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Jeremy (Members From Money Book 4)

Page 20

by Katie Dowe

  Matt knew he needed to get Jay out of there as soon as possible. But not before he knew where he stood with his former friend.

  Jay was still in the library when Matt found him. He was on his third bottle watching sports. Matt indicated to Bates to wait inside the door and he scooped up the remote, turning off the TV.

  "Hey, there you are!" Jay's voice sounded a little slurred. Despite his denials, he was still a lightweight. "I thought you'd been kidnapped."

  Matt stood in front of the TV, the file with the documents in his hands. He needed to hold onto something otherwise he would be holding onto Jay's neck and squeezing the life out of him.

  "I was having a chat with Michelle, Arlie's little sister, and making a few phone calls." He shook his head. "How could you, Jay? You beat up a pregnant woman."

  "You what?" Suddenly sober, Jay sat up, his face frowned in confusion. Then realization dawned and he looked outraged. "What is that bitch saying?"

  "You attacked a pregnant woman and she lost the baby." Matt could feel himself shaking with anger. "And don't get defensive with me on this."

  Jay put his bottle down and snorted rudely as he sat back, sprawling across the couch. He looked so laidback that it fueled Matt's anger.

  "What baby?" Jay scoffed. "There was no baby. Arlie Slade is a gold-digging bitch who was looking to trap me. When I refused to marry her for the 'baby's' sake she had a hissy fit and called the cops on me. Luckily I managed to smooth it over with them." His expression darkened. "Then the whore stole my money. I'm going to sue her for that."

  Matt couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never heard Jay sound so callous. This wasn't the man he had known for years. This was a total stranger.

  "There was a baby." He kept his voice level but all he wanted to do was punch the bastard. "I was on the phone to the hospital where Arlie was admitted. The ER nurse described her injuries as horrific. Arlie said she had been attacked by her boyfriend." He opened the file and picked up the first sheet. "I have her ER report right here. She was black and blue all over, especially around the stomach area. Two of her lower ribs were broken, she had a perforated eye socket and some internal injuries. Arlie told them that she was pregnant and had experienced bleeding so they checked her womb. There was a baby in there but there was no heartbeat."

  Matt swallowed. When he had heard his contact tell him the details he had almost broken down.

  "The doctors recorded that she was six weeks pregnant but the fetus had no heartbeat. My contact said if the fetus had been further along to be counted as a person then their death certificate would have said death by domestic violence. I haven't finished!" He snapped when Jay opened his mouth to protest. He put the hospital report down and picked up the one underneath.

  "I also called the police and they said they were called to the hospital when the ER nurse attending to Arlie had alerted them of a domestic violence victim. Arlie told them everything. Even though you managed to pay the right people to keep quiet, you weren't able to make the paperwork go away. The report was on your file. Chief Perkins was shocked and disgusted that you had used his officers to hide a crime."

  To say Stephen Perkins had been furious had been an understatement. He was big on corruption and this would have him in a frenzy. The whole of his department would be in trouble when he found the culprits.

  Jay scoffed and spread his hands, smirking.

  "Not my problem."

  "Not your problem?" Matt slammed the file down on the table. "You attack the woman carrying your child and you say it isn't your problem? She went through an ordeal, Jay, something no woman should have to go through. After what I've discovered I wouldn't have been surprised after that if she had stolen all your money. You would have deserved it."

  In fact, he would have applauded Arlie for doing so. But she was a good person and only took what she wanted. Jay was anything but. Matt couldn't believe that he had managed to be friends with such a disgusting human being.

  Jay looked like he had gone mad and grown an extra head.

  "We've been friends for years, Matt. I knew Arlie before you did. She's a dirty little liar." He snorted. "I thought you were smart enough to see through her lies."

  "I saw a decent woman who was managing to cope in spite of everything and focused on everyone else to stop herself from thinking about herself and cracking under the strain." Matt jabbed a finger in Jay's direction. "You did a number on her and you don't even care. It makes me wonder how many other women you've beaten up."

