A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All) Page 3

by Wells, Victoria

When she was out of hearing range, Starr questioned Ava. “Do you think she’ll go out with him?”

  “Hmmm, maybe. I hope so. She’s such a pretty girl.”

  “Brotha ain’t too bad to look at either.”

  Ava nodded her head in agreement. At the same time they blurted out, “They’d make a cute couple.”

  Nick was determined to break Summer’s resolve. After a week of daily phone calls, flowers and Godiva chocolates, she agreed to a date on Friday night.


  Pulling a black long sleeve wrap Donna Karan dress from her closet, Summer was anxious to get the night over with.

  “At least I finally get to wear this dress I spent all that money on,” she said to Ava and Starr who were sitting on her bed as she hunted through her closet for the perfect pair of shoes.

  Starr flipped through a magazine while Ava flicked from one cable station to the next. Looking up from the magazine, Starr agreed with her. “Yeah girl you did spend some bucks on that dress, but it’s gonna look cute on you.”

  “Thanks, Starr.” Holding up a different shoe in each hand, “What do you guys think? the pumps or the wedges.”

  Ava turned her attention away from the television. “I like the pumps.”

  “Yeah, me to,” Starr said.

  “Okay, it’s the pumps then.”

  Spontaneously, Ava and Starr jumped off the bed and start doing the Beyoncé booty bounce while rapping the old MC Hammer hit, Pumps and a Bump.

  Summer cracked up. “You two are fools! Y’all know that right?”

  “We know!” They’d agreed as they continued to rap and booty bounce.

  Shaking her head, Summer threw the wedges in the closet and joined Ava and Starr in acting a fool. They were having too much fun for her not to cut up with them.

  After about five minutes of goofing off, Summer asked, “What time is it, Ava?”

  “Seven fifteen. What time is he coming?” Ava inquired as she flopped back on the bed and resumed channel surfing.

  “He’s coming at eight. I better hurry up. Y’all got me acting all crazy. I’m about to be late.”

  Starr never stopped her gyrating as Summer rushed pass her into the bathroom.

  Summer surprised herself. She was showered and completely dressed in less than forty minutes. It certainly helped she didn’t wear a ton of makeup. The only things she applied to her face was a moisturizer, eye shadow in gold and brown and a sheer mocha lip gloss that complemented her light complexion. Adding the final touch, Summer sprayed a few squirts of Vera Wang perfume on her wrists and behind her ears.

  Standing in front of a full-length mirror, she was satisfied with her reflection. The wrap dress hugged every curve stopping just below the knees to give a full view of shapely legs in sheer black stockings. The pumps showed off well-toned calf muscles, courtesy of daily heel raises. Starr flat ironed her hair and curled it at the ends, letting the long tresses fall down her back.

  Giving one last glance in the mirror, Summer headed down the stairs. When her foot hit the last step the doorbell rang. Her heart began to thump as she went over to the door slowly opening it.

  The man was absolutely fine. Nick was wearing a gray sports jacket, black turtleneck and dress slacks with black Kenneth Cole dress loafers. Mmmm he always smells sooo good!

  Summer was so taken with how darn good he looked and smelled, she hadn’t noticed him holding a bouquet of flowers. Handing her the flowers, flashing a hundred watt smile, “These are for you, Beautiful.”

  Summer blushed. Accepting the flowers their hands touched, sending a current racing through her slightly knocking her off her square. “Come on in so I can put these in water.”

  Nick watched as she quickly retreated to the kitchen. With each sway of her slim hips her hair bounced full of body against her slender back. Putting his hands in his pockets, he looked around the living room, then into the small dining room. Appreciating the feminine and genteel décor he strolled over to an entertainment unit. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he looked at photos of Summer at various stages in her life. From the photos he gathered she’d always been a looker.

  A few seconds later, Summer emerged with the flowers in a crystal vase with Ava and Starr on her heels. They’d come down the stairs earlier to eat the take-out they’d ordered.

  Stopping briefly to set the vase on the dining room table, the trio stood before Nick with Summer positioned front and center.

