A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All) Page 12

by Wells, Victoria

  Covering her face with her hands, Summer continued to sob. She felt like she was losing what little control she had. She’d never been sick a day in her life. The worse she ever experienced was having morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy.

  As a nurse she comprehended everything the doctor was saying, she too wanted a healthy baby. However, there had to be another way to continue her pregnancy without being confined to one room for a month. At least at home, she’d be in her own environment. In between sobs she pleaded with her doctor.

  “I know all of that Dr. Neil, but I want to go home. I don’t want to stay in the hospital for a month. I promise not to do too much.”

  Summer’s mind ran wild thinking of someone, anyone who could sit with her during the day so she could go home. Starr and Ava couldn’t do it, they had to work. Maybe she could call her mom to come stay with her. When she learned Summer had begun to have premature contractions she’d been itching to get back to Philly. Summer frowned and nixed that idea. Her mother would drive her nuts!

  Nick hated to see her so distraught over not being able to go home. He’d never seen one woman cry so much. Every time he turned around, she was crying for one reason or another. Guilt gnawed at him, he was the main source of her recent spells of weeping.

  “Dr. Neil, I’m taking Summer home.” Before the doctor could object, Nick put his hand up cutting him off. “I’ll make certain she has around-the-clock care.”

  A surge of relief flowed through Summer as she reached for Nick’s hand and squeezed it.

  “Thanks Nick.”

  “Don’t worry ‘bout it.”

  It was settled, Summer was going home.

  Chapter 17

  As Nick’s vehicle pulled off from in front of the hospital Summer felt a heavy weight lift from her shoulders. Thank goodness she wouldn’t be spending four weeks in the hospital. Unless she started to have contractions within the next two weeks Dr. Neil informed her she could stay home. If she went into labor after that, the baby would be fine.

  Settling back into the soft leather upholstery of the vehicle, Summer began mentally rehashing the last few hours. Suddenly she felt foolish, downright simple. I acted like a complete brat! Whining and crying like I was ten years old! And I have the nerve to soon be somebody’s momma. Nick and Dr. Neil probably think I’m a basket case carrying on like I didn’t have a bit of sense! Shaking away the thought she gazed lovingly at Nick. He was so sweet, offering to have someone come to her house to watch over her so she wouldn’t have to stay in the hospital.

  Concentrating on the road, he hadn’t paid any attention to Summer intently watching him, her thoughts turning from appreciation of his kindness to appreciation of his good looks. Oh my goodness brotha is too fine! Just looking at him had her body tingling all over settling dead smack between her legs causing her to squirm in her seat. It’s been months since she experienced such sensations. Only one man was capable of evoking such a reaction.

  Summer wasn’t sure if he saw her squirming, she camouflaged the movement by maneuvering her body in the seatbelt facing him. She wanted to tell him how much it meant to her that he’d convinced Dr. Neil to let her go home. How she would have been totally depressed

  if she had to be confined to one room for the next four weeks. Of course if she absolutely had to do it, she would’ve. However, she would have hated every single minute of it.

  The movement of her body drew Nick’s attention; he could tell she was thinking about something.

  “What’s up, Summer?” he asked as he brought the car to a stop at a red light.

  “I just want to thank you for taking me home. It’s really sweet of you.”

  Pulling off from the green light he told her, “I’m not taking you home.”

  “Huh?” What’s he talking about, ‘I’m not taking you home?’

  “You’re going home with me.”

  Stunned, Summer stammered, “But… you… said―”

  Nick immediately cut her off. “I said I was taking you home, meaning my home.”

  “What? I can’t go home with you!” This fool done fell and bumped his head!

  Making a U-turn in the middle of the street, Nick start heading in the opposite direction.

  “What are you doing? Where are you going, Nick?”

  “I’m taking you back to the hospital.”

  Panic overtook her in waves. He’s not serious. Is he? Summer grabbed his forearm. “Please, Nick, I don’t want to go back to the hospital.

  Nick was gradually losing his patience. He had enough of her whining and crying for one day.

  “Summer, listen to me, and listen real good. Either you go home with me where I can take care of you, or you can go back to the hospital and let Dr. Neil do it. The choice is yours.”


  “Come on Summer, I don’t have all day.”

  Shifting her body facing forward again, crossing her hands over her chest, she grumbled, “I’ll go home with you.”

  “I thought you’d see things my way.”

  Summer glared at him before rolling her eyes. He is so smug, get on my nerves.

  “Woman, don’t roll your eyes at me. I’m just looking out for the baby…my baby.” Reaching out and lightly rubbing her belly he said, “Okay.”

  Summer wanted to melt right there where she sat. He really did care about the baby after all. However, the streak of stubbornness she inherited from her mother wouldn’t allow her to melt…not now anyway.

  Turning back to face him she didn’t respond to his tender gesture. Instead she pouted, “I don’t have any of my things.” She unfolded her arms and rattled off a list as she pointed to each finger on her left hand with the index finger of her right hand. “I need my clothes, my toiletries, my laptop, my overnight bag I packed for the hospital for when I go into true labor, and… and… my stuff. I just need my stuff!”

