More Rules For Cheri (New Rules Book 2)

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More Rules For Cheri (New Rules Book 2) Page 7

by Markie Morelli

  Chéri squirmed until he placed a big hand on her bottom to settle her down and remained quiet until he determined her temperature was normal. She could hear the relief in his voice.

  “It’s fine, no fever, other than on those hot cheeks, but I do think we should schedule an appointment with Doctor Franklin,” he said. “We might as well get the initial visit taken care of, just in case we should need him.”

  “Why can’t I keep seeing Doctor Martin?” she asked, turning back over. “He’s been my doctor for years.”

  “You can, but we still need to get you established with Dr. Franklin. I’m sure there will be occasions where talking to or seeking advice from your regular doctor would be quite embarrassing, given our lifestyle. Now get moving,” he said. “As much as I would like to slap that rosy red bottom to help you along, I find even I am not that mean. Of course, if you’re not in the kitchen in half an hour, I may reconsider,” he teased, kissing her nose.

  “I’ll be there,” she replied grumpily. “If only to spoil your morning,” she whispered under her breath as he walked away.

  “I heard that,” he called over his shoulder with a laugh. “I do believe I can find some prune juice instead of orange juice.”

  “No, Daddy, I’m sorry,” she yelled after him as she scampered out of bed. Prune juice, yuk!

  A half hour later, she presented herself in the kitchen wearing a short black skirt and a crisp white blouse. She hung her black blazer on the back of her stool and climbed up, thankful for the added height of her heels.

  “I think you were really mean last night, Daddy,” she said, placing her napkin on her lap and eyeing the dish of oatmeal with disdain. She picked up her orange juice and took a sip, frowning as he sat down with his coffee. “And not having coffee in the morning isn’t going to work for me at all,” she added.

  “Is that so?” he asked with a grin.

  “Yes, that’s so.”

  “What makes you think it’s your decision?” he asked, taking a sip.

  “I just don’t think it’s fair, that’s all. You know I didn’t sleep well,” she sniffed. “Not after you…”

  “Not after I gave you at least three fabulous orgasms?” he asked with a disbelieving snort. “Funny, you snored all night.”

  “I do not snore,” she insisted, tipping her chin up.

  “You do snore. In fact, I had to turn the monitor down to get any rest. Why are you trying to start an argument this morning?” he asked, reaching across the counter to take her hand in his.

  Chéri looked down at her breakfast. She picked up her spoon, stirred her oatmeal and then put the spoon back down.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I’m nervous.”

  “About talking to Waters?”

  “That and a few other things,” she said softly.

  “Then let’s talk about them,” he suggested, rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand.

  “I don’t know if I can. I don’t want to make you angry.”

  “Since when don’t we talk about what’s bothering you? I would think the last three years would have convinced you things work best when we’re honest with each other,” he reminded her.

  “But the situation has changed now. You’re in charge.”

  “I hate to burst your bubble, but I’ve been in charge, sweetheart. We’ve just made it official and somewhat permanent. That doesn’t mean I’m no longer interested in your opinions or what you have to say.”

  “Do you mean that?” she asked hopefully.

  “Of course I do, now out with it. What’s on your mind?”

  “Well, the first thing is, I simply have to have coffee in the morning,” she said firmly. “I’ll eat my breakfast without complaint, or try to, I know I don’t always take proper care of myself and you’re concerned, but I need my coffee.”

  He watched her closely, still stroking her hand and appeared to be thinking it over. Then he released her and rose.

  “I can compromise on this,” he said, moving to get her a cup. “One coffee in the morning seems reasonable, but if I find out you’re drinking cup after cup at work, I will reverse my decision.”

  “Isn’t that the worst thing that can happen to a judge?” she asked with a smile. “Having one of his decisions reversed.”

  Michael laughed and shook his head.

  “Yes, it is, so don’t make me do it, or you’ll be one very sorry and caffeine deprived babygirl. Now eat the damn oatmeal.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she replied with a grin, picking up her spoon. “You know, this isn’t half bad,” she added after taking a taste.

