Night With A Tiger

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Night With A Tiger Page 3

by Dobson, Marissa

  Lying naked on the ground, blood pooling around him from the wound to his abdomen, Tex reached for Adam’s hand. “You have to help me…”

  “It’s okay. We’ll get some help,” Adam reassured him.

  “No. Avery will see this as a failure. I’ll be killed for not seeing you and your woman to safety.”

  “Tex, this was beyond your control. Avery knows there are rogues searching for her.”

  “It won’t matter…” Tex’s words were lost as his eyelids fluttered shut and he passed out.

  He tore the end of his shirt and pressed it against Tex’s wound. Adam then dashed to the truck. Coming around the front of the truck, he entered Robin’s direct line of sight. He slowed his run, not wanting to frighten her more than she was. He didn’t need an overemotional woman on his hands, especially if they were going to get off the landing strip before another batch of rogues found them.

  Robin pushed the door open. “You’re okay?” There was a touch of surprise in her tone.

  “It takes more than two men with guns to take me down.” He reached for their suitcases, and held out his hand. “We’ve got to go.”

  “What about the other tiger?”

  “He’s injured. Once I get you in the helicopter, I’ll get him. I need the first aid kit from the copter anyway. Now come on, we don’t have much time.” She scooted to the edge of the seat and slid her hand into his. An electrical current coursed through him. She quickly pulled her hand away, her eyes wide with confusion.

  “What was that?”

  He debated for a moment to tell her what the electricity meant, but an explanation would take time they didn’t have. “It’s nothing.”

  “No! Tell me what that was or I’m not going anywhere with you.” She stared at her hand almost as if expecting to see a burn.

  “Robin, please.” He glanced at Tex before turning back to her. “Once we’re in the air I’ll explain. Tex has been shot and I have to stop the bleeding. We have to get out of here. Other rogues will be coming.” Adam had a suspicion that the rogue driver would have made a call when he spotted them. More rogues wouldn’t be far behind.

  Robin nodded, finally walking toward the helicopter. “Okay.”

  With Robin safely in the helicopter, Adam covered Tex with a blanket and laid him in the back. He tended to Tex’s injuries with the few medical supplies he had, and then slid into the cockpit, starting the helicopter.

  Robin sat beside him, her attention divided between watching the darkness and Tex. “Will he be all right?”

  “Shifters can heal a wound like that, but he’s not trying. He has to have the will to heal. I’ve done all I can for him. I have to get him back to Alaska, to our healers, if he’s to stand any chance.” The whoosh of the helicopter blades sliced the air as it picked up speed.

  Lights flashed through the woods as another car entered the dirt road. “Shit.” Glancing down at the gages, Adam hit a button, before turning to her. “Hold on. It might get rough if they start shooting.” He pulled back on the lever, raising the helicopter from the ground.

  * * *

  Mates? Robin’s thoughts were spinning with the insane thought of such a thing. Truthful to his word, after they were air born he explained the electrical touch she had experienced when she reached for his hand. Could the electrical current that passed through them in Texas really mean she was destined to be Adam’s mate? It seemed like something out of a science fiction movie, not real life. She had enough of shifters to last a lifetime. She sure as hell didn’t want one as a soul mate. For that matter, she didn’t want any man, definitely not a shifter. Her husband, Bobby, had turned her off men forever.

  The cooler Seattle air whipped through her hair, as Adam refilled the helicopter. Tex was still unconscious in the helicopter, but at least the bleeding had slowed. The bullet had gone straight through, leaving bleeding wounds on both sides, neither of which were healing as Adam had told her they should. Hopefully Tex would survive the last leg of their journey, and then the Alaskan Tiger healers could do their magic. Tex seemed to be struggling with something even as he lay unconscious. The pinched lines around his eyes and the soft moans were caused from more than just pain, fear shadowed both.

