Death's Storm (The Divinities Book 2)

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Death's Storm (The Divinities Book 2) Page 4

by Lia Davis

  “They were confused by it,” he interrupted. She glared at him and raised a brow. “In the forest, I could mask my and her scent. It worked to distract them.”

  “But, they found you.”

  He nodded. “I’m not sure why they were able to track her.”

  “And you panicked and brought her here?” Hecate looked at him, no expression on her face.

  He hung his head and spoke softly. “It was the only place I thought would be safe for her to heal.”

  The goddess was silent for several minutes before speaking. “What is done is done. You finish this mission you are on. Khloe is yours to deal with.”

  His heart skipped a couple of beats, unsure if he liked her amused tone. “Yes, Mother.” He turned to walk out of the room.

  When he reached his own room again, he found Khloe curled up on his bed, asleep. He stood over her, watching her rest peacefully for a few moments before taking a deep breath and moving to the other side of the bed. He sat down on top of the covers next to her and watched the rise and fall of her chest as she slept. He withdrew a leather-bound journal from the nightstand drawer and tried to push Hecate’s words from his mind.

  Khloe is yours to deal with.

  Chapter 5

  Khloe woke the next morning enveloped in warmth that smelled earthy and spicy with a hint of sandalwood, but there was another scent. It was vaguely familiar, yet she couldn’t place where she’d picked it up before. With her eyes still closed, she snuggled into the warmth and breathed in the wonderful smells. It reminded her of Willow’s scent when she returned from the Afterworld.

  Alarmed, she flung her eyes open and scrambled backward off the bed. The Death Demon had taken it upon himself to share the bed with her. The creep was sound asleep as if he belonged there. Okay, so it was his bed, but she hadn’t given him permission to be there with her.

  “Wake up!” she demanded, throwing her pillow at him.

  Jagger jolted awake, sitting straight up. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “You,” she blurted out with her hands on her hips. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  He gave her a confused, sleepy-eyed expression that quickly changed to amusement, like her distress was funny.

  “Wipe that smug look off your face,” she fumed.

  With smirk intact, he swung his feet to the floor, stood, and stalked around the bed toward her. She swallowed hard and hated the desire that raced through her veins like lava. The tiny flame inside her, the piece of her that belonged to the element of Fire, ignited and intensified at the feel of his aura. Her sex ached, begging to be touched by him. He was gorgeous—the hard, lean muscles of his bare shoulders flexing and rolling as he prowled closer. She let her gaze roam over his body as he advanced closer to her in nothing but his boxer-briefs. She swallowed hard and lifted her gaze back to his face. Logic told her to run, but her body said, “bring it.” It had been way too long…

  How could this demon have such an effect on her?

  “Don’t come any closer,” she whispered.

  “Why not, Khloe?” It was a growl, and gods, it sent that hot, lusty need straight to her sex. He stopped about six inches from her. “Why are you angry?”

  “You never said you would be sleeping in the bed with me.” She lifted her chin, proud that her tone was firm.

  The smirk turned into a smile. Damn, did he even realize the effect his smile had on a woman? He probably did. He was male, after all.

  “I never said I wasn’t.” She opened her mouth and then closed it when he continued, “Did I not sleep on top of the covers?” he purred.

  Her eyes shifted to the side of the bed where he’d slept. The covers were pulled up, just as it had been when she’d gotten there. Nodding, she looked back at him. “I just…panicked.”

  “Get dressed. We’re going for a walk.”

  “Why?” she said, not holding back the suspicion in her tone.

  “Are you always so mistrusting?” he said, lifting a brow.

  “When my escort is a demon, yes.” She willed on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt to replace her nightgown. She was glad she’d conjured her long gown to sleep in as opposed to one of her small babydolls.

  His eyes roamed over her body, making her uncomfortably aroused. Then, in a blink, his clothes changed to a black T-shirt and jeans. He held out his hand to her. “Shall we?”

