Save Riley

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Save Riley Page 12

by Yolanda Olson

  Riley and Tempest were wrapped up in each other and kissing rather passionately. I leaned back in my chair and stared at them for a moment. Riley seemed like she was actually enjoying herself in the moment. As long as she goes the distance when she needs too then I really don’t fucking care, I thought lowering the camera screen and opening the program I needed. Once I hooked the phone up to the computer and let the program begin its search, I pulled the camera screen back up and sighed. The living room was empty; like the Alone Room had been when she snuck Perry out of it.

  “Tsk, tsk, Riley. You’re a very naughty girl,” I whispered to myself as I began to scan the other rooms of the house for them.

  I decided to let the program run as I left the den. There were really only two rooms they could be in and one of them would only record if the cameras were set from the inside of it. So up the stairs I went and down the hall until I reached the door of my bedroom.

  As I pushed it open slightly I was rather amused to find Riley and Tempest sitting on the bed, devouring each other’s faces pretty much, and letting their hands wander all over each other.

  I cleared my throat.

  Riley jumped and pulled away from Tempest. She turned around to look at me with a sheepish smile on her face.

  “I’m doing this wrong, aren’t I?” she asked.

  “Beyond,” I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

  “What am I supposed to do then?”

  “Come here little Riley. We’re going to have to put her away for a day or two until I can get you to understand what you need to do,” I said to her. And punish you accordingly for having that phone.

  “Wait. What the hell is going on?” Tempest asked curiously. “If you’re expecting a threesome, you can fucking forget it. I already told you I don’t like men.”

  “Is that okay with you?” I asked Riley softly once she was standing in front of me. She nodded in response and I ran a hand down the side of her face, giving her a small smile.

  “Good. Wait here, this will only take a few minutes,” I said to her.

  I walked past Riley and reached for Tempest who immediately tried to kick me away. I laughed for a moment before the anger took over me. I climbed onto the bed and managed to grab her by the back of her hair just as she crawled off of the bed and yanked her back toward me. She reached back and managed to scratch the side of my face which angered me so much that I turned her to face me and punched her. That one move led to unconsciousness and I dragged her by her hair all the way down to the Alone Room.

  “Bitch,” I muttered after I stripped her naked and locked her in. I put my hand to my right cheek and winced at the small stinging pain. I’d have to cut her nails once I took her out of the room. For now, I had to clean up the scratches and get back to Riley. A lesson in pain would fix the phone mistake and then we could get on to how she was supposed to initiate Tempest.

  Twenty Four

  I was lying on my bed breathing heavily. That had to be the most amazing sex I had ever experienced in my life. My eyes were closed and I crossed my arms behind my head with a satisfied smile. Above me Riley tried to speak but since I had tied a silk scarf around her mouth, I couldn’t hear what she had to say, nor did I care at that moment.

  Much like Anberlin, I had suspended her from the ceiling in chains, her wrists and ankles tied together after I was done with her. Before then, I just had her hanging by her arms. She cried the whole time of course, because I wasn’t nice, I wasn’t gentle, and I was loving fucking her. I didn’t care that she screamed in pain when I pulled her hair and slid my cock into her ass and I didn’t care when she began to cry because of how relentless I was in fucking her specifically in such a tender area.

  I didn’t care when she cried out even louder when I left bite marks on her breasts and arms. I didn’t care when she almost lost consciousness due to the amount of pain I had inflicted on her and I sure as hell didn’t care when I pulled out of her and saw her blood on me.

  I felt like myself again and as I brought her ankles up to meet her wrists, all I could think was that she would never defy me again. I went into my bathroom and cleaned myself and because I didn’t want her to drip on me while I lie underneath her, I came out and cleaned her up as well.

  And now I was not only satisfied but I felt completely in control of Riley again.

