An Inconvenient Trilogy - Three Regency Romances: Inconvenient Ward, Wife, Companion - all published separately on Kindle and paperback

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An Inconvenient Trilogy - Three Regency Romances: Inconvenient Ward, Wife, Companion - all published separately on Kindle and paperback Page 26

by Audrey Harrison

  “I am fully appreciative of your capacity to get out of scrapes,” Charlotte replied, gaining control of her panic. “I’ve seen you in action, remember? I fear that you would be outnumbered and in that situation you would be at risk.”

  “Would you be reassured if I said I will be careful?” Stephen asked.

  “Yes, a little, but would you refrain from such actions if I asked you to?” Charlotte asked.

  Stephen thought for a moment. “No, but I have considered it for a moment, which is more than I would do for anyone else.”

  “Well if you are going to be completely foolish, why should I waste my time worrying?” Charlotte said, the tone of voice betraying the true feelings behind the words.

  Stephen appreciated Charlotte’s words and smiled at her. “Quite so. I couldn’t have put it better myself.”

  Elizabeth thought it was prudent to intervene, “Before you get carried away with planning on what revenge you are going to inflict on Baron Kersal, we need to plan how to help Charlotte.”

  Elizabeth’s words focused the attention of the pair and they each reluctantly let go of the other. “If you know of how I could get employment, I would be most grateful,” Charlotte said.

  Elizabeth noticed the firm set of Stephen’s jaw, but spoke before he could say anything. “There will be no need for you to seek a position, and you may stay here for as long as you wish,” she offered.

  “Oh no!” Charlotte responded quickly. “I cannot rely on you for the rest of my days. I must be able to earn my living.”

  “I would not expect you to be here for the rest of your days!” Elizabeth said with a smile at the naïve comment. “With your looks, all we need to do is have a few dinner parties and you would be married within the month!” She suppressed the smile that wanted to show itself at the look on Stephen’s face. Her refusal of his marriage proposal had not upset him as much as her last words had done. She was enjoying seeing such a betrayal of feelings, but she had doubts about his suitability for Charlotte.

  Charlotte had blushed at Elizabeth’s words. “I would prefer to find honest work so I can support myself,” she replied quietly, but firmly. She could not express that she had already been spoiled for others; she knew she could not have him, but the only man she wanted was Stephen. She did not want to be paraded around the local gentry.

  Michael thought it best to interrupt. “You may stay as long as you wish, there is no point rushing into a decision,” he said kindly to Charlotte. “In the meantime you do need to write to your uncle and let him know you are safe.”

  “I can’t do that!” Charlotte exclaimed, the feelings of fear and panic overriding her previous reticence when speaking to Michael.

  “He is your guardian,” Michael explained with a smile. “He will be worried.”

  “I sent him a letter, saying that I was eloping,” Charlotte almost moaned. “He will think I am a fallen woman, he will want nothing to do with me.”

  “I am sure if he knows the truth, he will understand,” Elizabeth soothed. “Guardians have a way of worrying about their wards.” She smiled at her husband.

  “Especially when they have troublesome wards,” Michael groaned in response, but there was no sting to his words.

  Charlotte, misunderstanding the words sighed, “Yes, I have been very troublesome.”

  Stephen decided that he better be the one to explain the situation to Charlotte because Michael and Elizabeth were smiling at each other and it was making him feel nauseous. “Dunham was Elizabeth’s guardian,” he explained. “She was a complete pain and he was too pig-headed to act on his feelings.”

  “I heard that, Stephen,” Elizabeth said indignantly. “But your uncle must be worried Charlotte. Why don’t you let Michael write to him and explain some of what has gone on, and invite him to stay here for a few days? That way you can have time to think about what you really want to do and the two of you will be able to talk things through.”

  Elizabeth’s words were tempting to Charlotte; it would be a relief if she could sort things out with her uncle. He was her only relative and although they would never be close, it did bother her to know that he would be thinking badly of her. She was mulling over her options when Stephen intervened.

  “I should be the one to contact him, not Dunham,” he said abruptly.

