A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All) Page 7

by Wells, Victoria

Nick handed her a tee shirt. “Here, put this on.”

  Summer’s hands fumbled nearly dropping the tee shirt as Nick brushed pass her into the walk-in closet to grab a pair of jeans before he left the room.


  Nick snatched the cordless phone out its base on the kitchen wall.

  The pickup came on the second ring.

  “What’s up man?”

  “What up with you? You’re the one who called me,” Kevin chortled.

  Letting out a deep breath deciding to jump straight into it he said, “Summer’s here.” Nick paced the floor and waited for Kevin’s response. He always had something to say.


  “Here…with me.”

  “Get the hell out of here!”

  “Wish I could but I can’t.” Ending his pacing, Nick leaned against the sink.

  “Man, what is she doing at your place?”

  “She came down to my office to bring the paternity consent.”

  Deep. Summer actually signed it, poor girl. What is up with my man? Kevin talked to him until he had a migraine and was blue in the face. He’d told Nick to wait until he simmered down a bit before he presented Summer with the document. But as usual, when Nick had his mind set on something, he had the tenacity of a bulldog.

  “Man…you made that girl come downtown… eight months pregnant… on public transportation… to bring you a piece of paper?”

  Nick cringed at his best friend’s accusing tone. “I know man, I know…I was wrong.” A hint of regret laced his voice.

  “Wrong for what, Nick, making her come downtown in a blizzard? Or making her sign that damn paper?”

  Nick’s tone was tight as he clipped out every word. “For making her come downtown. You know how I feel about the paternity thing man. So don’t even go there.”

  He’s a lost cause. Changing the subject, Kevin wanted to know, “So how is Summer? Can I talk to her?”

  Dragging his hand down his face, Kevin was pushing it as usual. “Man, she’s driving me crazy. And no, you can’t talk to her.”

  “Driving you crazy?” There was an air of amusement in Kevin’s voice. Nick was a trip. He was the one who insisted the poor girl come to his office with the threat of a snowstorm. Serves him right, Kevin thought.

  “Man, I’m so confused. She looks so pitiful. I want to take her in my arms one minute and tell her everything’s going to be okay. But then I look at her big belly and get pissed off all over again. I don’t know if I can take having her here…so close.”

  “Well you should’ve thought about that before you made her come out knowing a damn storm was coming. If you had, Summer would be home and you’d be alone.”

  “Yeah, I hear you man. To make matters worse every time I say something to her she jumps like a spooked cat.”

  Grunting into the phone, Kevin warned, “Stop acting like a damned beast and maybe the poor girl will relax some. You need to chill and lightening up a bit.”

  As much as he wanted to cuss Kevin out, he refrained himself. He knew he meant well. But Kevin would never understand how much this thing with Summer was affecting him. At least not until something like this happened to him. The way Kevin chased skirts he’d have a heart attack if one of those skirts told him he was about to get caught up in some baby momma drama.

  “Listen, Kevin, man I need to go.”

  “A’ight man. I’ll check you later.


  Chapter 8

  Slowly Summer stripped out of her clothes. She took her time to remove every piece. The longer she took, the longer she delayed seeing him. She pulled on the oversized tee shirt then padded over to the huge walk-in closet. I know I look a hot mess. Opening the door to the closet, staring at her reflection in the full-length mirror that hung on the back of the door, she groaned, “I am so fat.” Her protruding belly making the tee shirt rise higher than normal made her suddenly uncomfortable with her expanding body. She shrugged slim shoulders. “Oh well.” Stepping back, gently closing the door, she picked up her wet clothes and headed to find Nick.

  He had changed into a white tee shirt which amplified his broad chest and a pair of jeans that clung to muscular thighs. Standing at the island in the center of the kitchen he was preparing dinner as Summer came waddling into the kitchen, entering as quietly as possible.

  Sensing her presence, Nick stopped dicing or chopping, whatever it was he was doing to look at her. Heaven help him, she was absolutely gorgeous. The tee shirt stopping mid-thigh revealing shapely legs and bare feet showed more skin than he’d seen on her in awhile.