  Riley mumbled something again a little more urgently and I opened my eyes to look at her. She kept cutting her eyes up and because I’d rather see what was happening rather than hear her speak at the moment I sat up and looked her over. Fuck. Her left shoulder, the one she had dislocated almost a year ago was turning black and blue. I stood on the bed and undid the chains and let her fall down. She let out a cry of pain as I undid her ankles and her wrists. I threw the chains aside and turned her onto her back so I could better inspect her shoulder. It looked bruised but nothing more. I let her lay on the bed as I went into my closet to retrieve some rope to bind her hands in front of her and her ankles again as well.

  I pressed myself against her as she gently wept next to me. I loved the feeling of Riley so close to me, her skin against mine alone would intoxicate me. I ... I wanted to fuck her again but I didn’t know if she would ever let me do it again.

  “We have six hours before the sun comes up,” I whispered to her. “I’ll be gentle this time. I promise.”

  Riley’s body trembled slightly and I knew she was wondering what to do. I told her that it wouldn’t always be like this, which was the truth. If I could just get her to do to Tempest what needed to be done, she would know, no, she would feel what it was like to be a monster.

  “Riley?” I prompted.

  “No,” she whispered back.

  I had expected that quite honestly. I took her from the bed straight into the basement and down the hall toward the door of the Alone Room. She began to cry silently when I told her not to look at the code as I punched it in. Tempest was still unconscious on the floor where I left her so I was easily able to step over and place Riley on the bed.

  “Maybe now you’ll learn to behave, yeah?” I asked as I undid the ropes. She was crying too hard to answer me and I found myself loving her tears.

  “Please, I’m sorry. Don’t leave me in here. Please,” she sobbed.

  I looked at her for a moment before shaking my head. “You made your decision. I’ll see you in one week. Make sure she’s broken by then.”

  I walked out of the room and pulled the door securely shut behind me as Riley began to scream for help in the Alone Room. As I made my way back up to my room to get dressed, I wondered what scared her the most. Being in the Alone Room again or being there with Tempest?

  It doesn’t fucking matter. Not anymore. I have to be her mentor, not her lover. Riley will learn the way I learned and then we’ll proceed together from there. It’s the only way.

  I went into my bedroom and straight to the shower. I turned on the faucets and grabbed a clean towel. I didn’t bring any clothes in with me but I didn’t plan on wearing anything when I went to sleep either so it didn’t matter.

  I stepped into the shower and put my hands against the wall. I sighed deeply as the water ran over my body and thought of Riley’s body as I decimated every orifice of her body. I let out a shaky breath as I thought of how she squirmed, screamed, and cried in my grip and I could feel myself starting to get hard. I loved every moment of what I did to her even if she hated me for it. Even if she would never trust me again, she would always listen to me, I thought as I began to stroke myself.

  The feeling of her soft skin in my hands as I gripped it tightly leaving bruises where my fingers held her ... The feeling of her tender flesh between my mouth as I nibbled and bit down on her. Oh God, I thought breathing heavily. It was going to be so easy for me to come thinking of how I had brutalized her small body. I wanted so badly to do it again but I was always taught to only punish that way if it was needed and to never overstep that boundary if I ever did find someone to love me. Riley loves
me. I know she does; I see it in her face every time I’m near her, I hear it in the slight tremble in her voice whenever she speaks to me. ... I groaned loudly as my balls tightened and I thought of being inside of Riley’s sweet tender ass. It only took a couple of more hard tugs on my dick for me to explode all over the bathroom wall. I stood there breathing heavily as my body shook slightly trying to think how I could have possibly done such things to someone who loved me?

  Don’t start thinking like this again, Jaxton. She’s not to be loved. She’s to be used, broken, humiliated, and dumped. Like the others.

  I quickly washed myself and got out of the shower, drying myself off. I decided I would go to sleep and worry about what I would do with Riley on the morning of the seventh day. For now I would just walk about my home as if though there weren’t two naked women locked in the secret room in my basement.

  Twenty Five

  It was the morning of the fourth day when I woke up feeling like something was wrong. I wasn’t sure what or why I was feeling that way but I just couldn’t shake it. I decided to take my Weet-Bix into the den and watch the scene in the Alone Room.

