Meow Or Never: BBW SEAL Shifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance (Chicago Catastrophe)

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Meow Or Never: BBW SEAL Shifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance (Chicago Catastrophe) Page 11

by Anya Nowlan

  The thought of that was way too appetizing, though.

  “I think there is something wrong, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about you naked right now. And you’re wearing a skirt, by the way, not pants,” Troy replied, and the way his eyes traced the outlines of her thighs as he spoke made her all too aware of what she was wearing.

  “Okay, you can cut that out right now,” Hailey demanded, hoping Troy didn’t catch the way her voice trembled slightly on that last word.

  Troy held up his hands and strode over to her couch, sitting down with an all too innocent of a smile. He seemed to feel completely comfortable wherever he was, like he could make everything his if he put his mind to it.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he replied, eyes sparkling.

  He folded his hands behind his head and leaned back, the short sleeves of his t-shirt exposing his bulging biceps. Hailey stood nervously in the middle of her living room, caught between wanting to sit on Troy’s lap and running away as fast as she could.

  Troy patted the seat next to him.

  “Something wrong?” he purred.

  “Not at all,” she replied, pulling up the nearest chair and sitting down opposite of him.

  Troy raised a brow at her choice of seating, but didn’t comment, only smiled slyly.

  “What did you forget to tell me last night?” Hailey added, straightening her spine and trying to gather herself.

  She couldn’t help but stare at Troy’s lips as he spoke, imagining how kissing them would feel and remembering the things they had done to her body. She held on to the sides of the chair, as every muscle in her body was urging her to stand up and fling herself at the smoking hot man in front of her.

  “I found out the casino is under investigation by the district attorney’s office. The traffic stop that ended in Rogers’ arrest was no coincidence. They were gunning for him. Probably because he is one of the few members with a family. That gives the D.A. leverage,” Troy explained, crossing one leg over the other.

  Hailey sat back, taking this new information in and doing her best to keep her eyes off of his muscled thighs.

  The district attorney had used similar tricks before, that much she knew. And the woman was no fool. If she was taking an interest that obviously, she had to have something to work off of.

  “You think they’ve flipped Rogers?” she asked, tapping her fingers on her chin.

  “I don’t know. But the sudden illness is suspicious,” Troy remarked, his eyes still darting between Hailey’s face and body appreciatively.

  Hailey could feel heat grow inside her, but she pressed it down, forcing herself to be professional.

  “In all probability, I would’ve gotten the knife thrown out at tomorrow’s hearing and Rogers would be home free. If they needed more time to convince him to turn, faking a sickness is a pretty effective way of doing that. And the clerk I spoke to was being especially unhelpful.”

  “Well, it’s too late to do anything tonight, don’t you think?” Troy asked, spreading himself out on the couch.

  “Then why did you insist we meet?”

  She glared at him, trying to mask the waver in her voice with irritation.

  The grin he gave her told her all she needed to know, even before he explained.

  “Because it’s harder for you to ignore your feelings for me when it’s just the two of us.”

  Hailey opened her mouth to protest, to tell him he was wrong, that all she felt for him was disdain and contempt. But all she could do was stare at him, desire swirling in her gut, no words coming out.

  He’s not a good man! her thoughts yelled at her. But I don’t care, do I…? What’s one more night?

  All that mattered was the way he made her feel right now, desired and out of control, like no other man had before him. Troy stood, the thin fabric of his shirt straining against his taut chest, jeans bunching around his powerful legs as he did.

  Without even meaning to, Hailey got up as well, her hands gripping the chair unable to hold her down as something primitive and strong took over. Troy stepped closer until they were separated by mere inches. His breath fell softly on her face as he reached out, placing his warm hands on her shoulders. Hailey leaned into the touch, lost in how being close to him made her reasonable side disappear.

  “Tell me you don’t feel this immense draw between us, and I’ll leave,” he said quietly, eyes searching her face.

