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Salvation Page 10

by Smith, Carla Susan

  Chapter 12

  Dinner was a lighthearted affair filled with as much gaiety as six people who enjoyed each other’s company could produce. As usual Cook had outdone herself, making Felicity wonder if there was some unspoken challenge between the kitchen staffs of the two households to see which could create the more inventive dish.

  Tonight Catherine had decided to wear the diamond pendant, and Rian felt an odd sense of pride hearing her explain to Emily that she could only wear it until their first child was born. Her voice was a mixture of sadness at knowing she would lose the gem and happiness at the reason why.

  “I remember seeing your mother wearing this same necklace as a young bride,” Emily told Rian as Catherine allowed her to hold the brilliant diamond in her hand for a closer look. “I never knew a woman so delighted to give up such a wonderful necklace. You must have Catherine’s portrait painted while she is still permitted to wear it.”

  Rian thought it a splendid notion, and wondered why the idea hadn’t occurred to him before. Dinner over, the men excused themselves and left their wives alone.

  “They’ve gone to play billiards,” Felicity told Catherine as they retired to the drawing room. “Papa does not appreciate the game as a solitary diversion so Liam always plays whenever they are together.”

  “And my clever son-in-law always lets him win at least one game,” Emily added with a knowing twinkle in her eyes.

  After making sure they all had a glass of sweet wine, Felicity fixed her mother with a steely stare. “Well, are you going to tell me or must I wheedle it out of you?”

  Catherine looked puzzled, staring first at Felicity and then at Emily.

  “Wheedle what, darling?” Not having had to resort to subterfuge for some time, Lady Pelham was out of practice and not in the least convincing.

  “Whatever it is that you have been dying to tell us since you arrived this evening. Obviously it is news that Papa does not yet know.”

  Emily took a sip of her wine and then, knowing she had their undivided attention, she calmly revealed her news. “As you know, I have been in town recently, and while I was there I received a call from a most unexpected visitor.” She paused as two pairs of eyes fixed on her firmly, and then, unable to contain herself a moment longer, she blurted out. “Would you believe Isabel Howard came to see me?”

  The room suddenly went very quiet, the silence disturbed only by the low murmur of servants occupied with evening chores. Catherine thought they sounded unnaturally loud. It was Felicity who finally asked, “What on earth did she want?”

  “It’s the most extraordinary thing. She wants to give a ball, for Rian and Catherine!”

  The salty phrase that fell from her daughter’s lips caused a shocked expression to appear on Emily’s face while Catherine fought hard to suppress a grin. Who would have thought a pregnant woman’s cursing would be superior to her own? It made Catherine wonder if her friend would be willing to share some phrases that she could add to her own limited repertoire. Just in case she should ever need them.

  “You don’t honestly believe Isabel wants to do this out of the goodness of her heart, do you, Mama?”

  “Of course not, but I must admit she was very humble,” Emily said, turning her head so her attention was fixed on Catherine. “I also found myself able to understand her reasons for making such a gesture.”

  Felicity snorted. “Mama, really, the woman is a consummate liar!”

  “I didn’t say I agreed with her, Felicity, just that I understood her position.”

  “Why would Lady Howard come to see you, Emily, if she wants to throw a ball in our honor?” Catherine queried. Though her voice was soft, there was no mistaking the bite of steel beneath her words.

  “To save face. Isabel is many things, but stupid isn’t one of them. She knows all too well that she would never be received if she approached either you or Rian directly, so she decided to issue her invitation through an intermediary.”

  “And what did you tell her?”

  “Only that I could promise nothing, but, if an appropriate moment arose, I would discuss it with you.”

  “A ball seems rather a grand gesture to get back into my husband’s good graces, don’t you think?” Catherine toyed with her wine glass. “Let us not fool ourselves by thinking there is any other purpose behind such an event.”

  “I agree with you absolutely, my dear, but I’m not sure you fully understand the somewhat murky waters the aristocracy inhabit. Trust me; there is a reason why Charles and I limit our visits to town.

  “Some of these people are ridiculously foolish about what is considered ‘acceptable and appropriate’ behavior. Forgive me, my dear”—she gave Catherine a sympathetic look—“but Isabel and Rian made no secret of the fact they were lovers. The surprise came when Isabel, who has always maintained she would never marry again, let it be known that an offer for her hand would not be unwelcome. Provided it came from Rian.”

  “Ridiculously stupid of her in my opinion,” Felicity muttered.

  “I agree,” Emily continued, “especially as it’s my understanding that Rian had never expressed an interest in asking for her hand. I’m sure you can see how humiliating it would be for any woman to have her expectations dashed so thoroughly. The only way Isabel can possibly save face is to show that Rian’s marriage does not concern her in the least, and what better way than by being the first to present his new bride to society? Hardly the behavior one would expect from a woman who thought herself jilted.”

  “Except she was never going to be a bride,” Felicity said sarcastically.

  “You make it sound as if all of this is somehow my fault.” Catherine’s voice was bitter, and both women turned and looked at her. “If Isabel was foolish enough to speak of events that had yet to happen, then she has no one but herself to blame for any embarrassment she may feel. Why should it be of concern to me what her friends think, and how is a ball going to change their attitude?”