  Driving into the garage of the building where he lived an amused grin spread across Nick’s face. What he was about to say was going to make her hotter than Mississippi in August.

  “Send your pit bulls Ava and Starr to get your stuff.” He put emphasis on stuff. “They have keys to your place right? They’ll sniff your stuff out without a problem.” Nick stated dryly with a hint of a smirk playing around his lips.

  Summer was furious. She wanted to smack that smirk right off his stupid face. How dare he call her best friends dogs! They’d been there for her when he wasn’t anywhere to be found! He went too far. One thing you didn’t do was talk about her girlfriends. He was about to get it.

  Nick totally lost all composure. As Summer turned on him he nearly slammed into a concrete column as he parked. Her face was red and contorted in a furious frown with lips pressed so tight they turned white, and eyes squinted so small the whites were barely visible through the slits. Nick couldn’t help but to crack up laughing at her. She looked like a cartoon character; the only thing missing was steam coming from her ears. The laugh was cleansing. It had been such a long time since he laughed so hard.

  Anger, shock, and then amusement simultaneously coursed through Summer. She must have made some horrendously, ugly face. Summer had never seen Nick so hysterical with laughter. Though she was mad at him for talking about her friends, she too began cracking up. Not because he had totally dissed her friends in the worse way, but because his laughter was so infectious. A few moments later the laughter died down. After catching her breath from laughing so hard she gave him a warning. “You better shut up, calling my friends pit bulls. They’ll kick your butt.”

  Nick rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. Tell your mutts to bring it on.”

  Summer’s mouth dropped open before she erupted in laughter again. “Ooh, Nick, you are a stinkin’ mess. Boy, I’m telling you, you’re about to get rolled on for talking all that trash.”

  Nick’s laughter dissolved as he looked at Summer. The sound of her laughter was music

  not only to his ears, but to his soul as well. He
missed this carefree side of her. He’d forgotten

  how her entire being literally lit up when she laughed. She had gone from upset to playful and giddy within seconds.

  She noticed Nick wasn’t laughing anymore, but quietly gazing at her.

  “What? Did I say something wrong?” Again.

  “No, not at all.”

  “Then why did you get so quiet? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I was just thinking how good it is to hear you laugh again.”




  “You’re really pretty when you laugh.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes, you are.”


  Chapter 18

  Staying with Nick hadn’t been at all what Summer expected. Initially she’d thought after he came down off whatever high he was on, he’d be in a funky mood because their trip had been cancelled. “I told you already I just want you and the baby to be safe,” was his response when she questioned him about the cancelled trip.

  Once she was settled in at Nick’s, dread overwhelmed her as she remembered she hadn’t called her parents, Starr, or Ava to bring them up to date on the latest events. Biting the bullet she called her parents first. Both her mom and dad wanted to come to Philly right away to be at her side. Summer convinced them to wait until she went into true labor. She assured her folks she would be fine in Nick’s care. Although her parents balked at Summer’s decision they had to respect it. Much to Summer’s surprise Starr and Ava didn’t trip at all. They were more than willing when she requested they go to her house and bring her stuff to her. When they strutted into Nick’s penthouse their eyes nearly bulged out of their heads. “This pad is off the hook!” Starr exclaimed as she went from room to room with Ava on her heels. The penthouse was laid out like it belonged in Architectural Digest. The entire time they were there, Summer prayed they wouldn’t get into a confrontation with Nick. And they would have too, if they knew he’d referred to them as the most vicious dog known to man. Everything ended up cool. Summer’s friends and the father of her baby were cordial to one another. It went without saying they were all doing it for Summer’s sake.

  As the first week faded away, Summer was able to relax in her new environment. When Monday rolled around, she expected to be greeted by a nurse Nick hired to sit with her during the day while he went to the office. To her amazement, he set up shop in his home office. That same morning FedEx delivered files from his downtown office. Everything that was necessary for him to efficiently run his business from his home was at his fingertips. The only time he left was to attend meetings at the office. He detested teleconferences. During those few hours, his housekeeper Joan kept a watchful eye on Summer.

  Joan immediately liked Summer. She was nothing like those other snobbish women who would call Nick’s home talking down to her just because she was the housekeeper. It was a good thing he didn’t flaunt those women in front of her, because the first time one of those heifers said anything out of the way, Joan swore she’d knock them into next week. Humph, she’d tell Nick a thing or two if he had anything to say about it. Summer, however, was a pleasant change from the others.

  Joan hid her shock when Nick informed her that the mother of his soon-to-be born child would be at his place until she delivered. She was shocked mostly because she’d never seen a woman present in his home in all the years she worked for him. Sure, there were times when she occasionally worked a weekend he’d come home on a Saturday or Sunday morning around eight reeking of expensive perfume. As far as she was aware, his mother was the only woman other than herself who was granted entry into his home.