  Adam’s voice forced her out of her thoughts. “I didn’t have a choice, there were more rogues. We barely escaped, Ty. He’s only in his early twenties. I couldn’t just leave him there to die.” There was a pause as Adam clicked the fuel nozzle back on the holder. “Something’s going on with Avery’s clan, Ty. Tex has fresh wounds on his body, more than just training wounds, he’s been abused.” Adam nodded for her to get in, and then climbed on his seat, shutting his door. “Okay. We’ll be there in a few hours, just have a healer ready.” He ended the call and put his cell phone on his belt.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah.” He ran his hand over his five o’clock shadow. “I had to explain to my Alpha why I was bringing an injured shifter to our compound without the permission of his Alpha.”

  “You said Tex was abused, is that true? I thought they were friends of your clan? Are they rogues as well?”

  “Most clans stick to themselves. The West Virginia’s Alpha, Jinx, is a close friend of ours and is currently at our compound. The Texas Tigers are different. They aren’t rogues, but they have questionable practices. That will change in the future. Tabitha will unite all tiger shifters and there will no longer be separate practices as Avery has in Texas.” Adam remained focused on the helicopter’s instruments as he piloted out of Seattle.

  “You didn’t answer my question. Was he abused?” She glanced over her shoulder at the unconscious tiger. Sorrow filled her heart when she spotted scars marring his body.

  “I believe so. Before he slipped into unconsciousness, he was scared of the consequences he’d receive at not protecting us. His fear makes me believe Avery might have killed him.”

  “What will happen to him?” She shook her head, looking away from Tex and back to Adam.

  “That will be up to him. He could stay in Alaska and become a part of my clan or return to Texas, to Avery. He could also choose another clan or a life of solitude. He’s young, so whatever choice he makes he can still have a life where his past won’t haunt him.”

  “Unless he goes back to Avery.”

  “Yes.” Adam nodded.”

  She didn’t understand how Adam could sit idly by and let someone return to the person responsible for abuse. If someone had helped her get away from Bobby, she’d have left long before his death. Abusers hold power over those they mistreat, making them feel as if they’d never make it on their own. If Robin had a chance, she’d talk to Tex when he woke, and explain to him that he could have a life without violence.

  Chapter Four

  Being the second in command to Tabitha’s guards, Adam had certain privileges. One was his own cabin, close to the main building. Landing the helicopter, he couldn’t wait to sink onto his comfortable bed for a few hours of sleep. It had been over twenty-four hours since he had slept. Traveling through the night had been the final brick on the wall of his sleep deprivation.

  “We’re here.” Stifling a yawn, he slipped the headset off and placed it on a hook above his head. In the dim morning light, he saw Ty and Raja standing off to the right. Galen, the healer, was a couple steps behind them.

  With the helicopter blades coming to a stop, Robin whispered, almost as if she was afraid of the answer. “Now what?”

  “You’ll get some rest, and then we’ll meet with the Elders in a few hours.” The fear he smelled from her earlier had dissipated over the last few hours, but had returned with a vengeance, making the air heavy and hard to breathe. “I’ll be with you. There’s nothing to worry about, Robin. The Elders sent me to find you. They mean you no harm.”

  As Ty neared the helicopter, her anxiety raced off the chart, tearing through Adam as if the emotions were his own. He reached toward her, wanting to give her comfort—to do something to ease her fears. Slippin
g his hand over her small, clammy hand, the electricity sizzled through him. The current wasn’t as strong because her rising panic overpowered the mating desire.

  She shook her head. “I can’t…”

  “It’s going to be all right.” He circled the back of her hand with his thumb.

  Her gaze went from him to the Elders that were approaching, and back to him. “Don’t leave me…please.”

  “Okay. Just wait here for a moment. Let me talk to the Elders and then I’ll take you to a cabin where you can get some sleep.” He squeezed her hand before jumping out of the cockpit.

  “How’s she doing?” Ty shook Adam’s hand.

  Adam forced a smiled. “During the flight, I was able to relive most of her fears, but now that we’ve landed, she’s freaking out. I suggest letting her get some sleep before questioning her.”

  “You both need rest. We’ve prepared the guest cabin next to yours for Robin. We’ll speak with her later this afternoon.”

