Lords of the Underworld Bundle

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Lords of the Underworld Bundle Page 90

by Gena Showalter

  A few seconds later, the drink was sliding toward her. She slid one of the multicolored bills Cameo had reluctantly given her to the man and faced the dance floor again. Again, no Reyes. Shaking now, she moved forward, trying not to slosh her drink over the rim of the glass.

  A man latched on to her free arm, grinning and pulling her closer. Scowling, she ripped herself free. Her expression must have been murderous because he paled and held up both hands in surrender.

  She sipped the soda and moved forward, gaze continuing to search, blood pressure rising. There was a wall of windows at the far end of the club, elevated to overlook the floor. Another room? Probably. Probably VIP, too, with a guard at the door. Yep, she saw two seconds later. There was indeed a guard.

  You’re smart. Sometimes. You can find a way inside.

  Determined, she raised her chin and marched. The tall, muscled man standing in front of a staircase frowned over at her, and that frown deepened the closer she came. He crossed his arms over his middle.

  “I’m looking for Reyes,” she said, first in English, then in fumbling Hungarian.

  His brown eyes gave no flicker of recognition either time. “Back off, lady. It’s a private room.” English. At least he was polite enough to be rude to her in a language she could understand.

  She persevered. “If you’ll just tell him—”

  “Back off, or I’ll have you thrown out.”

  “I have information he needs, and he’ll be—”

  The guard reached out, intending to shove her. But strong fingers wrapped around his wrist, squeezing, and he howled.

  “No touching the girl.” A large figure stepped from the shadows. “What are you doing here?” that figure growled, releasing the man.

  Danika’s eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. Her heart instantly sped into a frantic tango, mimicking the dancers behind her. Reyes towered in front of her, cut and bleeding. Blood was dried and splattered on his neck. His black shirt was ripped, gaping around his navel and revealing a small patch of tanned skin.

  “I asked you a question, Danika.”

  He’d been with a woman. The knowledge was like being hit in the chest by a dozen arrows, all laced with poison. She thought of the last time she’d slept with a man. Sadly, she had to go back years. Even more sad, it hadn’t been that good. Something had been missing. Reyes’s kiss had promised that something. Or so she’d thought. The urge to slam her palm into his nose, shoving cartilage into brain, filled her, but she managed to stop herself in time. He’d like it.

  And there’d be no more pleasure for Reyes. Not from her.

  “I just came to tell you that your enemy could be here, watching you. I didn’t realize you’d be doing a little hunting of your own.” She placed her drink on the nearest table, spun and stalked away. Where she was going, she didn’t know. I will not cry.

  Now strong fingers curled around her shoulder, halting her getaway.

  This time, she couldn’t stop herself. She swung around and planted her fist straight into his eye. His head whipped to the side.

  When he righted himself, she saw that his nostrils were flared with…desire? Oh, yes. It was in his eyes, too, his pupils dilated and consumed the brown irises. He reached for her.

  “Don’t touch me,” she shouted over the music, jolting back.

  His arm fell to his side. “Hit me like that again and you’ll regret it.”

  “You plan to hit me back?”

  “No, but I will be all over you, unable to keep my lips off you.”

  “Oh, yeah,” a male voice called from above them. “Fight it out, baby. Fight it out.”

  Her gaze lifted. A gorgeous man had opened the windows in the VIP room and now hung halfway out of one. There were two women beside him, caressing his bare shoulders and back, licking and nipping at him.

  Was that what had been happening to Reyes before she’d arrived? She saw red. He, at least, still had his shirt on.

  “Bring her up here, my man,” the stranger commanded with a grin. “Let her join the party.”

  “Shut up, William,” Reyes growled. “You are not helping.”

  While she’d been aiding him and his cause with her painting, Reyes had been scoring babes and making friends. How sweet.

  “Come on. Bring the blonde. There’s plenty of room, and I’ll be bored without you.”

  “I don’t want her up there.”