  It was the first time in the four days that I decided to check in on them and I wanted to be sure that my sick feeling didn’t have to do with Riley or Tempest.

  I sat down and brought the screens up before getting comfortable in my chair and pulling my legs up onto the desk. I moved the mouse and clicked on the Alone Room and saw Riley sitting naked on the bed, while Tempest sat naked in the furthest corner away from her.

  I reached for the speakers and set them next to me, before I turned them on and spoke.

  “Good morning ladies,” I said cheerfully.

  Tempest jumped and looked all around the room to see where my voice had come from, but Riley looked straight up into the camera at me.

  Even though I know she couldn’t see me, it felt like she could. So much so that I tore my eyes away from her hurt gaze and looked at Tempest who was still looking around the room.

  Riley mouthed something and I laughed, “Can’t hear you unless I turn on your speakers. One sec, love. Er, Riley.” Where the hell did that come from?! “Alright, what did you say?” I asked.

  “How can you do this to me?” she asked faintly.

  “Because my dear Riley, you’ve been lacking in discipline and that has been my mistake. I will take the blame for that, but I also won’t make the same mistake twice. As such, you’ve got another three days in that room. Have you made your decision yet by the way?” I asked before taking another scoop of cereal into my mouth.

  She pulled her legs up to her chin and wrapped her arms around them before shaking her head.

  “Then I’ll sweeten the deal for you. I was honestly thinking of letting you go a while ago,” I said conversationally. “Do you remember? You told me that you didn’t want to go home, but I don’t believe you. I think you lied to me. Did you lie to me Riley?”

  “No,” she insisted looking up again. “Why would I lie about something like that?”

  “Why would you want to stay here? Knowing that you’d never gain freedom again after your last stunt?” I asked curiously.

  “Oh who gives a fuck? Let us out of here!” Tempest finally screamed from her corner.

  “Just shut up. You’re the reason we’re both in this room,” Riley snapped at her.

  “I’m the reason? It seems to me like your little boyfriend is a fucking freak and you want to keep him happy by doing the same sick shit he does. I will promise you this much, if I get out of this alive, I’m turning you both in,” she said through clenched teeth.

  I watched them carefully. Tempest looked like she wanted to rip Riley to pieces and Riley looked like she didn’t particularly care one way or the other.

  After a moment, Riley turned her attention back to the camera and spoke. “Does the ultimatum still stand?”

  “Always,” I replied.

  She nodded and got to her feet. I took a deep breath and waited as she leaned over the side of the bed and pulled something out from under the pillow. She turned and faced Tempest who was now on her feet, hands balled at her sides, ready for what she knew was about to happen.

  “If we do this together we can both get out of here,” she said uncertainly to Riley.

  Riley looked down for a moment, chuckling, before she slid the razorblade between her fingers, “I’m not interested in leaving. With as fucked up as this may seem to you, I’m wanted here. For the first time in my life, someone wants me, body and soul, and I refuse to lose that. I’m sorry that I deceived you, Tempest. And I’m sorry that you won’t stay with us, but I won’t allow you to destroy what Jaxton has built.”

  Tempest let out a scream of rage as she flew at Riley. I’d seen that rage before; I had it in me at one point. It was the rage of being deceived, used, and unwanted. But it was also the rage that told me that we never would have been able to keep her because unlike me she wouldn’t have been willing to take her punishments and learn to control her anger.

  I immediately left the den. Because I knew that anger so well and had yet to see it in Riley, it was possible that she would need my help. But no one helped me, so why help her? “Fuck off,” I muttered to myself.

  I ran the whole way to the Alone Room. I was getting that bad feeling again and now that I knew that they were going to either fight or fuck each other to death, I needed to be in there for her. I punched the code in and pushed at the door but something seemed to be blocking it. Confused, I pushed harder forcing it open.

