A Lion, A Tiger and Her Bear...Oh My!_A Howls Romance

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A Lion, A Tiger and Her Bear...Oh My!_A Howls Romance Page 4

by Everleigh Clark

  Noah had been her savior. Giving himself fully, and never once complaining about screwing a big girl with huge hips and ass. He was kind and softhearted and funny. The complete opposite of his jerk brother. Traeger and Noah had left her in Bear Paw after hauling tail to check on a couple of the other shifter towns nearby. Yeah, good riddance to Angry Pussy.

  She squirmed again in the hippie chair and watched her cousin’s still form and slow breathing. Caleb had almost died from that battle at the Lynchburg prison facility. Her poor cousin had given in to the rage and drugs and brain fuckery—but only for a few minutes. But that wasn’t what nearly killed him. Those goddamn drugs and the tricked-out bullets they had hammered his body with—those were what almost took her favorite cousin from her. Thankfully, Bo had gotten him fixed up using his power as Alpha. Yeah, she had some amazing cousins.

  Caleb groaned and rolled over in his sleep. He looked so peaceful, so relaxed, like he didn’t have a care in the world, and he hadn’t just about bitten the big one. She’d missed him so much. His goofy grin. The way he told her, when they were younger, she couldn’t follow him and Bo to the treehouse, but still slowed down enough so she wouldn’t get too far behind. The way he laughed when she made a terrible joke. The big guy was her hero, always had been, always would be. When she’d thought she’d lost him to the control of that sadistic madman running the prison, she had almost curled up into a ball and cried. But Sam didn’t cry. Not since the day Caleb left town. He’d been the closest thing to an older brother she’d ever had. But then, he’d left. And she never cried again. Because it was her fault he left. Her fault his parents died. She didn’t deserve the frivolity of emotions like that. But now he was back in town, recovering, and had a female who was most assuredly his mate. Maybe this time, he’d stay. And she could finally let go of that tight rein of control telling her she couldn’t trust anyone but herself. And Caleb.

  Ten years ago, everything had changed. She’d never forget the look on Caleb’s face right before he shifted. Pure rage, hate, and fear. The memory of him killing Jennings. The blood. Everywhere, dark-red and gold. All her fault for not being strong enough to protect herself.

  It had all happened so quickly.

  Ten years earlier...

  Jennings Hammond had promised her he would show her his new place, much bigger and more sophisticated than a dumb treehouse. Young teenage idiot that she was, she’d bought into the whole let’s-go-out-to-this-isolated-area-by-ourselves idea. No parents, no cousins... But Jennings was her father’s enforcer. Though her uncle was the Alpha of Bear Paw River, her father had been slowly building up his own little group of guys “to be prepared.” He didn’t mention what he was preparing for,. but since Uncle Lucas wasn’t threatened by his brother-in-law, he’d not said a word.

  When they got into the dark area behind the meadow, Sam’s bear got nervous, telling her over and over they should get out of there. But Sam had a bit of a schoolgirl crush on Jennings. He was older, like a real man, and he’d actually smiled at her jokes and not laughed when she flirted with him pathetically. Maybe he’d give her her first kiss?

  But then her nightmare began. Jennings pulled her into the woods and ripped her jacket off. He threw her to the ground. Hovered his large, intimidating body over hers. His hand crept up her inner thigh. She bit him and screamed for him to get away from her. Man, she even used a swear word. She said hell. “Get the hell away from me!”

  He backhanded her, and she fell against a tree.

  A grizzly shot into the area, growling, and slammed Jennings to the ground. Blood spattered her face, and she wiped her eyes, crying as she wiggled away from the terrifying bears trying to kill each other. Caleb was darker with a streak of auburn. A bit smaller than Jennings, since he was younger than him, but he made up for it in sheer will and rage.

  When the fight finally ended, Jennings lay dead at his feet. Sam crept forward. She winced and shrank from the fierce look on her cousin’s half-shifted face. He was still in battle mode and could kill her with one swipe of his paw.

  “Please stop,” she whispered through shaky breaths.

  His eyes widened. He let out a bellow of rage and turned and ran from the meadow.

  She’d never seen him again after that day.

