The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

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The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) Page 7

by Quinn, Shelli

  He couldn’t believe how tight she was, the snug fit around his arousal was mind blowing. He didn’t move until he felt her body relax as she started squirming and wiggle, rotating her hips and pushing back against his member.

  Gigi was the one to break the kiss throwing her head back resting it on his shoulder while they both ride the waves of desire as they made love. Pierce buried his face in the curve of her neck trying hard not to come apart as her inner walls squeezed and crested him to the point of exploding. Never had he ever been inside a woman that was this tight it was like she had been untouched by a man.

  But that was impossible there was no way she could be a virgin, she was having a baby after all. Okay so she got pregnant through artificial means, but she’d had a boyfriend. He’d think about that later all he wanted to do right now was enjoy being inside this beautiful woman.

  Gigi screamed Pierce’s name several times seeing fireworks when she released her first ever male induced orgasm. She’d never felt anything like it, it was the most amazing thing she’d felt in her entire life. She’d only read about how wonderful love making could be, but if this was how it felt she was definitely going to enjoy being married.

  Pierce couldn’t hold back any longer when he felt her gushing orgasm shower his erection, drenching it with her hot juices. His release was more powerful than any orgasm he’d experienced in the past. It was so overwhelming that he felt light headed and was on the verge of passing out.

  Never had making love to a woman threaten to put him asleep. He was stunned she’d just completely drained him he felt weaker than a cooked noodle.

  Mercy she was sensational, if he wasn’t careful they’d have more kids then they’ll knew what to do with. It was going to be hard for him to keep his hands or any other part of his body off of her. Making love to her was like a drug and he was sure to get addicted.

  With a wife like Gigi he definitely needed to stock up on some red bull forget the B-12.

  When he finally started getting some of his strength back he nuzzled her neck as he held her close with her back to his front.

  “Did I hurt you Caro? I wasn’t too rough was I?” He asked with concern.

  “Well I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt a bit but it was definitely a good kind of hurt. Other than that you were as gentle as a breeze only a lot more fun.” Gigi said happily.

  “I’m glad you’re alright and that you enjoyed our love making.”

  “I certainly did and I can’t wait to do it again. I never knew that making love was so…so…wow!” She said giggling.

  Pierce leaned over her slightly as he gazed at her. “Are you telling me that before tonight that you’ve never…I mean this was your first time.”

  “If you’re asking me if I’ve ever had an orgasm the answer is yes but if you asking if I’ve ever had sex with a man the answer is no.”

  Pierce looked shocked as he stared at her. “How can that be you had a boyfriend for awhile why didn’t you two…you know?”

  “Let’s just say he was better with his hands then he was anything else. His train always left the station before he did if you know what I mean.” She said with a smirk.

  Pierce laughed loudly. “You mean that he had a problem with premature ejaculation?”

  “If you mean he came before he got started then yes he had that.” She replied.

  “Wow that explains it.” He said.

  “I’m just glad you don’t have that problem.” She added.

  “Honey with you I don’t think I’ll ever have that problem. You were probably just too much woman for that scatto.”

  “What is a scatto?”

  “It means jerk.” He said.

  “Then yes he was a scatto.” She said with her best Italian accent as they both laughed.

  Chapter Nine

  Over the next few days Pierce moved into the Inn with Gigi. They’d made room at the Inn for Gio and his other two brothers who were arriving that night. Since they did have extra rooms in their top floor apartment, they figured it would be easier to have all the family in the same place. That was a decision they might soon live to regret with India and Giovanni under the same roof.

  The sexual tension between the two of them was off the charts causing them to bicker consistently. Gigi thought that it would be better for everyone’s sake if these two would just have sex and get it over with. But until then we’d all have to live with the two of them bickering.

  On the bright side Gigi was over the moon at how well she and Pierce were getting along this marriage might not be such a disaster after all. Thankfully they had more in common than just great sex and she did mean great. Maybe if she’d had a man like him in her life in the first place she wouldn’t have made so many bad decisions.

  With any luck all that was behind her. Things were going well for her and her sisters, the Inn was about to the makeover it’s needed for some time now and she would soon be married to her baby’s father.

  Tonight Gigi and her sisters will meet the other two Fabrizio brothers, this should be interesting. Asia had out done herself with the dinner she’d planned. The poor thing had been cooking for two days, while London had been hard at work designing and making the dresses for the wedding. It also seemed that Indy and Gio would shut themselves in her lab every morning for hours at a time and whenever they emerged the bickering resumed.

  Something was definitely off about that but it was safer to just let it ride then to ask Indy or Gio about it. Besides sooner or later someone would figure out what they were up to.

  Gigi was supposed to be taking a nap but she was too excited to sleep, Pierce would be arriving with his two younger brothers in a couple of hours since the closest airport was about an hour away. A short time after she’d attempted to take a nap she gave up trying and decided to take a shower instead. After she’d applied a generous amount of cocoa and shea butter to her damp skin she put on a sports bra because that was the only one that still fit and pair of underwear that didn’t pinch which wasn’t an easy task.

