Night With A Tiger

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Night With A Tiger Page 13

by Dobson, Marissa

  “We’re going to send someone who can take control of the clan.” Raja took a mug from the tray and sat next to Bethany on the couch.

  “Who?” Robin asked.

  “The first few that spring to mind are Adam, Felix, Shadow, and Styx. Unfortunately, those who qualified don’t want to leave the clan. They are content with their positions here as Elder guards. It would also make us weaker to send any of them away when Tabitha will be announcing she is Queen of the Tigers.” Raja took a sip of his coffee.

  “So you’ve decided to announce your status?” Robin grabbed a cup of coffee and looked to Tabitha.

  “Not yet. The book said the time is nearing, but not until Ty is home.” Tabitha pulled her legs under her. “It will be before we have to deal with the Texas Tigers.

  “If they aren’t willing, then we still have a problem,” Bethany said.

  “They’re not the only ones qualified just the most suited for it. Getting the Ohio clan under control before all hell breaks loose is going to be a big job.” Raja checked the computer print-out on the table. “The Ohio clan is small, with only twelve members not including Henry or the former Alpha. It was part of the reason he didn’t have a Lieutenant that could take over now. This works in our benefit. We need to temporarily combine the West Virginia and Ohio clans and have Jinx take over as their Alpha. The West Virginia tigers can help keep Ohio in line—help them adjust to live with a normal Alpha.”

  “Would Jinx agree?” Tabitha set her coffee aside.

  Raja shrugged his shoulders. “It’s worth asking. We need him here, but right now he’s our only choice. I was going to send Korbin along with Jinx, as a Lieutenant. Korbin is strong enough to take over the clan. He has little experience. This opportunity will give him a chance to prove his ability. Eventually he can take over the Ohio clan.”

  Robin leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees and cupping her coffee in her hands. “Instead of combining the clans, why not send Jinx and Korbin, with the understanding that Korbin will take over. Jinx will only be there to consult. That way we can get Jinx back quickly and the clan will have an Alpha from the beginning.”

  “Robin, you should have been part of this clan years ago.” Raja smiled. “I’ll get in touch with Jinx and Ty to get their thoughts once they are done at the house. Tabitha, would you like to accompany me to speak with Korbin?”

  “Sure.” Tabitha nodded as Harmony staggered out of the bedroom.

  “Harmony, you should be resting.” Robin set her coffee aside and went to Harmony.

  “I thought of…”Her legs wobbled and she fell to the floor.

  Felix went to help Robin, but Raja held him back. “I’ll get her into bed and she can tell us what she remembered.” Raja walked around the couch, bent, and scooped Harmony up in his arms in one quick motion.

  Following Raja, Robin turned to Felix. “Henry’s not any closer, is he?”

  “No. I’m not sure where he is. He’s waiting for something.” Felix followed them into the room.

  Raja tucked Harmony into bed, pulling the blankets tight around her. “What did you remember?”

  “Robin…” Harmony reached out, and when Robin’s hand slipped into hers, she held it tight. “Randolph, he’s a friend of Henry and the Alpha. He’s not a member of the clan. He’s a lone shifter. Henry will be with him.”

  Felix nodded. “I know Randolph. He’s a weird guy, one that rubs you the wrong way. He has strange practices, and moved into the woods because he doesn’t like the direction the shifters are heading. He believes that shifters are top of the food chain, therefore we could kill humans when the mood strikes.”

  Robin felt Harmony tense as they listened to how dangerous Randolph was. “Don’t worry Harmony. I want you to just get some sleep. We’re just outside if you need anything.” Robin nodded for the men to follow her out. Harmony didn’t need to hear any more news to make her more afraid.

  After closing the door behind her, Robin turned to Raja and Felix. “How can we find Randolph if he has no connection to a clan?”

  “Randolph?” Tabitha looked at them.

  “He’s a lone shifter that Harmony remembered having a connection to Henry. She believes if we locate Randolph we might be able to find Henry before he gets to Alaska,” Felix explained.

  “He’s got to have something in his name, a bill, cell phone, or something. Everyone leaves a trace. I’ll get Connor on it.” Bethany snatched the cell phone from the end table.

