Sinning in Vegas

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Sinning in Vegas Page 39

by Sam Mariano

  Yeah, right. I roll my eyes at him. “You just said it wasn’t a question.”

  “Good, we agree then,” he surmises, his hand sliding down his abdomen.

  I’m trying to pay attention, but now that soapy cloth is moving lower and I can’t keep my eyes from following. “I think we should discuss this when I have a higher capacity for decision-making,” I tell him.

  “We could,” he offers. “Or I could just refuse to fuck you until you agree to my terms.”

  My eyes jerk from his dick back to his face. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He cocks an eyebrow at me. “Wouldn’t I?”

  He totally would.

  “You’re crazy,” I tell him. “You haven’t even fucked me yet.”

  “Then call me honorable,” he says dryly. “I’m protecting my virtue here.”

  “Yeah, right. Your nickname is Sin. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your virtue is long gone.”

  “I already told you once I fuck you, I’ll never let anyone else touch you. Really, you’re agreeing to forever the minute you open your legs for me.”

  I shake my head at him as he reaches for my hips and turns me around, then pulls me flush against him. “You’re such a brute,” I inform him.

  “An oppressive caveman, yes, I remember,” he says, kissing the damp skin along the curve of my neck.

  “I am a woman of logic and science,” I inform him. “People can’t just get married this fast.”

  “Says who?” he asks.

  “Says logic,” I reply dryly.

  “Fuck that. I want to make you mine forever. What’s so illogical about that?”

  I reach back and caress his neck as he kisses mine. “You can have me forever. Doesn’t mean we have to do the paperwork yet.”

  “If it’s just paperwork, let’s get it out of the way,” he counters.

  I can’t help grinning. “You’re so persistent.”

  “I persuade people to give me what I want for a living. Just relent now and save us both some time.”

  “Not anymore,” I tell him, turning back to face him, running my hands down his chest. “You promoted yourself, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He cracks a smile. “I forgot for a minute. It’ll take a little getting used to.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his jaw. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Yeah?” he murmurs, running his hand up my back and sending a delightful shiver through my body.

  “Mm hmm. Did you change your plan to accommodate me when I told you I was sad?”

  “I’ll never tell,” he informs me.

  I grin, taking that as verification, then bury my face in his shoulder and lightly biting him the way he bites me.

  He growls, fisting a hand in my hair and yanking my head back. He follows up with a tender assault, scraping his teeth down the side of my neck and backing me up against the tiled wall. I brace my hands against the cool wall and wait for more, but once he gets me there, he backs away, lifting a dark eyebrow and pointing at me.

  “You stay put and stop distracting me. Let me finish getting clean so I can take you the bedroom.”

  “Mm, yes, sir,” I tease.



  I’ve never been so happy to see a bed in my life.

  On one hand, I want to let Sin kiss me and do his standing-up sexiness like he did before, but I am also so fucking excited to be back in this bed, as soon as I see it, I can’t help running over and jumping on it, rolling around in the blankets and just sighing with pure happiness.

  Sin appears to be amused as he discards his towel in the laundry basket and comes over to climb on the bed with me. “You really like my bed, huh?”

  “Our bed,” I tell him.

  “That’s right, I guess it is now,” he says, snaking an arm under me and pulling me close.

  “And yes, I’m a huge fan of this bed. Mainly because I’m a huge fan of its owner. I’m even excited that your laundry basket is full and that means I get to do domestic things here tomorrow while you work. How crazy is that?”

  “Pretty crazy,” he tells me.

  “I hate Rafe’s house. I like the pool, if I ever stop hating him, I still want to take the baby to the pool, but your house is so much better than his.”

  “That is objectively untrue, but that’s okay. I like this one better, too.” Leaning in, he nips me on the shoulder. “Remember what I said about saying his name in this bed? Still applies.”

  “Ooh, you’ll get mean?” I ask, with interest. “Rafe, Rafe, Rafe, Rafe.”

  His eyes narrow and I grin at him. He smothers my grin with his mouth, yanking me underneath him and climbing on top of me. “You’re a little troublemaker,” he informs me.