  Because she’d spoil his good time. No reason to say it out loud. Danika had heard enough. She had a good ten feet between them in less than a blink. If only she could stop her trembling. Why do I care who he’s been with? He’s a demon. They’re evil. Sometimes. And I’m working for their mortal enemies. Kind of.

  Someone backed into her path, laughing at something someone else said, and she shouldered her way past him, uttering a quick, “Sorry.”

  “Hey,” he shouted. Whatever he thought to say next died on his lips as Reyes caught up with her and punted the man out of the way.

  His arm banded around her waist in an iron lock. She glared up at him but didn’t struggle. There was no reason to. Physically, he was stronger than she was. Where’s your training? He led her through the crowd. People gasped as he approached and jumped out of his way. If they weren’t fast enough, they were sent flying to the ground. None of them demanded an apology or even seemed to mind, she noticed. Some actually smiled when they touched him, as if he were a god, their savior.

  “I know Hunters were watching,” he said. “In turn, Torin was watching them and called me when there was a problem. He’ll call me if there’s another. How did you know they were here? Did you see your captor?”

  Were, he’d said. Another problem. “What happened?”

  “We’ll discuss that later.”

  “I’m not going back to the fortress with you,” she told him, ignoring his question.

  “No, you’re not.”

  So…what? Where was he taking her? Was he getting rid of her? Kicking her out? “You’re a bastard, you know that? But fine. Whatever! Throw me out on the streets. I don’t care. I’m leaving tomorrow, anyway, and the journey will be much easier without you.”

  They reached the side wall, three doors greeting them. Two were marked bathroom—one a man’s, one a woman’s—and one said Keep Out in big red letters. Reyes didn’t slow as he shouldered that door open, shattering the lock and ushering her inside.

  There was a desk, several chairs, filing cabinets and a computer. Oh, and four men. All four jumped to their feet, gaping at Reyes.

  “Out,” he barked.

  There was a slight hesitation, but they didn’t protest. Once they gathered their wits, they nodded and raced out of the office as if their feet were on fire.

  Danika stalked to the desk and whirled. “How dare you!”

  His eyes narrowed, homing in on her. “How dare I what? Claim this room? The club was destroyed by Hunters nearly two months ago, and I rebuilt it in three days. Believe me, they are happy to let me use anything I want.”

  Even the female patrons? she almost shouted, barely managing to contain the words. “No, how dare you force me in here? I’m done with you!” And what did he mean, Hunters had destroyed it? She remembered the aftermath of the explosion, but hadn’t realized Hunters were responsible.

  He closed what little distance there was between them. His warm breath trekked over her face, and she tried to hold her own breath. She really did. But that lasted only a minute before she was sucking in his scent, her lungs desperate.

  “No, you aren’t,” he said softly, menacingly.

  Though she wanted to tear her gaze from his harsh and beautifully angry face, she didn’t look away. I’m strong now. I do not back down. Ever.

  “Are you angry because I left without you?”

  “Please.” She raised her chin, squared her shoulders, just like she’d learned in one of her classes. Sometimes appearing confident was enough to send your opponent running. “I’m not angry.”

he lashed out. His top lashes intertwined with the bottom, blocking even a minute view of his pupils. “Why? Tell me.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “How many times must we establish that I’m already there?” He leaned down, a little closer to her.

  Another tremor shook her. “There’s nothing for us to discuss. I came to warn you about the Hunters, and I’ve done that.”

  “I believe I asked how you knew.”

  “I believe I refused to answer.”

  His head tilted to the side, his gaze raking her body, lingering in all the right spots. “Are you going to betray me, Danika?”

  “I should,” she said, practically spitting the words.

  “But you haven’t.” A demand for the truth.

  Her lips thinned into a mulish line.

  He massaged the back of his neck, looking tired all of a sudden. “What am I going to do with you?” The question was clearly meant more for himself than her.

  “Nothing. I’m leaving, and you’re going back to your girlfriend. Don’t worry. I won’t return to the fortress.” Cameo’s words chose that moment to invade her mind. You want him, you’ll have to fight him.

