School of Discipline

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School of Discipline Page 6

by John Simpson

  “Well, that answers all of my questions, or most of them. I wish I had done this five years ago. It would have made the guilt and anxiety far less than what I brought here to campus. You comfortable knowing you’re into guys for sure?”

  Cory smiled and said, “Yeah, I like it actually. One day it won’t be a bar to serving our country either, and then we can really enjoy a good life. Maybe get married… the whole thing.”

  “So, you’re down with doing this more?” Blaine asked hopefully.

  “What do you think? I had no idea that fucking would feel that great. Your ass is hot and tight, and I bet my sperm are going crazy trying to figure out where they’re supposed to be going.”

  They chortled, and Blaine turned his head and kissed Cory.

  “Thank you. Thank you for sticking by me when I pulled that stunt with Mike and Gary and for being willing to do this tonight. So many things that have happened to me are so much clearer now that I know that I was born gay. We’ve got almost four years to fuck around, and I hope we’ll stay roommates.”

  “What do you think? I’d be crazy to give up a hot man like you who loves to be fucked. You can even try that with me sometime.”

  “Maybe. Listen, one question, and don’t freak out over it. I really enjoy being spanked, but not like with the cane. That was pure torture. But sometime when we are away from here, would you like to take a belt to my ass as foreplay to our fucking?”

  “Well, actually I thought I might get hard watching you get belted that night that we both got disciplined. I didn’t when you were caned, as that was kinda brutal, but yeah, I do get excited about spanking. I don’t mind if you spank me either, even though I don’t enjoy it quite as much as you do. But if you get hard over it—like I know you do—then I can take it.”

  “Fantastic,” Blaine replied just before he kissed Cory good night.

  Cory straightened out his sheets and put the towel in the laundry bag as Blaine went to the bathroom. As he lay there in the dark, Cory smiled. He’d finally found out whether he would enjoy making love to a man, and the answer to that question pleased him. When Blaine came back, he walked over to Cory, gave him one more quick kiss, and said, “Good night, stud.”

  FOR the next two and half years, Blaine and Cory developed a deep relationship that was very sexual in nature. They had a hard time keeping it from the other men in the barracks and a few figured it out, including Mike and Gary. When their senior year at the school arrived, Cory and his classmates were the ones in charge of the roost now. Cory was appointed as a Cadet Sergeant, and he and Blaine were assigned to the freshman barracks.

  As they had been put through their paces by their seniors, they were now putting the new cadets through theirs. When it came to punishments, Cory was always fair and even lenient to a certain extent, but he came down hard when it was necessary to straighten out a cadet.

  When one of the freshmen was labeled as a troublemaker, Cory appointed his roommate to deal with him and bring him into line. Blaine actually took the guy under his wing, and, instead of beating his ass right off, gave him multiple chances before he had to take action at the direction of Sergeant Anderson.

  A knock on Cory’s office door was answered with, “Come in.”

  Freshman Daryl Dubois walked into the office with Blaine, who said, “Sergeant, I can’t do anything further with this man, and I’m at the point that I recommend formal punishment in the form of a bare ass whipping.”

  “What about that, Dubois? Do you want to remain here in this school, or are you ready to throw in the towel and leave?”

  “No, Sergeant, I don’t wanna leave. I’m just having a problem, that’s all.”

  “Dubois was overheard telling the other cadets that you were a soft touch and that it was possible to get away with murder in this barracks,” reported Blaine.

  “Really? Is this true, Dubois? Do you think I’m a soft touch and people can just walk all over me?” Cory asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I’d never say that because I don’t believe it,” the cadet answered.

  “Oh. So you’re calling Edwards here a liar or stating that he has a hearing defect. Which is it?”

  “I’m saying that he misunderstood what I said, that’s all.”

  “Let me see the list of infractions,” Cory said to Blaine.

  When Cory finished looking the list over, he looked up at Dubois in dismay. “It’s obvious that everything else we’ve tried to get you with the program has failed miserably. As you are aware, the rules were changed to place corporal punishment within the purview of the barracks sergeant, and in this case that would be me. You’ve got a choice, and you need to make it now: Either I recommend you for expulsion, or you take corporal punishment. Which choice do you make?”