  “I’m a perfect angel,” I insist.

  “You should be. I don’t want to go hard on you the first time.”

  “I’m not a virgin, remember? I am pregnant. I have done this before.”

  “Don’t remind me,” he grumbles, leaning down and pressing his lips against mine.

  “I’m sorry I’m not a virgin for you, my lord. You should have met me sooner. Swept me off my feet and demanded my virtue. Ravished me if I refused.”

  “When did you lose your virginity?”

  “I was 17.”

  He cocks his head left and right. “Might’ve gone to jail.”

  “Only if you got caught,” I tell him, wiggling my eyebrows. “Would you still fuck me, jailbait and all?”

  “I’m starting to think you’re into roleplay,” he states.

  I shrug. “Maybe. Never tried it before. Young guys aren’t that interesting to have sex with.”

  Covering my mouth with his hand, he says, “All right, new rule. Stop referring to anyone else you’ve had sex with unless you want me to hunt them down and kill them. Then I’ll be the only one alive who has ever fucked you, so I’ll be the only one who counts.”

  I’m not completely sure he’s joking, so I nod my agreement and murmur against his palm. “Gotcha.”

  “Good,” he says, removing his hand.

  “It won’t even be hard to pretend you’re the only one I’ve ever had sex with,” I assure him. “You’re already the best, and you haven’t even completely fucked me yet. Speaking of…” I roll my hips forward, in an attempt to urge him on. “We gonna do this?”

  “Not until you tell me what I want to hear,” he tells me, sitting on my hips and crossing his arms.

  “Seriously? I almost stabbed a guy for you.”

  “I won’t tell you how many people I have murdered to protect you or keep you happy. Especially after tomorrow, when that count is a lot higher.”

  I shake my head at him. “That’s not even fair. You can just pull out ‘I’ve killed for you’ and win any argument. ‘What should we watch tonight, Laurel? Your show or mine? While you’re deciding, I want to remind you, I’ve killed for you.’”

  Smirking, he tells me, “I wouldn’t waste the ‘I’ve killed for you’ card on which show we should watch.”

  “‘Let’s have one more baby, Laurel. Oh, you don’t want to? I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you I’ve killed for you.’”

  Sin nods. “You done yet?”

  “‘You want to go to your sister’s for Thanksgiving this year? I don’t want to do that, and since I have killed for you…’”

  He cuts me off, tickling the fuck out of my sides until I can’t breathe and my face hurts from laughing. I try to swat him away but it does not work. Tickling is the ultimate evil, but it does get his hands on me, so we’ve taken a step in the right direction.

  Once he relents, he keeps his hands on me, and my helpless laughter turns to tender smiles as his scarred hands move across my tummy, and finally to flushed cheeks and moans of pleasure as he palms my breasts, his rough thumbs stimulating my nipples.

  He ducks his beautiful head and takes one of my nipples into his mouth. Pleasure and tenderness mix together
and fill me up with so much adoration, it’s hard to keep it all in. I feel like it’s seeping out of me, pouring from my eyes, floating around me like a cloud. He’s lying between my legs, resting on top of me, his body plastered against mine, so if there is a cloud, I have him enveloped in it. I want to envelope him in all my love, and fill up all the empty spots he’s made himself feel for so long.

  I’m so happy we found each other.

  And for that reason, not the very real possibility that he might not fuck me otherwise, I run my fingers through his hair, my heart filling up as he looks up at me with those intense dark eyes of his, and I tell him, “If you’re serious about this, I will marry you.”

  He pops off my nipple, grins victoriously, and takes my mouth instead. His kiss makes me dizzy, or maybe it’s what I just agreed to. Maybe it’s both, but what the hell? I’m already going to move here, move in with him, and have a baby with him—a wedding band on my left hand isn’t the most outrageous decision I’m making where this man is concerned. I like the idea of being committed to him, I already planned to be, so why not make it official?