  “I’m so glad you approve,” he drawled sarcastically as he added cream to her cup.

  “Aw, now you are mad,” she said sadly.

  “My darling girl,” he began, handing her the cup. “I am not angry. I know this will be an adjustment for both of us and I intend to pick my battles. A cup of coffee in the morning will not be one of them. As your daddy, there will be times when I am insistent and nothing you can say will change my mind. There will be times when you will be angry, or frightened, or just plain obstinate, and sorry you agreed to this arrangement. We will work through them together, and even though the final decisions will be mine, I will always care about what you think and how you feel. Never doubt my love for you, baby. Never. I hope you always remember I’m doing what I feel is best for you, as well as what’s best for our marriage. I am well aware of the tremendous gift you’ve given me with your trust and submission, but I won’t allow you to take it back. You’re mine now, completely and forever.”

  “Oh, Daddy,” she sighed, her shoulders slumping as a tear trailed down her cheek. “I love you so much. I’m sorry I’m so stubborn and I truly don’t mean to challenge your authority. No one in the world could take better care of me, and I know that. Please be patient with me. I don’t want to screw this up,” she sniffed.

  “Honey, Daddy will not allow you to,” he promised, moving to her side and wrapping her in his arms. “You’re too important, the life we’ve created, the happiness and pleasure we’ve uncovered is too important.

  “I know you’re worried,” he said, kissing her hair. “Worried the demands I make on you will be too much, too embarrassing, and at times I will require your complete and total obedience, but you love that, you know you do. Please don’t fret, babygirl. Daddy’s got this. Don’t lose faith in me now.”

  Chéri turned and wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up and held her in his arms. Nestling her head in his neck, she held on tight.

  “Michael, I loved you when I married you. Loved you through all those lonely and trying years, but I don’t think I’ve ever loved you more than I do this minute. As my daddy, you make me feel so treasured, so special. I never want to lose that. You are three times the man I thought you were. I never gave you enough credit, I know that now, but I will make it up to you every day for the rest of my life,” she promised.

  He laughed and her head popped up as she stared at him in shock.

  “I’m sorry, my darling,” he said still smiling. “I know you mean every word you’re saying from the bottom of your heart, but I also know you,” he teased with a twinkle in his eyes. “I will have to help you keep that promise with a good many spankings, no doubt.”


  “It’s true, and what’s more, you know it. My love does not blind me to your flaws”

  “What flaws?” she demanded.

  “You’re stubborn to a fault, sassy far too often and occasionally downright defiant. While technically, they should be considered flaws within the confines of our unique relationship, I can’t help but adore them, for they give me ample reason to discipline you in both classic and imaginative ways. Yes, as much as it pains me to admit it, I wouldn’t want you any other way. You make my life exciting. In fact, I’m quite aroused now. However,” he continued setting her back on her stool with a quick kiss, “we’re going to be late for work and your oatmeal has gotte
n cold.”

  “That’s okay, I didn’t really want…”

  But he was already on his way to the microwave with her bowl. She stuck her tongue out at his back, but took the dish from him when he returned.

  “Eat it, little one,” he said firmly. “I did, after all, compromise on the coffee,” he pointed out.

  Chéri picked up her spoon and began eating, glaring at him as she did.

  “Here I am, pouring out my heart to you, Daddy, and all you can think about is oatmeal,” she complained.

  “Believe me, that is not all I’m thinking about,” he replied with a wicked grin.

  Chéri couldn’t help herself, she grinned back.

  “What else are you thinking about?” she cooed, blowing a kiss at him.

  “I’m trying to decide what to put in your enema tonight if you should come home and tell me you failed to tell Waters what I told you to,” he replied coolly with a gleam in his eye.

  She dropped her spoon and it clattered across the floor. Michael straightened and got her a clean one, picking up the first one and putting it in the dishwasher. She knew her mouth was open, but for the life of her she couldn’t get any words out.

