A Bone to Pick

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A Bone to Pick Page 16

by S A Ison

  Hellen was seriously tempted to go down and watch but she was exhausted. She cursed her lack of stamina, forced to live within the parameters of her body and health. She pulled up the file and reread the email she was planning to send. She then called up a proxy email account and added the file. She gave a courtesy copy to the HRO. If Blithers didn’t act on it, she was sure that HRO would. She grinned nastily. One way or another, Ellsworth was going to have a really bad day today.

  She got up and went to the stove. The bones were clean now and she poured the hot water out. She tossed the flesh into the garbage and rinsed the bones in cold water. Patting them dry, she set them on a folded paper towel and placed them inside the cabinet. She scooped up Widget and headed to bed. She pulled the covers up around her, deeply content. She’d give anything to see Ellsworth’s face, but she had to be satisfied that the man was in for a rude awakening.


  Leon was at his desk. It had taken a lot of deep breathing to sit at work while his empire was crumbling around him. It had taken an oxy to help as well. He had a closing in two hours and he needed to get his temper under control. The client was a pain in the ass but Leon desperately needed the commission. Yesterday he’d had to go and open a new account at a new bank. All his other accounts were burned, gone, and he had no money. Not even in his legitimate accounts. Someone had systematically taken everything from him. To top that off, he hadn’t heard from Cleves in a couple of days.

  He wondered if Cleves had heard about his losses. He doubted it. Only Leon knew and he sure as hell wasn’t telling anyone. He felt the buzz of the burner phone in his pocket. He pulled it out and pressed the answer button.

  “Talk to me.”

  “It’s me,” said Down.

  Why was Down’s voice so low?

  “What’s going on?”

  “Bad news. A shit ton of hits went down last night. Quinn, Thomas, Jessy, Harlow, and Duncan. Someone got Ray and Deets. Neil too. They found Cleves’ body last night at the old warehouse. His guts were pulled out and spread all over. All of the bodies were missing the tips of their fingers.”

  Down’s voice was shaking and the hairs all over Leon’s body rose up stiffly.

  What in the hell?

  “Someone called in the Tulip and Myrtle sites too. The merchandise has been confiscated. I tried to get in touch with Parker but he’s not answering.”


  “What? No one. What’s going on?” Down said to someone who’d just come in. Then Leon heard someone on the phone.

  “Who is this?” the person asked.

  Leon hung up and broke the phone. He pulled out the sim card, placed it in the ashtray, and set his lighter to it then tossed the broken cellphone into the trash. He gripped his hands together as they shook violently and his teeth ground loudly. With his eyes squeezed tight, Leon was trying to hold on to the last vestiges of his temper.

  His whole world, his whole enterprise, was going up in smoke. Someone had taken out most of his top tiered people. How had they known? They were all hip deep, and now Detective Down was in the shitter.


  Down knew about a lot about his activities. Not all and not in depth, but the man knew enough to crucify Leon. More importantly, Down knew his face, his name, and where he worked.

  Ellsworth wasn’t fool enough not to know that Down would try to save his ass by throwing him under the bus. He needed to leave and to disappear.

  He looked up when the door to his office opened. That pissed him off, they hadn’t knocked. He was about to say something when he realized it was Byron Blithers. He bit back the snarl and tried to compose his face.

  He stood. “Mr. Blithers, what can I do for you?”

  Blithers always appeared as though he’d sucked a lemon. Even when he was smiling, it seemed as though the man was miserable from the inside out. His face was flushed red and Leon took notice of a security guard behind the little man. What in the hell was going on?

  “I received some very damning information. It seems, Mr. Ellsworth, that your past has caught up with you.” Blithers held up several documents.

  What in the hell?

  “Sir, what are you talking about?” Leon said cautiously. He put his hands behind his back, his fists in tight knots.