  Plus I like the idea of him wearing my ring while he’s out in the world as much as I like the idea of wearing his. Yes, this belongs to me, now move along, skanks.

  Not that I have to worry about that with him. It’s a relief, and it lets me know I’m with the right person. I’ve never felt as appreciated as I do with Sin, as treasured. To Rafe, I was an amusing toy someone else wanted more but whose directions he couldn’t even be bothered to read. To the guys who came before them, guys I’ve practically forgotten since Sin takes up so much space in my heart, I was just an ordinary girl they eventually lost interest in and stopped liking.

  I’m so much more than that to Sin. I’m not one of many to him. I’m it for him, and damn, that is sexy.

  And damn, I am lucky. I didn’t think I was very lucky when that pregnancy test came back positive, but it may have been the best thing to ever happen to me. Maybe instead of cursing Mateo Morelli’s name to the wind, I should send the man a thank you card.

  “Does that mean we’re engaged now?” I ask, bending my neck to give him better access.

  “It does.” Pulling back, he looks down at me. “Now when you send me grocery shopping, it’ll actually be my job.”

  “You’re going to be a great husband,” I state, with absolute confidence.

  “Let’s do it this weekend,” he says, before diving back into my neck.

  “What?” I ask, rearing back, eyes wide. “This weekend? That’s fast.”

  “You complain when I move slow, you complain when I move fast. You’ve got this wife thing down already, let me tell you.”

  I grin up at him. “I won’t be a fishwife, I promise. But this weekend isn’t enough time. I want my sister here. We’ll have to clear it with Rafe for Vince to come back into town. We should have a real wedding, even if it’s a small one, we should have our family and friends here. I’ve never even met your parents.”

  “They probably won’t come,” he tells me.

  My eyes widen in disbelief. “They’re not going to come to their son’s wedding? They don’t even live that far away.”

  “It’s not about how far away they live. They’ve kept their distance from me since—since the funerals. It’s not a big deal. It doesn’t matter to me. But they probably won’t come, so don’t take it personally. I don’t really have anyone to invite, so a quick Vegas wedding would be just fine with me. If you want a real one, that’s up to you.”

  Well, I do… but I also don’t want to make Sin feel badly for not having anyone. “You don’t have anyone to invite? Friends? Cousins?”

  His lips curve up faintly. “I can invite Rafe.”

  “God,” I murmur, covering my face with my hands. “All right, well, we could do something small. A Vegas wedding, but I at least need Vince and Carly to be here with me. I would have liked to invite Mia too, but Mateo and Vince despise each other, so if we’re not having a big enough wedding for them to stay on separate ends of the room, I don’t know if I’ll invite them.”

  “Probably should, I hear Mateo gives good gifts,” Sin jokes. “I can keep them from killing one another. Invite whoever you want. Don’t worry about that.”

  “You’re the groom; I’m not going to have you working at our wedding.”

  “I care about the marriage, not the wedding.” He shrugs. “We’ll do whatever you want.”

  I smile, leaning up to kiss his perfect lips. “I’m excited. I want to tell everyone.”

  “Tomorrow,” he tells me. “Tonight, you’re all mine.”



  I’m caught completely off-guard when Sin’s strong hands close around my wrists like the sexiest of shackles. It’s no light, tender grasp—it’s tight like a vice, and the suddenness knocks my heart right out of my chest. He presses me into the soft mattress, his heated gaze sweeping over me with a casual sense of ownership.

  “All mine,” he murmurs, his tone low and gruff.

  “Always,” I assure him quietly.

  He releases my wrists now, skimming my sides with the tips of his fingers as he moves down my body. “Let’s see how wet you are for me, pretty girl.”

  Flushing with anticipation, I have to fight to restrain the shy urge to turn my face. It still makes me flushed when he does this. When he spreads my legs and looks at my pussy the way he does. I don’t want to look, but I can’t resist the peek at his face while he looks at me. He looks so hungry, so reverent, like he’s looking at something he wants so desperately.