  When her father found out what had happened, he blamed Sam. Started hitting her harder than he ever had before. Her aunt stepped in. Then Uncle Lucas. And when her aunt and father both lay unseeing, bloodied on the ground, Sam knew she could never remain the way she was. Her uncle, the Alpha, died soon after, meaning her next oldest cousin, Bo, had to take charge. Caleb was gone. And so was the young, innocent Sam with dirty-blonde curls and wide, bright eyes. First came jet black hair dye, then the makeup, the darker the better. Then the piercings. Each one calling to mind what she’d lost and how it was all her fault. Then the tattoos. She made sure each one included a word or image that reminded her of what she had done, who she had hurt. A jagged heart for her stupid innocence and naiveté, a bird for freedom, a bear for her sweet aunt who had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, a field of dying flowers... where she should have been raped and killed. And with each new piercing and new tattoo, she relished the pain. Memories of what she had been, Vulnerable, weak, a burden on those around her.

  The Present…

  She’d never counted on anyone else again and made sure as hell she was always able to kick ass. Now if she could just guard her heart. These two males could destroy her.

  Caleb rolled over and sat up slowly. Finally! She was so thankful he was okay. If he got over to the princess’ room before she left town, he could finally be mated, settle in. Be happy. She wasn’t going to say it out loud, but the princess—Izzy—had grown on her. Izzy had held her own in that fight at the facility. After pretending to be under the head dick’s control, she’d gotten Sam in. Izzy had shot Caleb with the antidote dart to snap him out of his griz rage. Sam had been more than a little nervous about not only taking on a grizzly twice her size, but also the possibility of getting shot in the head with a fucking arrow. But Izzy’s shot flew home. Izzy helped calm Caleb. If not for her, Sam might have lost her cousin right there. So yeah, maybe she’d dress up in a floofy pink dress for their royal mating ceremony. Was that what royal shifters did? Her cousin Nissa and her mate, Zach, hadn’t done anything special yet. She had no clue. Okay, maybe she’d draw the line at the floofy crap. She’d buy Izzy and Caleb a toaster for their home.

  She spoke to Caleb for a few minutes. Played it cool. They talked about the past a little. Poor guy thought it was his fault she’d gotten attacked when she was younger. She set him straight. When her phone beeped with a text, she glanced at it.

  Shit. Angry Pussy was back in town with Dimples. He needed his truck fixed, and hell, she was the best mechanic in town. She got up and clapped her cousin on the back.

  “You sure she wants me?” Idjit still thought he wasn’t good enough for the princess of the wolf pack, his true mate.

  Sam set him straight and almost collapsed into his arms. He was so safe, strong, the kind of big brother a girl could wish for. But she reminded herself she was strong enough. She didn’t need a male—even family—to fight her battles. Chucking him hard in the arm she told him to go get his mate. “One more thing. Take a shower first. You smell like shit.”

  His big bear laugh shook the house as she walked outside and climbed onto her Harley. Things were back as they should be. Her family was safe, the bad guys were on the run, and her mating heat was over. Now she just had to deal with the two focal points from her mating heat. Angry Pussy and Dimples were waiting at her garage. And as much as she didn’t want to smell their uniquely awesome, testosterone-laden scents that turned her whole body turn into a quivering mess, she had a shop to run. Besides, if the lion pissed her off too much, she could always hit him with a lug wrench. This was going to be a good day.



  Noah fidgeted in a hard-back chair in the waiti
ng room of the garage. Why was he so nervous about seeing Sam again? It wasn’t nerves; the emotions were rawer. Anticipation mixed with full need and desire, like she was the perfect person for him and he would die if she left him. That was stupid, right? Good Lord, it was like a middle school crush on your teacher, only he’d never had a crush on Old Mrs. Hemingway, and his thoughts about the brash raven-haired beauty were definitely not middle schoolish.

  Traeger was still giving him that weird look from his seat across from him. Like he was trying to read him and figure out his deepest thoughts and memories. Whatever, man. You’re not my real brother, so I don’t think you can read my mind. Asshole. He grinned. Nothing. Amanda Fryes from summer camp. Nada. Okay, Trae couldn’t read his mind. Only blood relative big cats and Alpha mates could do that. They’d tried it over the years, especially as teens hoping to get away with stuff, but never heard each other. Just confirming again.