  “I received an email with some interesting information. Your arrest records. Mind you, they will have to be verified, but it seems that your past is catching up. Rape? Prostitution? Drug possession with intent to sell? Really? What kind of man are you?” Blithers’ face was now blood red.

  “What? Where in the hell did you get that?” Leon roared, his eyes bugging out.

  This was the last straw and he watched with satisfaction as Blithers moved back suddenly, fear filling his face. Uncertainty as well. The guard stepped forward and Leon stopped. He needed to get out of here. He didn’t need to be arrested for beating the shit out of his boss.


  He’d come back later and take care of Blithers. He picked up his jacket, opened the desk drawer, and pulled out several phones, placing them in his briefcase along with his laptop. He was breathing heavily and he felt like he was going to vomit. His whole body was vibrating with tension and rage.

  Who was doing this? His arrest records were expunged years ago. Was it Detective Down? Was it someone else in the police force? Who in the hell was wrecking his life? And why? He stood a moment and looked over the desk to make sure he had everything. He wouldn’t be allowed to come back. He looked over at the guard, whose face was hard. Leon grinned, Blithers was now standing behind the guard. He’d take care of Blithers later, the chicken-shit little bastard. He strode out of his office, his head held high.

  Heat suffused his body and face. Leon was humiliated as people stood by their doors and gaped at him, whispers following him like a fart in the hall. The guard was behind him and when the man tried to take his arm, Leon swung around and put his face an inch away from the guard.

  “If you don’t want to lose that fucking arm and your life, I suggest you keep your fucking hands off me,” he snarled viciously.

  The guard paled and backed up. Leon grinned nastily and walked to the elevator. He could feel the stares burning holes in his back but he waited and when the doors opened, he stepped in. His eyes burned into Blithers’ as the doors closed. His eyes told the older man that this was not over.

  His breathing labored, he made his way to the car. He had to disappear until he could figure out what was going on. One of his phones buzzed and he answered it. It was Parker.

  “I went to the place. There were cops all over. My cousin is dead. Do you know what happened?” Parker’s voice was trembling with rage and fear.

  “No. Someone burned us. Disappear.”

  Leon hung up and broke the phone. He stopped by a trash can and dumped it. He kept walking, his gaze moving around him. Was he being watched even now? Should he go home first before he went to his hideaway? He had to, he had to get his cash and alternate credit cards. He’d need them to live on while he figured shit out. He only had about five thousand in cash. It wasn’t a hell of a lot, but he had several credit cards under different aliases. He could use those to stock up on food.

  Getting into his car, he checked the gas level. Full. Good. He pulled out and turned toward home.

  He had to disappear and he was sure that Down was spilling his guts even now.


  Detective Ross Down sat in an interrogation room. He was alone but he knew he was being observed. Sweat prickled and tickled along his body. He knew he reeked of fear, he’d smelled it often enough on the criminals that sat in his very chair. He’d been on the other side of this. He knew they were making him sweat, making him wait. What did they know? How had this all tumbled around them?

  Shit, Leon didn’t even know what was going on. Who had killed all of those people? So many, and in one night? Was it a group? Was all this the Boneman? One person? It was clear to him that all of this was pointed at Ellswo
rth. All his games and assets were now burned.

  Downs shivered, thinking about Cleves. He heard them talking about how all of his internal organs were ripped from his body and thrown around the warehouse. Would they come after him? He almost vomited at the thought.

  The drug connections were busted, the trafficking connections blown wide open. How had the killers found out? Did Bojo talk? Mike? When those two were killed, had they been interrogated by the killer for information? Who had Ellsworth pissed off so bad that the Boneman had gone through like a hurricane and reaped destruction on them all? Did the police know about his connection to Bojo and the club? Was that what this was about?

  Then he looked up and saw Waywood walking past the window. The man was crying.

  What the fuck? Shit!

  Down knew he had to get the deal first. If he didn’t his ass would end up in prison for the rest of his life. A cop in prison didn’t last long and he’d be raped over and over before he was killed. Fuck that. Fuck Ellsworth.