  When Joan arrived to work that Monday morning, Summer was curled up on the sofa

  engrossed in a magazine. When she stepped into the living room she noticed Summer first and

  immediately stiffened her back. I know little Miss Thang better not start no stuff with me, ‘cause I ain’t putting up with her mess! Nick’s either. Got me playing nursemaid to this gal. I don’t get paid to be no nurse. He should’ve kept his britches on! Joan was pulled from her mental fussing when she heard a soft voice.

  “Good morning.” Summer uncurled her legs, stood and waddled over to Joan. She offered her hand to the older woman along with a bright smile. “You must be Joan.”

  Taking the offered hand, returning the smile, “And you must be Summer.” She’s a pretty little thing .She got some manners too. I like sweetie already.

  Instantly the older woman and younger woman became fast friends.


  When at home with Summer, Nick was more than accommodating, catering to her every need. “Do you need anything? Can I get this for you? Can I get that for you?” If she so much as reached for the remote while watching television he’d jump to get if for her. All of the attention at times was suffocating. “Nick, I’m fine. I don’t need you waiting on me hand and foot.”

  “Yes, you do. I gave Dr. Neil my word. I don’t want my baby born prematurely.”

  Summer lifted a brow. “Your baby?”

  “Okay, our baby,” he compromised.

  Evenings were no different. Every night he transformed the master bathroom into a

  luxurious spa. The aroma of lavender candles strategically arranged throughout illuminated the

  spacious room. While the Jacuzzi bubbled with soothing bath salts awaiting Summer’s arrival.

  “Oh, Nick, you didn’t have to do this. It smells so good in here.” This I can get used to.

  “No Problem. Now stop talking and get undressed.”

  Summer knitted her eyebrows together. “Huh?”

  Nick chuckled. “Come on get undressed.”

  “I’m not getting undressed in front of you.” Summer told him indignantly.

  “Woman, stop playing, I’ve seen it all before.”

  “Yeah, before I was thirty pounds fatter. I’m not getting undressed in front of you, Nick.”

  The Mexican standoff began as they both stood facing each other, arms crossed over their chests, neither moving.

  “All right…already…you always have to have things your way.” Summer ranted as she pulled and yanked at every article of clothing until she was booty butt naked.


  Taking a few steps bringing him closer, Nick touched her swollen belly. “Now was that so bad?”

  “No, but why−”

  “Did I want you to get undressed in front of me?”


  “I just wanted to see for myself.”


  Nick let his eyes seductively scan Summer from head to toe then reverse again. “If you were still…sexy.”

  Summer blushed with embarrassment as she shyly whispered, “And?”

  “Most definitely.”

  With Nick lavishing so much attention on her, Summer found it almost impossible to control her emotions. He was making it difficult for her to keep her guard up. She didn’t know how or when things between them slip back to where they’d been before he walked out on her. The only element missing was passion.

  With Nick’s new and improved attitude, Summer lost focus. Her goal was to get him to understand she was afraid of telling him about the pregnancy for a number of reasons, rejection being the first. She was afraid if she’d told him he would’ve rejected both her and the baby. She had survived his walking out, had pulled herself together, had managed to get on with her life and had planned to raise her baby on her own. Telling him about the baby wasn’t an option. Neither was having herself and her baby discarded like old dishrags.

  Summer fell in love the moment she heard the rapid heartbeat at eight weeks of gestation. As she listened to the evidence of life her body would house for nine months, she knew she made the right choice. If she had tracked Nick down back then and told him about the baby, she was

  early enough in her pregnancy to have aborted it. Hadn’t he told her to d
o so if she’d ever became pregnant with his baby?

  As the months passed and she grew, another fear began to take root. Nick would snatch away without regard what was most precious to her. That would be her punishment for keeping their baby a secret.

  Summer had to convince him at the time she thought the safest thing to do was to keep the baby a secret. She needed him to understand she’d lost just about everyone that was important to her; everyone that she’d loved. Her parents had moved miles away just before she and Nick started to date. Then just as she believed he’d be a permanent fixture in her life, he moved on too. How did he expect her to handle being rejected, forced to have an abortion, or have her baby taken away? Hadn’t she lost enough?

  As good as he made her feel, Summer wasn’t one bit disillusioned. She knew the man too well. Sure, he treated her like a princess and pampered her from the time her eyes opened in the morning until they closed at night. She was aware his actions were primarily for that of the baby. Countless times he told her, “I just want the baby to be safe. That’s my main concern, so let me take care of you.”

  Summer believed with all her heart he’d fallen madly in love with their baby. With every opportunity he touched, kissed or talked to her belly. He’d done the one thing he’d sworn to her he would never do… give his love, his heart to another person. Summer was now certain that for this reason he would honor his threat of filing for full custody. She wished a million times she’d told him about the baby. Now in hindsight, it would have been better to be rejected than to lose her baby.

  She clung to the hope that when she told him everything he’d believe her intentions were never to deceive or hurt him. All she wanted to do was to keep their baby safe, to keep their baby alive.

  Chapter 19

  Each evening the pair retired to Nick’s king size bed for the night. Summer watched television until she drifted off to sleep, while Nick brought documents from work to bed. She’d complain, “Do you always have to bring work stuff to bed?”


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