Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8 Page 31

by Bianca Sommerland

  Lips sliding into one of those seductive smiles that went straight to Ian’s balls, Shawn reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind Justina’s ear. “Doesn’t it? Are you sure? I think you’d enjoy being taught how to be a good girl for me, Röschen.”

  Cheeks pink, Justina moved her lips like she’d lost the ability to speak.

  A feeling Ian knew too well. He decided she needed backup. “You don’t sound sure you could manage both of us. Maybe we should compare notes.”

  “I like that idea,” Justina whispered, managing to shake off a little of the affect Shawn had on her. Her tongue flicked out over her bottom lip, and her throat worked as she swallowed. “Got any tips for when he makes your mind go blank with a few words?”

  A raised brow from Shawn, with that cocky smirk, had Ian tugging at his collar. Fuck, was it getting hot in here? He exchanged a look with Justina. “Nope. Still working on that.”

  “So tempting…” Shawn let out a soft laugh. “Sahara’s out of the room, Ian. Go see, Mason. Then we’ll work on your girl.”

  Who? What? Ian had no idea what Shawn was talking about at first. But then he spotted Sahara and the grim reality he’d briefly escaped came back to him, cooling his blood.

  His jaw hardened, and he approached Sahara, whose face was blotchy, eyes bloodshot. “Hey, sweetie. How is he?”

  “Better.” Sahara’s smile was shaky, but he could tell she was fighting hard to hold herself together for the kids. “You can go in. The nurse is being really nice about letting all the guys stop by, but it has to be quick. I think you’re the last one.”

  “Are you staying with him tonight?”

  Sahara sighed and shook her head. “I don’t know. Leaving the kids with Justina before was one thing, but all night?”

  She had a point, but as he watched Ladd with his siblings, and considered Justina and Shawn looking out for them, the answer was pretty simple. “The kids have a lot of people. Who does Mason have?”

  “Cam’s coming back in a few minutes.”

  “Sure, but…” Ian wasn’t good giving advice. Opening his stupid mouth tended to make things worse. But he had a feeling Sahara needed to hear this from as many people as possible to know she was making the right choice. He could tell she didn’t want to leave. “Who do you think he’d rather wake up to see? You or his ugly little brother?”

  Sahara’s eyes teared a bit, even as she laughed. “Cam is not ugly. But you’re right.”

  Ian winked at her. “Happens sometimes.”

  “More often than you know.” Sahara leaned in for a hug, then whispered in his ear. “I pushed her toward Shawn. I think he’s good for her, but…don’t let him hurt her. Don’t make him choose.”

  “I couldn’t if I wanted to.” Ian kissed Sahara’s forehead, finding it strange that he’d been doing much more not that long ago. And yet, it wasn’t weird that they were just friends now. She’d moved on with a good man, and he was happy for her.

  Maybe that was how Shawn had managed to be with so many different people, giving them his speech, then walking away without looking back. He knew they’d find what they were looking for.

  With someone else.

  When does Shawn get what he’s looking for though?

  For the longest time, Ian had believed Shawn wasn’t really ‘looking for’ anything.

  But seeing him with Justina, he wasn’t so sure anymore. Maybe he just hadn’t found the right person until now.

  And it wasn’t me.

  “Do you want to, Ian?” Sahara pressed her hand to his cheek, drawing his attention back to her. “He would choose you.”

  Ian watched Shawn pull Justina against his side as they joined Ladd and the kids. And he shook his head. “I don’t think he would. And…I don’t know how I feel about that.”

  Sahara hugged him again, not seeming sure what to say. She let him into Mason’s room, standing back as he approached the bed.

  Laid out on the bed, with a blue sheet pulled up to his chest, the toughest man on the team lay way too still. His dark brown skin had an ashen cast to it, and Ian’s chest hurt as he stood by the man’s side. He stared at Mason, at the machines helping him breathe. At the bandages on his throat and the tube in his neck. Even in the dim light, he could see the thick swelling from the punch that had crushed his windpipe.

  One more game against the Leafs. Only one more if the Cobras weren’t too fucking broken to finish them. If this series went to Game 7…

  Not happening.