  Pointing to her friends, “Nick, these are my friends, Starr Avery and Ava Peretti.”

  Taking Starr’s, then Ava’s hand in a handshake, Nick flashed a charming smile. “Oh, yes, I remember you ladies from the benefit. How’s everything going?”

  Sharing a quick glance they both sang in unison, “Good, everything’s good.”

  He engaged in light conversation with Ava and Starr as Summer went to the hall closet to get her coat. Coming back into the living room with the coat draped over her slender arm, “I’m ready now.”

  “Here, let me help you with your coat,” Nick offered as he smoothly sauntered over to her. She handed Nick the coat allowing him to assist her with it. Before Summer could pull her hair out Nick gathered the silky tresses in one large hand gently freeing every strain trapped beneath the coat.

  Turning to face Nick, Summer gazed at him momentarily speechless. They hadn’t even left the house yet and she was feeling unsure of herself. He was already making her nervous.

  “Thank you.” Summer whispered.

  In a deep, low husky voice Nick replied, “It was my pleasure.” He loved the feel of her hair. It felt like what he’d imagined – soft, thick silk.

  Summer shivered from the deep vibration his voice sent out. She had to say something, anything to help her regain her balance.

  “Where’s my purse?” she asked her friends who apparently were in a daze.

  Ava and Starr were just as taken as they stood staring wide eyed as the fine brotha made a simple act of helping a woman with her coat appear so sensual. Not to mention the way he was gazing at their girl Summer made goose bumps pop up all over them. They could only imagine what she was feeling.

  Starr whispered to Ava, “Brotha got it going on.”

  “You ain’t said nothin’ but a word.”

  “Hellooo. Have you seen my purse?”

  Snapping out of the trance, Starr pointed, “Right there on the sofa.” Taking quick steps to the sofa picking up the purse she handed it to Summer.

  Giving each a quick hug, Summer told them she’ll see them later. Meaning, “Don’t go anywhere until I get back home.”

  Both the women nodded their heads in understanding.


  “Are you always so quiet?” Nick wanted to know as he intently examined Summer.

  Looking up from the menu Summer’s gaze was met by intense dark eyes encased in a serious expression.

  “Umm, no, not really,” she answered barely above a whisper.

  “Then why are you so quiet now?”

  Hunching slender shoulders, she admitted, “I guess I’m just a little nervous.”

  Nick took a sip from his water glass. “Of what?”

  Letting out a slow breath, Summer tried to steady the quivering of her voice. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a date.”

  “And why is that? I know you must get asked out all the time.” Nick paused as his expression changed from intense to playful. “I noticed all those dudes asking you to dance. But you shot them down, one after the other. You broke a lot of hearts.”

  He was right. Men did ask her out all the time. However, she avoided men like the bird flu because they usually only wanted one thing… Sex.

  Lowering her head avoiding eye contact, she mumbled, “Because I don’t like being treated like an object.” Sex object that is.

  Summer breathed a sigh of relief when the waiter suddenly appeared at their table. After they ordered dinner the conversation moved to other topics. Nick decided t
o drop his line of questioning, it was clear she was uncomfortable. So instead, they talked about what they did for a living, their families, politics; anything to keep the evening from becoming strained.

  Over dinner they discovered they both were an only child and were born and raised in Philly. Nick had gone to Central High School, the all boys’ school at the time, down on Ogontz and Olney Avenues. And Summer to Girl’s High at Broad Street and Olney Avenue, one city block away. Nick teased her about being in elementary school while he was in high school.

  Sadness washed over Summer when Nick told her he and his dad had spoken only twice since his mother’s death. He shared with her they never had a good relationship.

  He told her the malice between father and son further festered when he decided not to pursue law.

  Summer couldn’t believe Nick’s father was the Honorable Judge Henry Stiles, who presided on the bench as a federal judge. Judge Stiles was known for throwing the book at criminals, especially repeat offenders. At least that’s how the media portrayed him.