  Noah was left to his own devices and the thoughts of the beautiful woman who’d overpowered his dreams for the past two days. He couldn’t get Sam out of his head. The sex, that had been amazing. Like beyond amazing. But it wasn’t just that. It was more. Like her whole being called to him, beckoned to his heart and his tiger. Together, they would be unstoppable. Forever. What the hell? “Trae…” His voice only wobbled a little. Score one for the filter. “What’s a true mating call like?”

  His brother’s scowl deepened. He wasn’t his brother by blood, but after Trae’s mother had found him, abandoned and alone, at two years old, she had adopted Noah into their little pride. They’d been together ever since, thicker than blood. Older by four-and-a-half years, Traeger had been the one who protected him his whole life, who taught him how to live as a tiger shifter. Hell, Trae had even introduced him to his first crush—to whom he’d promptly lost his virginity. But now, Trae acted distracted, unfocused, like he was mad about something. Had Noah done something wrong?

  “What’s going on, man?”

  “Yeah. Sorry.” Trae wiped his eyes roughly and gave him a tired smile. “I’m a bit distracted.”


  “What about her?” Trae growled. Oh great. This argument again. No matter how much Noah pressed, he couldn’t get Trae to be honest with him. Casual sex with women had been their thing for years—but something was eating at him. Trae was as attracted to Sam as Noah was. Maybe more. Was that possible? Okay, equally. But Trae wouldn’t acknowledge it, and it was right there in front of him. The way Trae straightened when she was around. The way his gaze constantly followed her if she wasn’t looking. His nostrils always flaring. The rigid set of his spine and shoulders. And if that wasn’t enough, how about the fact that, recently, every time Noah asked Trae a question about mating, Trae either clammed up or bit his head off.

  “Never mind. It’s okay. What do you want to do while the truck gets fixed? Do we both want to stay, or both leave, or one of us—”

  “I don’t give a shit. Sorry, man, I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Trae’s gaze had softened, his flashing blue eyes somber. “Brothers shouldn’t fight. I’m being a dick, and I don’t know why.”

  This was the most Trae had said in days, and he was apologizing. Not necessary, because Noah would always forgive his older brother. The rock, the lion, the man who had taken him under his wing and taught him everything he could. The older brother he’d always be thankful to have. “It’s okay. You’re under a lot of stress. Now that we know a few of our old pride were caught in that hellhole, it’s a lot to take in. I’m just glad they’re safe and back home.”

  “But the pride isn’t there anymore,” Trae grumbled. “That’s why we have to get over to Abingdon. Make sure they’re both okay since they’re on their own.”

  “When do you want to leave?”

  “As soon as the mechanic gets the damn truck fixed. How long before he gets here?”

  Noah cleared his throat uncomfortably. Maybe he should have warned his brother that the dude who was coming in to fix the truck was their roommate from a few days ago. The woman who had most definitely put a spell on Traeger and him. If Trae would just own up to it, and answer his question about mating… He’d already barked at him, told him the whole mating thing was a crock of shit. Noah wondered. Surely, there had to be some truth to the old tales. Granted, his biological mother and father hadn’t been true mates, and his adopted mother had lost her husband too early for Noah to see their dynamic. What was true mating like? Did it feel like a spear in your gut, and your insides were about to spill out onto the ground? Was it that hopeless feeling of loss when she turned away, like how he felt when their mother died in front of them? What was a true mating blessed by the Goddess like? Why did Noah feel so connected to this woman? And why did Trae bite his head off and act like a prick every time the woman came near?

  It made sense to him. His brother was this female’s—this gorgeous battle hardened, sexy as hell bear’s—mate. He was just denying the connection, pushing her away. Like he did with Noah sometimes because he was afraid of being hurt. They’d gotten drunk enough one night, Trae had spilled everything about his love for their mother, the loss, the pain, and the need to protect Noah—to keep his little brother safe. But Noah wasn’t so little anymore. Trae didn’t have to protect him. Noah had singlehandedly taken down an Alpha wolf and his beta last year. Noah was not the little brother anymore—he was taller by two inches if that meant anything. And if his brother’s true mate was here, right in front of them, then he would do whatever was necessary to get them together.