  Hellen stretched luxuriantly. She’d spent two days in bed after her killing spree. There was no need to rush. She knew where Ellsworth was—Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Parker was in Charleston, South Carolina. She snorted. Neither went very far. If it were her, she’d have headed to Alaska or Hawaii. Well, maybe not Alaska.

  The women were in the living room. The TV was on low, but she could hear it. The buzz on national news, CNN, and local news outlets was about all the murders. A vigilante serial killer.

  She stepped into the living room and four sets of eyes looked up at her in adoration. Their old, wrinkled faces glowed with love. She noted that Widget was in Wanda’s lap.


  Wanda set the cat aside, got up, and headed into the kitchen. She stopped and kissed Hellen on the cheek. Hellen smiled and squeezed Wanda’s shoulder and went to her chair. She scrubbed her face, trying to wake up. Wanda came back and set a cup of coffee beside her, along with a muffin.

  “What’s the news say?” Hell asked.

  “So far, twenty-two children have been rescued. Apparently, several law enforcement agents were involved and are now turnin’ state’s evidence. There have been several high-profile drug busts that happened early this mornin.’ I guess it is like a domino effect. The two who were police officers have been spillin’ their guts,” Betty said. “I’m thinking to get a lighter sentence.”

  “There has been no mention about Mr. Ellsworth,” Nora said, chewing her bottom lip.

  “Don’t worry about him. I know where he is. I’ll be taking care of him this weekend. He doesn’t have a lot of money and all his aliases have been destroyed. Whatever cash he has will have to last him. He’s got nothing else.”

  Hellen took a bite of her muffin and then a sip of coffee.

  “Is there anyone else you’ll be going after?” Wanda asked, picking the cat back up.

  “Yep. Three others. One moved people for organ donation. With him, I’ll be getting more names and locations.”

  “It sounds like this will be an ongoing project,” Miriam said softly.

  “It will be. On the whole, however, for the time being, those responsible for my sister’s murder are now eliminated. Those who sought to profit on human misery are gone. Only a few loose ends to tie up.”

  “We’re so proud of you, Hell. Truly. I know Vivian is giggling in Heaven right now,” Wanda said with a smile. There was a sheen of tears in her eyes and Hellen felt her own eyes prickle.

  “You aren’t gonna leave us, are you? You know, when all this is done?” Nora wanted to know. She clutched her knitting to her chest.

  “Well. I’ve been thinking about relocating here. I’ve already set the wheels in motion to sell my other house. I like it here and now that the criminal element is gone, it’s really a nice place to live,” Hellen said with a mischievous grin.

  Laughing, the women got up and crowded around Hellen, hugging and kissing her.

  Hell couldn’t help but laugh. Silly old women. They all went back to the couch to settle down. Hellen looked up at the TV when Ellsworth’s face came up. “Person of interest” the chyron read, and she chuckled.

  I bet, she thought.

  She pulled her laptop into her lap. She needed to do a bit more research on Pouch. She took note that Dr. Winter had disappeared, and smiled at that.


  Leon paced, looking out at the ocean. He was on the deck of his beach house. He’d gone shopping earlier and none of his credit cards worked. He cursed, bringing the cigarette up to his lips. His gaze cut across the crowded beach. He kept a baseball cap and sunglasses on. He’d seen his picture on the news. Thankfully, the beach house was under an alias. He looked at the western sky; it was getting on to early evening and the people on the beach would soon disappear.

  He’d had to use his precious cash for food and gas. He had to think. He was trapped. All his alias accounts were empty, all credit cards burned. He tried contacting Winter but the man was gone, the fucker. Leon wasn’t sure if he’d been arrested, killed, or just disappeared.