  Ignoring his outstretched palm, Khloe shoved past him to the bedroom door and opened it. She stiffened when he leaned into her and said, “Follow me.” His warm breath against her skin made her shudder. He let out a soft chuckle as he walked around her to lead the way.

  Once outside, she followed him down a small path around the massive house. He glanced back several times. Probably making sure she didn’t run off. But, seriously, where would she go?

  Watching her footsteps instead of Jagger’s yummy backside, she didn’t notice when he stopped, and she ran right into his hard back. She let out a soft curse. He held his hand up for silence. She was about to tell him where he could stick that hand, when two pixies zipped by, halting her verbal outburst.

  She stepped around Jagger and gasped at the beautiful gardens that stretched on as far as she could see. Pixies zigzagged from the roses to the cherry trees, leaving trails of brightly colored pixie dust behind them.

  “Incredible. There are pixies at the coven, but I’ve never seen so many in one place.” She pushed past him to walk farther into the gardens.

  “They love the gardens. Plus, they are well protected here.”

  Glancing back to see his expression, she caught movement in one of the second-floor windows of the house. A woman peered down at them, and Khloe knew instantly who she was. The bond to the goddess alone told her.

  Shifting her gaze to meet Jagger’s, she asked, “You live with Hecate?”

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he glanced to the window then back to her, a frown forming on his handsome face. “Let’s go down to the river.”

  Mood lifting at the thought of being near a natural body of water, she hopped into step with him when he started to stroll down the path.

  A few feet away from the gardens, the trail opened to a small clearing with a view of the river. “Wow, it’s beautiful.”

  He stepped aside. “I thought you might like it here,” he said as she walked past him, admiring her surroundings. Inside the small clearing, encircled by large weeping willows, she was in awe of how vibrant everything appeared. The grass was so green it looked painted. The trees and other plants radiated life. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the vibrancy around her, thanking the goddess for her blessings.

  “It’s beautiful,” she repeated, kicking off her shoes and rolling up her pant legs.

  She sat on the edge of the riverbank, placed her feet into the water, and listened. The water swiftly flowed around her feet, birds chirped happily in the distance, and tiny bells could be heard from across the narrow river. No, not bells. That was the laughter of the pixies.

  “This is one of my favorite spots,” Jagger revealed.

  She looked at his large frame, casually leaning against a tree. “It’s peaceful. Magical.”

  “This is a magical realm,” he replied.

  She gave a short nod and turned her head to peer out into the forest across the river. After several minutes, no longer able to stand his eyes on her, she asked, “You gonna stand there and stare at me all day?”

  “I might.” His tone had a smile in it.

  She stood up, picked up her shoes, and walked over to stand in front of him. “When can I go home?”

  “When you are stronger, we will return to the human world.”

  “When can I go home?” she asked again with hands on her hips.

  He dropped his shoulders. “As soon as I figure out why they need your powers.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What about my powers?”

  “The demons that chased you wanted your and Kalissa’s powers. So, until I find out why, the two of you nee
d to stay separated.”

  Khloe pursed her lips. “Until then?”

  “You’re stuck with me,” he informed her with a wide grin.

  “That’s nice,” she said wryly and then threw her hands up and walked away.

  Back at the house a few hours later, Khloe sat at the kitchen table eating lunch. Jagger had warmed up a bowl of vegetable soup and made a turkey sandwich for her and then he’d left. The Death Demon irritated the hell out of her, and yet, he ignited her senses. He confused her. He was a fierce creature with the ability to kill with only a thought. He was bossy, seemingly possessive, and stubborn. Yet, he had been concerned and tender while dressing her wound, and at ease during their walk.

  The air pressure in the room changed, making a crooked grin pull at her lips. “I know you’re here.” She took the last piece of crust from her sandwich and soaked up the remnants of her soup before popping it into her mouth.