  Summer’s background wasn’t as illustrious as Nick’s. Her father had owned a small business as an electrician and her mother operated an in-home daycare center. Summer was proud; however, to tell him she was very close to her parents even if her mother did drive her crazy at times being overly opinionated about everything. Summer wasn’t ashamed to tell him she was scared that her parents had decided to move to North Carolina to build their dream home leaving her with no close family ties. Aunts, uncles, and cousins were scattered all over the country. Although she was nervous about being so far away from her parents Summer refused to move with them. “I don’t want to move down south. I’m just fine, right here in Philly.” She had told her parents.

  When her mother continued to pressure her to move, Summer simply told her, “Mommy, I’m not going. My friends are here and my job is here. Just let me grow up, please.” Although she missed her parents, she knew she made the right choice to be totally independent of them and on her own.

  Nick was impressed Summer’s parents invested their money in the seventies when most blacks didn’t know what CD’s, mutual funds and saving bonds were. He chuckled when she boasted she began making investments when she got her first job at sixteen with the hope of retiring by the time she was forty-five or fifty.

  “That’s pretty young don’t you think?”

  “Not at all, I want to enjoy my life. You wouldn’t believe how many people get sick as soon as they hit retirement at sixty-five. Most of the times the poor souls didn’t enjoy their lives, hardly took any vacations, or spent time with their families because they worked like dogs.”

  After paying the bill, Nick assisted Summer out of her seat and into her coat. As they made their way out of the restaurant she was conscious of the way his hand rested on the small of her back as he led her outside.

  The cold November air was brisk as they waited for the valet to bring Nick’s vehicle. Once inside the vehicle the two sat in silence. Nick’s attention was on the road and Summer’s was on the city’s passing scenery.

  Nick was the first to speak. “It’s still early. Want to go for a walk?”

  10:20 p.m. was the time on the car’s interior clock.

  “Sure, I could use a walk. I ate too much,” Summer groaned patting her stomach remembering the four-course meal she devoured.

  Nick chuckled. “Yeah, you sure did.” Scanning her petite body from head to toe, he teased, “I was wondering where all that food was going.”

  Playfully punching him in the arm, Summer pouted, “Hey, I hadn’t had anything to eat since nine this morning. I was hungry. No, make that starving.” “Yeah, I could tell.”

  Sucking her teeth and cutting an evil eye sideways at him they both erupted in laughter at Summer’s reaction to his teasing.

  “I’m glad you’re having a good time at my expense, Mr. Stiles.” Summer’s insides fluttered when Nick flashed the sexiest smile.

  “I am having a great time at your expense, Miss Jackson.”

  Parking the car on Kelly’s Drive near Boathouse Row, Nick got out of the vehicle and proceeded to help Summer out.

  “So, which direction do you want to walk, Beautiful?” he asked as he gazed down into Summer’s flushed face. He was doing it again, making her nervous.

  Summer twisted her mouth to one side as if in deep thought. “Umm, I guess toward Lincoln Drive.”

  If they made it that far it would be at least a mile walk, give or take. This would allow her to walk off the huge meal and get a chance to spend a little more time with Nick. To Summer’s surprise she was really enjoying his company. Besides being the most sophisticated man she’d ever been out with, he was a true gentleman. Not once had he made any unwanted advances. Once she’d gotten over her shyness, Nick had been very attentive when she talked. It was as if he was interested in what she had to say as he held onto her every word.

  “Okay, Beautiful, Lincoln Drive it is.”

  Good. This would give him more time to get into that pretty head of hers. Nick was impressed. He found her rather mature and well versed for a twenty five year old. Usually his rule was never to date women five years his junior. Summer was that and then some, twelve years to be exact. He had figured she was much younger, however, she carried herself with such elegance and grace the age difference didn’t bother him at all. She wasn’t some young, hoochie momma, gold digger, but rather an intelligent, articulate, young woman.

  Nick’s lips twitched in a faint smile remembering Summer’s offer to help pay the check while back at the restaurant. When he refused, she pleaded with him to let her at least leave the tip. Again Nick refused. Summer pouted, not even thinking when she stubbornly insisted, “Next time I’m paying.”