  “I’m gonna make Kennel pay, Mason.” Ian took Mason’s cold hand in his, his jaw tense. “He doesn’t get to do this to you and get away with it. I’ll fucking destroy him.”

  Pressure on his palm had his heart skipping a beat. His eyes burned as Mason’s opened. He forced a smile.

  Mason’s dark eyes narrowed. His lips moved, but no sound came out. He pressed his eyes shut. Then shook his head.

  “Aww, come on, Mason. You’d fucking kill him if our positions were reversed.” Ian sighed when Mason opened his eyes again and glared at him. “Fine. I won’t do anything stupid. But you hurry up and get better, or I’ll hunt him down off the ice.”

  The edge of Mason’s lips quirked.

  “Glad we agree. I’m gonna leave you with your girl. I’d ask to be the best man at your wedding, but Cam’s probably taking the spot. Or Josh…fuck, he’d look awesome, standing beside you in his uniform.” Ian ducked his head as Mason’s brow rose. “Not that I think your brother looks hot in his uniform. Or…okay, he does, but I won’t hit on him. I swear.”

  Mason rolled his eyes.

  “I’m gonna go now. But I meant it. Get better.” Ian fisted his hand around Mason’s, then backed away as Sahara took his place. He put his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll tell the kids you said goodnight. Shawn and Justina should get them out of here. This place fucking sucks.”

  Sahara put her finger to her lips and looked pointedly at Mason, who winced as he made a weird sound. Almost a laugh, but like a really painful, strangled one.

  “Ah…yeah, unless you’ve gotta be here. Then it’s awesome. They’ve got…nice sheets.” Ian winced when Sahara smacked a hand into her forehead. “I’ll…see you around.”

  “Wait.” Sahara pulled a set of keys out of her pocket and tossed them to him. “Give these to Justina.”

  Nodding, he got out of the room before he said anything else stupid. Or anything at all, because Mason looked like he was trying not to laugh, and with his throat fucked up, laughing would probably make it worse.

  Back in the hall, everyone looked at him expectantly. He forced a smile, even though he felt like shit. Seeing Mason laid out sucked. Seeing Sahara so upset was hard.

  But she’d agreed to stay, so maybe him being here wasn’t completely pointless?

  He handed Justina the keys. “She’s staying.”

  “Good.” Justina pocketed the keys then hooked her arm to his. “Now, let’s go do some damage control with your girl. Little tip? All else fails, just listen. Say you’re sorry she’s upset. That you understand.”

  “Okay. I can do that.” But when they got back to the first floor and reached Carter’s room, Ian’s mind went blank. Justina had retreated to walk with Shawn and Ian was left alone to face Sam, who was sitting alone on a chair outside the room, her head in her hands.

  Where the fuck had Callahan gone?

  Great, she’s alone and I feel like even more of an asshole. Ian chewed at the inside of his cheek. Crouched down in front of Sam and put his hands on her knees. “Hey.”

  She lifted her head, quickly drying her tears with her hands. “You came back?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” That wasn’t part of the script, but he hated that she thought he’d abandoned her. “I went to check on Mason. Give you time alone with your brother.”

  Sam brushed her fingers through his hair, then looked down at his hands on her knees. “How is he?”

  “Messed up, but I think he’ll be okay.” He rubbed her knees. “How
’s Luke?”

  “Getting X-rays or something. He’s coughing up blood. And they think one of his wrists is broken.” She let out an angry growl. “Sloan yelled at him when he found out Luke hadn’t told the doctor everything. And Sebastian…damn. He went really quiet, but it was scarier than Sloan yelling. I think if Luke has so much as an ingrown toenail the doctor’s gonna know about it now.”

  “Shit. I’m sorry.” He really was too. It wasn’t like Luke had a damn cold. “I was a jerk before. And Luke was a moron for not telling the doctor everything.”

  “Ian!” Justina shook her head. “No.”

  Sam laughed and stood, lacing her fingers with his and grinning at Justina. “He’s right, Luke’s a moron. But I can tell Ian’s trying. And I have a feeling I have you to thank for that.”