  “I worked my ass off to get into this place. I’m not about to leave on my own. How many strokes do I have to take?”

  Cory looked back at the infractions once more and then replied, “Fifteen this time, and they will be administered in front of the barracks in the dayroom.”


  “Right now.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  Cory stood up and said, “Let’s go.”

  The three men walked upstairs to the main floor and into the dayroom. When they entered, they found about twenty men watching television.

  “Cadet Miller, assemble all of the men in here to witness punishment.”

  “Yes, Sergeant.”

  “You two men move the pommel horse to the center of the room in the front, please.”

  Another five minutes passed, and all were present and accounted for. Cory took his place at the front of the room. “Cadet Dubois has constantly violated rules and regulations and has now come to the point where he must undergo corporal punishment. Before tonight, there have only been two other times where we’ve had to resort to this to get a cadet’s attention. Sadly, it is now time for Dubois to wake up and smell the coffee. I’ve set his number of strokes at fifteen. I don’t want to impose a total of twenty and drag it out over two nights, and because I feel fifteen is the appropriate number, they will all be administered tonight. As you are aware, I can waive those restrictions if I think it best for the barracks. Dubois, do you have anything to say before punishment is administered?”

  “No, nothing.”

  “Very well. Walk up to the horse and drop your pants and underwear. Mike, will you administer fifteen strokes with the punishment belt?”

  “Yes, Sergeant.”

  “You two men, hold his arms on the other side of the horse. Dubois, bend over the horse.”

  Dubois dropped his pants and shorts and bent over the pommel horse where two cadets took hold of each arm and pulled on them to keep the man receiving punishment firmly in place. Mike lined up and held the belt, waiting for the signal to proceed.

  Cory nodded, and Mike brought his arm back and landed the first stroke across Dubois’s ass as Blaine announced, “One.”

  On stroke eight, Dubois no longer thought it was funny or that the punishment would have no effect on him. However, much to his credit, he made no attempt to halt or delay the successive strokes, which were not administered with full force by Mike. When the final number was announced, the room began to breathe once more. The cadets released Dubois’s arms, and he slowly stood up. His ass was red, but only bore two welts, which came from the last two strokes.

  “Dismissed,” Cory announced, which allowed those who wanted to leave to depart. Dubois pulled up his clothes and shook Mike’s hand before leaving to go to his room.

  “I really hope that does it and we don’t have to have him bent over the horse again,” Cory said.

  “Let’s just hope he didn’t enjoy it,” Blaine said with a smile that held a meaning only Cory and he understood.

  Much to Cory’s satisfaction, Dubois was never to receive corporal punishment again. He told Cory a couple days later that one red ass was enough and that he had no plans on making a second appearance
for that purpose in the dayroom. The only place his bare ass would be seen was in the showers.

  ON GRADUATION day, the entire senior class clad in dress uniforms marched on the parade ground for family, friends, and officials. After degrees were handed out, military officer recruiters were available to take enlistment applications.

  Cory and Blaine both applied to the United States Air Force under the buddy system, which allowed best friends to enlist together and serve together throughout their careers. The recruiter never noticed the rings each man wore that, oddly enough, matched.

  About the Author

  JOHN SIMPSON, a Vietnam-era Veteran, has been a uniformed Police Officer of the Year, a federal agent, a federal magistrate, and an armed bodyguard to royalty and a senior government executive. He earned awards from the Vice President of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury. John has written articles for various gay and straight magazines. John lives with his partner of 35 years and three wonderful Scott Terriers, all spoiled and a breed of canine family member that is unique in dogdom. John is also involved with the Old Catholic Church and its liberal pastoral positions on the gay community.

  Visit John at



  School of Discipline ©Copyright John Simpson, 2011

  Published by

  Dreamspinner Press

  4760 Preston Road

  Suite 244-149

  Frisco, TX 75034

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Catt Ford

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  Released in the United States of America

  January 2011

  eBook Edition

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-905-8




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