Married This Year 2: Simmering Love

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Married This Year 2: Simmering Love Page 14

by Tracey Pedersen

“Sounds good. Thanks again for your efforts.”

  She smiled and made her way to the serving line where Henry was handing out bread rolls and cutlery. He’d made quite an impression and she noticed Sarah standing behind him with her mouth hanging open. “You okay, Sarah?” she said as she strapped on an apron and took her place behind the counter.

  “You’ve been holding out on me. You didn’t tell me you were dating Henry Baxter.”

  “I didn’t know anyone would know who he was.”

  “You what? Are you mad? Do you know how hard it is to get a table at his restaurant in the city?”

  “Nope. No idea.”

  Sarah’s face contorted and her eyes widened. She grabbed Rachel’s hand and held it up. “What. Is. This?” The words came out stilted, like her eyesight had affected her ability to speak.

  “It’s exactly what you think it is. Come on, let me start serving.”

  Sarah whimpered as she dropped Rachel’s hand and sagged against the counter. “Oh my god, you’re engaged to Henry Baxter. How did you manage that?”

  “It wasn’t a personal challenge,” Rachel snapped. Why is everyone so in awe of him? “We met a few months ago while we were skydiving. One thing led to another and here we are.”

  “That’s so romantic. A whirlwind romance and then a proposal! You know he’s about to be even more famous, right? Rumour has it there’s a television show of some sort planned for him. Oh my god, you might get invited to the Logies! Imagine the red carpet,” she raised her hand in front of her like a banner, “television’s night of nights—and there’s our Rachel!”

  Rachel laughed and pretended to slap her face. “Snap out of it woman! No more talk of fame or awards nights. We have a job to do. And keep this to yourself at work, please. I don’t want all the girls crowding around me for a blow by blow account of my love life.”

  “Well, I can’t promise that part but I will let you get to work right now.” She grinned and made a shocked face again as she walked away mouthing the words at Rachel—Henry-freaking-Baxter!


  Hours later, when everyone had been served and the clean up completed, Rachel pulled Henry over to where Rodney waited. She introduced them and they sat down at a table together.

  “How is it possible you find yourself hooked up with the woman who doesn’t know what to do with a bay leaf?”

  Henry laughed as Rachel shook her head at them both. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and smiled at her. “She doesn’t need to cook to impress me.”

  “Luckily,” Rodney said and Rachel joined in the laughter this time.

  “Enough about my awesome kitchen skills. Rodney, tell us about you.”

  “Ahh… there’s not much to tell.”

  “Oh, I think there is. For someone who gave me such awesome advice, I’m sure there’s a story.”

  Rodney shifted in his seat and stared down at the table. For a moment it seemed he wasn’t going to tell them, then he took a deep breath and looked up. “It’s a similar story to everyone else here, I guess. I had a job as a town planner. I was married to the love of my life and we had two kids. We had quite a nice existence, nothing fancy, it was a good life.” He rubbed his hand across his forehead before he continued. “I had someone make a complaint against me at work. Management were having a tough time with several complaints at once and I guess they needed to make an example of someone. I didn’t do anything wrong but instead of investigating they took the hard line and fired me.

  “I had trouble finding a job after that and our financial worries took a strain on our marriage. My wife was great, it was all me. I felt sorry for myself and I let it ruin everything.” He closed his eyes for a second and then looked Rachel in the eye. “I sure regret it now. I still wish I could apologise but she wouldn’t want to see me after how I behaved. It’s been years since I’ve seen her or my kids.”

  Rachel took his hand across the table. “It sounds like you’ve had a hard time. You haven’t been able to find a job in all these years?”

  “I feel like I could find a job but it’s nearly impossible once you’re living on the street. I don’t have clothes for an interview anymore, plus, where would I get a shower and get cleaned up? If I got a job how could I go to work each day when I’m not sure I’ll get a decent night’s sleep?”

  “I see what you mean. I’m sorry, I didn’t consider about that.”

  “It’s alright. I wish I wasn’t as familiar with this life as I’ve become. It’s nice to talk to you two about it, though. That’s something different.”

  “What kind of a job would you like, if you could get one?” Henry was tapping his fingers on the table with a thoughtful look on his face.

  “I’d like to do something unlike my previous job. Town planning wasn’t that exciting and I was never around people much. I’d enjoy a job in a shop. Or maybe a concierge in a hotel—helping people each day could be a fulfilling job.”

  “Hmm… will you come home with us tonight?”

  “What?” Rachel looked at Henry.

  What’s he up to?

  “You haven’t seen it yet, Rach, but I have a small building behind my house. It’s tiny but there’s a bed and a bathroom in there. It’s meant for live-in staff but I don’t have any.” He turned back to Rodney, “It might not be okay to sleep there tonight, but you can stay in the house with us. I have a spare bedroom. We’ll fix the cottage up for you tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know what to say, that’s so generous.”

  “Say yes!” Rachel tapped his hand. “This is perfect for you.”

  “You’d let me stay in your house? Just like that?” The doubt showed plainly in Rodney’s voice.

  “Sure. You’re not a murderer are you?”


  “Not going to steal any of my stuff?”