  “We are trying to prove that Charlotte is still an innocent girl, a letter from you would suggest that she is anything but. I’m sure in Lincolnshire they read the gossip pages and your name is rarely out of them,” drawled Michael, amused that his words caused an immediate angry response from Stephen.

  “Why, you....” Stephen started, standing and moving towards Michael.

  “Boys!” Elizabeth said firmly. “We shall not have childish behaviour from either of you, if you don’t mind.”

  Stephen stopped and moved over the fireplace, still fuming at Michael. “It’s about time he learned to control his manners, and his mouth,” he muttered.

  “He speaks some truth,” Elizabeth said, but raised her hand before Stephen could interrupt. “You are a single man Stephen and that is the fact of the matter. The letter would be more appropriate coming from Michael.”

  Stephen reluctantly agreed. It felt as if he was no longer in charge of helping Charlotte, and the feeling unsettled him.

  Chapter 7

  Charlotte felt more confident about her future when she woke. If Michael could smooth the waters with her uncle, perhaps she would not be cast off as she feared. She mulled over what her future could be, while Maggie fixed her hair. She would not be forced to work, but she would be expected to marry. She had always wanted to marry and have a family, it was just that over the last few days something had happened that made her think that no matter how many men she came into contact with, none would stir the feelings that Lord Halkyn had. The reality was that Lords did not normally marry someone who was unconnected, with a small, if any, dowry. A pity, when the thought of being loved by him for the rest of her life, made her insides warm with pleasure.

  She joined the small group in the dining room. She had chosen to wear a pale yellow day gown that was edged in lace with a scalloped hem. It was feminine and enhanced her colouring. She felt like a young lady, rather than a school girl as she entered the room.

  Charlotte paused in the doorway at the scene before her. Michael was sitting at the table reading the paper. Stephen was opposite Michael, tucking into a large plate full of food and Elizabeth was helping herself to some of the bread on the side table. There was nothing remarkable about the scene, apart from Elizabeth’s attire; she was dressed in breeches, a shirt and braces.

  Stephen noticed Charlotte’s shocked expression and laughed, drawing the attention of the others. “If it is any consolation my dear, your expression mirrors the one that was on my face when I entered the room!” he said easily to Charlotte.

  She flushed, a little embarrassed and felt every bit the naive school girl that she was. Elizabeth noticed her embarrassment and responded to it. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’ve shocked you,” she said moving across to Charlotte. “I should have warned you that when I work on the estate, I dress in breeches, I do forget that not everyone is used to seeing me like this.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m not shocked, it’s just....” Charlotte stammered, trying to make herself sound less inexperienced.

  Michael came to her rescue. “My wife nearly gave Mr Anderton a heart attack the first time he saw her. You will now appreciate that I am married to an eccentric woman. I hope I have your sympathy,” he said with a grimace. His expression turned to one of amusement as Elizabeth threw her napkin at him. “Eccentric and violent,” he finished.

  “Come and sit down Charlotte, help yourself to some breakfast,” Elizabeth said, purposely ignoring her husband. “I forgot to warn you and I do apologise. Now, I have work to do on the estate that would ruin that beautiful gown of yours. I suggest Stephen takes you round the grounds in Michael’s phaeton; the grounds are lovely at the momen
t. I am looking forward to comparing all the seasons as time passes, but I have not been here for a full year as yet.”

  Stephen raised his eyebrows at Elizabeth. “And if I had other plans?” he asked. His words brought a deeper flush to Charlotte’s cheeks and he rectified his mistake quickly. “I was going to invite you for a walk Charlotte, but now that our hostess has interfered, you have a choice, phaeton or walk.”

  Charlotte had been mortified at Stephen’s words, but was consoled by his offer. “A phaeton ride would be lovely, thank you.”

  The group separated after breakfast. Elizabeth promised to be free after lunch to show Charlotte around her house. Michael and Mr Anderton closed themselves in the study. Stephen led Charlotte out to the phaeton.

  “I’m sure Dunham won’t have sent his best horses around, but we will have an acceptable team to drive us about,” Stephen said lightly.

  “Any pair of horses would be acceptable to me, I’ve never been in a phaeton before,” Charlotte said with a smile.