  Jay's expression went from pleasant and couldn't-care-less to dark, almost thunderous. He had been expecting Matt to take his side and now that wasn't happening. He stood, flexing his muscles as he squared up to Matt. Behind him, Bates stepped away from the door.

  "Why are you doing this, Matt?" Jay growled. "I thought we were friends."

  "I'm not friends with a man who could kill an unborn child." Matt said disgustedly. "I won't be friends with someone who could attack a woman and not even care about the consequences." He shook his head. "You're a pathetic waste of space."

  "That's your opinion. Arlie Slade is a whore and she'll rip you off the way she ripped me off."

  Matt had enough. He was going to get the disgusting excuse for a human being out of his house before he had the police arresting him for assault.

  "Bates, make sure this piece of filth gets off my property. I don't want to see him anywhere near this house again."

  "Yes, sir."

  Bates approached and took Jay's arm. Jay shook him off and glared at Matt. It seemed that his facade had slipped and Matt was seeing the real man underneath. He pointed a finger at Matt.

  "You're dead, Prentice." He hissed. "If Arlie doesn't kill you, then I will."

  Matt rolled his eyes.

  "Try it. You won't get very far."

  Then he had the satisfaction of seeing Bates drag Jay out of the room, Jay shouting and trying to wrestle himself away. Then Matt followed and went to the stairs.

  If he was quick he could get hold of Arlie before she left.

  Chapter 7


  Arlie looked up, her hands full of clothes. Matt stood in the doorway, looking nervous about entering. She felt another surge of anger towards him and turned away.

  She knew things were too good to be true. This couldn't have lasted forever. Matt was friends with the man who had taken away her one chance to have a baby. Whatever his friend had spewed to him was obvious; she was a liar, a piece of scum and she stole his money. He wouldn't listen to her.

  No one listened to her.

  "Arlie." She heard Matt close the door and move across the room. He touched her arm, snatching his hand back when she flinched. "Arlie, listen to me. Jay's gone. I've had him removed from the house. He's not coming back here anymore."

  Arlie would love to believe that. But Jay had weaved a load of lies that she had swallowed. She wasn't interested in listening.

  She had been stupid enough to believe that she was in love with Matt. And now that fantasy had been shattered. Her heart was in pieces and she didn't know if she would be able to find all the pieces.

  "How could you?" She swung around on him, shoving him in the chest and pushing him back a few paces. "How could you be friends with that? When you know what he's like?"

  "I never knew what he did." Matt protested. "The bastard even denied it now when I confronted him."

  "And I bet you believed him." Arlie sneered.

  "I believed you." Matt stepped up to her. He didn't touch her but Arlie could feel his presence. It sent a shudder through her body and she hated it. "He didn't give a damn about what he did. He hurt you and all he was concerned about was the money."

  Arlie wanted to believe him. She really did. Matt had shown there was more to him than just the money. He was kind, caring and funny. Despite not wanting to get close, Arlie enjoyed his company. She had enjoyed the last four months. And now it appeared to be crashing down around her.

  She sh
ook her head and stepped away.

  "I'm sorry, Matt, but I can't stay here. I need to leave."

  "What? No!" Matt looked horrified. "You can't."

  "You can't control me, Matt. I need to get out of here right now."

  But Matt was shaking his head fervently.

  "But I don't want you to go. I'm not trying to control you." He took her hand and placed it over his heart. "It's just how I feel."

  Arlie somehow sensed what he was trying to do. And she started shaking her head.

  "Don't tell me you love me." She warned him. "Jay tried that with me and I fell for that line. I won't do that again."

  "Then I won't."

  Matt stepped up close, even closer than before until his front brushed against hers. Cupping the back of her head, he dipped his head and kissed her. It wasn't soft and sweet. It was passionate, thorough.

  Arlie pulled away, her mouth tingling, and glared at him.

  "I won't fall for that, either."