  “I…” Hailey started, but couldn’t finish, lost in her conflicting emotions.

  All she had to do was lean in another inch, and his lips would be on hers, soft yet demanding, just the way she remembered. Just one step, and she could wrap her arms around his hard body. He was dangerous, but also made her feel so safe.

  It made no sense, and yet, it made all the sense in the world.

  He kept staring at her, tense, as if readying himself for a shattering blow. His eyes bore into hers, but he remained quiet, patiently waiting for her to speak.

  I just have to say the words, and he’ll go. I don’t even have to mean them, Hailey told herself, fighting against her urges.

  A stab of pain went through her at the thought, and she knew in that moment, she couldn’t lie anymore. She was tired of fighting whatever this was between them. Her whole body sighed as she leaned in and pressed her lips to Troy’s.

  He reacted immediately, the hands he still had on her shoulders pulling her into a strong embrace. Hailey leaned against him, reveling in the contact she had denied herself for so long.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear,” he murmured, clearly appreciating the kiss over anything she could have told him.

  Troy’s soft lips moved against hers, carefully at first, teasing her with feather-light kisses. Hailey’s hands moved to his back, running up and down the muscles hidden beneath his shirt. Troy growled and the kiss deepened. His tongue pushed into her mouth and claimed it with a savage urgency she happily met.

  Hailey matched every inch of his fervency as their tongues tangled. Her hands roamed all over his body, yearning to feel bare flesh under her fingertips. As if reading her mind, Troy broke the kiss to quickly pull off his shirt, before cupping her ass and lifting her up.

  Hailey gasped and wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands sliding up the hard curves of his arms to lock around his neck.

  God, I missed this…

  Troy’s cock pressed against her clit, rubbing it with every step he took as he carried her towards the bedroom. His mouth was back on hers, demanding, coaxing, driving her wild. Hailey didn’t even realize they’d made it to the bedroom until he set her down on the bed, getting on top of her in the process.

  Troy’s whole body was pressed against her as he continued his assault on her mouth, leaving her breathing ragged and her heart thumping so fast she thought it might burst out of her chest.

  “I want you so bad,” Hailey whispered, tearing her mouth away from his.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  It was like honey to her ears. Her rational side knew she should not be doing this, that she should tell him to leave and never come back. But she wasn’t feeling rational. And she didn’t want to, either.

  A roar rumbled in Troy’s chest as he drew back, hooking his fingers beneath the buttons of her shirt and yanking in opposite directions. A loud tear echoed through the room as the fabric ripped, leaving her blouse in shreds and her cleavage exposed.

  Hailey couldn’t spare a single bit of remorse for her ruined clothes, busy arching her back in anticipation, her chest heaving. Troy did not disappoint as his lips came down on her breasts, his hands cupping and massaging them when his tongue snaked out and outlined the edges of her bra.

  Hailey moaned, her thighs clenching together and sending rivulets of lust surging to her core. His hips bucked against hers, his cock pressing down between her legs. A strangled sound slipped out of Hailey’s mouth as her panties soaked up her juices.

  Her bra was the next thing to go, w
ith Troy’s mouth claiming one nipple and then the other, sucking and teasing until they hardened into pulsing peaks. Hailey’s insides throbbed with need as she wrapped her legs around his waist and rocked her hips back and forth, sliding Troy’s hard cock over her swollen clit.

  He hissed in a breath and looked at her, his eyes glowing in the dim light of the bedroom.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked, before leaning down and softly biting her lower lip.

  Hailey trembled under him, unable to speak.

  “You want me inside of you? Your warm pussy filled by my cock?” he continued, moving to nibble on her neck this time.

  His voice was throaty and full of promise, his words erasing any last shred of sanity still left in Hailey.

  “Yes. Please, god, yes,” she moaned.

  She’d never heard herself sound quite so… wanting. Like if she didn’t have him now, it might destroy everything. She needed him with every fiber of his being.