  The first thing I saw was the trail of blood and the small limp white arm. It was badly gashed open and it the hand was almost hanging from the wrist. It was a terrible sight to see but even worse when I saw Riley standing there looking at me with vacant eyes. I approached her slowly and took the razor from her hand. I pulled her close and felt her heart beating erratically deep inside of her.

  “Listen to me, love. I want to tell you my story. I was fifteen remember? I was drunk on the streets, yeah? I was taken by my mentor and his whore. I didn’t know what was going to happen to me and I thought that if I fucked her I would get to leave. I was wrong, so damn wrong. I wound up being used by both of them, sexually used. What I did to you upstairs to punish you? Oh God, Riley it’s what he did to me when I needed to be punished. I’m so sorry, but I was taught that was the only way.” Tears slid down the side of her face; I felt them land on my arm. I won’t have enough time to tell her everything, I thought in a panic. “When I was seventeen they decided that I should be able to hold my own and began construction on this prison. Not just so that my captives couldn’t escape but so I couldn’t either. But I became strong when they weren’t noticing. I became smarter than them. I killed them Riley; I killed them both and dropped their bodies to rot in the Tasman. Now I know that I did it for you. Even though I didn’t know you then, it was always for you. You understand what I mean, yes? Please tell me you do, love.”

  “Yes,” she gasped. “Thank you.”

  I ran my hands back over her hair and felt my lip trembling dangerously. I was actually going to cry and it was so undeniably weird to me to feel this.

  “For wanting me,” she whispered.

  I had never felt so ashamed of my actions in my entire life. I wanted nothing more than to be her protector now, but I knew that I couldn’t. I wanted to be her lover, but I knew that I couldn’t. I wanted to be everything that she needed but I had to be everything that she hated.

  “Oh Riley,” I sighed as the tears finally fell. I stood up and turned to face Tempest. “We have to clean this mess up, love. We have to burn her and drop her in the Tasman, yeah?”

  “I didn’t mean to do it. Not like this,” she whispered into my chest.

  I looked down at the girl in my arms and wondered how else she could have possibly meant to end the life of another. I had never seen something as vicious as this and only now I wondered if Riley could possibly be more dangerous than me.

  “Don’t thi
nk about it. I’ll clean up the mess and I’ll burn the body and dump her. You just go upstairs and get washed up,” I said trying to pull away from her. But Riley tightened her grip and wouldn’t let me go.

  “Jaxton?” she whispered.


  “Is it weird that I’m turned on by this? That all I want to do is fuck you right now?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  Oh God, she is just like me. I’ve always been aroused by killing a captive. Maybe this can work after all.

  “No. I’m going to go burn the body. Wait for me in my bedroom,” I said, kissing the top of her head and carrying her over the mess.

  I watched Riley walk quickly down the hallway. I closed my eyes and waited, listening for her the sound of her bare footsteps as they faintly ran up the stairs before I turned my attention back to Tempest. I went over and crouched down next to her body and noticed that her chest was still slightly moving up and down.

  “Not dead yet eh,” I mocked giving her a poke. “You will be soon enough. I just hope for your sake that it’s before I burn your body to ash and bone.”

  I decided to leave her there to bleed out on the floor and went to the door of the Last Day room. I always did feel a weird excitement opening this door, almost like it was Christmas time again and I got to open a shiny new present each time. I walked in and stood there, looking over my options.

  I decided to leave the rope behind because I was fairly certain she was afraid of it. I wanted this time to be mutual; to be something we would both enjoy and want again. So I chose a leather collar I had not yet used, a two foot chain to attach to it, a pair of leather handcuffs, and a special box that I hadn’t opened yet. One that I had wanted to use so badly on a captive but honestly was afraid of killing them with what was in the box. I can control myself with Riley. I know I can.

  I tucked everything into the box and placed it under my arm as I closed the door to the Last Day room. I walked past Tempest and pulled hat door firmly shut behind me as well. I made my way quickly upstairs toward my bedroom. With every step closer to the door that I took I could feel the anticipation arousing me in a way I had not yet felt before.


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