A Lion, A Tiger and Her Bear...Oh My!_A Howls Romance

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A Lion, A Tiger and Her Bear...Oh My!_A Howls Romance Page 12

by Everleigh Clark

  “Relax, little girl. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He stroked the tip of his cock between her rear cheeks, sliding back and forth with the extra lubricant, waiting for her ever so patiently.

  Tilting her pelvis, a bit more, she pressed her bottom up toward Trae.

  Trae entered her, only a tiny bit at a time, making sure he didn’t hurt her. Noah held perfectly still beneath her, reminding her to take easy breaths.

  When Trae finally entered her, she felt fuller than she ever had in her entire life. Like she could burst if she moved the wrong way, but she would die if they didn’t start moving damn soon. Hell, this was amazing. The perfect combination of pleasure and pain, creating a need for her to lose control of everything. And she did. She leaned forward and nipped Noah on the chest. Then she started moving her hips. As she moved off Noah, Trae went in deeper from behind. When she moved toward Noah, taking him deeper within her vaginal walls, Trae pulled out. In and out, one at a time, until she was practically bursting with pleasure. She needed more. This was even greater and more chaotic than her mating frenzy last week. Holy shit. She needed both these men to claim her hard and fast or she might die.

  “Faster!” she shrieked and rocked her hips, losing control of everything she knew. But Noah and Trae reined her right back in. Noah placed his hands behind her back and pulled her quickly onto his hard cock, the deepest he had been yet. Then Trae ground his fingers into her hips and pulled her back hard and rough against his pelvis, his balls slapping her ass. Harder, faster, deeper, they took turns claiming her back and forth, until she lost all control of who and what she was. All she knew was pleasure. Their pleasure. Her pleasure.

  She screamed in ecstasy as the orgasm built to its highest level, slamming through her like an avalanche. Her body shook with energy as they continued to ravage her body, the fire erupting around them. Then Noah pulled her chest into his and buried his cock deep into her. Followed by Trae who buried his cock so deeply into her anus, she didn’t know where she began and where he ended.

  Filled so completely she couldn’t even breathe, the second orgasm washed over her, even harder than the first. She screamed their names.

  Trae’s fangs bit down first on the back of her neck. Followed by Noah’s on her right shoulder. They took her body even further down the road of pleasure as wave after wave crashed over her. When they released her and bellowed her name in unison as they came in her, she bared her own sharp teeth and bit down. First on Noah’s left shoulder. Then, turning quickly, into Trae’s right shoulder.

  Everything came to a hazy stop as all sounds and sights vanished. It was only her, her mates, their cocks buried with in her, and her own rapid heartbeat. The beauty of the situation overcame her, and she sagged forward into Noah’s arms and wept.

  Chapter Twelve


  Trae leaned back and pulled his mate—their mate—closer to his chest. Her breaths finally slowed as his did the same. He inhaled the scent of her and smiled, pulling a lock of pink and letting it fall back in with the rest of her damp hair. Noah lay on her other side, smiling at him like a crazy mother fucker. Hell, Trae probably had the same look on his face. They had found their mate, claimed her, and she’d accepted them. And it was everything he had hoped it would be. Trae loved feeling her plump rear end and hips pulled up to his groin, her back nestled in perfectly against his chest. This was heaven.

  Noah leaned over and kissed Sam’s forehead and gave them both a wide smile. “I can’t believe we did it, found it, this thing.”

  Sam chuckled and kissed Noah softly on the mouth as she ground her ass against Trae’s cock. Hell, it was already standing at attention, ready for round two. “My bear and I thank you both. This was what I always needed. Wanted. You. Thank you.”

  Trae held perfectly still. Just listening to his brother and their beautiful, sassy mate as they started chatting about some sort of wormhole and a phone booth and time travel or whatever the hell it was. It was nice. Perfect.

  Her scent permeated the air, and both men looked at each other over her newly marked shoulder. You up for round two, man? he asked Noah.

