A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All) Page 1

by Wells, Victoria

  A Special Summer

  A Novel

  Victoria Wells

  Heart 2 Heart Publishing, LLC

  A Special Summer

  Copyright ©2006, 2008, 2011 by Victoria Wells

  A Special Summer is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. For information contact Heart 2 Heart Publishing Rights Department, P.O. Box 48186, Philadelphia, PA 19144

  Other Titles by

  Victoria Wells


  When Love Comes Around

  Key To My Heart


  My first novel is dedicated to the memories of my beloved maternal grandmother, Bertha Lee Bunn and my beloved brother, Billy Riddick. Missing you, loving you, wishing you were here with me.


  I want to give thanks to my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ for loving me just the way I am. I thank Him for His mercies that are new with each morning. I thank Him for blessing me with wonderful parents, Leroy and Mildred Riddick. Mommy and daddy, I love you so much for always directing me to all that is good. Thank you for always telling and showing me how proud you are of me.

  To my family, I love you all with everything that I have. Mardi, I know I don’t say it all the time, but I appreciate all that you are to me. Thank you, my love so much for always supporting me in all of my endeavors. Martia, Leroy, & Melanie, I am so proud of all of you. I am truly blessed each and every time you call me “Mommy.”

  Although I thank and love all of my siblings for their support, I must follow my heart and give special shot outs. Robin, thank you for believing in me from the very first moment I told you about writing my book. Sandra (Bertie) thanks for spreading the word about my book in Virginia and selling copies for me. I’m looking for you to do the same with the re-release of A Special Summer! Omar and Cindy, it meant so much to me that you came down to my release party and went back home selling copies for me! I know y’all got my back.

  To my spiritual parents, Dr. Reverend Wilbert Richardson and Gwendolyn (Aunt Dolly) Richardson, you both mean the world to me. Thank you for all of your love and support over the years. Pastor, thank you for being a true Sheppard and knowing my heart and not judging me. ‘Cause Lord knows I was terrified to tell you I was writing a romance novel. I still remember that day in your office! I can’t express the joy I felt when you and Aunt Dolly told me how proud you were of my story.

  Victoria Reese and Esther Wells, what would I do without your friendship? Vicky, who would have guessed that meeting as freshmen at Saul H.S. we would still be tight and best friends? And Esther isn’t it strange how the deaths of our brothers created an unbreakable bond between us? I thank both of you for loving me and being true friends, even when you tell me my stuff stinks!

  I can’t forget all my peeps at Jefferson! Thanks to all of my sickle cell patients for showing me much love over the years. Your strength and determination to live with such an agonizing disease keeps me in check more than you’ll ever know. I love you! To all the nurses, doctors, clerks, transportation, dietary, registration, Jeff Bookstore, and anyone else I may have forgotten, thank you for supporting me the first time around and asking, “When is your next book coming out?”

  To my fairy godmother, Gayle Jackson Sloan, I still don’t think you believe how much of a blessing you have been in my life. I could never thank you enough for mentoring me and sharing your experiences with me about the business.

  If I’ve forgotten to acknowledge anyone, please charge it to me head and not my heart.

  Peace and Blessings,


  Victoria Wells resides in Philadelphia with her husband and three children. She has a Master’s Degree in Nursing and works as an adult nurse practitioner caring for adults with sickle cell disease. Victoria enjoys reading, writing, knitting, volunteering, and hanging out with family and friends. She loves to hear from readers and can be reached at [email protected]. Please take a moment to visit her website at www.victoria-wells.com where you can join Victoria’s Yahoo and Facebook groups and subscribe to her newsletter.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29



  Even though it was a brilliant July morning with birds singing their melodies, the sweet smell of honeysuckle drawing bees to their nectar, Summer’s eyes stung from the tears threatening to escape as she peered out of her bathroom window.

  “Oh, no, this can’t be true. It’s not true.” Summer whispered to herself as her hand shook uncontrollably. Trying to convince herself she was hallucinating, Summer closed her eyes tight then reopened them again focusing on the bathroom vanity. There was no mistaking, the home pregnancy test strip screamed in her face a big, fat, pink, positive sign. It was confirmed. Summer Jackson was pregnant. A baby. What am I going to do?

  A wave of nausea swept through her so fast she barely had time to jump up off the toilet to lift the lid, to empty the contents of her stomach, which she had just consumed twenty minutes earlier.

  Summer flushed the toilet then staggered to the sink where she rinsed her mouth and splashed cool water on her face before patting it dry with a hand towel. Slowly she sat on the floor, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Rocking back and forth, she stared at the ceiling as tears spilled down her face. Her right temple pounded as she remembered the last time she’d been with Nicholas ‘Nick’ Stiles.

