Shameless Exposure

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Shameless Exposure Page 9

by Robert Fanshaw

  So saying she turned towards the moonlight, reached towards her vagina and began a slow, sensuous dance with her fingers. Robert took his cue from the other celebrants and watched in silence.

  Regina followed her own teachings and took her time. After her initial explorations, she walked over to a bowl of perfumed oil and dipped her hands into it. She rubbed the oil over her entire body, studying her own anatomy with great care. Robert knew she had done this sort of thing before, in a previous life and in a completely different context. Then, the audience had been men in search of a temptress or a light beating.

  Now the audience was mostly female, but they were in her pocket just the same, watching every move. It was quite a performance. Despite his loathing of the woman, his autonomic system responded to her sensuous moves. He wanted to be a dispassionate observer, but he was a man, and he felt a lurid fascination for her pagan performance.

  She returned to the dais, glistening in the candlelight. Her expert fingers resumed their dance. Large slow movements around her vagina became tiny strokes around her clitoris. She adjusted her rhythms to the ebb and flow of the music. Her body, loose and relaxed at the beginning, became tauter.

  Her breathing became shallow, and she began to mew, her eyes vacant. Suddenly she tensed and collapsed onto the soft platform. Robert wondered if that was the end of the show, but no, it was just a brief interval whilst Regina regained control over an impending orgasm. A draught stuttered the candles and sent a volley of sparks up the chimney. Regina stirred back to life.

  She was on her back, but knees bent and feet flat on the platform, raising her bottom up. She caressed her breasts and the rest of her torso, wet her fingers in her mouth, and reached down again to raise the spirit.

  Joni leaned across him to get a better view. Even in this light it was evident from Regina’s hard nipples and full labia that the actress had entered into the part with gusto. She began slowly again, this time using her fingers to open her vagina and massage inside. She emitted a series of deep sighs which became more urgent when her fingers returned to the hood of her clitoris.

  Her body began to move, first like the waves of the sea, and then like the thrashing of the storm. Her cries became louder, more animal. She was possessed, jerked around by the spirit, and appeared to rise up at least two feet off the dais. Robert was sure he saw it. He turned to Joni, open mouthed, but she did not look at him. Her eyes were fixed on Regina, a look of wonder on her face.

  When his eyes returned to the platform, Regina was back on terra firma, face down on the cushions, one hand frantically grasping the fabric spread over the dais, the other bringing herself to an almighty climax. Her screams of pleasure filled the hall and went on rather too long for comfort.

  Robert thought she had had a seizure. She lay in the same position for some minutes, gasping for breath. Robert wondered if someone should offer medical attention, or even non-medical help. But Lucinda, one of the acolytes, was a doctor and she wasn’t doing anything so it must be all right. Maybe some women always have cataclysmic orgasms. He preferred Caroline’s more sporting approach; a healthy satisfying shag without too much messing about.

  Regina emerged from her trance and smiled beatifically to her disciples.

  “I have been visited by the wild cat. He says this is an auspicious day. The vaginal spirit is getting stronger with every passing month and nothing can stop the movement from leading the world to ecstasy. Now, all of you summon up your spirits. No one must leave until every orgatron has flashed red. Your spirits must be welcomed, must be played with, and must be fed. The movement needs your collective vaginal power in order to grow. It is your duty. Seek your spirit.”

  “Did you see that?” whispered Joni. “The big cat entered her body and she levitated off the platform.”

  “I thought I must be imagining it,” said Robert.

  “You see, you shouldn’t be cynical. Regina has tapped into the eternal powers.”

  There was a general shifting of bottoms as the proselytes absorbed what they had witnessed and faced up to the communal masturbation which they were required to perform.

  “I think I should probably leave now,” said Robert. “My presence might inhibit some of the women.”

  “You can’t. No one can leave.” whispered Joni. “We had a meeting before dinner to discuss it. Some of us said it might help to have a man present. There was a difference of opinion but we had a vote and the vote was that you attend, and participate if necessary.”