  Jagger materialized beside her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better. The little outing helped a lot,” she said, shifting her gaze to his face. She felt great actually. Almost completely recharged. She’d gathered what energy she could from the elements outside—all except for Fire. That side of her ran off her passion, meaning one sure way to fully recharge was sexual release, something she would have to take care of once she got home because she sure wasn’t going to sleep with the Death Demon.

  “When are you taking me home?”

  He picked up her plate and carried it to the sink. “We’re not going yet.”

  Annoyed, she drew her eyebrows together. “What? Why?” She wanted to go now. Together, the Divinities could find out what the demons were up to and stop them.

  “Because it’s safer for everyone that way.”

  He came back and held out his hand to her. She stubbornly folded her arms over her chest and glared. “That’s not an answer.”

  “Demons want your powers. They want to use you for whatever plot they have brewing.”

  She didn’t like his tone.

  “I’m not a child!” She jerked away as he reached to take her arm. “I can take care of myself. Take me home. Now!”

  Pivoting on her heel, she turned to leave the kitchen. She had to get away from the bossy-ass demon. His commands irritated her to the point of madness.

  She got as far as the kitchen door before her back was pressed against the wall, held in place by Jagger. The rivers of red swirling in his chocolate eyes brightened and glowed. His erection pressed against her stomach, telling her he was far from angry. She parted her lips to protest the sudden invasion of her personal space, but the words died on her tongue as his mouth covered hers. She moaned, met his demanding assault, and moved her hips against him. His spicy earth scent filled her head, making her dizzy with need. Her blood boiled, and her heart danced, skipping beats. Her earlier anger dissolved into waves of desire and lust. The Fire inside her stirred and encouraged her to take what he was offering.

  He broke the kiss to say, “I was sent to protect you. You will do as I say.” Then he vanished.

  She sagged against the wall, finding it hard to breathe. It wasn’t from fear. Gods, she hadn’t been that turned on in years. If that was her punishment, she was going to be lippy more often.

  Snap out of it, girl.

  With a deep breath, she pushed away from the wall to search for him. She wasn’t done with their conversation.

  Chapter 6

  Jagger stepped out of the ice-cold shower and groaned. Khloe was near. He felt her presence. Smelled her alluring scent. Hands pressed flat on the black marble counter, he stared at his reflection. His eyes no longer glowed from the intense passion of the kiss.

  Damn it! Why had he touched her?

  Because she raised emotions within him that no other had. No other dared. Her annoyance and anger fueled him. When she demanded to be taken home, he’d lost it, his voice of reason squashed like a bug flying head-on into a car windshield at eighty miles per hour.

  The kiss had been a mistake.

  Call Lex. Put him in charge of the female.

  It was the smartest thing to do. But the mere thought of her near another male drove his already edgy mood into lethal territory. Even his brother wasn’t safe.

  There was a soft tap on the bathroom door. He said nothing.

  “Jagger?” Khloe moved away from the doorway and muttered a curse.

  He closed his eyes. He was too wound up to argue with her.

  “Look. I get it. I can’t go home and endanger the others. We can go to my condo. It’s familiar and close to Kalissa and the others. Besides, we can’t leave them in the dark regarding what is going on. They’re as much a part of this war as we are.” She fell silent. Her footsteps indicating that she’d walked away from the door once more.

  A smile tugged at his lips as her words sank in. He opened the door. “You’re homesick.”

  She whirled around from the window and looked at him offensively. “Am not.”

  His smirk turned into a frown. He crossed the room in an instant. She was still weak, and he didn’t understand why. In the magical realm of the Afterworld, she should have healed almost completely in the twenty-four hours they’d been there. He took her arm and turned it over to peer at the wound. It had closed up, but it had not healed. He lifted his eyes to her teal gaze then lowered to her lips, still slightly swollen from the kiss. He dropped her arm and stepped back, his frown deepening.

  “What is it?”

  “You’re not at full power.”