  “Oh dear, forgive me. I wish I had never said anything!” Emily exclaimed. She had been prepared to meet resistance, even an outright refusal, but she hadn’t expected hostility. “You are under absolutely no obligation to help Isabel. Please forget I ever mentioned it in the first place. I don’t know what I was thinking. Of course you should refuse to go. Actually, you needn’t even do that much. Just ignore her.”

  Emily began fussing with the folds of her dress, her hand moving across the fabric like a small, agitated mouse, making Catherine regret the sharpness of her tone. Her anger with Isabel was not something she ought to be taking out on either of the two women who would rather die than ever deliberately hurt her. Leaning forward, she placed her hand over Emily’s nervous one, giving her a wobbly smile of apology.

  “I suppose I can see the twisted reasoning behind the suggestion,” she admitted reluctantly, “but how is it she knows Rian and I are now married?”

  Emily’s peal of laughter filled the room. “Oh, my dear child, I have received more than a dozen inquiries asking me to validate the rumors regarding your marriage. It would seem that good news travels quickly, and as most of my dear acquaintances are aware of the fact, it stands to reason that word would have reached Isabel’s ears also.”

  “Do you trust her?” Catherine asked Emily.

  “Not for a single minute!” She patted the back of Catherine’s hand, letting her know that her momentary bad humor was both understandable and forgiven. “But, if it’s any consolation, Isabel does have a reputation for giving very lavish parties and I feel certain she would make an effort to outdo herself for such an occasion.” She sighed wistfully before adding, “It would be a shame to miss it.”

  “Mama, I can’t believe that you’re suggesting Catherine and Rian should actually consider attending.”

  “Why ever not?” Emily refilled her wine glass. “We know from the start that Isabel’s motives are qu
estionable, but if we go together it will allow everyone to see we are a solid, united family. Criticize one and you risk the wrath of all.”

  “I rather like that,” Catherine said, smiling over the rim of her glass as she made up her mind. “I think we should make plans to attend. When is it to be?”

  “At the end of next month.” Emily smiled.

  “Well, that doesn’t give us very much time to get new gowns made,” Felicity grumbled.

  “Pish-posh! I have a seamstress that can work magic!” Emily’s face suddenly took on a more serious look. “All jesting aside, Catherine, darling, are you certain you want to attend? My earlier remark about murky waters was not made lightly. You have had little exposure to the kind of people who gather at these functions.”

  “Oh, I think I might surprise you,” Catherine said brightly. “If the gossips want to see who supplanted Isabel in Rian’s affections, as well as his bed, then who am I to deny them? Besides, it might be nice to enjoy ourselves at Isabel’s expense.”

  “Even though it would be nice for us to go as a family, are you sure Rian will be in agreement?” Felicity sounded doubtful.

  “Leave my husband to me.” Catherine smiled slyly, raising her glass in a toast. “I can be very persuasive when I need to be.”

  The men returned a short while later to find Felicity and Catherine happily playing a duet on the pianoforte. Felicity noticed her father looked particularly pleased with himself.

  “You let him win,” her mother mouthed silently behind her husband’s back as he was settling comfortably by her side, a generous helping of his son-in-law’s excellent brandy in his hand.

  Once Felicity and Catherine had finished and resumed their seats with their husbands, Rian decided this was as good a time as any to speak. “I would like to say something,” he began when everyone was settled, “and here, in the company of family, I cannot think of a more fitting moment.” Four faces stared at him. Liam’s was the only one not registering any sign of curiosity. “I have been gone from this house for many years, and have seen more of the world than I ever imagined I would. For the most part I have been as happy as any man has a right to be. I’ve known joy and sorrow, but I never doubted that one day I would return to my home…and family.”

  He smiled at Liam. “It is a blessing to find the unwavering, constant love and loyalty of a brother, the gentle warmth of a treasured sister-in-law, the acceptance of her parents and”—he paused and turned to Catherine—“the love of my life.”

  She blushed prettily and Rian was happy to see that she was still innocent enough to be embarrassed by so public a compliment from him. “But as you know, our father did one thing right before he died. He gave Oakhaven to Liam, and it could not have been placed in better hands. I think with the right guidance”—he looked at Charles Pelham, who acknowledged the tribute—“you might be able to turn a profit one of these days.”

  Good natured laughter rippled around the room at this last part and Rian waited patiently for the merriment to subside. “But as we all know, every man needs to be master of his own home and as much as Oakhaven is the home of my childhood, that is all it will ever be. I need to set down roots somewhere else, a place that I hope my wife will be pleased to share with me.”

  “Any place with you will be home for me,” Catherine said quietly as she looked at her husband, her love for him shining like a beacon.

  “Well, in that case, I believe you will be doubly happy.” He went to the table and returned, holding a rolled piece of parchment tied with a red ribbon and an unbroken seal.

  “What is it?” she whispered to him.

  “Open it and see for yourself,” Rian told her as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I love you,” he added in a whisper meant for her ears only.

