The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely

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The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely Page 6

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  The room had a box full of toys, clothes neatly folded in drawers and a picture of a smiling redhead on the dresser. Morgan.

  Melissa’s mother was beautiful. There was one picture of a very pregnant Morgan alone and another of her and the Captain. It looked like their wedding picture. Emma turned away.

  Melissa had her own bathroom, but it connected to another room. Emma walked through the door.

  “Ah, it’s his room.”

  The large master suite had a seating area, a king-size bed and a television. There were more pictures of Melissa, the Captain, and his wife. On the other side of the room was a large bathroom. Emma headed to the bedroom door and slipped out into the hall before Niall saw her in his space. She didn’t want him to think she was nosy.

  Down the hall, on the opposite side from Neill and Melissa’s rooms, were two more bedrooms. The largest had an attached bath, and the smaller one, up front, closest to the family room, had a bath next to it. The house was bigger than it looked from the outside.

  “What do you think?” Niall asked, startling Emma as he walked up behind her.

  “You have plenty of room, but I think a live-in might want a more private area for herself.”

  “Perhaps, but I like the idea of her being right across the hall from Melissa. That way she’d hear her if she got sick or scared.”

  “What you want is a wife, without having a wife.”

  Niall laughed. “I guess you’re right. Come on out and sit by the pool. Get some fresh air. What do you like to drink? I’m having a bourbon on the rocks.”

  “I’ll have a bourbon with Coke, if you have Coke.”

  “I do. I’ll be right back with the drinks and snacks.”

  Emma took a deep breath of the fresh air. She tipped her head upwards and closed her eyes while she enjoyed the feel of the late afternoon sun and the breeze.

  Suddenly the sunshine went away, and she felt a soft kiss on her lips. She opened her eyes and stared into Niall’s smiling eyes. He straightened and handed her a glass. “You looked so lovely I couldn’t resist.”

  Niall’s eyes sparkled and his expression seemed much more vibrant than she’d noticed before. She stared at him in astonishment, not knowing what to say. Her pulse pounded as she experienced a gamut of emotions. Finally finding her voice, she smiled and said, “You did startle me. I was enjoying the breeze and sunlight and just relaxing.”

  “I’m sorry I interrupted you.” His expression denied his words.

  Not sure what to say regarding the kiss, she took a sip of the bourbon mix. “Very good, not too strong.”

  “My wife told me once that most ladies didn’t like their drinks as strong as men do. I made it the way I would have done hers.”

  “She was right.”

  “Have some snacks. I’ll put the steaks on the grill and cook them slowly. I need time for the potatoes to be ready.” He moved the snack tray close to her and took a plate with the steaks to the grill.

  Then he walked back to her. “The snacks are nothing fancy. They all came out of a box and cooked in the oven.”

  “You have all my favorites, especially the little quiche.”

  Niall pulled his chair closer beside hers, and both drank their bourbon and ate some of the snacks. “What do you want out of life,” he asked when he finished eating.

  Emma didn’t answer right away. She looked up at the clouds. She’d always been honest. No need to change now.

  “I want a husband, a family, something important to do, like a job. I want a home that’s mine.” She glanced at him and chuckled. “I guess that’s a lot of wishes.”

  “None of them are unrealistic. Most women have similar desires.”

  “I guess you’re right. To replace my desire for my own children, I enjoyed and gave love to my small students.”

  “I imagine you were well-liked, and I’m sure they miss you.”

  “I’m considering going home and back to what is normal for me. I can’t imagine sitting around and waiting for something to happen next year, and I really can’t afford it. I’d probably go through a lot of savings.”

  “How much of what you want can you have back home?”

  “For a start, I’d have a job, and Vi’s Dad offered to help me buy my first home. I’d get a dog for company.”

  “You have it all thought out.”

  “Yes. If Vi hadn’t come home and talked me into trying something different, I’d still be there. Sometimes it’s hard to believe I had thought about plans for the future, and yet I haven’t done all that much to see them through.”

  “I can’t believe some guy in your town didn’t sweep you off your feet and marry you long ago.”

  The bell on the stove beeped. Thank goodness. Emma sighed with relief when Niall got up to answer its call in the kitchen.

  I have no intention of telling him about my past. Let him think I didn’t find the right guy. Thankfully, the man who made me feel a fool lives a long way from San Diego.

  Damn, what came over me? I’ve never kissed a woman on impulse. Well, except that other time he’d given in to temptation and kissed Emma. I’m lucky she didn’t demand to go home. He hoped his impulsiveness wouldn’t torpedo his plan to ask for her help with Melissa, at least until Emma landed a regular job.

  Niall opened the oven and placed the hot baked potatoes on a tray with butter and sour cream. Then he emptied the mixed salad he’d had in the fridge and added the dressing to it. Worried about his reception now that Emma had time to think about the kiss, he carried the tray outside.

  “I turned the steaks and put them to the side of your grill,” Emma said as he placed the tray on the patio table.

  “Thanks. I’ll go grab a platter for them and our plates and silverware.”