  He picked up his whiskey and took a drink. There had to be somewhere he could go, start again. Yet his options were few. With no capital and no aliases, he had no documents. If he were to use his real name, the police would be on him like stink on shit. He drew in deep on his cigarette and let it burn his lungs as he held his breath. His thumbnail flicked on his front teeth. Perhaps tomorrow he’d head further west or south. Maybe see about heading either to the Bahamas or Puerto Rico. His Spanish was a little rusty, but maybe he could figure out something there. His cash wasn’t going to last and he needed to get something started to rebuild quickly. Wherever he landed, he’d need to pick up a weapon. He could sell what he had on him for more cash.

  He could now kick himself for not having a safety deposit box with more cash and weapons and drugs. Hindsight. Leon watched as people began to leave the beach. As the sun went down, the temperature dropped. Good. He hated having them on his beach. A young woman walked past and eyed him, a soft smile on her lips. He smiled back. He thought about having her come up but thought better. That was all he needed was for her to remember him and then call the police. Besides, she was a little too old for him. He turned his head away, discouraging her.

  Who had started all of this? Down had mentioned the Boneman, the person who’d killed Mike, Bojo, and now Cleves. Down had told him that there were numerous other players dead, from different sections of town and different gangs, all with their fingers cut off. Yet, the Boneman had hit him hard and it was personal. Leon thought that all the other unaffiliated killings were just sugar on top. All his money was gone. Someone had sent old charges to Blithers. How? Who? Was Down lying and did he do this? Why? None of it made sense to him. He was certain he heard real fear in Down’s voice. Someone out there had him in their sights. He had a large target on his back. He looked around nervously. It was getting dark now. Was someone watching him even now? No. He’d left Charlotte quickly, within an hour of Down’s arrest.

  He was safe for now. Tomorrow, he’d head farther south and leave the country. It was too damned hot and his face was flashing all over. He hadn’t shaved in the last two days, letting his beard grow, and he’d keep the hat and sunglasses on. He’d be very careful when going to public venues.

  Leon lit up another cigarette and spat a curse. If he could face the asshole who’d done this, he’d kill the fucker with his bare hands. He pulled up a chair and sat, looked out to sea. There were distant lights, sailboats or buoys. He looked up the beach and saw lights in the beach houses illuminate the night. Soft music floated over to him. He liked this time of day, when all the noises faded into the background. How had all this happened? And why? He flung the cigarette butt out into the sand and got up.

  He opened the sliding glass door, walked in, and froze. Someone was in his house. Then he was hit with a paralyzing jolt and his body stiffened and went down.


  Herley Parker we
nt from window to window, peeking out. He was in his grandmother’s home. He looked over his shoulder and saw that she was asleep on the couch. He’d been checking the news online. He’d seen Leon’s picture flashed on the screen and he’d nearly had a heart attack when he saw his own. Persons of interest. What in the fuck happened? How had the locations been compromised?

  He’d been lucky he wasn’t there. His cousin not so much. Now he couldn’t show his face. He’d checked on his accounts. He had tried to pull out money, but it said there were insufficient funds. When he got to his grandmother’s home, he’d gone online and checked his accounts. None were active. Someone had gone in and closed out his accounts.

  Fear speared through him. Who had that kind of power? Was it the government? What in the hell was going on? Had Ellsworth gotten mixed up with some other government? The cartel? Was this retaliation? He let out a long, shaky breath. He could stay here for a while. He just needed to figure out what he was going to do and how he was going to do it with limited funds. He’d have to see what his grandmother had in her accounts. He’d take what he could and disappear.


  Hellen had Leon secured to a column in the living room. The large column divided the living room from the dining room. Ellsworth was naked except for the duct tape that bound his ankles. His chest was secured to the column by the tape, his wrists zip tied. She’d made sure that the curtains and blinds were shut. She had the TV going but she was pretty sure that the neighbors wouldn’t hear anything. She had placed an expanding gag in his mouth and duct tape over it. She wanted a little chat with him before she let her animal out.


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