Fénelon, François, 82
Fenton, De Wend, 139–40
1st Worcestershire Royal Artillery
Volunteers, 105
Fisher, Admiral John, 72–73
Fisher, Harrison, 130, 584
Fitch, Herbert, 399
Flammarion, Camille, 61
Frazer, James George, 18, 416–17,
Forman, Ed, 661
Foster, Jeanne Robert (“Hilarion”),
xiii–xiv, 130–31, 138–40, 143–48,
161, 165, 169, 171–73, 198, 222,
285–302, 313–14, 316, 319–28,
331, 335, 337–38, 342–43, 360–66,
369–73, 379, 381, 384, 395, 414,
440–42, 461, 481, 484, 518, 561,
575–77, 581, 584, 612, 686, 701,
706–7, 709, 710, 729, 730
in California with Crowley,
meets Aleister Crowley, 285
meets John Butler Yeats, 144–45
reviews Armory Exhibition, 146–48
“The Second Wife Speaks,” 320–21
in the U.K. 138–39
upbringing, 127–29
in Vancouver with Crowley, 340–41
Wild Apples, 319–21
Foster, Matlack, 127–28, 138, 287,
290–91, 319, 326, 328, 335, 343,
354, 356, 359–60, 363–64, 371,
375, 377
Foster, R. F., 462
Frank, Leo, 134–35, 622
Fraux, Ninette, 641
Freeman, Paul Rose, 649
Freud, Sigmund, 264, 386, 419, 449,
477, 486–87, 550
Fuehr, Dr. K. A., 377–79
Fuller, J. F. C., 138, 185, 186 ( footnote),
Gardner, Frederick Leigh, 20
Garvey, Marcus, 629
Gaunt, Captain Guy Reginald Archer,
176, 202–3, 312, 318, 398, 400,
469, 503, 546, 570, 607–8, 620,
630, 703, 712, 731
“bribing the office boy,” 375–79
Gebauer, Rudolf, 383
George, Madeleine (or Madeline), 551,
554, 555–56, 558–62, 565, 567
Germer, Cora, 654
Germer, Karl (Frater Saturnus), 644,
651, 653, 655, 659, 664
Germer, Sascha, 653, 659, 666
Gibbstown, Philadelphia, 384
Gibson, William, 571
Gilbert, Martin, xi
Gilles, Werner, 679
Gilroy, Patrick, 303, 607
Ginner, Charles, 242
Glens Falls, 128
Goddard, Morrill, 640, 723
Golden Dawn, The Hermetic Order of
the, 12–14, 16, 18, 21–25, 29, 34,
36, 40, 53, 63, 69, 86, 89, 119, 143,
169, 288, 399–400, 461, 528, 612,
614, 616, 699, 728, 729
Goldman, Emma, 42, 134, 136, 334,
473, 500, 521, 629
Gomez, Doris, 270, 273, 276–77, 298,
314, 336, 441, 507, 706
Gonzales, Rita, 361–62, 365, 371, 379, 711
Goodwin, Charles Wycliffe, 248
Gore, Spencer, 242
Gospel of Thomas, 536
Gosse, Edmund, 581
Gould, Grace, 130
Gouraud, Jackson, 220, 255
Gouraud, Powers, 255
Grant, Gregor, 10
Grant, Kenneth, 105, 665, 728
Great Northern Railroad, 343
Greene, Belle da Costa, 201–2, 217, 312
Greene, Ward, 555, 621–22
Greener, Richard, 201
Greenwich Village Liberal Club, 591
Gregg, Frances, 385–86, 479
Gregg, Frederick James, 240
Greifenstein, Charles, xiv, 405, 714
Grey, Sir Edward (Lord), 261, 399
Griffith, D. W., 356, 453, 622
Grumbacher, Lola Augusta, 266
Grumbacher, Mauricio, 266
Guanajato, 69
Guillarmod, Jacot, 132
Guyon, Madame Jeanne, 82
Gyles, Althea, 15–16
Haitz, Georgia, 649
Hall, Admiral Reginald “Blinker,” 192,
546, 608
Hall, Evelyn Beatrice, 19–20
Hall, Frederick William Mordaunt,
490–91, 607, 630
Hall, Henry Noble, 202, 228
Hapag Line, 47
Harding, President, 136
Harré, T. Everett, 335, 729
Harrington, Peter, 184
Harris, Frank, 177, 202, 205, 208, 224,
271–72, 289, 312, 385, 389, 441,
499–500, 520, 544, 610
Harris, Grace, 218, 222, 232, 242, 244,
Harris, Thomas Lake, 25 ( footnote)
Harrison, Austin Frederic, 148, 179,
182–84, 196, 207, 237, 260, 284,
312, 458, 505, 507, 510