  Summer believed the evening would end as usual; they would go back to his place for some serious loving. Over the past few months of their relationship, she found herself helplessly falling in love with him. Tonight was the night she would confess her love. Nick was her everything, all she wanted in a man. He had been the one she had given her virginity to without hesitation.

  Instead of confessing her love, Summer sat stunned in a dark car in front of her townhouse. She was dazed as Nick informed her he was leaving in two weeks for several months to set up a new division of a trucking company. One of many business enterprises he was involved in. “Summer, it’s best if we don’t see each other after tonight.” Nick’s tone had been cold and distant.

  Summer had sensed Nick’s distant demeanor all evening, but she never expected him to drop a bomb such as ending their relationship. From where she stood, everything was fine. Struggling to control her voice, Summer wanted to know, “Best for whom Nick?”

  Becoming irritated, Nick responded harshly. “Look, Summer, I told you from the door that my work comes first. That I’m not into long-term relationships, let alone long distance ones. I thought you understood, when it’s over, it’s over.”

  Nick’s w
ords had been so cold, so blunt, Summer winced with every syllable. She had understood what he said, however, his actions told her something different. They told her that he’d changed his mind about having a long-term relationship especially since they’d been exclusively seeing each other for nearly a year.

  Without saying another word, Summer grabbed her purse which had fallen to the floor and exited his vehicle. Once inside her townhouse she leaned against the door sliding to the floor before bursting into tears. One month later, here she was again, on the floor crying. This time because she was carrying a baby belonging to a man who no longer had any use for her, let alone a baby.

  Summer knew what she had to do. First thing Monday morning she was calling her Gynecologist’s office to schedule an abortion.

  Chapter 1

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  Five Months Later

  Twisting and turning, placing pillows under her back and then taking them out. This went on for two hours. Becoming frustrated, Summer glanced at the red digital numbers on the clock. 1:30 a.m. Grabbing the remote control from the nightstand she turned on the television and pulled herself up in bed. Saying a prayer of thanksgiving because it was a very early Saturday morning, unlike the night before when she had to get up in five more hours to get ready for work.

  Flipping through the channels, Summer smiled to herself as she acknowledged the reason for her recent restless nights. Tenderly she placed her palm on her rotund, seven-month belly. It always amazed her how her baby seemed to be in tuned to her touch as she felt the tiny life inside of her move, then settle down from her touch.

  Every time Summer felt movement in her womb, a flash of guilt stabbed at her. Guilt over the fact she’d almost terminated the life growing inside of her. Summer shuddered whenever she thought about the day she walked into the outpatient procedure office with the goal of ending her pregnancy. Thank God the nurse on duty was a woman she’d gone to nursing school with. Ginger immediately sensed how distraught Summer was. The genteel woman convinced Summer to go home and think about what she was about to do. “I just don’t want you to make a decision you’ll later regret for the rest of your life.”

  Giving Summer a tight squeeze as she hugged her, Ginger sent Summer on her way to think things over.

  Summer now referred to Ginger as her angel. At that time, all she could think about was how cold and uncaring Nick had treated her. She couldn’t understand how he’d just made love to her one week, then turn around and dump her the next week.

  A lump formed in Summer’s throat as her mind traveled back to over a year and a half ago when she met him at a benefit to raise money for cancer awareness in the African American community sponsored by the Philadelphia chapter of the NAACP.

  The night they met was a beautiful, crisp, fall evening. Summer and her friends, Starr Avery and Ava Peretti were so excited about getting tickets to the benefit. Ava’s cousin, a disc jockey at the local R&B station was able to hook them up with tickets being they were staff nurses on an oncology unit at Thomas Jefferson Hospital. They could not believe the number of dignitaries, politicians and celebrities in attendance. “Tell me that is not Will over there,” Summer squealed.

  Summer was gorgeous in a bronze, form fitting evening gown, with a V-shape bodice that dipped in the front, flaunting a curvaceous size six figure.

  When Summer, Starr and Ava sauntered into the plush ballroom, several male eyes were drawn to the trio of gorgeous women.

  As a waiter came by with a tray of sparkling white wine Summer grabbed a flute. “Mmmm, this is good,” she said savoring the taste of the sweet wine.

  Giggling, Starr nudged Ava with her elbow. “You better watch her; she’s enjoying that bubbly a little too much. You know after two of those she’s gonna try to find the nearest corner to climb into to get her sleep on.”

  Summer wasn’t the least offended by Starr making fun of her. It was true; the slightest bit of alcohol rocked her to sleep like a newborn baby. Summer’s face broke out into a lively grin as Ava pointed out, “Aw, leave her alone and let her get her drink on. Because you know we won’t be getting any tickets to this shindig next year.”