  Summer flushed, turning crimson from Nick’s gaze. Holding out the wet clothes, she asked in a small voice, “Can I wash these?”

  “You know where everything is.” His tone was indifferent as he returned to his task.

  Moving pass him to the laundry room she proceeded to set the washer on the proper setting of water, added detergent, and then her clothes. Putting everything back in its place, Summer went back into the kitchen. Nick was still at the task of preparing dinner.

  Wanting to feel useful she offered, “Is there anything I can help with?”

  Never making eye contact or breaking his focus, blowing her off, he said, “No, I’m good. Go watch television or something.”

  Nick was not having it. No way was he going to allow Summer to get close to him. Refusing her help had hurt her feelings; he saw it all in facial expression. If he allowed her to get close, it would only confuse him even further. She would become a distraction stealing him from his thoughts. He had to maintain his priorities. The first being finding out why she had played him.

  Feeling dismissed, Summer plopped down at the foot of the king size bed. She grabbed the remote from the nightstand and flicked on the large screen plasma television. Clicking through the channels, she peeped at the digital clock on the dresser. It read3:28. Good, Martin is about to come on.

  Summer felt like she needed a good laugh to ease the stress that had been building all day. If she wasn’t careful, she possibly could start having premature contractions again. Dr. Neil constantly reminded her she needed to remain as stress free as possible. Yeah right. So far, everything was cool; as far as the contractions went, she hadn’t felt a thing except normal active fetal movement.

  Summer was cracking up; the episode of Martin she was watching was the one where Gina had killed his momma’s bird. Seeing Mother Pane act a fool made Summer remember she hadn’t called her parents or her friends.

  Looking out the window at the swirling large white flakes, she mumbled, “Oh my goodness, I know they’re having a fit.”

  Moving over to the nightstand, the red light wasn’t flashing which meant Nick wasn’t using the phone. Settling on the bed, picking up the cordless phone, she dialed the rowdy one first. Between her parents, Ava or Starr, one of them was bound to give her a tongue-lashing. Calling Ava first would make calling the others a piece of cake. Ava was the most outspoken, didn’t care what she said, even if it hurt your feelings.

  Scooting up on the bed resting against the headboard, Summer tucked her feet underneath her and began dialing Ava’s number.

  She picked up on the first ring. Oh here we go. The chile is sitting by the phone.

  “Hey, Ava.”

  “Don’t ‘hey Ava’ me. Girl why aren’t you home in all this mess?

  “How do you know I’m not home?” Summer ask weakly.

  Sucking her teeth, Ava huffed, “Caller ID, duh!”

  Busted! Summer should have called Starr first. She’s nowhere near as high strung as Ava.

  “So you know I’m at Nick’s.” It was more of a statement than question.

  “You are where?” Ava yelled loud enough to wake the dead.

  Oh shoot! “Didn’t his number come up?”

  “No! The ID says ‘Private Number’! What the hell are you doing there? Did he force you to go there? Huh? Tell me!”

  Ava was hot! She hardly ever cursed no matter how mi
ld the word. But she couldn’t stand Nick’s guts! How could she go anywhere with him the way he’d treated her. He had to have forced her. Unless he did something insane like pledge his love to her. Not! As far as Ava was concerned, Nick was a wealthy, selfish, self-centered man. He didn’t deserve Summer or her baby.

  Yanking the phone from her ear to keep Ava from rupturing her eardrum, Summer frowned at the phone. “Hey girl, pump your brakes,” she hissed. “If you give me half a chance, I’ll tell you what’s up. But if you yell at me one more time, Ava, I’m hanging this phone up. Are we clear?” Summer knew she had to be as vague as possible with her explanation as to why she was at Nick’s.

  “Yeah.” Ava mumbled with an attitude.

  Just as she was about to explain things to her Nick appeared in the doorway. As Summer assured Ava she was okay and would be home as soon as the weather permitted, he leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his broad chest. His presence was overwhelming, making her nervous as he stood hovering like a hawk. Mentally coaxing herself to bring the conversation to an end, Summer cut Ava off mid-sentence.