  Matt raised his eyebrows. He clearly didn't believe her. Arlie didn't believe herself. She rolled her eyes and groaned.

  "Oh, fuck it."

  Grabbing his head, she pulled him down and kissed him hard. Suddenly the floodgates on both sides were opened. Matt drew Arlie into his arms, hands running over her body, leaving heat trailing from his touch.

  Arlie wrapped her arms around his neck and let him take over, hanging on for dear life. She felt her feet leave the ground and was aware of Matt lifting her up, brushing her center against his erection, and placing her on the dresser. He didn't stop kissing her as his hands delved under her t-shirt and neatly undid her bra, running his fingers over her breasts. Her nipples hardened under his palms and Matt tweaked them just once but enough to make Arlie arch towards him, her gasp swallowed by his mouth.

  She felt him tugging at the waistband of her jeans and pulled back to lean back on her hands and raise her hips. Undoing the button and lowering the zipper, Matt pulled her jeans and panties down in one go, dropping them on the floor before going down onto his knees and pulling Arlie to the edge. Then, with his hands firmly on her hips, he nudged her legs open wide with his shoulders and lowered his head to her pussy, feasting on her with his lips, tongue and teeth touching everything he could reach.

  Arlie writhed in his grip, not even bothering to stifle the moans that came from her mouth. She forgot that Michelle was in the next room and could hear them. She forgot about the security guards wandering the house. She forgot everything in that moment except for Matt kneeling before her, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy and letting her hover there with no intentions of letting her go over alone.

  Suddenly Matt stopped, leaving Arlie hanging, and stood before her. He was breathing heavily, the fire in his eyes building ever brighter. Somewhere during his ministrations he had taken off his shirt, leaving his tanned and toned chest bare. Arlie was unable to prevent herself from reaching out and running her hands across his torso, fingers tracing the lines of his muscles. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his collarbone, running her tongue down his chest, and was aware of Matt gasping her name.

  Meanwhile her hands had dropped to his waist, unbuckling his belt and undoing his jeans. She pushed these and his boxers down his hips. His thick cock sprang out into her hands and she squeezed, emanating a groan from Matt. He pulled her to him and kissed her again, practically ripping her t-shirt and bra from her body in his haste to get her naked.

  Then he pulled away and kicked off his shoes. His jeans, boxers and socks followed. Then he picked Arlie up in his arms, Arlie wrapping her legs around his waist, and kissed her hard as he carried her to the bed. His cock brushed against her inner thigh enough for her to wriggle in his grip, wanting him to thrust inside her there and then. But Matt held on tight to her and tossed her onto the bed, never breaking from their kiss.

  Arlie gripped his shoulders and pulled him against her, letting him settle between her legs. Matt lifted her hips at the same time he thrust his cock into her. His girth stretched her and Arlie's inner muscles clamped down hard. Matt groaned and was still for a moment, allowing Arlie to adjust to him.

  Then he began to thrust fast. It was like he had lost control and couldn't hold back any longer. Arlie clutched onto him as he seemed to cleave her in two. Pain mixed with pleasure but eased until all she could feel was pleasure. He felt so good inside her and she didn't want him to stop.

  She came up to the brink of her orgasm again and this time Matt didn't stop to let her suffer. Arlie screamed his name during the first wave and had barely come down from that when another climax hit her, this one as Matt tilted her hips more and thrust three times into her, pushing deep before he climaxed as well, the tendons in his neck standing out.

  When both of them finally came down from their high, clammy with sweat and both shivering with adrenaline, Matt withdrew slowly and rolled to her side. He pulled Arlie with him and pulled the duvet over them before settling her with her back against his chest, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

  The pleasure lasted as Arlie closed her eyes and she drifted into a dreamless sleep.


  Arlie watched Matt as he slept. She couldn't take her eyes off him. He looked relaxed, almost innocent when he slept. Snoring softly, he looked completely different to the passionate man she knew.