  “That’s what I have to keep reminding myself, you are an innocent in every way,” Stephen responded, more to himself, but the blush that stained Charlotte’s cheeks was gratifying. It may be cruel, but he did enjoy teasing her.

  “I’m not as innocent I was, thanks to Baron Kersal,” Charlotte responded, but regretted her words at Stephen’s frown. “Although a lack of innocence does have its advantages when accosting drunken Lords.”

  Stephen grinned, “I wasn’t that drunk. I managed to think up a plan.”

  “You did and it was very convincing. I’m surprised you haven’t been on the stage,” Charlotte said, appreciating the ability to bring him away from the focus on Baron Kersal. The less she thought of anything to do with that man, the better.

  “It was far too tempting to be involved with scrapes both dramatic and farcical, off stage, my dear,” Stephen responded.

  They rode around the park until it felt like they had explored every lane. Stephen had not visited before; Michael had not really held entertainments at his home in the years he had held the title. He was impressed with the size and the obvious care of the park, it was clear that Elizabeth and Michael worked hard.

  Stephen made Charlotte laugh while they drove. She bantered with him at every opportunity, but her lack of experience caused her to blush. Previous to meeting Charlotte, Stephen would have thought a morning spent with a genteel young lady tedious at best. With Charlotte though, he found it refreshing and funny. The blushes that frequently coloured her cheeks were endearing and he returned to the house for lunch, feeling relaxed and happy, an unusual emotion for such a cynical man.

  Elizabeth, Michael, Miss Fairfield and Mr Anderton joined them for lunch. Michael suggested to Stephen that they have a ride out during the afternoon to the far reaches of the estate. Stephen agreed, but turned to Charlotte.

  “Would you care to join us?” he asked.

  “I thought Charlotte could help me this afternoon,” Elizabeth said. She wanted to get to know Charlotte a little better without Stephen being around, and she was also aware that the pair should not spend too much time together. Stephen was a well known rake and Charlotte an innocent, Elizabeth did not want any scandal for Charlotte while visiting Dunham House. Since becoming the Lady of the House, she did not want to bring any scandal on the Dunham name.

  “Of course, I would be happy to help,” Charlotte offered. She did feel a little disappointed at not being able to spend more time with Stephen, but she could not be so rude as to refuse her hostess such a simple request.

  The gentlemen left the ladies and Elizabeth took Charlotte to her room. “Our time this afternoon will be to your benefit I think,” Elizabeth said indicating that Miss Fairfield should open the doors to her wardrobe. “I need to sort through my clothes and I think I have a few dresses that would fit you perfectly.”

  “Oh no!” Charlotte said quickly. “I cannot accept clothing; you are doing so much for me already.”

  Elizabeth sat on one of the chairs positioned in front of her fireplace. “I wasn’t going to make it public knowledge quite yet, but it is out of necessity that I am sorting my clothes. You see, I am hopefully going to give Michael an heir in a few months and I have an appointment with my modiste to make me a new wardrobe. So, you will be doing me a good deed if you take some of my gowns.”

  Charlotte smiled broadly, “Oh, you are increasing! What wonderful news!”

  Elizabeth replied with a grimace, “I’ve never quite liked the term ‘increasing’, it just seems to emphasise the horrors that are to come. It shall be hard enough when I can no longer wear breeches during the day. My husband is indulgent, but even he would not tolerate me roaming around with breeches straining over a large stomach.”

  “Does Lord Halkyn know?” Charlotte asked, not quite sure why she needed to know just how close he was to Elizabeth.

  “Stephen? No he doesn’t know. He would only ridicule us if we seemed pleased with our news,” Elizabeth responded with a shake of her head.

  “Why on earth would he ridicule you?” Charlotte asked, surprised.

  “We will have a chat about it later, first let us sort out my wardrobe,” Elizabeth replied. She wanted a little time to ponder over what exactly to tell Charlotte about Stephen. It was obvious that the girl was smitten with him, but Elizabeth never thought for one moment that Stephen would have any long lasting attachment to someone like Charlotte. She did not want to see her young friend hurt and thought it may be less cruel if she knew exactly the type of man Stephen was.