  I guess maybe it’s the same way I feel when I look at his cock. Really, any part of his body turns my body into a pit of flames, my insides into liquid need. The idea that he wants me even half as much as I want him makes me feel powerful. No amount of worshiping his body could ever adequately express how I feel when I look at him, how much I want him with every part of me. Maybe he feels that way, too.

  Tonight he’s not just here to look, he’s here to touch. He’s here to taste. He leans down and kisses the outside of my pussy like he would kiss my mouth. This is something new to me, not something I experienced before Sin. I’ve experienced oral sex before, but not the way Sin does it. Not like he truly wants to be doing it, like there’s nowhere else he’d rather be than between my legs. There’s no rush to the orgasm so he can get his—he treats this like he is getting his. Like this is all he’s here for. Like we could do this all night and he’d be happy.

  As his tongue breaches my entrance and rubs against my clit, I writhe, reaching above me to hold onto the pillow. His dark eyes shoot up to me. He looks so mischievous. It’s adorable. I can’t help smiling at him, but then he gets more aggressive, sucking on my clit, and I lose my smile, my breath hitching as my hips roll forward.

  Sin’s grip drops to my hips, holding me in place while he licks me. Every stroke of his tongue makes me shudder with delight. One of his hands remains on my hip, but he moves the other between my legs, pushing a finger inside me while he licks at my clit. His finger moves deeper into my pussy, stretching me, preparing me for him.

  The thought sends a streak of excitement coursing through me. I’m finally going to have him inside me. God, I want it so much. I’ve never had someone inside me bare before. I wonder how it will feel.

  Sin sidetracks my thoughts when he shoves a second finger inside me, when the pressure building becomes hard to ignore. He licks, he sucks, he nips. He drives me crazy with his mouth, pumping his fingers inside me all the while, leading my mind toward the scary, sexy thought of him finally invading me. His attention between my thighs together with the sensual thoughts swirling through my head—it’s too much. I cry out as an orgasm hits my body hard and violent pleasure bursts inside me. I can feel him watching me come, and God, that’s hot, too.

  Gratitude sweeps over me, desperate gratitude. I need him in my mouth. Getting a little aggressive myself, I try to push him off me so I can crawl down and suck on
him, but he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks my head back, dragging me down on the bed.

  “Nope,” he says, moving on top of me.

  “Just a little taste,” I beg. “Please. I’ll be good. I’ll do whatever you want after.”

  “It’s sexy as hell how much you like going down on me, did I ever tell you that?”

  Reaching between his legs, I grab his cock and rub the head with my fingers. “Then let me have a taste.”

  He shakes his head. “Not tonight. Tonight I’m saving every drop for when I’m inside you.”

  “Mm,” I murmur, my lips parting in anticipation as his face moves closer. His perfect lips brush mine, but he doesn’t deepen the kiss. Even now he’s teasing me, dropping soft kisses all over my face. It makes me feel so loved. I want to give back, so as soon as he stops kissing my face, I bend my head and start kissing him. I’m so in love with every sexy inch of his body, I need the whole night to properly worship it. I need to kiss every inch, to taste him—even though he won’t let me, because he’s being stingy—and admire every plane of his body. I want to show him how lucky I feel that he’s mine by giving him as much pleasure as possible.

  He’s still on top of me so I can’t reach him everywhere, but I can wrap my arms around him—one over his broad, muscled shoulder, one around his back, my nails lightly scoring his skin. His eyes smolder when I do that, and excitement jumps in my belly. That look warns me of so many things, and I want every last one of them.

  I want to know every desire he keeps locked away inside him, the darkest, dirtiest corners. I want to know him inside and out, know him as well as I know myself. I can’t believe I get to have him. I can’t believe he’s mine for the rest of my life.

  “What are you going to do to me, captor?” I tease.

  He smiles darkly, sending a thrill through my belly. Then he leans down to drag kisses along my jaw as he tells me, “I liked being your captor. You should have seen your face the first time you saw me naked.”

  I flush at the memory of him standing bedside, this beautiful body a scary, dark fantasy. “You were so gorgeous, but so scary. I thought you were going to murder me.”


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