  Before Noah could speak, Sam was on her knees above them, slamming them both down to the bed next to each other, a gleam in her eyes. Don’t you think you should ask me first, Angry Pussy? She grinned, and her arousal filled the air even more.

  “Yeah, sorry. We just...wait a second, you heard me again?”

  “Hell, yeah. I heard both you guys, but this time it was a lot clearer, like you were speaking straight into my head. Better be careful what you say about my ass from now on.” She grinned and grabbed Traeger’s cock in her silky smooth grip.

  He swallowed hard, loving the feel of his mate holding his cock. “Yeah, sure. But you know we only say good things about your ass, right? We love it.”

  “That’s true,” Noah said before hissing with pleasure as Sam used her other hand to stroke him.

  “You know what that means, right?”

  “What what means?” Trae couldn’t think clearly, not with the things this woman did to his body.

  “Well, unless I’m mistaken, only Alphas of a pack or pride can speak with their mates. And only once they’ve agreed to take on the leadership role. It’s a Goddess thing. Bo explained it to me.”

  Shit. She was right. He’d been so busy ignoring all the signs for the past five years.

  “Do you both agree to me being your Alpha?” He groaned as Sam’s palm stroked up and down the length of his cock.

  “Of course, you’re the man for the job.” Noah practically grunted his words as Sam looked down at them. “I’ll always have your back. You know that.”

  “I agree also, but I want to expand a bit.”

  “How so?”

  She stopped stroking and met both their gazes one at a time, smiling. “First of all, I want to offer sanctuary to the shifters in Abingdon. The ones without a pack or leader to protect them.”

  “Yeah, like Miss Henrietta and the Cleavers. Great call. I’m on board with that. We can build a huge cabin outside the town limits and start a family.” He paused. “Unless you don’t want to do that yet. Sorry. I…we…” He looked at Noah, who nodded. “We don’t want to rush you. If and when you’re ready to start our family, you just let us know.”

  Trae took Noah’s hand in his, and the circle was complete. As the energy flowed through them, he felt his power strengthen. He was going to be the Alpha of his new pride. And it all started with the three in this room.

  “So, I’d like to celebrate our good news by proposing a feast.” He met Noah’s gaze.

  “What’d you have in mind?” Sam licked her lips and leaned back onto the bed as they knelt on each side of her.

  Traeger grinned. He knelt to lick up her inner thighs and along the seam of her pussy as Noah took her breast into his mouth. “My lion. His Tiger. Your bear.”

  “Forever,” Noah added.

  She shuddered and squirmed beneath both their tongues, a low moan coming from her. “Oh my!”

  The End

  Sneak peek at Hannah and Ben’s story

  Hannah peeked out from behind the shrubs, watching the human girl skip her way down the path. The little girl’s name was Riley—her father had called her that, along with a few other names, like big girl, honey, and punkin—and she seemed sweet. She was probably ten or eleven years old. Hannah had been watching her for the past month, ever since Hannah’s bear brought her to this part of the mountains.

  Hannah couldn’t remember the name of this town. Heck, she’d been through so many the past few years. Always on the outside, observing from the woodline, where no one could see her. No one could hurt her. She stifled a shiver that wasn’t from the cool breeze. She was always in bear form now and almost never got cold. Even when curled up in her newest home, in the damp cavern five miles west of Riley and her father’s home. The shiver was something else. Something she couldn’t quite pinpoint.

  It always happened when she w
as close to Riley. Hannah’s bear was called to the sweet young blonde with bright-blue eyes. Her melodic giggle and funny songs she made up when hiking over to the campgrounds to the east of the little family’s cottage, made Hannah smile. Well, on the inside, anyway.

  With her bear in charge for the last several years, she was pretty sure no one would actually see her smile. Maybe a wide mouth full of sharp teeth, but not a smile. How long had it been since Hannah had laughed or grinned or found joy in a daily activity? Too long. The only thing that brought her joy was watching the child.