Harrison, George, 383, 664
Harry Ransom Humanities Research
Center, 335
Harvard Club, 569
Harvey, Alexander, 263
Hassam, Childe, 581
Havel, Hippolyte, 591
Haynes, F. E., 629, 725
Hearst, William Randolph, 7, 130, 135,
205, 357, 542, 554–56, 591, 619,
621, 645, 647, 651
Heflin, Llee, 667
Heginbottam, Anne (“Aunt Annie”), 5,
10, 468, 546, 638
Henry, O. (William Sydney Porter), 581
Hill, Dr. Gordon W., 634
Hill, Lucile, 24–26, 54–56, 67
Hinsch, Captain Friedrich, 384
Hippolytus, 535–36
Hirsig, Leah, 269, 401, 531–34, 554,
578, 599, 619, 628, 723
Hirsig, Marie (or Marianne); (married
name: Marian Dockerill), 532–34,
578, 649, 720, 729
Hoboken, 46–49, 307
Hoff, Alfred, 379
Hoffman, Albert, 666
Holladay, Louis, 507
Holladay, Polly, 591
Hollis, Helen Ruth, 574–75, 577, 599,
628, 722, 723
Hollis, James, 574
Hollywood, 25, 341, 356–57, 598, 632,
636, 646–48, 650, 652, 655
Holstein, Friedrich, 9, 696, 731
Holy Guardian Angel, 32, 70, 131, 137,
232, 288, 301, 343, 412, 446, 474,
476, 514, 525, 564, 613, 658
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation, 113
Hoover, J. Edgar, 560, 606, 611, 629–30,
654, 656, 721, 725
Horniblow, Mrs. Lilian (“Laura”), 399
Horos, Theo (alias of Frank Dutton
Jackson), 86
Horus (also Heru-Ra-Ha), 34, 43, 77, 81,
113, 231–32, 372, 420, 436, 494,
512, 650, 664, 670
Hotel Brevoort, 546, 565, 571, 577
Hotel Cosmopolita, Guadalajara, 98
Hotel Imperial, 50, 61
Hotel Iturbide, 66, 80, 93, 124–25
Hotel St. Regis, 196, 204–5, 212, 219, 569
Hotel Wolcott, 219, 222, 253, 269, 569
Hovey, Edmund Otis, 99–100, 700, 730
Hubbard, Alice Moore, 153
Hubbard, Elbert, 153, 223
Hubbard, Lafayette Ron, 655–59, 725
Hubbard, Ledora May, 655
Hudson, Paul, 91
Huescalapa, 98
Hunter, Edmund Arthur, 25
Hunter, Harriette Dorothea, 25
Hurley, W. L., 630, 725
Hutchinson, Roger, 398, 713
Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 550–51
Hyde Park (USA), 548, 556, 558, 561,
567, 679
Industrial Workers of the World
(I.W.W.), 135, 159, 334, 337, 473,
500, 506, 521, 530, 606, 729
; Isiac Cult (Samuel and Moina Mathers),
36, 76, 81
Jacobi, Oliver, 648–49
Jacobs, Samuel Aiwaz, 519–20, 522–26
Jahnke, Kurt, 335
Jaime, Don, 18
James, William, 130
Jennings, Hargrave, 676
Jerome, Leonard, 61
Johnson, William, 545
Jones, Charles Stansfeld, 218, 340,
393–94, 488–89, 526, 530, 566,
592, 594, 617
as “Arctaeon,” 517, 531, 527, 592
Jones, George Cecil, 13, 23, 138, 614, 616
Judge, William Q., 358
Julian the Apostate, Emperor, 595
K2 (Karakorams), 78, 94, 127, 170
Kaczynski, Richard, xiv–xv, 405, 407,
411, 455, 457, 606, 676–77, 714,
720, 722, 723, 724, 728, 730
Kahl, Regina Agnes, 646, 648–89
Kahn, Otto Hermann, 176–77, 310,
372, 376, 461, 503, 549, 558
Kangchenjunga, Mount, 38, 132, 170
Kayne, Alfred, 24–25
Keasbey, Professor Lindley Miller, 441,
447, 449, 453, 534
Kell, Vernon, 608
Kelley, Sir Edward, 563–64
Kelly, Rev. Frederic Festus, 28
Kelly, Gerald, 12–13, 15, 19, 22–28,
54–56, 61–63, 68, 76, 112–13,
116, 121–22, 320, 481, 696–97,
Kennedy, Leon Engers (see Leon Engers)
Kennerley, Mitchell, 208–9, 223–24, 229
Kenosha (Wisconsin), 632
Kinsey, Alfred, 661–62
Knowles, Guy, 94, 170, 699
Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 358