  “Let me help.” Emma stood and followed him into the kitchen. She glanced around. “I love this layout. It’s convenient, and there’s plenty of room.” She saw the waiting plates and silverware and took them with her as she headed outside.

  Niall quickly removed the steaks. The table was getting crowded. “Would you rather eat inside?”

  “Oh, no. This is lovely. The weather’s just right.”

  “How about another drink?”

  “I’m fine. I still have half of this one. Sit down and relax.”

  She seemed unbothered and hadn’t yelled at him. He felt himself doing as she said as the tension slipped away. “Tell me more about you,” he suggested.

  “I will after I eat some of this delicious food. I’m hungry.” She grinned and started cutting into her steak.

  Niall followed her actions. As she concentrated on the food, it gave him time to clear his mind and think about how he wanted to approach his question.

  When they’d almost finished, Emma raised the last of her drink in a toast. “May you find exactly what and who you need to help you care for your daughter.”

  He raised his glass. “Thank you. Melissa’s very important to me.”

  “Does it bother you to talk about Morgan?”

  “Not anymore. We met in high school. I was eighteen, and she was in the eleventh grade but only sixteen. She’d managed to skip a grade.

  When I went away to college, she finished high school and attended a community college for her first two years. By then I’d graduated and joined the Navy as an officer. She transferred to a college in San Diego when I got stationed out here.

  “Did you two always plan to marry?”

  “I dated some other girls when I first went to college. I told her we both needed to date others for a while. We kept in touch, and after I realized she was the one for me, we began to date again when I came home. She hadn’t dated others. There’d been no doubt in her mind.”

  “A woman who knew what she wanted,” Emma said. “You knew each other a long time.”

  “Yes. We decided when she finished college we’d marry.

  “I’ve always thought marriages worked better if you knew each other for a good while and had common goa
ls,” Emma said. “My parents have been married forty years.”

  “Wow, that’s impressive.”

  “Did Morgan move wherever you went?”

  “I’ve been here since I joined the Navy. We’d decided not to have children until I got into the SEALs. Then when we did start trying, it took a while before she got pregnant.”

  “I’m sure you were both thrilled.”

  “We were, and she had a good pregnancy. Her blood pressure was a little high at one point, but she watched her diet and meditated each day. That problem faded quickly. She died from an aneurysm no one knew existed.” He glanced off into space.

  Emma reached out and touched his hand. “I’m sorry. I’ve made you sad.”

  Niall took a deep breath. “I have to learn to talk about her to my daughter. Mom has always talked about Morgan to our daughter. I’ve accepted Morgan’s gone. It only angers me that there wasn’t any way to know about the danger in her head.”

  “I’m so sorry, but also glad you have your daughter.”

  Niall took a deep breath. “Me, too. Now, shall we discuss what needs to be done to before Melissa comes her to live? Tomorrow, I’ll register her in the school you and I both agree is the best one. I’d also like to go shopping for the furniture I plan to change. Will you help?”

  “I will, but Melissa should be with us for some of the decisions. She’s young, but she’ll love seeing the pretty sofas and all kinds of things to decorate your house. It can wait until you bring her back this weekend.”

  “I have another favor to ask. Will you care for her during the week while I wait at the courthouse to be called into the courtroom to testify?”

  “Absolutely. I’d love to be busy, and I enjoy children.”

  “Then we’ll definitely bring her back when we return from the visit up in the mountains.”

  Emma glanced at her watch. “I’d better get home. I can call a cab. There’s no reason for you to have to drive so far.”

  “I’m going to drive you home, and that’s final.”

  “If you insist.”

  When she smiled up at him, Niall had a difficult time not lowering his head to kiss her again.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  Chapter 6

  Once Niall checked the condo and left, Emma found herself wandering from room to room. She stopped at her favorite spot in front of the window looking out over the city at the many lights. She pulled a chair close to the window and sat.

  I keep agreeing to help him and getting more involved. If I keep this up, I’ll get my heart broken. But how can I refuse? I don’t want to say no. I think he likes me, too. He did kiss me. He looked like he surprised himself. And now I’ve agreed to take care of his daughter while he’s at the courthouse. What if I start liking Melissa as much as I do her father?

  The phone rang, startling her. It was her parents’ number. Her mom called every few days since Emma had arrived in California.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “How are you?”

  “Fine, I’ve been keeping busy.” Emma told her about helping the Captain.

  “He needs to find a mother for his child. I wouldn’t trust having a stranger care for a four-year-old child, especially when he’s not even in the country.”

  “I agree, Mom. But he’s in a difficult situation.”

  “Why don’t you help him until he finds a person who will fit his needs?”

  “I told him he needed a woman who’d be like a wife but wasn’t one.”

  “Why don’t you volunteer? You aren’t working, and you could use the money.”

  “True, but to be honest, Mom, I like him too much.”

  “Ah. Has he shown interest in you?”

  “A bit, but he needs me now.”

  “Take a leap and dive into the water. It sounds like he’s a good man and you like him, so go for it.”

  “I might get my heart broken.”

  “And you may not.”

  “I’m so glad you called. I needed to hear your voice and your good common sense. I think I can go to sleep now.”

