Gate Wide Open

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Gate Wide Open Page 4

by M. T. Pope

  “I can arrange that, you know!” he yelled back.

  “Yeah, man, whateva,” I said, knowing his ass had lost his mind with that threat. This bitch was testing me, and he knew it. He disappeared back into the apartment as I continued to wait on the elevator.

  The elevator finally arrived, and I hopped on and pushed the button for the ground floor. I stepped out and noticed police walking toward me.

  “Excuse me, sir. Can we have a word with you?”

  I pointed to myself, not sure who they were talking to.

  “Yeah, you.”

  “We were called because someone reported a disturbance.”

  My first thought was to run, but I opted against that because that would show guilt. Being a lawyer, I knew that wasn’t in my best interest. I stood there as the police placed me against a wall, placed my hands behind my back, and proceeded to frisk me.

  “Do you have any weapons on your person?” One officer patted me down, getting too damn close to my dick.

  “What?” I turned my head around in disgust. “Does it look like I am carrying any weapons? I’m not a thug.”

  I had on jeans, a Morgan State University sweatshirt, and some Timb boots, but my pants weren’t sagging or anything like that.

  “Shouldn’t you guys be out getting those degenerates off the street corners selling our people drugs?” I was steaming, to say the least. How in the hell could they think that an upstanding citizen like myself would be causing a disturbance? A nigga can’t even beat his father’s ass in peace.

  A large buffed officer that looked awfully familiar instructed me, “Sir, please keep still, and this will be over in a minute.”

  I calmed down, knowing these officers were looking for someone to take out their stress on, and it wasn’t going to be me. Being a lawyer, I had seen some pictures of Black and Latino males that were accosted by police before they made it to the local precincts.

  “I was just here visiting my father. You can ask the receptionist at the front desk if you don’t believe me.”

  They removed my wallet and checked my identification. They also told me that they were going to run my arrest record and check to see if I was wanted in any other states. I just remained still against the wall as the once-quiet lobby was now swarming with residents who wanted to see what was going on.

  I looked at the faces of the men and women shaking their heads in disapproval. Another black man in cuffs. My head hung low in shame.

  Out of nowhere I heard snickering, and I looked into the crowd of people and saw James with a wicked smile on his face as he watched me.

  “I’ma get you, muthafucka,” I mouthed before the police escorted me outside and into a waiting police cruiser.

  They pulled off and went around the corner and parked in a dark alley.

  “Look, man,” one of the cops said, “we going to let you off with a warning if you do us both a favor.”

  “Yeah, man, we heard about your excellent services.”

  They both snickered.

  I was clueless, until one of the officers got out of the car and got in the back seat with me. “What the hell is going on?” I asked in fury and confusion.

  “You know what the deal is, bitch!” The burly cop unzipped his pants and exposed his dick.

  My eyes got big as silver dollars.

  “You one of them bastards that raped me at the party that James had for me.”

  “Yeah, man. I was there too,” the other cop chimed in.

  The burly officer smiled as he stroked his dick to full length.

  I slowly edged my way toward the end of the car, trying to unlock the door with my cuffed hands. Shit. No luck. I was stuck.

  “Come here, man. I ain’t going to hurt you this time. I just want you to blow my dick real good,” he said, shaking it in my face. “Not unless you want us to punish that ass again like we did at the party.”

  I shook my head as I remembered the beating they put on me the last time. “Please, man, don’t make me do this,” I pleaded with the horny officer.

  Before I knew it, he shoved his dirty dick in my mouth, causing me to gag.

  “Suck this dick, bitch!” He pushed my head down toward his lap. His strength overpowered my neck muscle as I tried to pull away, but I was fighting a losing battle. I had no choice but to do his bidding.

  I sucked his dick the best I could. I must have been doing a good job, because his ass was moaning like a wolf at a full moon.

  In the middle of the blowjob, the other officer got into the backseat with us and proceeded to pull down my pants, exposing my bare ass. I prayed to God that he wasn’t going to violate me again, but to my surprise, all he did was eat me out as I sucked off his partner. I couldn’t believe this shit was happening to me. I was being treated like a common whore in the back of a police car.

  And to make matters worse, the beast inside of me was enjoying every moment. It took over, and before I knew it, I was a willing participant in this ménage à trois. They took turns eating me out while I blew each of them off.

  When they were finished with me, they forcefully threw me from the car. “Tell James thanks. That muthafucka always knows how to show a brother a good time.” They laughed and pulled off.

  I made my way back to my car and cleaned myself up with some Wet Ones I had in the car. I sat in my car as tears streamed down my face. I realized I wasn’t finished battling this beast inside of me.

  I didn’t want to go home, and I didn’t want to stay out and cause Mona any worry. I would usually go get a drink to suppress my homosexual urges. How could I tell her I was still attracted to men? I just didn’t think she would understand again.

  I was planning on asking her to renew our vows in a couple of weeks, but I didn’t know if I could just act like I wasn’t bisexual. How could I do this to my family? I was a fool for thinking that all I had to do was stay away from other guys altogether, and a couple of sessions with a shrink would cure me. Truth was, I only went to about ten of the fifty or so sessions before I decided that they were a waste of time. I didn’t need anybody trying to get into my head and mess me up any further.