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 175
Lamb, Euphemia (née Nina Forrest),
Lamont, Thomas W., 200
Lansing, Counselor Robert, 174, 187,
459, 630
Larkin, James, 158–59, 245–46, 337
Lavroff (or Lavrova), Marie, 530, 538,
Lawrence, D. H., 183, 224, 445
Lawrence, T. E., 180
Lazenby, Charles, 488
Leadbeater, C. W., 118, 127
Lees, Frederic, 36
Lennon, John, 531, 664, 669
Leonard, Robert Z., 25
Lesser Key of Solomon, 528
Lévi, Éliphas, 215, 222, 306, 494, 510,
513, 550, 557, 612
Levy, Beatrice Sophia, 267
Lewinstein, Mary, 475, 478, 718
Lewis, Harvey Spencer, 518, 644–45,
Lewis, Sinclair, 565
Lewis, Wyndham, 242-43
Library of Congress, xiv, 523
Liebling, Alice, 648
Liebling, George, 648
Lincke, Elsa (“Barzedon”), 517–18, 532
Lloyd George, David, 331, 366, 530
Lodge, Frank T., 592, 596, 635
Lodge, Sir Oliver, 141
Londraville, Richard, xiii, 130–31, 145,
165, 171–73, 287–89, 342, 365,
371, 700–702, 706–7, 709–10, 730
Louisville and Nashville Railroad, 622
Loveday, Frederick Charles, 641
L.S.D., 666–67
Lucas, Captain Anthony J., 75
Lüchow, August “Gus”, 565
Luchow’s Restaurant, 565, 577
Ludendorff, General, 530
Ludlow, Fitzhugh, 137
Luris, Deborah, 554, 621
Lusitania, RMS, 83, 153, 181, 189–90,
197, 202, 217, 224, 269, 279–81,
294, 296, 568, 582, 706
Malvern College, 105, 282
Mammoth Caves, (Edmonson County,
Kentucky), 622
Mansfield, Katherine, 242, 456, 676,
716, 729
Markham, Edwin, 263
Marshall, John Benjamin, 99, 101
Marshall, Marguerite Mooers, 228,
Marston, Commander Guy Montagu,
170, 179–80, 192, 231, 633
Martinprey, Florence di (née
Drouillard), 360
Martinist Order, 53, 550, 566, 650
Masloth, 400–401, 412
Matchar, Emily, 554
Mathers, Moina (“Mina”), 27, 246
Mathers, Samuel Liddell, 12–15, 17–19,
21–22, 24, 26–27, 29, 34–40, 53,
55, 69–70, 80–81, 84, 86–89, 106,
143, 169, 246–47, 461
Maugham, Somerset, 178
Maximilian I, Emperor, 85
McAlpin Hotel, 224, 255, 316, 379,
McGovern-Gardner fight, 113-16
McGowan, Bertha Eleanor, 552
McKinley, President William, 42, 52,
60, 109, 113, 117, 132, 136
McMurtry, Grady Louis, 644, 663–66,
668–69, 726
McNeir, Elvira and William, 360
Medina, Don Jesús, 69, 72–73, 75,
86–87, 88–89, 106, 557
Medina, José M., 86–87
Mencken, H. L., 446
Metzger, Hermann Josef, 665
Mexican Central (Railroad), 65, 81, 95,
Mexican Herald, 80–81, 91–93, 95, 99,
103, 123, 125–26, 699, 731
Mezla, 520
Michelet, Jules, 27
Michelet, Victor-Émile, 53, 566
Miller, Anna Katherine, 478, 485, 487,
490, 494, 510
Minor, Roddie (also “Ahita,” “Achitha,”
or “Ahitha”), 337, 494–97, 499,
502, 510–17, 519, 528–31, 534–35,
537–38, 541–42, 549, 556, 565,
599, 719, 720
Miskinoff, Alexandre, 224–25, 255
Montauk, 604, 611, 614, 617, 724
Moore, George Augustus, 144, 289
Morden, Grover L., 636
Morgan, Jack, 175, 187, 190, 200–202,
217, 222, 235, 295–97, 313, 367,
377, 455, 548, 703, 729, 730
Morgan, John Pierpont, 201
Morgan, Viola, 648
Morley, Christopher, 223
Morris, William, 153, 383
Morrison, James Douglas (“Jim”), 397,
Motta, Marcelo, 663, 665, 726
Mudd, Norman, 177, 310–11, 450, 518,
546, 548, 614, 641, 707, 721
Munroe, Narnet, 335
Münsterberg, Professor Hugo, 198–99,
210–11, 264–65, 275, 279, 297,