  I’ve already lost, she thought. Keeping her nose in the air, she pushed past him. Or tried to.

  His arm snaked out, an unmovable blockade.

  Automatically, she gripped that arm, her nails sinking deep in warning. But he closed his eyes and moaned in ecstasy. Her eyes began to close, too; she began to moan, just as ecstatic. Touching him always warmed her, and now was no different. The chill left her blood. Her nipples hardened and her stomach quivered. How can I still desire him?

  Danika forced her arms to fall to her sides. She couldn’t control the wild thump of her pulse, though. Couldn’t stop the dark flood of regret washing through her. Fight him…“Who were you with? You came here to fuck, didn’t you? Don’t try to deny it. I’ve had boyfriends and know how you guys are. Well, who’d you pick?”

  Reyes bared his teeth, resembling a feral animal as he leaned the rest of the way in to her. Their noses brushed and he snarled, “I do not want to hear about any boyfriends you’ve had. Understand?”

  “Y-yes.” God, his anger…Exciting when it should have been frightening.

  “And as to who I picked, are you sure you want to know?”

  “Yes.” This time, at least, she managed to sound somewhat confident.


  Because I want to kill her for daring to put her hands on you. Because you’re mine and I do not share. “Because,” was all she said, her chin trembling. Damn it! Do not cry.

  “I did come here to find a woman,” he said.

  Danika bit the inside of her cheek, blood filling her mouth.

  “I found one,” he added.

  Motherfucker! The curse echoed through her mind, white-hot, searing. “I’m so glad,” she gritted out. “I hope the two of you had a fun time.” I hope she gave you an STD and you both die from it!

  God, when had she become so bitter? So vindictive?

  “Fun?” He laughed, but it was an ugly sound. “When I could not bring myself to touch her?”

  “When you—what?” The hottest flames of her fury sizzled and crackled before finally dying. “You didn’t?”


  “Oh.” Danika’s shoulders slumped, and her eyes closed. Relief poured through her like—

  “So I found another.”

  Her gaze snapped back up, locked on him. From relief and hope—hated hope—to fury. “And?”

  “I could not bring myself to touch her, either. Both would have given me the beating I so desperately needed when I left the fortress. They were eager to tie me up and whip me. They would have hurt me, and we all would have loved it.”

  “Would have?” Her glare landed on his still-wounded neck. She arched a brow. “That’s funny. Looks as if you already did.”

  He grabbed her arms and shook her hard enough to give her whiplash. “Would have. All I could think about was you. All I wanted was you. And they were not you, so I could not force myself to take them.”

  She licked her lips. “So you…did this to yourself?” Please. Please, please, please.

  “No. When I first arrived, there were four Hunters in the club.”

  Now she gulped. Her fury, gone. Her hope, renewed. And yet, she had no relief. Not this time. He hadn’t been with another woman, and that delighted her. But he had killed. Killed the very men she was supposed to be helping. “Were here? You keep saying that.”

  He nodded, grim.

  “You fought them?” She didn’t need to ask; she knew the answer, but perhaps she needed confirmation. Perhaps she needed time to halt the desire intensifying inside her. This man still belonged to her, wanted her as fiercely as she wanted him. “Who were they?” She hadn’t meant to ask the question aloud, and gulped when she realized what she’d done. Had Stefano been among them?

  Frowning, Reyes dug in his pocket, withdrew a stack of IDs, and handed them to Danika. She flipped through them with shaky hands. No Stefano. But the men looked like any other average Joes and it saddened her that they might have been hurt.

  “They didn’t see us until it was too late. William and I had already dragged them outside. We…took care of them.” His anger seemed to melt from him. “I’ve battled, angel, and I’m hurting. I need you, and this time, I’m going to let myself have you. Will you let me?”

  She’d already decided to be with him. If only to wipe him from her mind, get him out of her system and stop the fantasies plaguing her. If only to prove to herself that being with him would not be pleasurable for her.

