Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge)

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Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge) Page 24

by Natasza Waters

  Nina was tired as hell after a marathon of lovemaking last night. It had been the first time Mace had stayed the night since Gabbs arrived. She didn’t seem bothered at all, in fact normally her little miss was a grump in the morning, but she was all smiles today.

  Mace rolled over, grabbing Gabbs in a big bear hug and growled at her. Little girl squeals can break eardrums, and her daughter was no exception. Nina escaped while Mace got even, tickling Gabbs until she almost peed her pants.

  A few minutes later Mace found her in the shower and stepped inside, pressing his chest against her back. He palmed her stomach, then his finger trailed the crease by her thigh. “We’re going over building schematics today. I’ll just be down the hall. I’ll come get you for lunch.”

  Nina’s body was already quaking while he strummed the sensitive bundle of nerves. He lifted her in his arms and pushed her back against the shower wall. With a gentle upward thrust he was inside her. “You feel so good,” she stuttered.

  “I think we should have lunch at home.” He nibbled her earlobe. “Then I can take my time eating you,” he growled.

  Mace mouthed the pulse in her neck and plunged in and out of her with a rhythm that had them both moaning into each other’s mouths as they came.

  Breakfast was a quick few bites, then Mace hustled them into the car to drop Gabbs off at school and drive to the base. They made it to work on time, and once they got to the third floor they had to separate. Mace snagged her and kissed her hard just as the other elevator door opened and Alpha Squad exited, whistling and cat calling.

  Tinman grabbed Mace’s arm and pulled him away. “Think you’ve been spoiled enough, lover boy?”

  “Bye, babe, I’ll see ya at lunch.”

  She blew him a kiss and ran for the ops room. Gail had been watching from her roost at the admin counter. Hope the busybody got an eyeful. Nina smiled to herself as she pushed open the heavy door to the anteroom.

  “Who’s ready to go home?” she asked, throwing her bag on the desk.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Laughter reached him from inside the house when Wade got out of his car. Gabbs and Nina he recognized, the other made his feet hasten to Nina’s stoop. He was long past the knocking stage and pushed the front door open. Rounding the corner, he stalled.

  The laughter petered away. “Wade, we saved a plate for you,” Mace said, sitting at the kitchen table with Gabbs on his lap. Her math book was open and she squeezed a pencil while making an entry with her tongue caught between her lips

  He took a few hesitant steps. “Petty Officer Callahan, unexpected surprise.”

  Nina’s bright smile vanished and she got up. “Are you hungry, Wade? Quesadillas and Spanish rice.”

  “I suppose.” He sat down in the chair Nina vacated and stared at Mace. What the fuck was he doing back here?

  “Guess what, Dad?”

  Wade’s eyes dropped to Gabriella, sitting comfortably on Mace and not in any hurry to come to him. “What, Gabbs?”

  “I got an ‘A’ in math.”

  “Good girl,” he said, forgetting to put a fake happy note in his voice for the kid’s sake.

  “Gabbs, Lexi finished eating. I think you should take her outside,” Nina suggested.

  “Okay, Mom.” Mace lifted her by the waist and gently put her down.

  “Thanks for helping me get an ‘A,’ Mace,” she said and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

  What the fuck was going on here? Wade followed Nina with his eyes as she set a plate down in front of him with a set of cutlery. Mace surveyed him with a pleasant, but bland look on his face.

  “It’s a pretty mean Spanish rice,” Mace said.

  Wade picked up his fork and had a mouthful. “So, old friends catching up?” he asked. Nina sat down in the chair across from him, pyramiding a cup in her hands.

  “Gabbs invited Mace for dinner.”

  He chewed slowly, digesting his food and what was going on. “Think it was wise accepting?” he asked, keeping his gaze on his competition.

  Mace’s brow rose slightly. “Can’t think of a reason not to.”

  “I left a few messages on your phone, Wade. I wanted to talk to you,” Nina said.