  Troy yanked off her skirt in one swift move before hurriedly peeling off his jeans. Hailey kept her eyes on him, enjoying how his muscles rippled with each movement. She was almost naked now, clad only in her panties and the shredded remains of her shirt and bra.

  Troy slowly spread her knees as she lay on her back, kneeling between them with a wicked smile. His hands slid over the insides of her thighs, lingering between her legs, his thumb grazing her sensitive center. His fingers hooked behind her panties, pulling them off before tossing them to the side.

  Hailey’s breath hitched as he took one last lingering look at her naked body before rolling her to her side and moving behind her, his smooth chest sliding against her back. One hand slid under and around her to cup her breast while another grabbed onto her hip as he positioned himself behind him. Hailey lifted her leg to rest on top of his, giving him easier access.

  Anticipation built to staggering heights as she felt Troy’s massive erection move against her wet slit. The head of his cock started to gently press against her opening, sliding in a little deeper each time he moved his hips.

  “Yes,” Hailey whispered, swept away under a wave of passion.

  Her head flew back as she reached to grab hold of his thigh and dug her nails into the flesh, urging him to lose control. Troy gave a grumbly sigh before sinking into her, burying himself to the hilt.

  Hailey gave out a breathless gasp as she was filled completely, a slight twinge of pain replaced by a maddening build-up of pleasure as Troy started to move, hitting just the right spot with each thrust.

  The hand cupping her breast adjusted as his fingers began to roll and pinch her nipple. The sensation was overwhelming, adding to the already intense pleasure of his cock slamming into her.

  Troy nibbled and kissed her back as the grip he had on her hip tightened. Hailey reached a hand up, pressing her palm against the bed’s headboard for leverage and pushing back against his thrusts. Troy pumped into her with reckless abandon, his hips bouncing against her ass as his groans grew louder and louder.

  The sounds of his pleasure only spurred Hailey on as her body seemed to move on its own volition. She felt so comfortable letting go with him, no shame or false modesty holding her back. Their cries filled the room and she didn’t care about what the neighbors might think. Screw them, she wanted to treasure this night as much as she could.

  The tension inside Hailey snapped under the onslaught of delicious sensations rippling through the deepest parts of her. A scream tore through her throat as the world faded away, her every nerve ending exploding with ecstasy.

  Troy plunged into her, again and again, pushing aftershocks through her body, before pulling away with a roar and spilling his hot seed on her thigh.

  Nothing that feels so good could possibly be wrong, Hailey thought, as strong arms pulled her into a warm embrace.



  Troy woke with a smile on his face.

  So last night wasn’t a dream, he mused, looking at his arms wrapped around Hailey’s naked body. Her chest rose and fell softly, telling him she was still fast asleep.

  His gaze roamed around Hailey’s bedroom. It was airy and decorated in light tones, not a thing out of place except for their clothes scattered on the floor. He would even consider the room sparse if not for the art on the walls and a picture on one of the shelves.

  It was of Hailey, standing in her graduation gown with her mom and dad on either side, smiling brightly.

  A soft buzzing sound drew his eyes to his jeans, lying in a heap on the ground. He could see the screen of cell phone lighting up in the pocket. Carefully, and not without a bit of remorse, he disentangled himself from Hailey and covered her with a blanket. She made a soft sound, but didn’t wake.

  He grabbed the phone and snuck into the living room to take the call.

  “Hello?” he asked, not recognizing the number.

  “It’s Jay,” a familiar voice said. “I have another job for you.”

  Whatever it was, it had to be urgent, or Jay wouldn’t be calling him. The man was slightly paranoid and preferred to handle things in person if at all possible. Troy had to assume he’d come looking for him at the casino and at his apartment already for him to call like that.

  “I’m the lieutenant now, isn’t there someone else you can use? I kind of have my hands full at the moment,” Troy replied, running a hand down his neck.

  He did have business to attend to, seeing as the Rogers case seemed to be turning into a more complicated matter than he had expected. But more so, he wanted to spend time with Hailey and not rush off like last time.