  Damn it, will the trouble never cease? Robin was tired of the roller coaster ride that had become her life. One minute she was thankful Adam and the team took down Pierce without any trouble, and then there was a new threat to worry about.

  * * *

  Adam examined the trap door while Styx and Taber stood back with Jinx and Ty in case there was a trip sensor. The twins Turi and Trey guarded nearby.

  “You’d never even notice this door if you weren’t feeling the wall for something,” Adam said. “It blends in perfectly. From what I can tell there are no wires or anything unusual. I want everyone back in the other room while I open it. Just in case.”

  Ty shook his head. “You don’t know what’s on the other side of that door.”

  “That’s why you need to go. I won’t risk your safety.” Adam pointed toward the other door. “You have to leave now so we can get out of here before that horrific smell penetrates the whole house.”

  “You’re not doing it alone.”

  Adam rose from where he was squatting by the trap door. “Ty, this is my job. I was your guard before you mated and I was assigned to your mate. I can’t just forget to keep you safe. Now please, we’re wasting time.”

  “I’ll stay with him. Styx, get the Alpha out of here.” Taber ordered.

  “Wait a second, I don’t take orders, I give them. Now get out of the way.” Ty stepped forward around Adam and tugged open the door.

  It squeaked, but nothing happened. No one jumped out, and no guns or bombs exploded, just an eerie silence.

  Adam shook his head at his Alpha’s actions. “At least let me go in first.” Adam pushed in front of his Alpha. If someone waited for them down the hall, Adam wouldn’t let Ty be the first injured. It was his job and he wasn’t going to let a stubborn Elder be the reason he let Ty get hurt, or the reason he had to go home and explain it to Tabitha.

  “Damn guards,” Ty mumbled.

  “Bitch all you want, but we’re here to keep you alive,” Adam said. “I’m on strict orders from Tabitha to bring you back in one piece. I am not going to be the one to tell her you were hurt being the lead.” Adam pointed his gun as he moved down the narrow hallway. Ty wanting to be part of the action is the reason most Elders did not go on missions with the team. They were too valuable to the clans to risk on missions.

  “You two stay here, keep watch and make sure this door stays open,” Taber ordered the twins.

  Moving down three steps, the area turned to a concrete floor with dirt walls. It had to be an addition after the house was built. If Adam’s coordinates were right, the hidden room would be under the back deck. He could smell something at the end of the narrow space. He took a deep breath, trying to distinguish the scent. A musty smell overwhelmed his senses. But deep in the space there was a tigress shifter, her fear coming down at them in waves.

  “Who’s there? Come out, now!” Adam called, continuing to move down the dark space.

  “Wait…” Ty touched Adam’s shoulder, forcing him to halt. “It’s Daisy.”


  “Daisy’s father left clan life a few months before we moved to Alaska. His job forced him overseas for a few years. Daisy didn’t want to go. She said something bad would happen if they went. Being underage, she had no choice but to go with her father.” Ty tipped his head back, taking a deep breath before opening his eyes again. “I’d know her scent anywhere. The lemony taste that it leaves in your mouth is unmistakably hers. I’ve never met anyone with the same effect.”

/>   “I remember that.” Adam nodded, unhooking his flashlight from his belt as he continued down the space. “Daisy, are you alone? We’re here to help you.”

  The narrow hallway led to a dark open space, and in the middle of the room laid a filthy mattress. A girl huddled in the center, her arms holding her legs to her chest, with her head resting on the top.

  Ty lowered his gun while Adam scanned the rest of the space with his flashlight. When Adam nodded that all was clear, Ty stepped toward the girl. “Daisy, do you remember me. It’s Ty, Alpha of the Alaskan Tigers. You and your dad were part of my clan until the move.” The girl’s gaze followed Ty as he moved. She still remained silent.

  “How long do you think she’s been down here?” Adam wasn’t sure how she could have survived being in this room and still have her sanity.

  “Too long from the looks of it.” Ty holstered his gun, holding out his hands as he stepped closer. Adam and the other guards kept their guns out, not that anyone would want to shoot in such a confined space, but they would if one of their lives depended on it.