  “I almost didn’t call. It’s a bit past my bedtime, but something told me my girl needed me tonight.” Emma could hear the smile in her mother’s words.

  “I always need you. Love you, and give Dad a hug for me.”

  “I will. Dad’s right here beside me. Sleep tight.”

  Emma made herself a cup of decaf tea and sat by the window. Am I brave enough to jump in, and risk being hurt? I’m glad I have this weekend to meet his Mom and daughter. That might help me make my decision.

  She poured out the rest of her tea without drinking it and headed to bed, but it took an hour of tossing and turning before she slept.

  Emma spent the next few days cleaning house, exercising, and having lunch with the Captain. He was getting bored and irritable that he hadn’t been called into the courtroom to testify.

  On Thursday, they’d driven to a new restaurant a few miles further from the courthouse. After they ordered, Emma bit the edge of her lip and looked out the side window.

  “What are you worrying about?” Niall asked.

  “I’m a bit nervous about meeting your Mom and Melissa. Do they know I’ll be coming with you?”

  “Yes. I told them a couple of days ago. Mom’s very excited, and when I talked to her last night, she’d mentioned to Melissa that I was bringing a lady with me.”

  “Did she seem all right with that idea?”

  “I’ve never brought a lady with me, so she asked my mother if the lady was going to be a Momma for her. I was shocked.

  “Mom explained how she’d told Melissa that sometimes when the person you love goes to heaven, you find someone else to be a friend and husband. She explained the situation very well. That conversation was about her and her friend, Gil, or Mr. Gilbert.”

  “Your Mom is clever. She’s setting the scenario up in case you want to remarry.”

  “I’m certain that’s her idea. She’d love for me to find a mother for Melissa.”

  “I’m a bit more uneasy. Your mother may think you’re serious about me if I’m the first person you’ve brought to her house.”

  “I’ve explained the situation and that you may help me in the interim.”

  Emma forced a smile, but it didn’t stop the butterflies in her stomach, and her heart raced. I feel like I’m jumping out of a perfectly good plane with a parachute on my back. Will it open or will I fall? I need to back out now, but I can’t.

  Niall reached across the table and touched her hand. “Are you all right? Your face turned white.”

  She saw their waiter walking toward them with their orders. “I’ll be fine after I eat. I skipped breakfast.”

  “Eat up. I can take care of vicious men, but I don’t know anything to do if you faint on me.”

  Emma chuckled. “I’ve never fainted in my life.”

  Niall watched as the color gradually came back into Emma’s face. He wasn’t sure he believed her excuse about her pale face. He hoped she wasn’t going to decide to not go with him this weekend. I desperately need a good person to care for Melissa. Emma will be excellent, with her background of being a teacher and loving children.

  His plan was becoming more real in his mind, but he’d best consider other options in case it failed.

  Emma left him at the courthouse. He settled in to read his book. As it turned out, he didn’t have to stay much longer. The prosecutor came out and told him the court was through for the day.

  “You can take off what’s left of the week, but return on Monday. I think it will be Tuesday or Wednesday before we get to you, but Judge Carter wants you here just in case.”

  “All right. I’ll be glad when this is over. I have problems at home I need to take care of.”

  “I understand. I’m ready for this trial to be over. A lot of witnesses have been brought in to testify the defendant’s a great guy.” The prosecutor snorted. “He can’t be too nice, since he’s charged with treason. I
wish Alec, who took the picture of our defendant over in the Middle East, would get his memory back.”

  “Me, too. But I haven’t heard any news of that happening.”

  “All we can do is hope the jury will accept only your testimony. Have a good few days off.” The prosecutor waved as he walked away.

  Niall’s phone rang as he got in his truck. It was Emma. He smiled as he said, “Hi, what’s up? I got released from duty for the rest of the week. All two days. How about we have dinner and discuss going to the mountains tomorrow?”

  “Come to my place. I’ve got a pot of spaghetti sauce just started. We can talk while it cooks. It’s my mother’s recipe, and everyone loves it.”

  “Sounds wonderful to a man who seldom eats home-cooked meals. I’m on my way.”

  It didn’t take long to get to the condo. Emma must have heard his footsteps because the door opened as Niall got up the stairs.

  “Welcome. Come in.”

  Niall closed the door and frowned at her. “Never open a door until you look out the peephole. You have one. Use it.”

  Emma shrugged. “I knew you were on your way.”

  “Yes, but someone else may have gotten here before me.”

  She shook her head. “SEALs are so protective even when home.”

  “Most people are good, but there are still some very bad people, even here.”

  “I know. I hear it on the news every night. Our town was much safer.” Then she smiled, “Until Vi and Hawke arrived.”

  “Please listen to me. You are living in a very big city. Don’t take chances, even though you believe it’s not needed.”

  “All right. I’ll be more careful. Would you like a cold beer. Or if you’d rather, I have bourbon.”

  “Beer will be fine.” He walked into the kitchen with her. “It smells wonderful.” He lifted the lid of the pot on the stove and sniffed the bubbling sauce.

  Emma had turned around. She laughed. “You remind me of my dad. He always checked whatever Mom cooked.”


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