Jeremy (Members From Money Book 4)

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Jeremy (Members From Money Book 4) Page 5

by Katie Dowe

  “I wanted to know if you wanted to go and take in a show over the weekend.”

  “What’s on?”

  “A remake of the Taming of the Shrew. But if you are busy, I quite understand.”

  “I will make myself available. What are you doing later?”

  “Nothing after I leave the office.” He paused. “I thought you had company?”

  “Brian will be long gone by then. Come on over.” She said before hanging up.

  “Was that the billionaire?” Brian asked teasingly.

  “You have put the idea in his head that we are probably making love over here.” She told him dryly.

  “Nothing is wrong with him feeling jealous honey.” He said blithely. Brian Morrow was tall and very handsome with lightly streaked blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He was a male model and was decidedly gay. She had met him several years ago when she had redone his parents’ house and they had become fast friends. Whenever he was in town, they would get together and exchanged the latest gossip.

  “We are not together like that.”

  “Oh, baby!” he clapped gleefully. “A friend with benefits. Tell me more!”


  First Mark and now Brian! He dug his fingers through his hair and held on. What the hell had he landed himself into? Ever since she had come back from her trip, they had spent almost every night together. He had not suggested that she come to the manor because he knew she would probably not want to and he did not want to put ideas into his grandfather’s head. He had suggested having dinner out one night and she had told him that going out was not really her thing. He could not stop thinking about her, but she treated him like a friend she happens to have sex with. He was not sure he could put up with it much more of it. He had totally forgotten about the deal he was supposed to be concentrating on and wanted to be with her in more ways than one.

  Christ! When had it all gotten so complicated!


  He stroked her back slowly as she sprawled over his chest. He knew she was probably half asleep and wondered if she would tell him to leave. As soon as he had come inside, she had slipped out of the t-shirt she had on and jumped on him. He had looked around to see any indication if Brian had been with her intimately.

  “So who is Brian?” he asked her casually.

  “A friend.” She mumbled sleepily.

  “Like I am?”

  She lifted her head and looked down at him. Her curls were tumbled and her hazel eyes were sleepy. “Different. He is gay.” She said with a smile.


  “We have been friends for quite some time and he comes around whenever he is in town. He is a male model.” She explained.

  He pushed back the hair from her face and used his hands to frame her. “You don’t seem to have a lot of friends.”

  “In high school yes, but for college I mostly stayed to myself.” She said with a laugh. “I do better by myself and I am likely to ignore you or not remember to call when I get to working. That’s one of the reasons I am not in a relationship.”

  “I see,” he felt the disappoint sharp inside him. “I thought we were in a relationship.”

  “We are in a physical relationship, honey.” She bent her head and kissed him on the lips before getting up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To pee.” She said before she disappeared.

  “We were not finished talking,” he told her as soon as she got back.

  “I thought we were.” She climbed back onto the bed and into his arms.

  “Is that all you want? A physical relationship?” he murmured knowing that he should stop while he was ahead.

  “For now. I don’t have the time to put the effort in a relationship and I don’t want to shortchange anyone.”

  “So, you are thinking marriage and children some day?” he persisted.

  “Maybe,” she lifted her head to look down at him. “Not in the near future though. You are okay with the way we are, aren’t you?”

  He wanted to shout no! But instead he nodded and smiled stiffly. “Of course. I don’t have the time for anything else either, so this is perfect.”

  “Good,” she sounded relieved and he wanted to weep. “I would hate to think that we would have to call it quits.”

  “So would I.” his voice was subdued and suddenly he knew he had to get away. “I have to be going. Early meeting tomorrow.”

  “Too bad.” She murmured. “Another round before you leave?”

  He nodded, his gaze hooded as he took her in his arms, his heart heavy.

  Chapter 5

  “Can we talk?” Rosalind asked her son quietly as she stood just inside the doorway of his home office.

  He looked up at her and smiled as he beckoned her in. It was approaching December, and he was still making no headway with Deidre. They had been to several functions together but after which she would not call him for days, and when she did she would just pick up from where they left off with no apologies. She was busy redecorating some mansion in the adjoining neighborhood to theirs and he wondered if he should hire her to redecorate his suite so that he could get to see her. “Mother, I thought you would be asleep by now or watching your favorite movie on television.”

  “I went to the charity function at the Mayor, remember?” she asked him quietly as she came and took a seat. She had just returned home and changed out of her gown with the idea of going to bed but had decided to check up on him before.

  “Oh yes!” he nodded. “How was it?”

  “Too many people.” She said with a smile as she looked at him. He looked so much like his father. Handsome, arrogant and confident. “When am I going to meet her?”

  “Who?” he was being deliberately obtuse because he knew who she was referring to.

  “You have been going out with Deidre Bent for the past three months and I am yet to see her here.”

  “It’s actually almost four months.” He looked away from his mother’s gaze and took up his pen tapping it on the desk. “We are not exactly in a relationship mother.”