  The ladies enjoyed the afternoon using Charlotte as a doll to dress up. Elizabeth would decide on the dress and Miss Fairfield would help Charlotte to change. Accessories would be added and then a discussion about the outfit would occur between the three ladies. Not all of Elizabeth’s dresses suited Charlotte, their colouring was different, so some were rejected, but at the end of the afternoon Charlotte had a substantially bigger wardrobe than she had at the beginning, even outnumbering Stephen’s kind contributions.

  They sat down to enjoy tea and delicate cakes and Elizabeth raised the subject of Stephen. Miss Fairfield had left the pair, to carry on with her own household tasks and Elizabeth thought it appropriate that they have the conversation while they were alone.

  “You asked why Stephen would ridicule us over our pleasure at having a family,” Elizabeth started.

  “Yes, it seems such a strange thing to do at such a happy time,” Charlotte replied, nibbling on a fancy.

  “He wouldn’t do it to be hurtful, but it is the way he is,” Elizabeth continued.

  “He has said that he is cynical about the world.” Charlotte contemplated what Stephen had hinted at to her during their short acquaintance.

  “I suppose he is a product of his upbringing or the society he lives in, but he has some fixed ideas about love and marriage,” Elizabeth said, trying to be careful with what she said.

  “You must know him quite well,” Charlotte responded, trying and failing to keep the jealous tone from her voice.

  Elizabeth smiled, it seemed like only yesterday that she had been in a similar position to Charlotte, trying desperately to hide her feelings about the man she loved and failing miserably. She decided that the only way to continue was to be honest. “Charlotte my dear, what I am going to tell you I am doing so in the hope that in the future you will make decisions that are right for you,” she said.

  “Go on,” Charlotte encouraged.

  “I came out very late, I was sent to my guardian, Michael, three years after I should have had my first season. I didn’t want anything other than to be able to have an estate and manage it, but I hadn’t considered falling in love.” Elizabeth remembered her encounters with Michael with a wistful smile.

  “You fell in love with Lord Dunham?” Charlotte asked, hoping she would receive the answer she wanted.

  “Yes I did and luckily for me, he fell in love with me,” Elizabeth replied. “But I hadn’t realised what demons Michael
was struggling with. They don’t matter now, but at the time they were very real to him. As a consequence he encouraged other suitors; he thought it would be better if I didn’t marry him.”

  “Why would he do that?” Charlotte asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, I have often wondered that,” Elizabeth said wryly. “He is a principled man and was acting in a way that he thought was best for me. One of the men he encouraged was Stephen.”

  “Oh.” Charlotte replied, her heart sinking.

  “I wasn’t a huge hit with Society,” Elizabeth continued. “The truth be told, it was a nightmare, I hated it, but I think Stephen saw that I was different from the others. He was very often faced with women who simpered around him.”

  “So he fell in love with you as well?” Charlotte asked in a flat voice.

  “Oh goodness me, no!” Elizabeth exclaimed. “This is what I am trying to tell you, he proposed marriage to me, but he doesn’t believe in love within a marriage. Actually, I don’t think he believes that love exists at all. All he wanted was someone who he thought he would get on with tolerably well, and he even offered to let me continue with my plans and run an estate, and suggested we meet up occasionally to ensure the Halkyn line continued,” Elizabeth said diplomatically.

  “Oh my goodness! That wouldn’t be a marriage, it would be hell!” Charlotte exclaimed.

  “Yes, although I did consider it for a while. I realised how unprotected I was and that his name would have offered the protection I needed, and it would be, to some extent, the life I wanted. The problem was that although I hadn’t set-out to fall in love, that was what had happened, and second best was just not good enough,” Elizabeth explained. “I refused Stephen before I knew that Michael could overcome his demons, in fact, I didn’t even know about them at that point.”

  “I see,” Charlotte said.

  “I want you to understand what type of a person Stephen is. He is very likeable, he is funny and charming, it is no wonder he has women throwing themselves at him. There is a darker side though, he said he would try to be faithful, but he could not give me any guarantees. I did not know how that would have affected me, but believe me, if you are in love with a man, and suspect that he is not being faithful, it would destroy you,” Elizabeth said gently.


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