  She had no idea what had happened but Matt had got through her defenses. He was persistent and Arlie broke down easily. Sex with Matt was incredible; her body was still tingling from the orgasm some hours ago. If she had known he was that amazing in bed, she might have broached their burgeoning feelings earlier. But, scared as she was, she had run the other way.

  Now she was glad Matt had managed to catch her before she ran away for good. Knowing that Jason and Matt were friends had been a massive shock to her but she knew Matt was not Jason. They had gotten to know each other in a way she had never got to know Jason and Arlie was confident that Matt would never treat her like that. He would never attack her for being pregnant or for trying to steal his money.

  Matt Prentice was a good man.

  Sensing he was being watched, Matt stirred and opened his eyes. He smiled as he stretched his arms out, wrapping one around her waist.


  "Hey." Arlie allowed him to tuck her against him.

  "Couldn't you sleep?"

  "I wanted to watch you sleep." Arlie pressed a kiss to his chest. "Make the most of it."

  "Oh, God. Bed hair."

  Matt ran a hand through his locks, making them stand up even more.

  "It looks cute, actually." Arlie flinched as she ran her fingers through her hair and caught them on tangles. "Not like me, I'm sure."

  Matt reached up and helped her untangle her fingers, linking their fingers together.

  "It looks amazing." He smiled and kissed her fingers. "You are amazing."

  "Are you trying to flatter me again?"

  "Anything to get you to stay." Matt propped himself up on his elbow and kissed her cheek, nuzzling her gently. "I know you don't want to hear it, Arlie, but I'm going to say it anyway. I've fallen for you. I didn't think I'd find a woman I'd want to spend the rest of my life with after Lucy. But then you came along and blew that out of the water."

  Arlie stiffened. These were words she wanted to hear from any man. To hear them from Matt Prentice was like music to her ears. But after her shock of seeing Jason with him earlier, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know how Matt felt. While she knew they weren't the same, she couldn't get the acquaintance out of her head.

  Matt let her go when she pulled away and she slipped out of bed, pulling on a t-shirt from the suitcase still on the floor. She stood and turned, trying not to drool at the sight of Matt sitting with the duvet down around his waist, showing off his chest with a dusting of hair across his pecs.

  "This is a lot to take in."

  "You don't have to answer me right now." Matt s
hifted across the bed and sat on the edge, the duvet still across his lap. He took her hand. "But think about it. You'll have a home and financial security..."

  "I don't want your money."

  Matt grinned.

  "I can budget you, no problem." He teased. Then he sobered up, his expression softening. "And you'll be able to be a mother."

  Arlie stared.

  "You want me to be the baby's mother?"

  "Yes." Matt stood, the duvet falling away. He stroked her cheek lovingly. "I think you'd be the perfect mother. I can't think of anyone I'd trust with my child more than you." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Would you be able to become mother to a child you didn't give birth to?"

  For a moment Arlie was speechless. She couldn't believe she was getting a second chance at being a mother. It was something she had accepted would never happen.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled.

  "Essentially the child is my niece. In a way, I love her already. I think I could manage that."

  Matt grinned and lowered his head, brushing his lips across hers.



  Matt kissed her again and Arlie came up to meet the kiss, running her hands over his stomach, chest and back. Still giddy from Arlie's acknowledgment that she would stay, he crushed her to him. His hands ran across her back, moving down to her hips and cupping her backside in his hands, pulling her closer. This last action got a moan from Arlie and she ground into him so that Matt saw stars.

  Grabbing fistfuls of her t-shirt, Matt pulled her t-shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. Then he lowered his mouth to her left breast and flicked her nipple with his tongue. This had Arlie shuddering and she clutched at the back of Matt's head, urging him closer. Matt didn't need any further prompting.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he took her breast in his mouth. Arlie whimpered as he lavished attention on one breast and then the other, paying close attention to her nipples. Then he lifted his head and kissed her long and hard, tongues entwining.


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