  “Don’t look so anxious, sweet baby,” he said. “If you’re a good girl, you have nothing to worry about and we’ll put that off for another time. If, however you’re a very naughty girl, you might want to plan on a long and trying evening.”

  “Oh, I’m telling him,” she insisted, finally finding her voice. “I’m telling him the moment I get there!” Rapidly, she finished her oatmeal and passed him her bowl.

  “And therein lies my quandary,” Michael sighed.

  “What do you mean, Daddy? I said I’d do it. Aren’t you happy?”

  “Yes and no. On one hand it pleases me you intend to obey me. On the other, the idea of administering a nice warm enema to you, and following up with fucking that tight and beautiful ass is thrilling,” he admitted ruefully.

  Chéri jumped down from the stool and planted her hands on her hips.

  “Is there no pleasing you, Daddy?” she demanded.

  “Oh, babygirl, you pleasing me is never an issue,” he said as he advanced on her, causing her to back up a step at the look in his eyes. “Everything about you pleases me, and in reality, I could do anything I want to you whether you’re naughty or not. In fact, it might be a good idea if your first enema was not given with you thinking it’s a punishment,” he continued, almost as though he were talking to himself. “Yes, that might be best.”

  “Now, Daddy,” she said, holding up her hand and placing it against his chest as he came closer and closer. “You clearly said if I told Mr. Waters today, it would be put off for another time,” she insisted with a quiver in her voice.

  “I did, didn’t I?” he admitted with a frown as he tipped her chin up and stared into her eyes. “Well, a daddy’s word is law, so my pet you have escaped once again, but soon, very soon,” he murmured huskily. Cupping the back of her head, he kissed her, deeply and thoroughly until her knees weakened and she melted against him.

  It wouldn’t be long, she realized foggily. Not when he felt this passionately about it. He was as hard as steel and pressing his erection against her. She hoped she was up to the challenge it presented. That was a whole lot of submission.

  Chapter 8

  Upon her arrival at work, Chéri did exactly as Michael told her to do. She marched into Mr. Waters’ office and told him that while she was very flattered by his offer, she simply could not accept. In fact, prior to landing this new client, it had been her intention to give her notice.

  As a courtesy, and in recognition of all the company had done for her, she would stay on until Jennifer Cavanaugh was completely satisfied. Then she would phase out of her work load over the course of a month or so, giving her replacement plenty of time to adjust.

  She also left it open that at some point she might consider becoming a part-time consultant, if he had need of her services, but for the time being, he should consider this her official notice.

  Chéri was quite proud of herself and immediately sent her husband a text message. There was no sense in him thinking about certain things all day when she’d followed his instructions to the letter. Breathing a sigh of relief, she leaned back in her chair.

  Thankfully, her boss hadn’t asked a slew of difficult questions regarding her relatively abrupt departure. Instead, he told her how sorry he was to see her go. He was disappointed she would not be his VP, but he assumed she had her reasons and let it go at that.

  Buzzing for Mary, she asked her to bring her a cup of decaf coffee and come into her office.

  “Decaf?” Mary questioned.

  “Yes, I’ve been a bit jittery lately.”

  “All right, I’ll get it and be right in.”

  Chéri was smiling when Mary entered the office.

  “You did it didn’t you? You gave Waters your notice,” she cried out.

  “Yes,” Chéri admitted. “How did you know?”

  “A… maybe by the big smile on your face,” Mary replied. “God, I’m so jealous. When are you leaving?” Mary asked, dropping onto a chair.

  “As soon as the Cavanaugh campaign is up and running smoothly, and I’m going to do everything in my power to talk Waters into giving it to you when I leave.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Mary asked stunned.

  “No, I’m completely serious. It’s time they stopped overlooking you, Mary. You’ve been the best assistant I’ve ever had and you deserve a chance to show Waters what you can do.”

