned her in warmth. She knocked lightly on CJ’s door around 6:30, entering the room after a barked order to enter. CJ had on a light-weight gold V-necked sweater over designer jeans. He was speaking softly on his phone. His eyes lit up when he saw her and he beckoned her over to where he sat at a mahogany desk, swiftly writing.

  He pulled her to stand between his thighs. Seated in a large leather office chair, CJ nuzzled her neck, breathing in the perfume he’d had mixed for her in Paris and shipped to their hotel in London. It had been waiting in the bathroom in her suite. Iona sucked his earlobe and bit down hard enough to make him grunt and end his conversation with an abrupt, “I’ll call tomorrow.”

  “Lil Bit, you’re gonna make us late for dinner.”

  “Nope, I’m hungry and your family is waiting.” Iona pulled away from his clutch, escaping his room before he could reach her again. She waited outside his room until he slipped on shoes and joined her in the hall.

  “Who else will be at dinner?” Iona asked as they walked down the front staircase.

  “Liz won’t be here, just family,” CJ said.

  In the den, Manuela, Clint, Cheryl, and Marcus looked up as they entered. Iona smiled at Manny and Clint then politely shook hands with Marcus and finally Cheryl. Cheryl’s tight smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  Iona accepted a drink from Clint and sat on a small settee. Conversation focused on family catch-up until Marcus brought up the UK deal.

  “Congratulations, son. That was a helluva deal,” he said. His martini spilled a bit as he sat it on a nearby table.

  “That was mostly Iona. She saved it more than once.” CJ patted Iona’s leg and kept his hand there.

  “You seem to be just full of surprises, my dear. Have you know
n Christopher long?” she asked Iona.

  “I’ve been working as a consultant for Okey for over two years.” Iona sipped her martini but instead almost choked on the straight tequila Clint had substituted, presently searing her throat to finally slam into her stomach. She shot a glance at Clint, but he quickly shook his head. Manny on the other hand raised a similar glass garnished with a lime twist.

  Iona laughed as she placed her glass on a small table beside her. Cheryl missed the exchanged frowns.

  “I am puzzled why that was the cause of such levity,” she said.

  “I apologize. I also want to apologize for resorting to violence this afternoon. I was totally wrong.” She looked from Marcus to Cheryl, smiling briefly at Marcus before turning back to Cheryl’s hazel eyes.

  “Seems you proved the point,” Cheryl said softly.

  Quiet descended on the room. Iona tensed for a brief moment before she started asked Manny about dinner.

  Dinner was braised rack of lamb with petite potatoes and asparagus. “We eat simply when we don’t have guests,” Cheryl said.

  “Simple for me is a bowl of cereal, but I guess as you get older you get a more sophisticated palate,” Iona said.

  Dinner was a series of pointed putdowns and comebacks between Cheryl and Iona, with Iona smiling impishly and Cheryl frowning more and more as she drank deeply from her wineglass.

  Dessert was a simple strawberry shortcake with homemade ice cream. Iona had seconds. They talked a while around the table, with Marcus, Clint, and CJ discussing business while Iona talked to Manny about her family and the details of her first trip to London.

  “You haven’t seen the goat in how long?” Manny asked.

  “I hear him naaaing on the mountain and messing around in the outbuilding when it gets really cold, but I’ve not seen him for about two or three years,” Iona said. She wanted more dessert but it did seem a little greedy. She didn’t see Cheryl stand as she threw her napkin down and stomped out of the room.


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