  “Will you? I’ll go slow. I’ll be tender. I’ll be careful with you. I won’t let my demon out. You won’t have to hurt me.”

  He’d ticked off all the reasons she should give herself to him, as if he’d thought of every argument she could raise. “I—I—” She’d expected to stab him. That would have disgusted her. Wouldn’t it have? Now, he wanted slow and tender? No pain? “What will you want me to do to you?” Would she be able to give him what he needed this way? Would he be able to forget her afterward?

  “Love me, just for a little while.”

  She groaned quietly. What if, when the loving was over, she wanted more? Craved him more? Couldn’t live without him? Slow and tender could only be bad for her, endearing him to her all the more.

  “Why slow? Why tender?” she found herself asking.

  “In the past, women have grown to…like what they do to me a little too much,” he said. “They then begin to hurt those around them. I do not want that for you. I thought to take another today and ensure no harm would come to the woman. If she remained as she was, I would have been free to take you without worry. If she changed, I would have known to stay away from you. But I can’t stay away from you.”

  Frightened, she slowly backed away from him. His arms fell to his sides, his expression tormented. She stopped, opening her mouth to say…what? She knew what she should say. No. They should wait until he needed pain again, because it was the best way to get him out of her fantasies. That she would never long to hurt someone. But she recalled the time—was it only a day ago?—that she had bitten him. She’d liked it.

  You know what you’re up against now. You’re prepared.

  Already her nipples were hard, her limbs trembling. Moisture was pooling between her legs; warm flutters consumed her belly, stretching and awakening every cell, every organ.

  “Tonight,” she said. “Only tonight. Tomorrow…”

  He released a breath she hadn’t known he’d been holding. “Tomorrow you can hate me again.”


  PARIS HAD TOLD THE OTHERS about the images he’d seen at the temple, and everyone believed he’d been the one to see them because it had been his blood to first mix with the rain. Lucien had flashed back to the fortress, but he hadn’t returned. Sabin had tried to call Reyes a thousand times—no answer—and had finally given up and c
ontacted Torin, who informed them that the warrior was out dancing.

  Dancing? Wasn’t like the usually somber Reyes, Paris thought, and wondered if Danika had anything to do with it. How would Reyes respond to the news that his woman was going to play an integral role in finding Pandora’s box?

  Pacing the floor of his temporary bedroom, Paris tangled a hand through his hair. The others were seeing to their rented home’s defenses. He should be with them, should be helping. He had more reason than most to guard against Hunters. Yet his friends had realized he wasn’t watching the monitors as ordered but was lost in thought, so they’d disgustedly sent him away.

  He’d left the busy living room without protest, happy to grab some time for himself. His mind was chaotic, churning and struggling with a single thought. What if. What if Sienna could be brought back? What if he simply had to ask the gods?

  Since the Titans had escaped Tartarus and overthrown the Greeks, reclaiming the heavens, they had caused him and his friends nothing but grief. They had commanded Aeron to kill human women, and then cursed the warrior with a crazed bloodlust when he’d refused. They’d chased Anya relentlessly and marked her for death. They’d allowed Sienna to die.

  No, you allowed her to die.

  There was no denying that, but damn, he hated the reminder.

  Most likely, the new gods didn’t have his best interests at heart any more than their predecessors had. But unlike the aloof Greeks, the Titans yearned for worship and adoration. And Paris could give it to them. For a price.

  Stop pacing. Act.

  Heart pounding with urgency and excitement, he fell to his knees. The shag carpet abraded his bare legs. He’d removed all his clothing, wanting nothing to offend the fickle gods. If one—or two or three—did indeed come to him, and he offended in some way, he could be punished. More than I already am. He could be banished to hell, killed or asked to do something he didn’t want to do.

  “Worth the risk,” he muttered to remind himself of his goal. He gripped a dagger in his left hand, his knuckles so tight around it they were in danger of snapping apart. Now or never.


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