  “If it’s okay, I think she’ll be more comfortable in my cabin. She’s scared, and I’ve established a trust with her.” Adam glanced from Ty to Raja.

  Raja took a deep breath, intensely watching Adam. “You’ve mated?”

  “Not yet, but a connection is present. She’s already in a weary state so I only explained the mating briefly. She’s confused and she’ll fight me with every step if I press it further right now.” He ran his hand over his chin, feeling stubble beginning to grow. “Our mating is not why I want her in my cabin. She’s been on the run for weeks. She feels safe with me and is beginning to trust me. If you want to question her, she’ll need a sense of security. Being near me is going to provide her with that.”

  “Very well, and to show her we are a trusting clan, we’ll come to your place to question her, to make it less formal. Say three o’clock?”

  Adam nodded and turned to follow Galen to the helicopter, but Raja stopped him when he grabbed Adam’s arm. “Avery is pissed that Tex didn’t report back. We explained your situation with the rogues, so he’s being patient for now, however he has requested Tex be returned by week’s end.”

  “Will the boy have a choice? Or will he have to return to his abuser?”

  “We will give Tex a choice, however it has to be his decision. You can’t influence him or pressure his choice,” Ty ordered.

  Adam agreed, and then returned to assist Robin from the helicopter. He’d let the Elders deal with Tex. His attention was focused on Robin. Sliding the door open, he offered her his hand, and grabbed their suitcases. “Come on. Let’s get some rest.”

  “What about your Elders?”

  “We’ll talk to them this afternoon. Now come on.” He held her arm as she slipped out of the cockpit. Once she was safely on the ground, he slung his bag over his shoulder, laced his fingers through the handle of her suitcase, and wrapped his arm around her waist, leading the way to his cabin.

  “I don’t think I should be here,” she whispered, gripping the sleeve of his shirt.

  “No one here means you harm.” He pulled her closer, letting her floral scent fill his nose. “I’ll protect you.”

  * * *

  Robin lay curled in a ball in the middle of the bed, her heart racing faster and faster with each second. Everything coming together at once sent her into full panic mode and was too much for her body to handle. Adam had gained her trust, but even knowing he was in the other room protecting her, she couldn’t relax. Fear began to drown her.

  “Robin,” Adam whispered from the doorway, the sun streaming around him. “I know you’re awake. Can I do anything for you? Get you anything?”

  “I’m sorry I’m keeping you awake.” Even to her own ears, her voice seemed strained.

  “It’s fine. I’m more worried about you.” He moved away from the door, walking closer to the bed. “I can get Doc to give you something to help you relax.”

  “No!” His words sent a new wave of terror coursing through her.

  “Shhh. I’m just trying to help. You’re human, so your heart shouldn’t be beating that fast. It’s not safe. You have to calm down.”

  “I don’t want any drugs.”

  “You don’t have to. I only thought they would help you sleep. During your time on the run have you been filled with this much terror the whole time?” He stepped next to the bed. “Mind if I sit?”

  She nodded. “I’ve never suffered from any type of panic attacks, until I was on the run. When my panic levels rise there’s always been a reason. It’s been like a sixth-sense, keeping me safe. But now…I don’t know, this feels different.” Her heart raced, beating against her chest with such power.

  He reached out to her, gliding his fingers over her knuckles, before giving her hand a timid squeeze. “You’re surrounded by shifters, the very race you’ve been running from, but I swear to you, you will come to no harm from my clan.”

  His touch seemed to calm her, slowing her heart rate, making her think it wouldn’t fly out of her chest at any minute. “Why does your touch soothe me?”

  “A touch from your mate will calm your emotions, ease your pain, and sometimes be a link for you to share thoughts. Tabitha can share her thoughts with Ty, and with concentration, even other members of the clan.” He moved to rest his leg on the bed, brushing it along the curve of her body. “The more they touch, the closer they become, one calming the other.”

  “Relief.” Her voice was husky. “Can you help me?”

  “I’ll lie down next to you, which may ease your stress.”

  “Anything. Please, just make this stop.”