  “But you want to be in one.” She responded shrewdly causing him to look up at her. “You have not said anything about the despicable deal your grandfather forced on you, but you are still going out with her.”

  “She is not pregnant yet, so I see no reason to stop.”

  “Is that even an issue now, Jeremy?” she asked him quietly.

  He shrugged and looked away. “She does not want a relationship, and that is fine by me.”

  “I have a feeling you really want more.”

  “What I want is irrelevant and besides she is busy with a lot of work now.”

  I was thinking of redecorating my suite,” she said casually. “Do you think she would find the time to consult with me this coming week?”

  Jeremy looked at her sharply and felt a glimmer of admiration for the woman he loved but had given scant regards to. “I am sure she will find the time.”

  “Good. I am going to need her number.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I figured you need some help and I am your mother and that’s what I am here for.” She got to her feet. “Don’t work too hard darling.”

  Jeremy stared after her as she left with a thoughtful expression on his face.


  Deena moaned as he put his fingers inside her already wet flesh. She had come over as soon as she knew he had come home from work and had cooked for him. She had also bought groceries and several shirts for him to wear to work. He had told her that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and wanted to know why he had not seen her first. “Malcolm,” she whispered achingly as he worked his fingers into her. He was naked and his heavy penis hung between his hairy thighs like a sword. He pulled his fingers out and rubbed the tip of him with her moisture before coming over her. He entered her and she shuddered at the deliciousness of it! H
e pushed up her legs and thrust into her lazily, his green eyes holding hers. His ash blonde hair fell over his forehead as he pushed deep inside her. She wanted to be with him every day and wished they did not have to hide. She reached up and cup his face bringing it down to hers and taking his lips with hers. Sliding her fingers through his hair, she surrendered to him totally!


  “By any chance, did you tell your mother to call me?” Deidre asked him as she handed him a cup of coffee before sitting at the counter.

  “She mentioned something about redecorating her suite and asked for your number.” He told her casually. He had stopped by on his way from work and had taken off his suit jacket and hung it on the peg. “What did she say?”

  “She wants to meet with me at your place tomorrow.” She looked at him for a moment. “Does she know about us?”

  “We have been featured in the papers several times, Deidre, so it is safe to assume that she knows we are seeing each other.” He told her lightly.

  “She is not going to give me the third degree and ask me what my intentions are to her son, is she?” she teased him as she sipped her coffee. She had reached home a few hours ago tired and aching after removing heavy damask draperies and had thought about just crashing for the night when he called.

  “Maybe,” his blue-grey eyes looked at her quizzically. “What are you going to tell her?”

  “That we are having this amazing sex and we intend to continue. Speaking of which- “she put her cup aside and came around to him. “I was thinking that while I am there maybe you could show me your suite and we check out each room and christen each one,” she was nibbling at his lip again and causing him not to be able to concentrate.

  “I will be at the office,” he said faintly holding her around the waist.

  “I am going there in the afternoon.” She ran the tip of her tongue over his lip before sucking it inside his mouth causing him to almost cry out in need. “So you are going to have to hurry up and get there.”

  “Anything,” he murmured hoarsely. He pulled the sweater over her head and cup her breasts in his palms, his eyes a smoky grey as he looked at her. Deidre arched her back as he took a nipple inside his mouth.


  Jeremy sat there in the board meeting and could not concentrate! For the first time in his life, he was not interested in sales projections and profit margins and the new apartment buildings being put up in the downtown area. His grandfather sat at the seat where his father had sat most of the time, but Jeremy was the one who did most of the deciding. But he had to force himself to listen to the reports being made at the large oval table by the various members of the board. He nodded to the secretary as she came in and took her seat poised to take the minutes. She was the only woman in the room, and for a minute it surprised him that he was just noticing that now.

  “The stock market is on a downward slope and we have been seeing a slide in our profits since the beginning of December,” a long time member by the name of Donald Greaves spoke up. They were all men who had committed their lives to the running of the company and had been friends with his grandfather for a very long time. Apart from Jeremy, the only other young person around the table was Dominic Pinnock, a young up-and-coming law student from Harvard.

  “I don’t think we need to worry about that,” Another member by the name of Rafael said with a wave of his hand. “Langley Holdings have the reputation of being a company that delivers. The new apartment buildings are virtually selling themselves and membership of the club has gone up by a hundred percent. Am I right, Jeremy?” all eyes turned to him and he nodded. He was uncharacteristically quiet, and they were used to him being the main contributor.

  “We saw a turnout for the tournament of several hundred people and the restaurants are doing particularly well.” He told them.”

  “Good.” Rafael nodded.

  The meeting broke up after a few minutes and they left the room except the two Langleys. “You okay, son?” Robert asked him mildly as he sipped his coffee.

  “Could not be better. Why?”

  “You seemed a bit preoccupied back there, so I was wondering.”

  “I am fine.”

  “I understand that Deidre is coming by the manor this afternoon to look about redecorating your mother’s suite?” he raised his shaggy eyebrows as he looked at Jeremy.