  “What does participate mean?”

  “It means some of us might need you to help us contact the spirit. Now be quiet. I have to concentrate.” Joni shrugged off her robes and walked over to the nearest bowl of warm oil, her long perfect silvery limbs gliding across the stone floor like a computer generated image. One by one, the other proselytes discarded their clothing and smothered their bodies in perfumed oil, returning to the comfort of their individual mats to begin their onanistic routines.

  “You too,” hissed Joni, when she settled down on her mat, gesturing to him to remove his clothing. “You must enter into the spirit of things or it will spoil it for the rest of us.”

  Robert’s autonomic system had been well and truly engaged by the sight of a score of women disrobing in moonlight and anointing themselves with oil. He felt very self-conscious as he walked over to the nearest bowl of oil. He stood out like a sore thumb. He tried to follow Joni’s advice and enter into the spirit of things.

  The oil felt pleasant and he rubbed it carefully into every limb. He sneaked a look at the audience and every pair of eyes was fixed on his body. He gave thanks to Bono, his personal trainer at the Arcadia gym and wellbeing centre, a converted Victorian hotel near to his office at Lincoln’s Inn. The hours spent boxing Bono’s pads and ploughing up and down in the cold water of the columned basement pool had been worth it for this moment. The paunch had gone, his buttocks were firm, and for the first time in his life he had pecs.

  He returned to his mat. When he looked around again Regina was smiling at him, but all the other women had vacant eyes, as if looking inwards at a memory or searching for inspiration faced with a difficult exam question. They had begun their attempts to connect with the spirit, or at very least a release from a month of tortuous teasing.

  Robert wasn’t sure what he was meant to be doing. Was he supposed to try to identify his animal guide? Was he supposed to masturbate to an orgasm in time with the acolytes? He soon realised that every woman bar Regina was so engrossed in her own sensations that it didn’t matter what he did. He decided to watch.

  At first it seemed to be a blur of movement, a chorus of moans and sighs, a chaotic yoga class of postures. But then he saw how differently the women approached the same task. Linda, for example, had her eyes closed and was frowning deeply. She had lain down on her mat and was making tiny movements over her clitoris, with her legs clamped tightly together. If she was making any sound, he couldn’t hear it.

  Greta, opposite where he was sitting and slightly obscured by the dais, was writhing around. It was hard to believe she was just one person. She was fucking herself with abandon, bucking her hips. The fingers on one hand plunged in and out of her vagina while the fingers of the other rubbed her clitoris with extreme vigour. Her eyes flashed red in the light of the roaring logs, and her mouth was a rictus of pleasure. Escalating moans were propelled from her throat like a Russian tennis player in a clay court rally.

  His eyes sought out Georgina and found her languorous in the shadows. Her head was tipped back off her mat, black hair cascading over the stone floor. Her eyes were half closed as if she was conjuring up an image. She massaged her body, sensuously stroking her breasts and rolling her nipples with her fingers. Her hands moved to her stomach, and she made small circles with her fingers, getting nearer and nearer to the home of her animal spirit.

  He spotted Jocasta pinching her own nipples and letting out small squeaks. Her eyes were screwed shut, imagining her animal guide he supp
osed. What would it be? Definitely not something warm and cuddly. A snake, a crocodile? If he remembered he would ask her at breakfast tomorrow. One hand moved lower and squeezed her clitoris and her squeaks grew louder.

  His eyes were drawn to a flashing red light. Linda shouted out, one hand desperately grabbing the side of her mat while the other squeezed every last drop of the orgasm out of her labia. Her moment of release encouraged Jocasta, one finger now up her bum, to escalate her indulgence and the cries, sighs, and moans of several women rose to a crescendo.

  Next to him, Joni was concentrating hard. Her masturbation was fast and frantic. She was taking in deep lungfuls of perfumed air, and panting them out in a desperate race for the cliff edge and an introduction to her animal spirit, a seagull, or a lemming perhaps. She was squeaking like a guinea-pig, and although she was getting closer to the edge of ecstasy, Robert could tell that she didn’t know how to let go, how to let herself plunge from the cliff edge. She was trying too hard, trying to make it happen instead of just letting it happen.