  “One hundred and twelve days.” Daisy’s voice was parched. Those simple words set her into a coughing fit. “He made a point of telling me every time he came down.”

  “Let’s get you out of here and somewhere safe.” Ty held a hand out to her.

  She didn’t move. “I’d rather you just kill me. I can’t face people if they know what happened here. Nor do I want him to find me again.”

  “Pierce is dead, and no one outside of this room knows how we found you.” Ty knelt in front of her. “Come home. Things are changing, for the better, come be part of it. You have so much to live for, so many changes to see.”

  She stretched out her legs, revealing her naked body. “They’ll know. Look what he did to me!”

  Adam’s flashlight spilled over her body, revealing claw marks down each side of her ribs, along with a scar from a deep claw cut down the side of her neck, and bruises covered most of her body. The worst mark was the large P branding her right hip.

  “He tried to mate me! Nearly four months every day. How am I supposed to go on with my life after that?”

  Adam tugged his shirt out of his jeans and up over his head. He stepped next to Ty, holding out his shirt. “Here. We had no idea, Daisy.”

  She took the shirt, holding it in her hands as if it was a foreign object, before bringing it to her nose to smell the fresh crisp linen mixed with Adam’s scent. “I haven’t had clothes since he brought me here.” She tugged it over her head and wrapped her arms around her body.

  “Let’s get you out of here. You can shower, and we’ll find you fresh clothes. We’ll keep you safe.” Adam tried to hide the sympathy from his tone, but it was nearly impossible. If being raped by a man that kept you prisoner wasn’t bad enough, add in the fact that when a shifter had sex with someone who wasn’t their mate it was extremely painful. Pierce had no idea how the mating worked for shifters and in turn caused harm to Daisy.

  She stood. “My Dad, do you know what happened to him?”

  “No, but we’ll find out. I’ll get my men on it once we’re somewhere safe.” Ty rolled his shoulder. “Daisy, I know this isn’t easy. I need to know why Pierce forced himself on you.”

  “He wanted a child to take over for him when the time came.” She stepped off the mattress, still keeping her distance.

  “Let me go first,” Adam said. “There are two more shifters at the end of the hall. They are Taber’s brothers, and are on our side.”

  Daisy glanced at Taber. “He’s a bear?”

  “Kodiak Bears, their sleuth is a partner of our clan. They mean you no harm. I just want you prepared when you see two large men at the end of the hallway,” Adam explained, taking the lead down the hallway. Daisy walked behind him with Ty next, and Styx and Taber at the rear.

  She let out a deep sigh. “I just want to get out of here and find my dad.”

  “There’s a little motel not far from here. We’ll stop to get a room so you can have a shower and change. We’ll have Galen check your wounds and then we’ll fly out.” Ty’s cell rang.

  “Instead of a motel couldn’t I take five minutes to shower here? I’m filthy.”

  They entered the end of the hallway when Ty called out from behind him. “I’ve got to take this call from Raja. The team can finish going through the house, but I want Adam to stay with Daisy. Have one of the other guards find her something to wear until we get to Alaska.”

  “Taber, you stay with Ty.” Adam then turned to Daisy. “Come on, we’ll find a shower for you.”

  Stepping past the twins, Adam holstered his gun. Soon he’d be back with Robin. Mission complete. No injuries to rack this one in the books.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Adam stood with Daisy, at the bottom of the plane steps, waiting for everyone to board. She wanted a moment to enjoy the fresh air on her face and the sun—a few of the everyday pleasures she had missed while being held captive. Ty stepped out of the SUV, coming toward them. “Everything okay, Ty?”

  Ty dragged his fingers through his shoulder length, brown hair, tugging it out of this face. “Jinx won’t be flying out with us. He’ll be traveling to Ohio to meet with Korbin to act as a mediator as Korbin prepares to take over the Ohio Tigers. Once things are settled in Ohio, Jinx will return.”

  “Korbin?” Adam’s surprise sprang from his tone. Korbin was a good guard and had the potential to make a strong leader, but he had no experience. He didn’t even have the experience of working closely with the Elders. Korbin was one of the guards, but wasn’t included into the Elder meetings about the clan.