  Carefully Catherine broke the seal and unrolled the document, her eyes scanning quickly over the contents. She looked up at her husband and then back at the parchment in her hand. Quickly she scanned the other faces in the room. They were all watching her intently, curiosity gnawing at them except for Liam. Of course Liam would know.

  “What is it, Catherine?” Felicity asked impatiently.

  “It’s the property deed…to my home,” Catherine told her, her eyes shining brightly as she tried to hold back tears of joy.

  “Why that’s wonderful.” Emily was polite but her tone clearly said she wasn’t sure why Rian would make such a show of letting his wife know they had a house of their own. People bought houses all the time.

  “No, you don’t understand,” Catherine told her. “It isn’t just any house, it’s my house, my home. It’s The Hall!”

  “Oh my!” Emily exclaimed, immediately grasping the significance.

  Any other reaction was lost as Catherine jumped up and hurled herself into Rian’s arms, crying and laughing at the same time, raining salty kisses on his face. Her joy was infectious and he laughed with her.

  “We truly have The Hall? It is ours? When can we leave?” The questions tumbled out of Catherine’s mouth before she could stop herself.

  “Yes, yes and as soon as you like,” Rian answered, grinning from ear to ear. It was, he decided, the perfect gift for his wife.

  * * * *

  Catherine snuggled closer to Rian in the big bed they shared. He was lying on his back with an arm around her, enjoying the provocative drape of her leg over his. Both of them were filled with the drowsy euphoria that followed the aftermath of their lovemaking, and, on hearing Rian’s contented sigh, Catherine thought it a good time to broach the subject of Isabel’s party.

  “No, no, no!” Rian sat up so suddenly he almost bounced Catherine out of the bed. “I don’t trust her. She’s up to something.”

  “Of course she is, but hear me out.” Paying no attention to the pained look on his face, she shared Emily’s thoughts on what lay behind Isabel’s invitation.

  “I still don’t like it,” Rian grumbled.

  “Rian, please, I love you and we are wed. Nothing can change that. Can we not afford to be generous?”

  “I don’t think my generosity is capable of extending that far,” he grumbled, making a rude, snorting sound and looking sulky as he examined the bedspread.

  Catherine put her hand under his chin and turned his head until he was facing her. She brushed an errant lock of hair from his forehead. “Darling, what does it really matter? We will be leaving soon to start our lives anew, far away from Isabel. She has chosen the life she wants, and we will never have a reason to see her again. It is a small gesture, Rian, and besides…”

  He was instantly suspicious. “Besides what?”

  “I confess to having another purpose for wanting to go.” She caught her lower lip in her teeth and looked up at him from beneath her lashes. It was an outrageously shameless maneuver on her part, and they both knew it.

  “What purpose?” Rian asked, trying his hardest to sound stern.

  “I want to show off my beautiful diamond, before I spit in her eye!”

  Rian’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her back onto the pillows with him, and he shook as the laughter he could no longer suppress burst out of him. He couldn’t help it. Would this wonderful, amazing woman he had married never stop surprising him?

  “You do know I’m not really going to spit in her eye, don’t you?” Catherine amended.

  “Ah well now, that’s a shame because I think there would be quite a few people who would pay good money to see that happen.”

  Whatever comment Catherine made in response was lost as she buried her face in his neck. The warmth of her breath sent delightful messages to the rest of his body, and Rian waited to see if she was bold enough to act on those messages. But she remained quiet, long enough for him to suspect the nonchalant attitude she displayed toward Isabel’s party was a façade. “Are you troubled at the thought of seeing Isabel again?” he asked, brushing his li
ps across her forehead.

  “Not anymore.”

  Though her tone was sure, Rian could feel the beat of her heart quicken and knew she was not being completely truthful. He just wasn’t sure if the bravado was for his benefit or hers. “I will not leave your side,” he told her.

  “Promise?” she whispered.

  “I promise.” And to show her appreciation, Catherine demonstrated just how bold she could be.

  Later, when her breathing had turned to the sound of restful sleep, Rian remained awake. A troubled frown creased his brow. He did not trust Isabel. He had learned that every detail in his former lover’s life was planned for her own benefit and no one else’s. Isabel didn’t care what society said about her; she never had. The disdain she held for those who thought to condemn her had been one of the things he liked about her. This talk about needing to save face with her peers was a poorly constructed fabrication. There was more to this ball than met the eye, but he had to admit it had been clever of Isabel to issue her invitation through Emily.

  Catherine murmured in her sleep, and Rian shifted as she rolled out of his arms and onto her stomach. In the darkness he kissed her scarred shoulder, and took a moment to inhale the scent of her skin. Isabel, he knew, would not hesitate to spit in Catherine’s eye if chance and circumstance allowed. He would have to make sure it never did.

  Chapter 13

  Phillip Davenport, standing in the same room where he had been summoned once before, quickly recognized the meat and bones of this meeting with Lady Howard had a very different flavor from that first encounter. Her ladyship, not bothering to trifle with polite niceties, cut straight to the heart of the matter.

  “Mr. Davenport, what are you prepared to do to guarantee the return of your cousin?” Isabel asked him.


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