  “O moj Boze, O moj Boze…” Greta lapsed into her native tongue as a dramatic orgasm convulsed her body. More bracelets flashed red, willed over the line by Greta’s urgings. When her body had ceased to ripple, she lay completely still with her eyes shut. Robert wondered if the animal spirit had entered her. Then he realised he was giving far too much credence to Regina’s spiritual hocus pocus. He must remember to ask Greta, though, what she thought she had experienced, just out of interest.

  The gasps, expletives, and warbles began to subside, leaving the background throbbing of jungle music and a quiet sobbing on the mat to his right. Poor Joni, she was the only woman whose bracelet had not yet flashed red. Regina descended from her platform and took hold of Joni’s hand.

  “I’m sorry, I feel so useless,” said Joni, weeping.

  “Hush,” said Regina. “Come with me.” She led her onto the dais and gestured to her to lie down. She called the women up to the edge of the platform and had one woman hold each of her limbs so that she was stretched into a star shape.

  “We must help our fellow seeker,” said Regina. “You know what you must do.” Linda soundlessly volunteered to assist, climbed onto the dais and began to lick carefully around Joni’s exposed vagina. Greta leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips, and Georgina brushed Joni’s body with her thick black hair. Linda moved closer and licked her labia, then nibbled her clitoris. Joni jerked her arms and legs but her helpers gripped her more tightly. Linda drew Joni’s clitoris into her mouth and sucked hard. Seconds later, her body bucked and spasmed, her face contorted, and she let out a yell of triumph. They let her go and she curled up into a tight ball, holding the intensity of her feelings close.

  “I saw it,” she said quietly. “It spoke to me.”

  “What did you see?” said Georgina. “Was it your seagull?”

  “No, it was black. It was a raven with a big beak. It said it had come to release me, that I would now be free. The raven pecked out the eyes of the ugly spirit that was living in me.”

  “Did all that happen just now?” said Greta.

  “It was an eternal moment,” said Joni. “And I will be eternally grateful to all of you, especially you, Robert.”

  “But I did nothing. I only watched.”

  “I needed you here. You were in every corner of my mind; the raven flew out of you and into me. Their hands were your hands, and their mouths were your mouth. I couldn’t have reached the peak without you.”

  “Did you enjoy watching, Robert?” asked Greta, smirking.

  Robert was aware again of his nakedness and the erection between his legs.

  “Well, yes, I suppose I did,” he said. “It was enlightening. I’m just relieved that I wasn’t needed.”

  “But you are now,” said Regina. “We have released the power of the vagina spirits. They have bestowed great gifts. But now they are restless and impatient. They must be allowed to show their power, they must be fed and satiated. Only when they are fully spent can they return to the vagina lair to grow in power for another moon.”

  “Of course I’d love to help if I could,” said Robert. “But I shouldn’t. Me and Caroline… we…”

  “It is the traditional way to close the ceremony,” said Regina, firmly. “The spirits will be angry if they are not allowed to rest.” She leaned close to him and whispered in his ear: “Spencer will be angry too if I move the case to another firm.”

  “Leave Forbes-Brown out of it,” said Robert, crossly. “Or better still, get him to take over the case himself. I’m sure he’d like a part in your ceremony.”

  “Hush, Robert,” said Joni, stroking his leg. “Don’t be angry. It has to be you. The spirit was in you, it came from you. You mustn’t worry about your wife. She would understand if she was here. Nobody is married on Mura.” The temptress allowed her hand to brush his penis and her lips to prevent any reply.


  Robert knew it wouldn’t stand up in a court of law, and especially not in the court of Queen Caroline, prosecutor and judge combined:

  “When she said ‘No-one is married on Mura’, what did you take that to mean?”