  I got myself together and decided to keep this shit to myself and handle it on my own. I pulled up to my house, parked, and went to my door about to enter my home. I fixed my clothes and adjusted my facial expression to put on the act of a loving husband returning home to a loving family and a warm, inviting home.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I yelled as I walked through the door and made my way to living room, where the kids were gathered around the television watching the classic, A Few Good Men.

  I walked in just as my favorite line in the movie was coming up, when Jack Nicholson said, “You can’t handle the truth!”

  That statement was so true in the movie, and even in my life. I knew that I couldn’t handle the truth. I had no clue what that truth was, but I was hoping that it would reveal itself very soon.

  I sat down and joined my family as they replayed that part over and over again, amazed at Kevin Bacon’s face as the truth came forth from his mouth. I just sat there and pretended to be focused on the film and not on the façade that I was presently putting on.

  Chapter 8


  Last Straw

  October 29th, 2018, 6:32 P.M.

  “I am tired of your shit, Shawn!” I yelled at him as I ran from our bedroom. My voice was so loud, it echoed throughout the house.

  I wasn’t going to forgive him this time around. His ass was going to pay for what he did to me. I had only been gone out of the house for about an hour or so. I went over to my mom’s house to check on her and the children, and I didn’t give him a specific time that I would be back. He said he had some work that he needed to catch up on, and that he would see me when I returned home.

  Alex and Ashley were teenagers now, but they still loved to go over to my mom’s house for her famous cooking. I had brought home some plates of food for Shawn and me to eat because he loved her
food as well. We were just getting things in our life back in order, and I was falling in love with him all over again.

  I stormed back into the room again with a bat in hand ready to break bones. The two cheaters scrambled around the room looking for shelter to cover their vulnerable bodies.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. You gotta believe me. He tricked me. You know I would never hurt you like this again.”

  I wasn’t trying to hear it. “Tricked you?” I swung the bat at his head, barely missing him, and putting a large dent in the wall. “What the fuck you take me for, Shawn? A fuckin’ crackhead or a gotdamn dummy?” This time, I swung and cracked him in his back as he leaped across the bed, trying to dodge me.

  “Baby, just calm down and let me explain.” Shawn held his arms out, trying to grab the bat from me.

  I had him and James hemmed up in the corner of our bedroom. They both had a look of fear as they knew that I was planning on doing bodily harm. I was going to numb the pain in my heart with their screams of pain and agony. I planned to make every swing count. I was going for a new record in RBI’s (Real Bad Injuries).

  “You faggot-ass muthafuckas have played me for the last time,” I said, cocking my bat getting ready to swing.

  “Come on, Mona, baby. Think about the kids. What would you say to the kids?”

  “Fuck the kids! Right now all I’m worried about is breaking this muthafuckin’ bat over y’all’s faggot-ass heads.”

  Both still naked, they covered their prized jewels with their hands.


  I swung the bat, and it connected with Shawn’s head, sending him careening to the ground as blood and teeth flew everywhere. He hit the ground unconscious and bloody.

  Next, I set my sights on the bastard who was trying to take my family away again.

  He looked at me with terror in his eyes. He musta knew that he was about to meet his Maker.

  “Your turn, you home-wrecking bitch!” I swung the bat at him.

  Just as I was about to hit bone, he leaped and tried to make it across my bed. He slipped on the satin sheets that I had bought from Pier 1. I smiled with an evil grin, knowing he was now at my mercy. He looked up at me with fear, but he didn’t beg one bit, probably because he wasn’t sorry for what he had done to me and my family.

  “You gonna pay! I’ma make sure they take your ass outta here in a body bag, muthafucka!” I swung the bat with all my might, breaking his ankle.

  He yelled in agony as I took my time and broke his knees.

  Crack! His ass bone.

  Crack! Crack! Both his arms.

  He was stretched out on my bed, beaten, bloody, and moaning in pain. I flipped him on his back, making sure he saw the last hit coming. I aimed for his head and went for it. Pow!

  He wasn’t dead, and I was glad. I decided to let the muthafucka live the rest of his life in a fucking wheelchair.

  To my surprise, Shawn jumped up and bolted for the door. Like a jackrabbit, I pounced after him with the bat in hand. Just as he reached the steps, I threw the bat at his feet and watched it clip him. He lost his balance and hurled down the uncarpeted steps like a ball.

  As he fell, I could hear him breaking numerous bones in the process. He lay at the bottom of the steps in a mangled mess moaning for help.

  “Ain’t nobody here but me and you, Shawn,” I said, bending down and whispering in his ear, “so your bitch ass can cut out the crying. I left yo boyfriend upstairs barely breathing, and your ass is next.”

  “Mona, please!” he moaned in a low but audible cry.

  I picked up the bat that followed him on his trip down the steps. “What am I going to do with you?” I questioned him. “All you had to do was stay on this side of the fence, but oh no, you wanted to play on both sides again. All I ever did was love you, Shawn. I forgave you for your infidelity, and vice versa. This is the last straw, and your time here is up.” I swung the bat one last time and hit him in the head. I watched as his eyes rolled in the back of his head and his breath faded away.