  Justina’s cheek reddened as she lifted her shoulders. “He would have tried either way. I just wanted to make it a little easier for him.”

  “Thank you.” Sam cocked her head. “Not sure why you bothered since I was a bitch to you, but—”

  “It’s forgotten, Sam. Your brother’s hurt. The rest is just…stupid drama.” Justina looked down at her hand in Shawn’s. “This is a weird situation. I’m pretty sure there’s no instruction manual for how to handle it.”

  “True.” Sam slipped her hand into the back pocket of Ian’s jeans and leaned against his side. She let out a happy sigh when he rested his arm over her shoulders. “This isn’t high school. We probably wouldn’t have been friends there, but it’s not about who’s the cool kid anymore. Maybe we should hang out sometime.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Cool. I’m busy tomorrow, but maybe when the guys head out, we can grab a drink somewhere.”

  “Sure! We can catch the game Tuesday night if you’re not working.”

  Ian grinned at Shawn, liking how well the girls were getting along. Rather than smile back at him, Shawn focused on Sam.

  Who simply shrugged. “Maybe. I think I’ve had enough of this fucking game though. Feels like it’s gone on forever.”

  Shawn’s brow furrowed.

  Justina looked uncomfortable.

  Hoping to ease the tension, Ian laughed and pressed his lips to Sam’s hair. “That’s just because it’s been a rough night, sweetie. Give it a couple days and you’ll enjoy it again. I promise.”

  “Right.” Sam snorted. “’Again’.”

  Lips thin, Shawn looked from Sam to Ian. “This has been fun, but we need to get the kids home. Give me a shout when you can.”

  “Will do.” The sound of Luke grumbling as he was rolled back to his room drew Ian’s attention. Sam slipped into the room behind her brother. Ian moved to follow. Then paused and glanced over at Shawn, who’d started to walk away with Justina, Ladd, and the kids.

  He wanted to say something to Shawn. Like, he was looking forward to having him all to himself. Which would be a dick thing to bring up in front of Justina.

  So he caught Justina’s eye instead and said the only other thing that was important right now. “Take care of him.”

  Justina shot him a concerned look he didn’t understand. “I will, but Ian…?”


  “Take care of you.”

  Long after they were gone, Ian stood in the hall, trying to figure out what she’d meant. With everything that had gone down tonight, he was the last person anyone should worry about.

  An hour later, he took Sam back to his place. She was exhausted, but as they snuggled in his bed, she got in a weird mood. Started kissing him. Slipping her hand into his boxers to stroke his dick.

  Which felt fucking awesome, but he knew she was still too…sore to enjoy sex. And she wouldn’t let him return the favor, which made any pleasure she gave him bittersweet.

  As she kissed her way down his stomach, he laughed and pulled her back up into his arms.

  “Honey, you don’t have to do that.”

  Making an irritated sound, she braced up on one arm and scowled at him. “What if I want to?”

  “Do you?”

  She licked her bottom lip and gave him a seductive smile. “Yes. I want you in a good mood.”

  “I’m not in a bad one.”

  “I know, but…I want to ask you something.”

  This girl confused the hell out of him sometimes. What did sucking his dick have to do with asking him anything? He rose up, flipping her onto her back and resting his hands on the bed at either side of her head.

  “You have my full attention.” He kissed the tip of her nose to make her smile. “Just ask.”

  Her smile faded. She pressed her eyes shut. “Don’t hate me, but I was wondering…have you ever wanted to do anything else? You could…maybe be a model? A sports announcer? A truck driver?”

  He sat back, even more confused. “Huh?”

  “I just want you to think about it. You can’t play the game forever, right?”

  Not something he hadn’t considered himself, but after the talk with Callahan, he’d stopped worrying about the day coming when he couldn’t play. The thing was, the idea scared him because he wasn’t good at anything else.

  He’d sucked in school. He remembered coming home with shitty grades. His grandmother used to call him her ‘special boy’.

  “You mean stupid.” Ian never talked back to his grandmother, but he’d had a horrible day. His English teacher had made him read a book report in front of the whole class. One he’d gotten a really bad grade on. The whole class had read The Outsiders.