  “Listen, I have to go now. Please do me a favor and call my parents.”

  “Are you all right?” Ava skeptically questioned because suddenly Summer’s voice became really quiet.


  “Is he there?”

  “Yes.” Summer’s gaze momentarily shifted to Nick then back to the television as if she was watching it.

  “Has he hurt you?” Ava gritted out between her teeth. I can’t stand that man!

  “No, I’m fine. I… I really have to go.” Summer’s voice pleaded.

  “Summer, if he hurt’s you…” I’ll hunt him down like the dirty rat bastard he is.

  “I’ll be okay. Don’t worry.” Summer again pleaded.

  “All right girl, I love you. Call me if you need me.”

  “I will. I love you too. And please don’t forget to call my parents.”

  Summer partially lied to Ava. She really did love her with all her heart. But call her? No way! If Summer sent out a distress signal, Ava would hike in the blizzard to Nick’s penthouse. The Caucasian blood running through her veins would help her brave the elements. The African blood would give her the endurance to make it. And once there all hell, along with World War III would breakout. Ava likes to cut people… for real. Summer could just see her wielding a butcher knife at Nick like one of those chicks in Kill Bill. Ava was straight up crazy and wouldn’t care that Nick was several inches taller not to mention pounds heavier than she was.

  “All right Boo, I’ll call the folks.”

  Ending the conversation, she placed the phone back in its base. Thank goodness Ava agreed to call her parents. The last thing she needed was to explain things to them. She was pretty sure they would have the same reaction as Ava, if not worse, especially her mother. The

  only one who would possibly understand would be Starr. But she would have to wait to call her because Nick hadn’t budged. Besides, she was sure Ava would call Starr once they’d hung up.

  Strolling down the hall Nick heard Summer talking. Sure enough, she was on the phone. He wondered whom she was talking to, her voice had suddenly become low and she was giving one-word answers when he appeared in the doorway. Nick assumed she was talking to a man because of the way she was acting. Nick’s jaw clenched as he listened to the one sided conversation.

  “Dinner’s ready.” His eyes narrowed as he pushed away from the doorframe, turned and left the room. Summer shuddered from the look Nick threw at her as she slowly stretched her legs out and stood up. His reaction left her wondering what she’d done wrong this time. It had to be something, but what? People just didn’t go around giving the evil eye for nothing. Was he mad because she had used his phone without asking? That was totally absurd; he knew she had to call her family.

  With every unsteady step she dreaded having to sit across the table from him, but what was she to do? She hadn’t had anything to eat since morning, she was famished. Besides, she was at his mercy for the next few days to be clothed, fed and sheltered from the raging elements. What choice did she have? She had to get through this ordeal the best way she could. But how? Summer wondered as she chewed her bottom lip and lowered herself into a chair.

  Chapter 9

  Dinner was delicious. Nick prepared a toss salad, grilled salmon, steamed broccoli, and wild rice. Summer hadn’t realized how hungry she was. It had been hours since she ate, which was unusual for her. As of lately she ate several times a day. With the events of the day the last thing on her mind was food. Her main concern was how she was going to make it through the next few days without getting into a confrontation with Nick. It was definitely inevitable; the heaviness of it was in the air. Shrugging slim shoulders, deciding not to worry about it, Summer concentrated on filling her empty grumbling stomach.

  The pair ate in silence; there was no dinner conversation whatsoever, which was fine with Summer. Nick was still in a foul mood for whatever reason. She tried not to make too much out of his behavior. It was no secret he had taken to being a complete jerk.

  Summer inhaled everything on her plate. There wasn’t a morsel left. She didn’t know what to do with herself after she finished her meal, so she squirmed in her seat as her gaze surveyed the vast dining area.

  She admired a piece of artwork that complimented the room. That must be new; it wasn’t there the last time I was here. Further inspection displayed a lush green Ficus tree in a corner. I didn’t know Nick had a green thumb. Maybe his new girlfriend bought it. Nope. Summer was not going there. A hundred times or more the thought charged through her mind he had broken things off so abruptly with her to be with another woman.