  He let go of her hand and slid beside her. He lay on his back, swinging his arm above her to cuddle her into his body. The moment he settled, she slid close, snuggling next to him. Her panic instantly subsided, leaving her completely calm and at ease. “Ahhh.”

  “It feels good to have the worries fall away, doesn’t it?” He ran his finger down her arm.

  “Yes, but it won’t last.” Her eyes drifted shut as sleep wrapped its long tentacles around her, threatening to draw her under.

  “It will, if you trust me.” He turned her chin with the tip of his finger to force her to look at him. “I’m going to keep you safe.”

  She finally asked the question that had been weighing on her mind. “Because I might hold information that will help your clan?”

  “That’s why I was sent to find you. It’s not why I protect you now. You’re my mate and for that reason, I guarantee your safety.” He nuzzled the top of her head.

  “I’m not sure if I understand this whole mating thing.”

  Adam leaned back, meeting her gaze again. “I know, and I don’t understand it completely either, but trust me. I would give my life for you.”

  She wasn’t sure what to say to that, instead she closed her eyes. No longer tired, she lay there, letting her thoughts run wild with Adam’s words. How was she supposed to act on this mating connection? She didn’t want, or need, to be tied down to someone, especially a shifter. Everything she learned about shifters told her to stay away from them. Adam seemed different. She didn’t want to create a distance from him, but she wasn’t sure mating was for her.

  * * *

  Adam stood behind Robin, waiting for Ty to take the lead. His hands gently massaged her shoulder, trying to relieve some of her panic that returned. He hated to see her so full of conflicting emotions. Leaning, he whispered in her ear. “It’s going to be all right.”

  Felix opened the door, ushering Tabitha in. “Sorry we’re late. One of the young tigresses had an issue I needed to attend to.” Tabitha sauntered in, sitting next to her mate, Ty.

  “We’ve been waiting for you.” He slipped his arm around Tabitha. “Robin, I’m glad you agreed to come here. I believe Adam has shared why we’d like to speak with you.”

  “Yes. He told me that some book said I might have information to help your search for Pierce. I don’t think I’ll be able to help you.” Robin’s shoulders tensed under Adam’s finge

  “I know you’ve been through hell the last few weeks, and you haven’t had much sleep yet, but we have a few questions.” Ty leaned forward, his gaze completely on Robin. “Your late husband, Bobby, how did he make contact with Pierce? Was it in person? On the phone?”

  “They met during one of Bobby’s business trips. I believe when he was in Boston. I’m not sure if that’s when they first met. It’s definitely where they met the last time. They traveled back and forth from Boston to Virginia occasionally. The police found his…body in Boston.” A touch of sorrow tainted her words.

  “Where in Boston?” Tabitha leaned forward as if her interest was peaked.

  Closing her eyes, Robin ran her hand through her hair. “Copley Square. Why? Do you think that’s where Pierce is?”

  Ty glanced from Robin to Adam before answering. “It’s possible. We’ve received another lead that has pointed us to Boston. Connor is checking into it.”

  “Connor, our wolf, is a computer expert,” Adam explained, caressing her arm as a shiver ran through her. “How did you know they would come for you?”

  “They called me. They let me hear Bobby beg for his life, even offered me to take his place. Bobby’s last words, as they tortured him, were for me to run. I gathered a few belongings and ran for my life.” True sorrow was now evident in her voice. Tears fell down her cheeks. “I don’t know why they killed him, or why he tried to trade my life for his. I honestly don’t care. I just want it over. Bobby wasn’t the best man and I was debating divorce, but he didn’t deserve to be tortured to death.”

  “For a woman whose husband offered her to a mad man, you seem to have no anger.” Tabitha eyed her with suspicious. “I’d be full of hatred.”

  “I was at first, now…well it doesn’t really matter. Bobby is dead. I just want my life back. Can you help me?” Robin asked Tabitha.

  “We’ll eliminate Pierce and you can do as you wish, until then you need to stay here. Our compound is safe.” Ty rose from the couch, drawing Tabitha with him. “If you don’t have any questions, we’ll leave you to rest. If you think of anything that might be useful, Adam knows how to reach us.”


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