  In unison the trio snapped their fingers and bobbed their heads. “I know that’s right! Haaaay!”

  Realizing they were somewhat loud and now the center of attention from a small group of distinguished looking men who’d overheard their conversation, the young women eyed each other before breaking out into laughter. One of the men looked at them as if to say, “What are they doing here?”

  Putting a manicured finger to her lips, Ava emphasized as she held her head high and pointed her nose in the air, making fun of the stiffs nearby. “Sssh. Let us conduct ourselves like highfalutin ladies” a wicked smile replaced the serious expression as she added, “of the night.”

  The man nearly choked on whatever it was he was drinking.

  This sent them into another fit of laughter. Summer nudged Ava, “Crazy, speak for yourself! I ain’t a lady of nobody’s night!”

  “Ditto!” Starr screeched.

  Summer and her friends were having a fabulous time as they chitchat and spotted the movers and shakers of the city. Summer declined every invitation to dance, whereas Ava and Starr got their jam on every chance the offer came their way, which was often. It wasn’t that Summer was stuck up or anything, she was just painfully shy when it came to men.

  Coming off the dance floor, they returned to the spot where they’d left her standing.

  “Girl, you better dance the next time a fine brotha comes over here. What’s the matter, your dance card all full with the invisible man as your partner?” Ava ribbed her.

  Summer rolled her eyes. “You know I can’t dance, Av.”

  Throwing a hand on her hip, Ava challenged. “Come on Summer, every black girl has a little bit of rhythm.”

  Starr added her two cents by putting her thumb and forefinger close enough not to touch as she squinted her right eye. “Just a little bit.”

  Sucking her teeth as she place an empty flute on a passing tray. “If MC Hammer one and two will excuse me, I have to go to the ladies’ room.”

  As Summer turned to leave, a familiar face caught her eye. Looking over her shoulder while walking, she attempted to get Ava’s attention. That new cute doctor at the hospital Ava had the hots for was on the other side of the room. However, Ava was too engrossed in a conversation with a man she’d danced with earlier in the evening to notice Summer was trying to get her attention.

  “I’ll tell her when I come back,” Summer mumbled low to herself.

  Turning her head back around in the direction she was walking, Summer collided into what felt like a brick wall. She was startled not by the solid form in front of her blocking her view and path, but more by the chilled fluid rolling down her cleavage.

  It had taken Summer a few seconds to realize she’d crashed dead smack into a man’s chest. Embarrassed, she could feel her caramel complexion flushing. Gazing up into an onyx set of eyes, Summer gasped as her legs turned to noodles. If she didn’t do something fast she was going to hit the floor. Hard. Not wanting to embarrass herself further, she grasped onto the lapels of the stranger’s tuxedo. Summer’s body was doing strange things as she held on for dear life pressing her chest against the man’s rock hard chest in an attempt to keep from falling to the floor.

  Firmly supporting the small of her back, the stranger pressed her even further into his solid form.

  “Whoa. Are you okay?” The voice was deep and sexy.

  Nodding her head, staring at the stranger’s broad chest up close and personal, Summer responded softly, “Yes, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

  The closeness of the man’s strong body felt oddly good to her. As she became intoxicated from the powerful scent of his cologne, Summer inhaled deeply, sensations stirred in her she’d never known existed. These sensations suddenly frightened her, causing her to retreat from the close contact. Cautio
usly she stepped back.

  “Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry for grabbing on you like that.” She knew not only was her face probably a tint of pink, but her ears most likely were bright red as well. She was burning up with embarrassment.

  Slowly Summer lifted her head to meet the stranger’s dark gaze with wide expressive eyes as she timidly asked, “Did I get your tux wet?”

  A sexy grin curved his full lips. “No, but I see you’re all wet.” He told her as his eyes pointed to her cleavage. Reaching into the inside pocket of his tuxedo, the sexy stranger removed an embroidered handkerchief with the initials NS and handed it to her. Their hands touched sending a shock of electricity through Summer as she accepted the white cloth. Stepping around the sexy stranger, she scurried off to the restroom without saying another word.

  Standing in front of the mirror, Summer frowned as she dabbed at her cleavage with the handkerchief. The scent of cologne from the fabric drifted beneath her nostrils as she patted her bosom. Summer closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, dragging the masculine scent deep into her lungs.

  Brotha was fine! Denzel Washington in Training Day fine! Summer thought to herself that he had to be at least six-three of chestnut brown, rock hard muscle. The man’s chest and shoulders were so wide they’d completely blocked her view. Oh Lawd! Not to mention a set of dark piercing eyes, straight nose, chiseled jaw and thick full lips draped by a perfectly trimmed mustache and goatee. Summer shivered just thinking about how gorgeous the man was.


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