  Yes, there definitely will be a next time, Miss Jackson.

  Again with Summer he’d experienced something new. Every woman he’d ever taken out expected to be wined and dined, of course at his expense. Nick didn’t mind though; that’s what a man was supposed to do when he invited a woman out. Summer, however, wasn’t presumptuous; she had not assumed he would foot the bill. Nick wondered about that. Had the men she dated been so cheap she was used to helping foot the bill? Or was it she didn’t want him to expect any favors at the end of the night because he’d taken her to a five star restaurant? The last thought made him frown.

  Strolling at a comfortable pace, Summer found it hard to put one foot in front of the other. She couldn’t believe her first date with Nick was going so well. The man looked good, smelled good, and for goodness sake had manners. Not once had he attempted to touch her inappropriately. Certainly, Summer noticed how his eyes glanced over her when she opened her front door for him earlier, how during dinner he made her so nervous when he gazed directly at

  her nearly making her drop her fork, or how he would take her small hand as he helped her in and out of his car.

  Nick interrupted her reverie. “A penny for your thoughts, Beautiful.”

  Oh, mercy he had the sexist, deepest voice she ever heard in a man.

  Stopping mid-step, prompting Nick to stop as well, Summer turned facing him; she tilted her head to get a better view of him in the moonlit sky.

  “Why do you keep calling me that?

  “Calling you what?” Nick was aware of what she was asking, however, he wanted to draw her out, make her talk more.

  Lowering her head, she avoided Nick’s penetrating gaze. You know what.”

  A lazy grin curved his full lips. “No, Summer, I don’t know.”

  Letting out a breath of frustration because she knew he was messing with her. “Beautiful. Why do you keep calling me that?”

  Taking a finger he gently lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “Because, Summer Jackson, you are beautiful.”

  Summer thought she would die as Nick proceeded to lean down, kissing her ever so lightly on the tip of her nose. A current ran through her body causing her to shiver. Maybe it was the sudden gust of night wind that just blew by an
d not the kiss. Nah, it definitely was the kiss.

  “Are you cold?” Concern laced Nick’s husky voice.

  All Summer could do was nod her head. No way was she about to tell the finest man she’d ever laid eyes on that he had reduced her to shivers.

  Before Summer could blink, Nick held her in an embrace so close she had no choice but to lay her head on his strong muscular chest as his chin gently rested on top of her head. Summer’s nipples tingled while the butterflies in her stomach fluttered as she melted into Nick’s solid form.

  “Does this feel better?” he whispered holding her close generating heat from his body.

  “Yes.” Summer answered in a small voice.

  It didn’t matter she barely knew this man, because this felt so right. Summer’s arms which had been at her side freely wrapped around Nick’s midsection.

  Closing her eyes she inhaled the scent of his cologne. She recognized it as the same scent as the one on his handkerchief the night of the benefit. Holding onto Nick, she let herself go and simply enjoy the feel of his strong presence.

  Nick’s breathing became deep and slow as he fought to control his manhood as he held Summer close, pressed so intimately against his body. Things had been going so well the last thing he wanted was to frighten her off. Nick knew women; the one he held in his arms hadn’t had much experience with men, if any. He definitely would have to take things at her pace. Real slow.

  Be that as it may, he couldn’t control his sudden impulse. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, because he wanted to do this from the moment he first laid eyes on her. Threading long, strong fingers through her hair, cradling the back of her head he slowly pulled her away from his chest. Daaayum, I could play in this hair all night long. Gazing down into her face he trembled at the vision before him.

  Summer’s eyes were at half mast with her lips slightly parted waiting to be kissed. Lowering his face he wanted to take her mouth in a wild passionate kiss. Slow, Nick, slow. Delicately he traced her bottom lip with his tongue. The mere act gave him the response he wanted. A soft moan escaped Summer’s throat traveling pass her parted lips into his mouth. Summer opened her mouth wider in submission allowing Nick’s tongue further entry to explore her sweetness. After his exploration their tongues passionately mated until they were satisfied.


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