  “Raja’s first choices wouldn’t have accepted, unless you’ve changed your mind about leading a clan of your own?”

  Adam shook his head. “No, my loyalty lies with protecting you, Tabitha, and the Alaskan clan. I want to be on the ground floor of building our future. Running a clan of my own doesn’t appeal to me as much. I do appreciate you thinking that I’m ready for such a step.”

  “Then Korbin is our best hope.” Ty gazed off to the distance.

  Adam understood what Ty wasn’t saying. If Korbin couldn’t get the clan under control, they’d turn on him, and kill him before moving on to wreak havoc elsewhere. Even with Jinx there to consult, Korbin will have to go in strong and gain control immediately if he expects to survive. “He’ll be fine.”

  Ty let out a heavy sigh. “If not, our only backup plan is to combine Jinx’s clan with the Ohio clan. As it is, Jinx is going to take some of his members with him as guards to protect him and Korbin. There are only twelve members of the Ohio clan, but with the state of things, havoc is a strong possibility.”

  Jinx walked down the plane steps bag in hand, and his cowboy hat firmly in place. “I’m set.”

  Adam shook his head to stop from laughing. “You’re going to stick out in Ohio with your cowboy hat.”

  “I never go anywhere without it.” Jinx pulled the hat down a little further before looking back to Ty. “If anything changes and you need backup, don’t hesitate to call. I’ll have my plane and can be there in a matter of hours.”

  “Thank you, and the same goes for you. Stay safe.” Ty shook Jinx’s hand. “We’ll see you soon.”

  Taber stood in the doorway of the plane. “We should be going.”

  “Daisy, go on in, we’ll follow in a minute,” Ty said. As she climbed the stairs and went inside the plane, Ty turned back to Jinx. “We need you to find out everything you can about the Ohio clan and a man named Randolph. He’s a lone shifter. He’s been seen frequently with the clan, especially with the former Alpha and Henry.”

  “I’ll be in touch once we gather some information.” Jinx nodded.

  As Jinx walked to the SUV, Ty glanced to Adam. “That could have been your position.”

  “I know, but Alaska is my home.” Adam climbed the steps to the airplane, anxious to get back to his mate. He brought the connection with Robin forward. I’m coming home.
  * * *

  Darkness had fallen on the compound hours before, but Robin couldn’t sleep. She lay curled at the end of the couch, waiting as the minutes slowly dragged. Her mate would be landing soon.

  There had been so many changes in her life since Adam had found her, even more in the last forty-eight hours. The biggest was the progress she had made with Tex. He seemed calm and, more assured that nothing bad would happen as long as he was in Alaska. The abuse he suffered in Texas would always leave a lasting wound. As long as he kept it under control, it wouldn’t be what controlled him. Now he was putting forth the effort to move on. Robin was glad to be a part of his journey.

  If only she could have the same luck with Harmony. For now, Robin was trying to give Harmony the time she needed to adjust to the clan and for her leg to heal while they waited to find out more about Henry’s whereabouts. Connor and Lukas were busy searching for his location. So far they were drawing up blanks. Robin knew they would find Henry. It would take time—time Harmony hopefully had.

  “We’ve got Harmony settled back in her room with a guard at the door. I want you to have this.” Raja handed Robin a small earpiece. “All the guards wear one and you’ll be able to hear what’s going on. If Harmony has any other issues, the guards can contact you through this. It will also keep you informed what is happening. Understand that it is a privilege, and anything you learn should be in strict confidence. We do not speak of Elder business to anyone outside the group without consent of an Elder.”

  “Thank you.” Robin slipped the earpiece into her ear. It would take her time to get used to the feel and the constant chatter.

  “The plane is landing in five minutes. I’m taking Tabitha to the landing strip, would you like to join us?” Raja asked.

  Felix and Tabitha arrived.

  “Yes, if you don’t mind.” Robin straightened, stretching her legs before running her fingers through her hair, fluffing her curls. Her heartbeat raced with the thought of having Adam’s arms wrapped around her body again, and to feel the caresses of his lips on hers. He had been gone too long. Her body ached for his touch. She wanted to share the excitement of how much her life had changed in the short time he was gone.


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