  “Great. Then you can stay with us until you’re back on your feet.” He grabbed Rachel’s hand and squeezed it. “It’s the least I can do after you chatting with Rachel yesterday.”

  “That was only for a few minutes.”

  Rachel grinned at him. “But, like you reminded me, sometimes it takes something simple to fix something broken. This is Henry’s something simple. Take him up on it.”

  “Okay, but let’s agree that it will only be for a few nights until I’m on my feet.”

  “Deal.” Henry stood up and shook Rodney’s hand. “Let’s get out of here, shall we?”

  Rodney’s smile could have lit up the entire dining room and Rachel watched as he collected the various bags he had stashed under the table. She felt sad for him, and glad, all at once. Here was a chance for him to get his life back on track and Henry had offered that to him without a second thought.

  She was going to enjoy being married to Henry Baxter!


  When they’d settled Rodney into his room and were alone at last, Rachel’s hands found Henry’s shirt and she pulled at it, untucking it from his tight jeans. She’d admired him in them all these months, and it was time to find out what was underneath. She hoped it was as fabulous as her imagination had convinced her it would be. Their eyes met and she winked at him, making her cheekiest face.

  He pushed her back onto the bed and as he trailed kisses across her stomach, Rachel closed her eyes and twisted her fingers in his hair. The secrets they’d kept for so long were now a distant memory and Henry loved her for real.

  Every second of waiting had been worth it.

  Instead of moving his kisses toward her thighs, however, he pulled away and looked up at her. “I can’t do this?”

  “What? Why?”

  He grinned, which increased her confusion. Then he whispered, “Rodney is in the next room.”

  “So what?” she whispered back. “It’s not like he’s your father.”

  “I know,” he rolled onto his back beside her as she swatted him on the arm. “I can’t relax, though, and I want our first time to be special.”

ll me you’re not going to make us wait until we are married? I’m starting to feel like this is a delaying tactic. There’s always some reason why we shouldn’t,” she laughed.

  He laughed with her and slung his arm across her waist. “I promise, I’m not delaying. Maybe we should go to a hotel tomorrow?”

  “That’s a nice fantasy but you can’t leave Rodney here alone. You just met him and I know he seems nice, but you can’t leave him here by himself. He’s uncomfortable about accepting your generosity.” She stretched out on the bed and sighed as she looked around the room. “Hey, those are our pictures.”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. I had mine and yours framed together.”

  “I can see that. You weren’t joking about hanging them on the wall.”

  “Nope. I wanted a reminder of that great day to be here every time I wake up.”

  “Too bad we’re not adding some other reminders to those memories of yours.” She nudged him in the ribs and he chuckled at her impatience.

  “We only have to wait one night. He’ll be settled in the cottage tomorrow and that’ll fix that problem.” She sighed as he tickled her stomach. “I’m going to get him a job you know.”

  “You are?”

  “We have an opening for a greeter at the restaurant. It’s always fully booked but we get a tonne of walk-ins. We were discussing employing someone to greet them, maybe encourage them to book a table for another date. It could be perfect for him.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  “I’m a pretty sweet guy.”

  She rolled onto her side to face him. “You are. How sweet, it seems I’ll never know.”


  The phone rang on Rachel’s desk and she snatched it up as she closed her laptop. She had to meet the cleaner at her apartment and then she had a shift at the shelter. Henry had the late shift all week so she’d decided to stay at her own place.

  “Hey, Rach. Are you ready for your first big test?”

  “You have to be joking. All the other stuff wasn’t a test? The stitches in my finger when I tried to learn to cook weren’t passing the test?”

  Henry laughed down the line. “Well, aren’t we feisty today? You have the ring and my heart don’t you?”

  She held it up to the light to admire it again. “I sure do. What’s the test? I’m scared to ask.”

  “We’ve been invited to a launch for the show.”

  “Oh, exciting. When?”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  “That’s short notice.”

  “The audience tests for the show have been popular and they’re launching it in January instead of in June. So, they’re cobbling together an event right before they start advertising.”

  “Advertising created by our competitors,” she scowled down at her shoes.

  “True. Anyway, can I take you shopping tomorrow or do you have something to wear?”

  “I don’t own anything dressy enough for a launch. I can shop with Lori, though. I’m sure that’s not your scene.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God! I was being kind but I’d love to avoid that part. I have a suit so I’m taken care of. Can you buy me a bow tie to match your dress while you’re out?”

  “Sure. How’s Rodney doing?”

  Rodney had been reluctant to accept Henry’s job offer at first, deeming it charity, but Henry had insisted he go through the interview process with the restaurant manager, and that had convinced him he wasn’t getting any favourable treatment.

  “He’s great. He starts on Monday and he’s tinkering in the cottage in the meantime.”

  The cottage had turned out to need much more work than expected. They’d discovered a leak in the roof once the junk was cleared out, so Rodney was staying in the house until the leak could be fixed.

  “He and I have spent some lovely evenings together, although I’d rather be spending them with you.”

  “Well, get over your hang up about Rodney hearing you and I’m there in a heartbeat. I had to get over my issues, you’ll have to get over yours.”