  She slipped into a blue, ankle length, matte jersey dress with long, wide sleeves and a loose, drape cowl neck. Letting her hair hang free the way Pierce liked it she brush the wavy strands so that they framed her face. Gigi added silver hoop earrings and matching bangles. She’d just sat down to put on her sandals when Indy came in to check on her.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be taking a nap?” Indy asked closing the door behind her.

  “I couldn’t sleep. What are you doing up here I thought you and Gio would still be locked up in your lab.” Gigi said as she struggled to fasten her shoe unable to reach it.

  Indy knelt down in front of her pushing her hands away. “We finish up for today since his brothers or coming and we both needed to get ready for this dinner.” When Indy was done fastening her sandal she moved to sit at the foot of the bed. Looking at her sister she smiled.

  “You look nice and I’m glad you’re wearing flat sandals I know how much you love to wear high heel shoes.” Indy said.

  “Well between you and Pierce I’ve had enough lectures about high heels not being good for me.” Gigi said as she paused for a moment contemplating whether she should ask her next or not then decide what the heck. “Indy I was wondering, why do you spend all day in the lab with Gio if you two are fighting all the time?”

  Indy glanced away for a second before responding. “We don’t fight all the time, it’s just that we work well together in the lab but outside the lab we…we…I don’t know it’s just different that’s all.”

  Gigi smiled at Indy. “Do you think that you two bicker so much because there’s a lot of sexual tension between you, if it is maybe you two should just go ahead and have sex, it might help.”

  Indy stared at her like she’d just lost her mind. “Are you crazy? Look here little girl first of all you need to stop trying to talk me into having sex with Gio, second you need to mind your own business you let me worry about the tension between me and Gio. Now
I’m going to take as shower and get dressed.” Indy stood and headed for the door.

  “I’m sorry Indy please don’t be mad with me, I just want you to be happy that’s all.” Gigi said sounding very apologetic.

  Indy stopped with her hand on the knob of the door she turned to gaze over her shoulder at Gigi. “I know Gigi but let me handle Gio my way alright. And by the way as long as my family is happy then I’m happy, now stop worrying it’s not good for the baby.”

  Indy left the room closing the door softly behind.

  Gigi sat there staring at the door long after Indy had walked through it. How could Indy think that she wouldn’t worry about her happiness, did she think she was the only one allowed to worry. For as long as she could remember Indy had stepped up to take care of the three of them. Even before the death of their grandparents she would help out whenever she was needed.

  She couldn’t remember her ever having a steady boyfriend, she’d gone out a couple of times but nothing serious came to mind. Indy had sacrificed a lot to make sure that the three of them could have a life. Although they’d all pitched in around the Inn learning how to run the place that would one day be theirs, it was India who’d put in long hours working into the night.

  When Indy found out about how that two-timing snake in the grass had tricked her out of their savings she didn’t ridicule her or disown her. After they’d filed a police report and nothing was done about the situation, Indy promised to help her fix it and she did when they tracked down that scum sucking bottom feeder it was Indy that took a bat to his face when he refused to give back their money. Even though they didn’t get all their money back they took back what was left, leaving him and his little crack head girlfriend dead broke not to mention the broken nose and busted lip she’d given him.

  Not only then but there was many times when Indy came to their rescue, getting them out of some kind of trouble. She’d always put their needs before her own, her love for them knew no bounds. They’d all put her through so much and it was time that she put herself first for a change.

  Gigi was snapped out of her thought by her phone ringing. Pushing herself to her feet she went to answer the phone.


  “Hello Caro, are you awake?” Pierce asked.

  Gigi smiled loving the sound of his sexy voice. “Yes sunshine I’m awake. Where are you? Will you be back soon? I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Well what are you waiting for I’m downstairs in the private dining room. And I can’t wait to see you either. Be careful coming down those stairs, Caro.” He said seriously.

  “Yes I will. I’ll be right down.” She replied as she ended the call.

  Pierce placed his phone in the pocket of his jacket, having called Gio when they’d pulled onto the property. Turning to his brothers he smiled.

  “Gigi will be down shortly.” He said as he saw Gio entering the dining room. The four brothers greeted each other with brotherly embraces and back slaps. “How did things go while I was gone is everything still on track?” Pierce asked Gio after greeting each other,

  “Yes everything is on track, the builders are working triple time to complete the first house and the others shouldn’t take long after that. The plans for the renovation are in the works and preliminary draws should be ready by your wedding day.” Gio said.

  “That’s great thanks Gio.”

  “Don’t mention it bro.” Gio replied as they moved aside for the servers to set the table. “So how was the flight you guys? I take it there was no problems.”

  Gabriele was the one to answer Gio’s question. “The flight was good, the pilot was a pain in the ass but other than that everything was fine, I just wish the airport wasn’t over an hour away. With all this construction going on maybe you should add a runway that would be a great idea for your VIP guests.”