  He wanted to watch her wake up, have breakfast together, maybe get to kiss those lips again, on the off chance she wasn’t going to drown herself in self-doubt and shame and kick him to the curb as soon as she woke up. And even if she did have those thoughts, he wanted to be there to put them to rest.

  “Lieutenant or not, you answer to River and he needs this taken care of, sooner rather than later,” Jay replied.

  “Okay, fine. Who’s the target?” Troy yielded with a sigh.

  Can’t I just get a day from storming the beaches?

  He was half-expecting Foster to call in as soon as he hung up on Jay, just to make this day perfect.

  “That new lawyer, Hailey Molloy. I believe you’ve met her.”

  Troy sunk into the nearest chair, mouth turning dry. His head swam and his lion was bristling within him. He forced himself to speak so as not to raise Jay’s suspicions.

  “I thought she was doing a good job,” he said, trying hard to sound casual.

  “She is. She’s also doing a good job looking up cases and people that don’t concern her. She needs to be set an example of for the next person we choose to handle our cases. The Crimson Claws demand total loyalty,” Jay said, sounding utterly disinterested in the entire conversation.

  Troy didn’t protest. He couldn’t let on he cared even the slightest bit about Hailey. That would be a death sentence for them both.

  “I’ll get on it. How would you like it done?” he asked, his tone all business.

  “River wants it done somewhere that will send a message. The courthouse, for example.”

  There was no anger or disappointment in the man’s voice, just cold pragmatism. That was how these guys were – to the point.

  Troy’s lion clawed at his insides, wanting to rip Jay to shreds for even suggesting he harm Hailey.

  “Consider it done,” Troy replied sourly before hanging up.

  A sick feeling blossomed in his chest. There was no way he could harm a single hair on Hailey’s head. He was in way deeper than he even wanted to admit to himself. She made him feel alive in a way he had never experienced before.

  He had to find a way to keep her safe, his mission be damned. The fact she was searching for evidence on the Claws gave him some hope, and the beginnings of a plan started to form in his head.

  There had to be a way to get them both out of this situation.

all too long of a while of staring ahead of himself blankly, trying to formulate a plan, Troy slinked back into Hailey’s bedroom to use the bathroom attached to it. If there was ever a perfect occasion for a cold, sobering shower, this was it. He had to get his emotions in check and remain rational.

  In his preoccupied state, Troy managed to trip on a wire hanging slightly off the ground, hooked up to a laptop sitting on Hailey’s vanity.

  Luckily he was still in full control of his reflexes, and he caught the computer easily before it had the chance to slide off the table and onto the floor. Hailey stirred for a moment, but her breathing remained deep and calm.

  The laptop screen lit up as his fingers brushed against some of the keys as he was putting it back where it belonged. Troy glanced off-handedly at the screen, already pulling his hand back.

  Prenatal vitamins?

  A hollow pit formed in his stomach as he clicked on the other open tabs.

  Baby strollers? Cribs? What the hell is this?

  Realization dawned on him and that hollowness within him seemed to deepen by the second. Putting the laptop down, he stepped closer to the bed and took a big whiff.

  I knew there was something different about her scent.

  Preoccupied with his promotion and the accompanying crises, and of course his growing feelings for Hailey, he had somehow missed the hormonal shift in her smell.

  She’s pregnant.

  Troy stood over the woman, feeling like the world was crumbling beneath his feet. He’d gone from being totally in control, to having no control at all.

  It has to be mine, he thought, taking another deep breath.

  The small, almost undetectable underlying essence to Hailey’s changed scent was definitely that of a lion.

  Troy’s mind was racing.

  Why hadn’t she told him? Did she really despise him so much that she’d keep his child from him?

  Sadness and anger swirled inside him as he came to grips with that truth.

  That has to be it. She’ll sleep with me, but she won’t tell me she’s pregnant with my child. She’s keeping me at an arm’s length.


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