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe it,” Mary said, shaking her head. “Thank you, Chéri.”

  “You’ve earned it. Now, I want to get moving on this as quickly as possible. Call both modeling agencies we work with and tell them we want women between 35 and 65, a broad range, but we’re selling a product that ‘Will not let your years define you,’” Chéri quoted her pitch to Jennifer. “We want to see photos of everyone they’ve got, and we want them yesterday. Ask them to send them ASAP. Also call Jennifer and arrange a meeting for Thursday morning if she can. By then, we should have weeded out the ones we can’t use.

  “Also call Johnny Hart. He’s the best photographer in the business, as far as I’m concerned, and see what his schedule looks like. We’ll need at least three days, maybe four in his studio. Marcelle is who I’ll want for make-up and Richards for clothes, but tell Marcelle all the make-up has to be Cavanaugh products. I’ll send over a list later.

  “I think Jason & Company for hair. Pull it all together quickly for me and I’ll love you forever,” she said, picking up her phone. “Tell them we’ll get back to them after we’ve chosen the models. The important thing is locking in the shoot when everyone is available.

  “I’ll start making calls to find out who’s available for filming some commercials and check on airtime. Jennifer wants to go nationwide, so I want quality, no local videographers. They’re a crap shoot at best.”

  “Got it,” Mary said. “I’ll let you know as soon as the photos arrive.

  “Good. Martine, I need some airtime, nationwide,” Chéri said, tucking the phone to her ear and taking notes. “Give me the current rate. Prime time, no midnight specials.”

  “Daddy,” Chéri called as she walked in the door and dropped her things right where she stood. “Daddy,” she yelled.

  “What is it?” Michael asked his voice full of concern as he rounded the corner into the living room.

  “Hold me,” Chéri demanded softly, holding up her arms. “I’m so tired.”

  Smiling, he picked her up and held her close. Her heels dropped off and he stepped over them as he carried her to the couch and sat, cuddling her on his lap.

  “A long day, huh, babygirl?” he soothed, kissing the head resting on his chest.

  “The longest ever, Daddy,” she answered. “I thought it would never end.”

  “Well it has ended, baby, and now you’re home, where you belong.” Rea
ching down, he rubbed her feet gently. “Are you hungry?”

  “No,” she pouted, snuggling closer. “Just tired.”

  “How about a nice warm bath and then maybe a bowl of soup?” he suggested.

  “No, I just want you to hold me in your arms and tell me everything will be all right,” she sighed, closing her eyes.

  “Everything will be all right, baby,” he promised, “but we can’t stay here all night. You need to have your bath and something to eat. You need to get into your pajamas. Then Daddy will hold you as long as you want.”

  “All night?” she asked.

  “Yes, all night if that’s what you need?”

  “I do, oh, Daddy, I do. Today was so hard. Telling Mr. Waters was hard and then all those stupid men were nosing around, trying to find out if it was true, that I was leaving. I wanted to smack them all.”

  “But you did what Daddy asked you to do. That’s the important thing and I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.”

  “Mary and I were so busy. We didn’t even get time for lunch and no coffee. Ugh. I wanted to please you, so I drank decaf all day and now I have a headache and I’m tired,” she nearly wailed.

  “Yes, I didn’t think of that. I’m pretty sure you’re addicted to caffeine, baby, and stopping it suddenly could easily give you a headache and make you feel exhausted.”

  “I didn’t even want to drive home.”

  “You should have called me. I would have come to get you. So you drove home, so tired you could hardly keep your eyes open?”

  “Yes, Daddy, and I almost cried,” she sniffed.

  “My poor babygirl,” he said as he rose with her in his arms. “Don’t ever do that again,” he scolded. “If you need Daddy, you call him right away from now on. Let’s go get you something for that headache. You know sometimes daddies can make mistakes too. I should have realized this could happen,” he said as he gently sat her down on the toilet seat in the downstairs bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet.

  “So you did something bad?” she asked, looking up at him.


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