  “I understood it to mean that the rites of the animus philosophy took temporary precedence over the presumption of fidelity contained in the legal form of marriage on the mainland.”

  “You didn’t consider the much simpler and more obvious explanation that Mura is not licensed to conduct the marriage ceremony in Scotland? I ask members of the jury to put themselves in your position,” she would say, turning to her imaginary twelve good women and true, “and ask themselves if this is not the typical behaviour of a man seeking to gratify himself when the opportunity arises, only afterwards considering what feeble explanation he can concoct to make his actions seem less guilty.”

  This imaginary dialogue flashed through his mind as Joni stroked his thigh and kissed him with abandon. He was just about to embark on a defence when the rational side of his brain switched off completely, to be replaced by what felt like a raging animal desire. He had no idea which animal it was, but it was powerful, hungry, and libidinous.

  He allowed Joni’s kisses to become more passionate and pushed her head down to his stiff member, more rigid and engorged than it had ever been before. She licked him delicately then sucked him ravenously, easing his foreskin down until his purple glans was flowering like an amaryllis. She pushed him back and eased herself gently onto his thick stick, gasping as it opened her wide. She kept still on him, savouring the sensation for as long she could before her desire for a second orgasm took control.

  Now she knew what to do. She confidently worked herself up and down his tool, sitting up once, then twice, using her fingers on her clit to intensify her feelings. When he sensed the approach of her complete abandon, he grabbed her buttocks and pulled her in until the whole shaft was buried between her narrow hips and her clitoris was squeezed tightly against him. He felt her vagina clamp hard around his prick, once, twice, three times. Then she held still, and he thrust fully into her.

  Her orgasm continued to build, possessed her, took her beyond even what she had experienced at the hands of her female helpers. She was once again released from the torture of unfulfilment that had stood in her way for so long. She cried out in pleasure, a hoarse croak, her body trembling from head to toe, and when he looked up at her he saw her face transformed, her beak of a nose sharp in the shadows, her piercing eyes glinting black like Whitby jet, her hair darkened by the sweat of her effort. He saw a raven.

  He had expended little energy and his hunger for sex, far from being satiated, had been stoked by Joni’s pleasure. Jocasta and Linda had joined Regina on the dais and were conjoined in a many-limbed animal of tongues, fingers, and wet orifices. Most of the other women had pulled their mats nearer to the glowing embers of the fire and were exploring each other’s bodies. When Greta saw Joni stagger away from Robert’s penis, she peeled herself away from Georgina and set upon him.

  He was more than a match for her, absorbing her energetic plunges on his sword, then springing to life. He got to his feet, lifting her up, with a strength he didn’t know he possessed, his prick deep in her soft and swollen vagina. He pushed her back against a stone column and thrust into her again and again. She grimaced with pleasure and pain, the stone rough on her back.

  She slid her feet down to the floor, climbed off him, and turned round, holding the column with her hands for support, and spreading her legs apart. He plunged into her and she shouted, bracing herself more stiffly. He grasped her sore buttocks, reddened by the stonework, and fucked her roughly.

  She tensed even more, shifting her feet to allow him even further inside of her. He leaned forward and his hands found her perfectly round breasts, and the feeling of his strong hands grasping her there sent her into a thunderous climax, deep Polish groans welling up from her diaphragm. She trickled exhausted down the column, spreading onto the stone floor like raindrops forming a pool of water.

  He didn’t need to ask Greta about her spirit guide. Slumped on the floor, in the red light of the fire, the white light of the moon, and the deep shadow of the column, she had become a coiled snake: a red, white and black anaconda, replete with a meal of living prey.

  He looked around for a new target for his lust and saw Georgina, a dark angel, staring at him, daring him. He had refused her before in the practice room, but all restraint had been removed and he strutted over to her where she kneeled in front of the fire.

  She took his glistening penis in her hands and encircled it, treating it carefully like it was a precious object that might spring from her grip and be lost forever. She used the tip of his penis to stroke her nipples, and teasing him and tickling his balls, laughing at his discomfort.


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