  I knelt down and placed my ear to his mouth, to make sure he was gone for good. After I was sure, I threw the bat down and walked out of my house.

  I got into my car and drove until I couldn’t drive anymore. I sat in my car on the side of the road and cried my eyes out because of the chaos of my life. I banged on the steering wheel with my hands and my head, trying to get the visions of my madness out of my head. I couldn’t, because they were forever burned into my memory.

  I just wanted all the pain to go away. It was too much for me to bear. I just couldn’t live this life any longer, and I wanted it to end now. I prayed to God and asked for forgiveness for what I was about to do. I asked Him to take care of my children and my mom.

  “Please, Lord, let them know that I loved them the best I could.”

  I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped from my car and ran into traffic just as an eighteen wheeler came bustling down the road.

  “Noooo!” I screamed out loud as I sat up in my chair with a look of fright. I looked around the room and noticed I was alone. I had fallen asleep at the kitchen table. Luckily, the kids had a movie playing that was louder than it was supposed to be, so they didn’t hear me scream.

  “It was only a dream,” I said, calming myself down. “Oh, shit! It seemed so real.”

  I had been having dreams of this nature on and off lately. I was hoping and praying that Shawn was done with sleeping with men, particularly James. Shit, I was hoping I was done sleeping with him.

  I got up and walked to the kitchen sink and splashed my face with some cold water. I sat down at the table again and calmed my self down mentally and physically. My breath was still erratic, and my thoughts were everywhere.

  “What in the hell is going on?” I whispered to myself. “All these dreams and shit is bugging the hell out of me.”

  I couldn’t help but wonder if Shawn was being honest about his homosexual desires. Were they all gone? Could a man just stop being attracted to men? I mean, he has had psychological evaluation by a licensed psychologist. I checked this woman’s credentials, and she came back with a perfect record. I don’t know if I could take another blow, while trying to keep this family alive and together.

  I bowed my head and said a short prayer. “Lord, please fix this family. I can’t take this anymore. You have to do something now. Lord, I need You. Please, God, fix this. Amen.”

  As I lifted my head up, I heard Shawn open the front door to the house and come in. I heard a little exchange with the kids, and then his footsteps headed toward the kitchen. I gathered myself emotionally and prepared for his news, good or bad.

  Chapter 9


  Keep It Tight

  October 29th, 2018, 6:48 P.M.

  I walked into the kitchen totally baffled and at a loss for words. This nigga is playing me. Again! I can’t believe the hold he has on people. It’s like he has some kind of power that keeps people spellbound with him. I can’t let this nigga do this to my family again.

  I knew the children were his, biologically, but I was their father in every sense of the word. I was paying the bills in the house they lived in. I was the one who fed and clothed them, and I wasn’t letting any psycho take them from me. Never. If he wanted a fight, then a fight was what he was going to get. I was going to beat him at his own game.

  “Hey, baby,” Mona said as I walked in the kitchen. “How did everything go with your dad?”

  I put on a fake smile. “Everything went great.” I couldn’t possible tell her that my father was sleeping with the enemy. Again.

  I didn’t think Mona could relive the memories of the past again. She still tossed and turned in the bed at night. In fact, many nights I had to hold her tight, just so she and I could get some sleep.

  I couldn’t let her know that James wasn’t out of my system, like I’d said. I wanted him to pay for the things he did to her and me, but at the same time, I wanted him sexually too. I was torn, and there were days I just wa
nted to end it all. But I couldn’t just take the easy way out. I had to deal with this beast head-on.

  “Yeah. Well, he apologized for the things that he did, and we made up right then and there. I told him that it would still take me some time to get used to him again and to be able to call him Dad. He said he understood, and we left it at that.”

  “Oh, that is sooo good, Shawn,” she said, embracing me tightly. “I am so glad that things are getting back in order.”

  “Me too,” I said as I hugged her back. “I know things have been rough for us, but I think it’s time for us to move on with our lives.”

  A tear slid down her face. “You know what, baby? I was thinking the same thing earlier today. I was thinking that we should renew our vows again to rekindle the love in our relationship. We can invite the whole family and your dad even can walk me down the aisle, since my father is deceased.”

  “Sure, Mona, baby. I was thinking about the same thing earlier,” I said with a little less enthusiasm. “We can start planning it this week coming up.”

  Chapter 10


  Plans in Order

  October 30th, 2018, 1:40 P.M.

  I marveled at the fact that I could still toy with Shawn and manipulate him the way I wanted to. A couple of down-low cops are always a necessity on your team. They are always looking for a good time. They called me after they turned Shawn out again and said they were up for some more fun, and that any time I needed them, give them a call, on duty or off. I knew I was definitely going to use them again real soon.

  Shawn still hadn’t learned that he was up against the best, I guess. I was going to have to take him to school again. If my guess was right, and it usually was, Mona and Shawn still hadn’t told the children about their biological father.

  They were making this shit way too easy. I was in need of some more entertainment, and these two fools were in line again begging to be a part of my show. Man, this shit making me horny.


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