  “That’s a good idea if this Inn had its own private runway that would attract some high profile guests which would increase the profitability of the business tremendously.” Luciano added.

  “They’ll be no business talk tonight this is a dinner for my family and Gigi’s family to meet and get to know each other. So all business talk is on hold until tomorrow, is that clear you two?” Pierce addressed his question to Gabe and Luc.

  “Fine no business talk tonight but if Gabe calls me a pain in ass one more time, they’ll be one less Fabrizio to split the inheritance with.” Luc said narrowing his gaze at Gabe.

  Gabe laughed. “If anybody’s going to come up missing it’ll be you little brother, haven’t you heard of the saying last born, first gone.”

  “What? That’s not true who come up with that?” Luc asked sounding a bit irritated.

  “I did now zip it kid.” Gabe replied.

  “Cool it you two the last thing I need is for Gigi to see you guys acting stupid.” Pierce said.

  “Now Pierce you know they aren’t acting.” Gio commented teasingly, which had them all laughing.

  They were still laughing when Gigi entered the dining room smiling. Pierce stopped laughing as his mouth dropped open at the sight of her. She looked stunning in her blue ankle length dress and silver accessories. She’d left her dark brown hair down, letting the long wavy strands frame her gorgeous face. She was wearing just a light touch of makeup which she really didn’t need because she possessed a natural beauty allowing her light maple complexion to glow.

  Pierce stood transfixed never taking his eyes from her as she walked slowly towards him. When she was standing in front of him she reached up to slip her arms around his neck and he lowered his head to meet her kiss. As he kissed her he put his arms around her waist resting his hands on her lower back pulling her as close as her protruding stomach would allow.

  Her scent flooded his senses Pierce had gotten use to her delightful smell since moving in with her this past week. He’d discovered that she liked to use cocoa and shea butter on her skin making it soft and fragrant. He loved that smell actually there was a lot of things about her he loved. If he wasn’t careful he’d be falling in love with the mother of his baby.

  They reluctantly ended the kiss but continued to gaze at each other smiling as they tuned out everything but the two of them.

  “Hello sunshine.” Gigi whispered staring up into his grey eyes.

  “Hello Caro. You look stunning.” Pierce whispered staring back at her.

  “Thank you.” Gigi replied.

  A chorus of throats being cleared sounded out behind them causing her to ease herself out of his arms. Pierce sighed loudly as Gigi lean over and peeked around him smiling at the men standing there.

  “Hello.” She said waving at them. They waved back grinning at her.

  “Hi Gigi, how are you tonight?” Gio asked.

  “I’m good thank you.” Gigi said as she gazed at all three men.

  Pierce turned around to face them after giving his body a chance to settle down she always had a powerful affect on him and if it was this bad and she was pregnant he knew it would only get stronger after the baby was born.

  “Guys this is Egypt Landry the mother of my baby and my soon to be wife.” Pierce said introducing her to his brothers. “Gigi these are my younger brothers Gabriele and Luciano Fabrizio.”

  She took in the appearance of the two younger Fabrizio brothers. She noticed that all four of the men shared similar features and were equally handsome. But each of them had uniqueness about them.

  Gabe was not quite as tall as Pierce and Gio he was probably closer to six, one but his shoulders were just as wide. His dark brown hair was cut short and stylish his skin was naturally tan making him even more attractive. His wide smile reached his light brown eyes causing them to gleam under the bright dining room light.

  Luc on the other hand was just slightly shorter than Pierce and Gio but taller than Gabe he had to be around six, two with the body of a large football player. His dark hair was highlighted with blonde streaks at the top while the sides were cut short and close to his head. His hazel e
yes sparkled with mischief as he smiled brightly flashing his dimpled cheeks. For some reason watching him reminded her of Asia. Maybe it was that mischievous smirk or that blonde hair or it could be those hazel eyes they both had.

  Gigi wasn’t quite sure what it was but she could tell right off the bat that Luc and Asia would probably be butting heads as much as Indy and Gio did.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you.” Gabe said extending his hand to her for a handshake which she accepted smiling.

  “It’s nice to meet both of you as well.” Gigi said to them, noticing his Italian accent and figured that Luc probably had one as well.

  “Yeah we’ve heard a lot about you.” Luc said also shaking her hand. Yep, there it is.

  “Really should I be worried?” She asked with an arched brow looking from one then the other.

  They laughed. “No you shouldn’t be everything we’ve heard about you was good.” Gabe said.

  “Well obviously you two haven’t talked to my sisters.” Gigi said and they all laughed.

  Just then Asia and London walked in. “Hey guys what’s so funny?” London asked as she entered the room.

  “Yeah I could use a good joke right about now.” Asia said she entered behind London.

  Pierce and Gio greeted the two like they’d been doing every day since move into the Inn with a quick embrace and peck on the cheek.


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