  Summer would torture and beat herself up as she pointed out every imperfection. “I’m too short, my legs aren’t long enough, my breasts are too small.” There had to be something about her that drove him into the arms of another woman.

  Summer shook the painful thoughts from her head and sad expression from her face as she went on to survey the room until her eyes collided with Nick’s. His gaze was relentless, tearing into her while lifting a wineglass to his lips.

  She hadn’t been aware he was gawking at her like prey. His eyes were unreadable. Was it disappointment, mistrust, hate…what? Summer didn’t know what insane thoughts were running amuck in his head. One thing she did know, Nick was no longer the man she’d known or loved. He had changed. On the outside, he appeared as the Nick she knew and loved. However, on the inside he showed her an entirely different part of himself, a part that possessed a black heart. In a million years she would have never believed he would be so downright callous toward her. At first she couldn’t put her finger on it, until now. He hated her because she was pregnant. Was being a father so repulsive he would actually hate her? A lump formed in her throat, not so much from the idea of him hating her, but what were his feelings regarding the baby? Not once had he inquired about the welfare of their baby. The only thing he was interested in was getting custody, taking her baby. Suddenly the thought angered her. What was he going to do with a baby? Her baby? Have a nanny raise it? Nick definitely wasn’t the diaper changing type.

  It’s a good thing nothing on his plate was alive as he stabbed his fork into the food. The idea Summer may have been talking to another man on the phone earlier was still messing with him, had him tripping. The way he was grinding his teeth as he ate was sure to have him in the dentist chair before his next six-month visit.

  Kevin didn’t know what he was talking about. What if she did have a man? After reflecting on what he said, Nick was regretting having Summer agree to, no, forcing her to have paternity testing done. That thought, along with Kevin’s words went flying out the window after hearing her on the phone. Nick was glad he had gone with his instincts. There may be a strong possibility the baby wasn’t his just like the last time. Damn it, this can’t be happening again.

  Bringing the glass to his lips again, holding her gaz
e he was wondering what she’d been thinking. Didn’t she have sense enough not to get pregnant? Nick had warned her not to do something so foolish. She hadn’t listened. Numerous times he told her he would never marry, let alone become anyone’s father. Like most women she probably figured once he learned of her pregnancy he would whisk her off to the nearest church.

  Nick was not about to be manipulated by another woman no matter how beautiful. If by chance this was his child he would do as planned, file for custody. Not so much because he wanted to be a father, but to make her pay.

  Summer more than anyone knew his relationship with his father was another catalysts for his refusal to be a father. Growing up as a child his father was more concerned about his ambition of becoming a judge, leaving virtually no time for Nick. Nick did not want to subject a child to that. Clenching his jaw becoming angry, what in the hell was he going to do with a baby? Chances were he didn’t have to worry about that. Any judge would rule there was no valid reason to find Summer unfit as a mother. Women her age and younger were raising children on their own all over the world. Even without him her job as a nurse afforded her the ability to raise a child independent of him. He knew filing for custody was futile; however, he would do it just to make her life miserable.

  Standing up Nick muttered a curse under his breath. Everything he just mulled over in his mind was useless, a waste of brainpower if the child wasn’t his. Snatching dishes off the table he snapped, “What?” He could tell Summer was about to say something.

  Summer’s voice trembled in nervousness. “I just wanted to know if you wanted or needed any help.” Her small hands worried the cloth napkin, twisting it as she waited for his reply.

  Nick pinched the bridge of his nose then gritted out between clenched teeth, “Knock yourself out.”

  The dishes rattled as he sat them back down on the table with a thud as he stormed out the room. It was a wonder every dish hadn’t shattered.

  Relieved to be alone, Summer took extra precautions not to break anything as she loaded the dishwasher. Nick had unnerved her with his foul mood and hard glare. She was literally trembling from head to toe. She could not shake the feeling that he was about to detonate at any moment. The storm was slowly brewing within him. He carried it in his silent demeanor, the way he stabbed at his food, and the hard gazes he threw her way. Summer’s thin shoulders slouched at the thought of a confrontation with Nick.


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