  The book was sad. He didn’t get the point of reading a sad book. So he wrote his report on all the things Ponyboy should have done. How the book could have had a happy ending.

  In front of everyone, the teacher asked him if he was stupid. Why couldn’t he follow simple instructions?

  “You’re a good-looking boy, Ian.” His grandmother patted his head and smiled. “You don’t need to be smart.”

  Ian wanted to be smart, but everyone knew he wasn’t. The only time he wasn’t treated like he was an idiot was when he played hockey. He was good at that. The coaches like him. They told him what to do and patted his shoulder and said he was a skilled player. The way he read the plays was ‘intelligent’.

  High School was a bit easier. The teachers liked that he was an important part of the hockey team. He’d gotten frustrated once when making up a math test he’d missed for a road game.

  “I’m so fucking stupid!”

  The math teacher chuckled. Gave him a few of the right answers. “You’ve got other talents. Keep winning games and none of this will matter, kid.”

  There’d never been a time when he’d had more going for him than his ability to play hockey.


  Sam was waiting for his answer.

  He wasn’t sure he had the one she wanted to hear. But he liked her. He didn’t want her to give up on him because he had nothing else to offer.

  So he held her close and nodded. “You’re right. There’s got to be something else.”

  Nothing else he wanted to do. But to make her happy?

  He couldn’t drive a truck. But he could load boxes. He was strong.

  That has to be good for something.

  Chapter 25

  Fifteen messages were waiting for Shawn when he turned his phone back on. Half were from his parents, who’d watched the game with all his aunts and uncles and cousins, calling to give him their reactions every time they enjoyed his play or the team scored. He listened to them all shouting in German, and laughed as he heard his youngest cousin, Otto, repeat an enthusiastic curse from his father.

  His aunt scolded his father. The message cut short.

  The next wasn’t quite so pleasant.

  “Shawn, I’m not sure how this man got my number, but let me know if you want to hear from him. Or if we need a restraining order.” His manager’s tone was strained, as though she was fed up. “I’m leaning toward the latter, but he says he’s an old friend.”

  Each messa
ge from her got a bit worse.

  “He seems very…nice, Shawn, but I’m considering blocking his number. He expected to see you tonight and isn’t happy that he didn’t. He’s going to the game in Toronto. Did you see him at the last one? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “This man is obsessed. He got his wife to call this time. I’m worried. I don’t care what time it is, call me.”

  “Shit, I just realized you’re probably at the hospital. I’ve blocked his number and strongly advise you to avoid him. Please call me. I’m worried about you.”

  Charlotte didn’t worry over nothing. Whatever Steve had said upset her enough for her to call Shawn more than she normally would in a week unless they had a good endorsement deal on the table. Shawn had no doubt that it was Steve calling her. That man was the only one who didn’t seem to understand when he’d crossed the line.

  Stepping into the kitchen while Ladd and Justina settled the kids into bed, Shawn called Charlotte, hoping she wasn’t asleep.

  She answered on the first ring. “Thank you for calling. After speaking to that man, I was tempted to call the police.”

  For fuck’s sakes, this has gone too far. Damn it, Steve, what’s your problem?

  Shawn kept his tone level. “What did he say?”

  “He… Damn it, it’s not even what he said. He was very polite. He said he’s known you for a long time and that you were ‘close’. He’s traveled a long way to see you and apparently feels entitled to your time.” She sighed and the sound of a baby crying came through the line. “You’re lucky you pay me well. Paula’s drained and our son is colicky. I’d bitch at you for this keeping me up if you weren’t my favorite client.”

  Nice to hear, but Shawn still felt horrible for disrupting Charlotte’s down time with her wife and new baby. The couple had been looking forward to becoming parents for so long. The baby bug seemed to be going around.

  He’d never expected Steve to go to such extremes to get in touch with him. Thankfully, fans didn’t usually consider hunting down agents and managers to reach their favorite players. Charlotte had fended off over-enthusiastic fans before, but it happened so rarely, it wasn’t considered an issue.


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