  She glared at him, placing her hands on her hips in irritation. “And your point?”

  “Do you know why?”

  She turned away from him. “Maybe it has something to do with being here, away from my twin.”

  Shit. She was right.

  Before he could respond, she asked, “What about my family? Are they safe?”

  “Yes. My brother, Lex, is watching over the house.” He paused then reached out but dropped his hand. “Give me twenty-four hours. I need to figure out what the demons are up to.”

  She turned from the window to peer at him. “We can do that at home with my family.”

  He had never met a more stubborn female in his existence. With a growl, he stepped into her space. “There is someone I must see first.”

  Straightening her spine and narrowing her eyes, she stood her ground. “And who would that be?”

  He took a step back and turned away before he did something stupid. Like, kiss her again.

  He stepped into the closet and grabbed a leather jacket. When he exited the small walk-in, Khloe stood where he’d left her with her arms crossed, irritation heavy in both her scent and her expression. He handed her the jacket. “An Oracle just outside the Darklands.”


  He clenched his teeth and silently counted. Must she know everything? Question everything? “She owes me a favor.” Thrusting the jacket into her arms, he pivoted and left the room.

  Halfway down the stairs, he heard her footsteps closing in on him. He didn’t dare look at her. He didn’t want to see her in his jacket. The smell of leather mixed with both their scents was driving him crazy enough. Falling into step with him, she remained silent. Most likely plotting something in that inquisitive mind of hers.

  Outside, he led her to a small garage a few feet away from the main house. He opened the double doors to reveal his only earthly possession: a 1930 Harley.

  “Wow.” She glided forward to run her fingers over the handlebars. “It’s in perfect condition.” Meeting his gaze, she smiled. “Did you buy it brand new?”

  He chuckled at her teasing tone and shook his head. “No, Lex did.” He picked up the helmet from the seat and handed it to her. “Put this on.”

  She wrinkled her nose, and damn if his cock didn’t twitch. “What about you?”

  “I’ve been told I have a hard head.” Amusement lit up her face, but she looked away as if hiding it. “Besides, my chances of surviving a cras
h are a hundred times better than yours.”

  When she took the helmet and placed it on her head, he swung his leg over the bike, sat, and fired her up. Moments later, she was seated behind him, arms wrapped around his waist, and they were riding down a dirt road towards the Darklands.

  Jagger pulled off the road, turned off the bike, and waited for Khloe to dismount before he did. Pushing the bike into an opening in the brush, he touched the nearest vine. In seconds, the whole area was covered with them, hiding the cycle from sight.

  “Your ruling element is Earth?”

  He nodded. “And Fire.”

  “I didn’t know demons could control the elements.”

  He held out his hand to her and wasn’t surprised when she didn’t take it. “They can’t. And I’m not a regular demon.”

  She followed him to the path that led to the village. “What does that mean?”

  “From the beginning of time, the Death Demons have served the gods. Many mated with them and their descendants.”

  “So, you’re like a demi-god?”

  “In some ways.” He stopped and turned to face her. “Must you ask so many questions?”

  She shrugged. “It’s the only way to find things out. Is Hecate your mother?”

  “She is my adoptive mother. She took Lex and me in after our village was destroyed.”

  “Which god are you descended from?”

  Shaking his head, he continued down the footpath. “My biological mother was one of the Fates.”

  “Which one?”

  “Don’t know. Don’t care.” He peered at her from the corner of his eye and sighed. “The Fates took my family from me. I want nothing to do with them.”

  She fell silent and didn’t ask another question the rest of the walk to the village. He welcomed the lack of conversation and the chance to think. He was surprised how much of himself he had revealed to her in such a short period.

  “Welcome to Felicity,” he announced as they walked through the opened gates.

  Khloe was speechless. The village was similar to the Maxville Coven. As they walked along the edge of the cobblestone road, the only difference she noticed was that there were shops and a school among the many cottages.


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