  Unfortunately, Riley was once again disobeying her father’s orders to stay out of the woods, and if she was correct, the child was looking for her. But Hannah had vowed no one would ever get close to her again. Not since her fiancé had tried to kill her. Hannah had shifted immediately into her bear and run. The weird bullets had lodged into her hindquarters, causing excruciating pain, but she had finally shifted back long enough to dig them out. Then her bear took over again, and they’d stayed this way ever since.

  Hannah and her bear shared one huge thing in common. They were scared for their lives. So, she remained in bear form, always moving, always careful, always observing for the next threat.

  Today, she was watching for the biggest threat of all. A little blonde-haired sweetie who wanted to find her. She couldn’t let that happen. Hannah was safest when alone. She backed farther into the bushes and started a slow trot toward her home, intent on eating the last of her morning meal and then moving to the next area, a wildlife reserve not far from there. Fewer humans, but more shifters. No. She couldn’t take a chance on meeting any shifters. They would kill her on sight after realizing she was feral. Or pretty darn close. She continued her jog on all fours, thinking about her next potential home. Then she heard the high-pitched scream.


  Hannah turned toward the wails and sprinted as fast as her four legs would go, dodging skirting trees, crashing through bushes and low-hanging branches. The child’s fear permeated through the air, along with…


  Hannah couldn’t tell if they were natural wolves or shifter wolves, but it didn't matter. The girl was in danger, and Hannah would die before they laid one measly paw on her cub.

  Barreling into the small clearing, she roared and bared her teeth then tackled the first wolf to the ground. Three more circling the child turned to show their fangs. She should have been afraid, normally would have cowered, tucked into a ball, and whimpered at the thought of such deadly creatures intent on harming her. But the fear never came. Only adrenalin and a need so great, it almost sent her to the ground. The need was maternal, and it grew within her. So great, she rose onto her hind feet and bellowed in rage. Whatever would think to harm her cub would go through Hannah. And die trying.

  Hannah batted the first wolf away then punched the second across the snout. Another wolf tackled her from behind, but her protective instincts were so great, she barely felt the sharp claws digging into her side and the teeth that ripped at her legs. She was only aware of the battle and the child huddled against the tree.

  Hannah rushed to the child and nudged her legs. Get up the tree! It was no use. A child couldn’t understand her bear form.

  But Riley’s gaze widened, and a soft gasp left her tiny mouth. She nodded and jumped onto Hannah’s back. Hannah rose stand erect, praying the girl could reach the first branch. With her left front paw, she batted away another wolf. The weight on her back disappeared, and Hannah looked up to see the small legs pulling up into relative safety of the branches seven feet off the ground.

  Turning, her back to the tree, Hannah released another growl and prepared to fight to the death for her sweet punkin.

  Sharp teeth and claws from both sides ripped into her thick fur, but still she fought. She would die right here in front of this tree if she needed to. Whatever it took for Riley.

  Shots cracked through the air, and a wolf yelped and fell to the ground, dead. Another was shot in the side after the second loud boom. Hannah turned to the tree and wrapped her arms around it. She couldn't move, too afraid. She was finally going to die. At the hands of a human with a rifle.

  She heard the angry howls and the remaining wolves crashing off into the woods. She should run, too, but her arms wouldn’t unlock from the trunk. The weapon cocked no more than five feet behind her. Close range. It would take her head off easily. This wasn’t how she wanted to die. But her bear wouldn’t let her shift. A whimpered sob built in her throat, but she was pretty sure it just sounded like a rumbling growl.

  “Daddy, no!” Riley scrambled down the tree and pressed against her back, standing between Hannah and danger. “She saved me. She doesn’t want to die. Please.”

  Warmth built in her as the child continued begging her father not to kill the nice bear who’d saved her life. Surely, the human father wouldn’t believe her. Wild animals didn't rescue children from wolves. Hannah had, obviously. As she waited for her fate, adrenalin faded, replaced by searing pain in her plump hindquarters and legs.

  If the male didn’t kill her, she’d most likely die from the wounds inflicted by those wolves. Who knew what kind of diseases they carried? Besides, if she didn’t shift soon, her body would not heal. But her bear was not going to release its hold on her. Not after this long. Not with all the fear still coursing through her.