  “Ooh, low blow.” He laughed and she caught site of the clock.

  “I have to go, I’m going to be late for the cleaner. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, I’ll pick you up at six.”


  The cameras flashed and everywhere people were shouting. Rachel held tightly to Henry’s hand and he squeezed back. They smiled for the press and stopped several times to give a short interview to various entertainment outlets. Rachel was surprised at the size of the event. She’d seen these things on television but she didn’t realise they happened for new shows that hadn’t even debuted yet. This was truly a big deal.

  Henry was his usual suave self, introducing her each time they stopped to speak to someone. She would have happily gone inside the restaurant and left him to do this part but he insisted she stay. She’d never had her photograph taken so many times and she kept her thoughts away from where the pictures would appear, and what people would say. She smiled to herself as she thought of Lori waiting at home for a full rundown of tonight’s event. She’d been beside herself with excitement while they’d shopped for the sleek black gown that Rachel now wore.

  Looking around, she was glad they’d gone with the black dress. There’d been several lovely gowns in bright colours but they’d seemed too casual. Unsure of exactly how formal she should be, but knowing that Henry would most likely be the star tonight, she’d opted for the classic black gown. Sparkly jewellery had completed her look and Lori had announced that she more than met the standards expected.

  Now if we could just go inside.

  “Rachel, show us the ring!” someone shouted and all of a sudden the cameras were flashing again, directed solely at her.

  “Henry, you’re engaged!”

  “Hold it up, Rachel!”

  “Let us see it!”

  Remembering Henry’s advice to not hide or run away she grinned and held up her hand in front of her. Sounds of appreciation met her ears, possibly because she’d given them what they wanted, possibly because they were admiring her ring, she couldn’t be sure. One gentleman even thanked her as Henry turned toward the restaurant and guided her inside.

  The night was full of speeches and hand shaking. More photos and several requests for interviews, with both Henry and Rachel, followed. Henry had an agent and all the information was dutifully passed on to her to keep track of the details. Rachel made a mental note to invite his agent to lunch to get to know her better. It could only be good to have someone like that on her side.

  Well after midnight they were able to leave. Henry had a limousine waiting to take them home and Rachel made a face at him as she got in. “What’s this? Usually the limousine is only for making a grand entrance.”

  “The station paid for the one on the way here. This one is on me.” He pulled her close in the car and she laid her head on his shoulder. “Are you tired?”

  “A little bit. I’m still hyped up on the excitement of it all. There’s a chance the sugar from that chocolate dessert is keeping me jumping, too.”

  He laughed and kissed her on the forehead. They sat silently for a few minutes and then she noticed that the driver had missed their turn. “You told him to go to your place didn’t you?”

  “Nope. We’re not going home.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I have a room booked for us.”

  She squealed and sat up in her seat. “Really? Where?”

  “The Marriott. I thought we deserved a little alone time.”

  “If only it was the weekend and I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. What a waste of a good morning and a breakfast buffet.” She made a sad face.

  “You’re not going to work tomorrow.”


  “I called and got you the day off.”

  “Josh gave me the day off?”

  “He did. I was extra persuasive; told him there could be some restaurant adverts coming up
for a new print campaign we’ll be running.”

  “You devil.” She settled back against his shoulder. “What are we going to do in this room of yours?”

  “I bet they have movies—I haven’t seen a movie in ages.” She could hear the smirk in his words as he teased her.

  “Stop it. There’ll be no movies tonight.”

  “Really? Why not?”

  She sat up and turned in her seat so they were facing each other. Her dress pulled tightly against her legs but she ignored it. She took his face between both her hands and leaned in to kiss him. He nibbled her lip and their tongues mingled, causing a thrill to run up her spine. As she pulled away she left him in no doubt what would be happening between them tonight.

  “You’ve been avoiding me for far too long Mr Baxter. Tonight, I plan to make you mine.”

  The End


  I need to acknowledge one person in this book and that’s my husband Gert. He’s like a one-person cheer squad. He flogs my books to everyone he meets, he suffers through reading them when I email them to him and he loves a marketing strategy discussion as much as I do.

  Most of all, he gives me the time and the space to write and for that I’m eternally grateful.

  Want To See Your Name In Married This Year 3?

  The first Married This Year book, published on 31 December 2016 included crazy stories from seventeen of my readers. Their reward was to have a character named after them in the finished product and they will receive the paperback version when it is published.

  The book you just finished was loosely based on my total and utter inability to create something great in the kitchen. Many of these kitchen disasters actually happened to me or to someone I know. My daughter, Kate, says this is her favourite book and that’s because she’s lived through salty pasta and mystery carrots found in the microwave days after they were placed there!

  The third book in this series will revolve around job interview disasters and I’m opening it up to readers again to be included. The book is already outlined and there’ll be an array of interviewees who’ll need character names. I could make them up, but what fun would that be? You can join my mailing list until 15 April to have the chance to submit a book idea. Just use this link to sign up. On 16 April I’ll send an email to everyone inviting them to enter the competition. Married This Year 3 will be published on June 15. (If you’re already on my list you’ll automatically receive this invitation.)


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