  Hell, the connection Noah felt to her—especially after that wild night of sex—was anything but sisterly. But he wouldn’t cock block his brother. This woman was strong, brave, capable of doing anything—she was meant for an Alpha. An Alpha lion who would re-form their pride, make their people safe again. He just had to get them together and see if the spark flared.

  “Any minute now. I texted her a half hour ago.” He tried to whisper the word “her,” but it didn’t escape Trae’s notice. His brother had better ears than a wolf, maybe even better than the royal wolves.


  “Yeah, she’s supposed to be the best in three towns, and—”

  “How much damage are we looking at, guys?” Her velvet voice preceding her, Sam walked in.

  Trae sucked in a breath so deeply, Noah thought he might choke. His body went rigid, and Trae let out a soft groan at the sight of her. His eyes dilated, and his fists clenched before he released a warning rumble and shot out of his chair. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “It’s my garage, asshole. Do you want to take the gear shift out of your ass long enough to tell me what’s going on with your truck, or not?” Her eyes turned molten as she stared up at the huge lion who outweighed her by at least fifty pounds. “Unless you know the difference between a socket wrench and a crescent wrench, I suggest you take a walk, Angry Pussy.”

  “What?” The energy crackled between them as the room filled with testosterone, pissed-off female, and something else. Arousal?

  “You heard me.” She frowned and grabbed overalls and slipped them quickly over her jeans and covering her perfect ass, wide hips, and glorious breasts. “This is a drop-it-off-and-I fix-it kind of place. If you want to stay and help, I can’t guarantee a car might not accidentally fall on your head.”

  “Are you…” Trae’s voice lowered into the deep rumble that meant he was dangerously close to shifting into his lion. Which would not go over well in this tiny place. “Threatening me?”

  “Telling you like it is.” She rolled her eyes and glared at him. “You want your truck fixed, you either sit down and shut up, or get out so I can work. Or you can take it to Hendersonville, about forty miles west of here, where Hank will charge you twice the price and still fuck up your car.” She tilted her head, smirking. “So, what’s it going to be, sunshine?”

  “Hey, why don’t I stay while you go grab us some coffee or something, man?” Noah needed to de-escalate this s
ituation fast. From the heaving of both their chests, and the rock-hard glares both Sam and Trae were giving each other, it was apparent they were about to kill each other. Or screw. Or both.

  “Don’t tell me what to do.” Trae turned his glare to Noah. Good. The tension was already simmering down. He knew Noah was safe to lash out against. They could run out into the woods, shift, and battle to get the edge off any time they needed. But, first, they needed their car fixed.

  “Okay, I’ll go get coffee, while you stay here with our mechanic.” Noah grinned. He knew it would push Trae’s buttons—he hated to be manipulated. But he hated more to appear less of an Alpha.

  “Just stay here,” Trae grumbled and turned.

  “Wait,” Sam said.

  Trae’s shoulders tensed even more as he stood rigid, facing the door.

  “I need the damn keys, Boots.” She held her hand out and Trae looked at her then Noah before reaching into his pocket. He gave her a wide berth and slammed the keys into Noah’s palm.

  “Don’t break my truck.” Trae stalked out the door.

  The tension in the air immediately dissipated, and he handed the keys to Sam. “Sorry about that. He’s not always this grumpy.”

  “It’s okay. I have grumpy grizzlies for cousins.” She shrugged and smiled. Her straight white teeth shone in the lights, and he couldn’t help but smile back. “Come on. You can show me what the problem is, and then I can get you guys out of here.”

  Noah watched her plump, gorgeous backside wiggle underneath the coveralls as she led the way into the garage.

  “Pull it into this spot, and let’s see what’s under her hood.”

  He licked his lips. Yeah, he’d like to get under Sam’s hood, too. No. Wait. Dammit. He was not supposed to let his thoughts go there. After their moment together, it was clear as day. Whether or not the whole true mate thing was real, Traeger and Sam had something going on. And Noah needed to give them first shot at figuring it out. He walked out to the truck, adjusting himself in his jeans as he went. My brother’s mate. My brother’s mate. If he said it often enough, maybe he could get the thought of taking the beautiful bear for himself out of his mind. She belonged with the strongest of them. Traeger.


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