  “I’m not going to kill her, sweetie, but I need you to back away, so I can look at her.” His deep voice sent a shiver down her spine. Similar and different to her first time sensing Riley.

  Like you’re not going to shoot me as soon as the cub moves.

  “I don’t think she believes you, Daddy.” Riley sounded skeptical, and Hannah envisioned the girl rolling her eyes at him.

  “I swear on your mother’s grave, I won’t harm one hair—”

  “Fur, dad, it’s called fur.”

  “Fur. I won’t harm her.” He spoke in a firmer tone. “Unless you make a move to hurt my baby. Hell, now I’m talking to a bear. All right, Mama Bear, you don’t swipe at us, I don’t pull the trigger.”

  Hannah nodded and slowly turned around as Riley scampered to her father.

  Hard sapphire eyes met her gaze but widened when the winds picked up, the scents of testosterone, honeysuckle, and something else wafting around them.

  His scent filled her nostrils, working its way through every inch of her bear’s body, and she groaned as shivers racked her. Our mate, her bear announced in her head. Louder than Hannah had ever heard her speak.

  Her eyes closed as she fell to the ground, consumed by the pain of her wounds and the fear growing in her. Not another human. She’d barely escaped with her life the first time.

  “Daddy, what’s wrong with her?” Riley’s screams hurt Hannah’s sensitive ears.

  The shift began without conscious thought. Agony tore through her as her body changed, right there on the cold ground. The inhuman scream turned into a wail of human anguish as she gazed through bleary eyes at the humans above her.

  “Grab my phone from the table and call Bo Alexander. Now, Riley Anne!” The large blur of a man knelt next to her and pulled her naked, bleeding form into his arms. “Come on, Mama Bear. Let’s see if we can get you patched up, then you can tell me who you are.”

  No. She tried to shake her dizzy head, but it wouldn’t move. It was trapped against his chiseled, chest, and the warmth felt good. But he was human. He might call authorities. What if her ex-fiancé found her? Roger would kill her if he knew she was still alive. He was a monster.

  “Just rest, honey. I’m not going to let anyone or anything else hurt you. You have my word.”

  A human who didn't freak out at the sight of a bear shifting into a woman. Who was this man? All thoughts escaped when she snuggled deeper into the crook of his neck. The darkness was a blessing.

  ~Bearly Human ~

  Book five of The Mates of Bear Paw River

  Coming soon!


p; Thank you so much, Jessica for all your support and help. You are the best alpha and beta reader in the world! Thank you to my awesome character model for Sam. Liska, you are as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside, and I love ya! To my Facebook ‘Pack’, friends and fans, thank you for all your support! Jody and Ashley, thanks for naming the heroes. Traeger and Noah were the perfect names for these guys.

  And to Renee B- my P.A. and friend, thank you.

  Thank you all! Hugs and paws!

  Also by Everleigh Clark:

  Bearly Shifted

  Book One of The Mates of Bear Paw River

  A Howls Romance

  Nissa Alexander returns to Bear Paw River ten pounds and one boyfriend lighter with an attitude screaming Leave me the hell alone. The last thing she needs is her older brother, the alpha, lecturing her about settling down and true mates. Hell, he doesn’t even have his own mate, so he has no right to talk.

  And then, there’s the hunky bad boy, who’s working a missing person’s case in her neck of the woods. He needs to stop sniffing around before someone gets hurt. Nissa’s heart has been trampled on enough these past few years. She is absolutely not going to fall for this lone wolf. Not gonna happen. But her bear isn’t taking no for an answer.

  Zach Werner is on the hunt. But, this time, it’s not for a predator or a bad guy to bring to justice. His job is to find a missing woman. Why the Florida wolf pack is paying so much money to find this female, Zach doesn’t know. And he doesn’t care. His job is his life. At least, until he meets Nissa. After a brief tangle in the woods, Zach knows this curvy beauty is his mate.

  Can he convince her he’s the wolf for her and stay alive long enough to finish the job?

  Buy now on Amazon

  Bear With Me


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