  “I did not put her up to it,” he said stiffly.

  “Relax boy, I did not think you had.” Robert hid a smile at the look on his face. “So, I take it you will be leaving here early to go on home?”

  “Why?” he asked bristling.

  “To make sure your mother does not spend all the money in the coffer.” He said in amusement. “Look son, you don’t have to pretend with me. Deidre is a very beautiful woman and if you are hooked then it is only natural.”

  “Was that your intention all along?” Jeremy asked him bitterly.

  “I have no idea what you mean.” Robert told him airily. “I am still waiting on my heir.”


  He stood there watching as she prowled around his mother’s suite. He had almost stayed behind in his office, but thinking of her at his home was a distraction which meant that he had not been able to do much work for the entire day. He smiled slightly as he watched her measuring and muttering to herself. His mother was downstairs and had told him that she had left to come and consult the chef about dinner. “Do you think Deidre would like to have dinner with us?” she had asked him.

  “I have no idea Mother, but I will ask her.”

  Now standing there in his mother’s delicately designed bedroom and looking at her, he knew he could not have stayed away. She turned and saw him there. “Hey!” she smiled in pleasure as she saw him. “I was beginning to think you were working late.”

  He came inside his footsteps muffled by the thick carpet. “Not a chance.”

  “This is quite a place. She said she wanted bolder colors but I don’t think anything too bold would suit her. She reminds me of lace and pearls.”

  “That’s an odd combination.” He said with a smile. He reached out and pulled her into his arms, he could not help it.

  “The only things that came to mind.” He had shed his suit jacket and she busily unbuttoned the two top buttons of his pale blue shirt, spreading her palms over his skin. “I want to see your suite.”

  He bent his head and captured her lips. He was really home! He thought as her tongue touched his. This was where he belonged. She bit his tongue lightly causing him to groan and brought her closer to him. He kissed her deeply, his hands coming up to dig into her curls and destroying the careful bun she had secured at the back of her neck. He felt his control slipping and becoming dangerous as she returned the kiss, her nails digging into his flesh. He pulled away from her, his breathing harsh as he looked at her. “Not here,” he said hoarsely as he took her hand.

  She saw a glimpse of pale lavender walls and paintings as they went swiftly through a long passage. And up another flight of stairs that led to a suite of rooms. He opened the door and closed it swiftly pushing her up against it as he took her lips with his, devouring her mouth. She was wearing a wool dress with leggings underneath and boots, and he lifted her dress and reached inside her leggings and felt the warmth of her. He dipped his fingers in and explored her, his mouth ravaging hers. He had lost control and he did not care one bit! He had no idea what was happening to him and he did not care. He just wanted to be with her. He thrust his fingers into her and she moved frantically, practically tearing at his shirt to touch his skin. He stumbled back and quickly released his stiff and aching penis coming back to enter her forcefully. He was breathing too hard, he had to get back some control but it was not happening. She closed around him tightly and pushed off the ruined shirt from his broad shoulders before sinking her teeth into his chest. He cried out as she sucked his flesh inside his mouth, and he felt the
raging emotions thundering through his body. His fingers bit into the flesh of her hips as he thrust into her over and over again, his breathing labored. They came together sobbing and trembling against each other as the tide washed over them almost drowning them!

  He took her over to his high king-sized bed and laid her down gently, pulling off her boots and her ruined leggings before climbing on the bed beside her. “Your mother is going to wonder where I am,” she stretched her hands and wrapped them around his neck as he came over her.

  “She will know where you are,” he pushed her curls from her face. How could she not know what he felt for her? He wondered as he stared down into her flushed and beautiful face. Her lips were swollen and her eyes were slumberous. It was the second shirt she had ruined in her haste to touch his skin and he did not care! He did not care about anything but being with her! He loved her! The thought had a punch to it that had him rearing back.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispered.

  “Nothing, just enjoying the afterglow of sex on your face,” he said with a forced smile.

  “Is that so?” she pulled him back down and took his lips with hers. It was quite a while before they could leave the room.


  He had to give her one of his long socks to put on underneath her boots. If his mother noticed the changes in her appearance, she made no mention of it. Jeremy watched as she spoke to his mother while they ate. His grandfather had gone to the club to have dinner and he wondered if that was deliberate on his part. He watched as she talked about fabrics and wallpapers and admired the delicacy of her hands as she held the fork and knife. They finished dinner at eight and his mother retired for the night telling her that she was looking forward to seeing what she had in mind for her suite. “Good night my dear it was lovely to see you again.”

  “How about spending the night?” he asked her casually as they went into the vast living room. There was a cheerful fire burning in the massive hearth. There was a Rembrandt in place of honor and a picture of his dad with a serious snobbish look on his handsome face.

  “How about grabbing some clothes and coming back to my apartment?” she countered placing her empty glass on a side table. She had noticed the quiet subdued way the maids approached the dinner table when they were serving the meal and realized that this was far from being a home.


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