383, 453, 548, 703
Münter, Professor, 297, 548
Murphy, Frank, 596
Murphy, William M., 161, 287
Murray Hill Hotel, 544, 607
Murry, John Middleton, 456, 716, 729
Mussolini, Benito, 215, 310, 518, 641
Nankivell, Frank Arthur, 581–82
Narodny, Ivan, 545, 583
Nathan, Robert, 379, 500
National Arts Club, Grammercy Park,
144, 169, 173, 286, 290, 414
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP), 483
Nesbit, Evelyn, 135
Neuburg, Victor, 139, 156–57, 168, 170,
239, 244, 300, 336, 364, 456, 601,
704, 713, 728
Nevado, 78, 98, 102
Newburgh, 319, 479, 545–46
Newfound Lake (Lake Pasquaney), xiv,
390–93, 397, 417, 447, 462, 485
New York Central Railroad, 328, 333,
549, 558
New York Times Building, 57
New York Tribune Building, 57
New York World Building, 57
Nicholas II, Tsar, 18
Nicholson, Jenny, 661, 726
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 417, 431, 627
Nin, Anaïs, 659
Nippon Maru, SS
, 117–18
Normand, Mabel, 357, 594
Northrup, Burton Ashley, 652
Northrup, Nancy, 652
Northrup, Sara, 652–53, 656, 659, 661
Norwood, Joseph, 605–6, 629, 723
O’Donnell, Frank X., 545, 567, 571,
604, 606, 608–11, 629–30,
720–22, 724
Offley, William M., 605–6, 723
Oliver, Clara, 129
Oliver, Frank, 127, 129
Oliver, Lizzie, 127, 129
O’Malley, Frank Ward, 308
O’Neill, Dr., 487
O’Neill, Eugene, 565, 581
Oppenheim, E. Phillips, 311
Orage, Alfred R., 259
Ord, Major James B., 559
Order of the White Rose, 11, 14
Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), xiii,
158, 170, 222, 568, 570, 583, 608,
621, 643–44, 656, 694
Orizaba, Mount of, 97, 99
O’Rourke, Count Owen, 82
O’Rourke, Tigernan the Great, 82
Osbourne, John Michael “Ozzy,” 665
Osiris, 35, 62, 382, 403, 662, 670, 688
Ovid, 62
Page, Jimmy, 664
Paish, George, 200
Palace Hotel, San Francisco, 111–13,
348–50, 352, 641
Paladino, Eusapia, 265
Palmer, Herbert, 130
Panama-California Exposition
(San Diego), 347, 356–57
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
(San Francisco), 345–50
Pan American Petroleum & Transport
Co., 45
Paracelsus, 475, 614
Parke Davis Pharmaceutical factory,
“Parker, Elsie Gray,” 516
Parsons, Dr. A. W., 71, 124–25
Parsons, Helen (née Cowley), 652–53,
655, 660
Parsons, John Whiteside, 652, 654–56,
659, 663
Partridge, Ethel Mary, 383
Pasadena, 652–56, 661, 663, 665
Patmore, Coventry, 16
Patmore, Katharine Alexandra, 16
Patmore, Milnes, 16
Pearson, Weetman (Lord Cowdray),
Pedregal, 74
Pemigewasset River, 393
Pennsylvania, SS, 34, 39, 46–48
Perkerson, Angus, 621
Petipas restaurant, 143–44, 168, 209
Phagan, Mary, 135
Philadelphia, 273–74
Pickford, Mary, 646
Pipkin, Paul, 555
Plainview, Daniel, 45
Plummer, George Winslow, 194–95,
Plymouth Brethren, 10, 35, 37, 581, 686
Poe, Edgar Allan, 149, 286
Point Loma, 358
Pollitt, Herbert Charles Jerome, 15, 218
Pond, Major James B., 61
Popocatepetl, 96
Portrait of Jennie, 134
Poughkeepsie, 319, 546, 548
Pound, Ezra, 385, 486
Powys, John Cowper, 386, 483–84, 487,
Primrose League, 5, 8, 14, 28
Provincetown Players, 285
Prykyl, Bertha Almira (née Bruce), 596
Quinn, John, 16, 160–65, 174, 191–92,
202–3, 210, 216, 224, 232, 241–43,
246–47, 263, 282, 287, 289, 312,
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