  He set down his fork. “About what?”

  “About Gabbs’ best interests after I move in with Nina,” Mace answered.

  As a poker player he had plenty of practice keeping a tell from his expression. Un-fucking-believable. He’d played Nina’s game for over two months. With Mace out of the picture the future looked pretty good for him. He’d been a gentleman; put his attentions on Gabbs to earn her trust and Nina’s. He’d been inches away from Nina’s bed. A little while longer and she would have given in to need. Helping her fix this place had earned him some rights if not some of the value in the house.

  Today had been a shit day all around. Pedro’s goons had caught up to him, giving him another warning to pay his debt. Everything was unraveling.

  “Gabbs loves spending time with you, Wade. That isn’t going to change.” Nina watched him carefully.

  Game time. “Of course not, she’s my daughter.” He forked in a mouthful of quesadillas. “When are you moving in, Mace?”

  “I’ll be out of town for a couple weeks. Probably after that.”

  Gabbs came like a swirling red-haired moppet into the kitchen. “Mace, Lexi won’t go to the bathroom.”

  Mace rose. “Let’s go throw a ball around for her.”

  “You’re taking this better than I expected,” Nina said, picking up her plate and shoving it onto the counter behind her.

  He shrugged. Did he have a choice? “I didn’t know you were seeing each other again.” He had to play this hand without any screw-ups or he could lose Gabbs. He reached for Nina’s hand and she gave him a placating squeeze. “I’m disappointed, obviously. I thought things were going well between us. Now Gabbs will be caught in the middle.”

  “I don’t agree, Wade. I think she has love for all of us. I don’t want us quarrelling in front of her. If she sees that we are acting like adults and she feels safe, she’ll be fine.”

  Nina nipped on her lip, her only tell that she was uncomfortable. “Can’t say I’m not jealous.” He offered a subdued smile. “Mace is a good guy. I know that. I just wanted you to see me as a better guy.”

  “You’re a good man too, Wade. I didn’t lead you on. I was never part of the package. I told you that.”

  “You did.” He wiped his mouth with the napkin. “I still want us to be a family, Nina.”

  “We will be,” she said pulling her hand away from his. “But so will Mace. He’s important to her too, and he’s important to me.”

  He had to get out of here or his anger would start venting from his tongue. “Listen, I’m going to go. Tomorrow’s Friday. Tell Gabbs I’ll come by and pick her up and take her to a movie.”

  Nina leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Sure.”

  He grasped her around the waist and pulled her tight. “You can change your mind, Nina. Any time you want.”

  Nina ran her hand through his hair and shook her head. “Thanks for understanding.”

  He closed the front door and let out a deep breath, shaking his head. He needed to vent this out over a game of five-card stud.

  “Hold up, Wade,” Mace called as he reached his car.

  “Gonna give me the ‘we can all get along’ speech?” He faced the man fucking up his plans.

  Mace stood a few feet away like a marble statue. “Nope, don’t have to. It’s the way it’s going to be.”

  “Glad you think so, but I wouldn’t get too comfortable.” Mace snorted out a laugh. “If you think you’re going to squeeze me out, you’re not. I don’t give a shit about your SEAL buddies. I’m Gabbs’ father, nothing you can do will change that.”

  “No, nothing will change that fact. What can change is whether or not you’re a part of Gabbs’ life. Are you going to be, or are you gonna be at the bottom of the mighty Pacific attached
to a cement block?”

  His game face slid for a second. “Your friend, Tony, misunderstood.”

  “Did he?” Mace’s expression darkened. “I don’t think he did. You’ve got a problem, Wade. Every night you’ve been seen at Clayton Arms Casino.”

  “What the fuck? You following me?”

  “I’m not, but it’s obvious you’re neck-deep in shit, and I won’t let you drag Gabbs or Nina into it. You lied to Nina. You told her you bought the house here on the island. You’re renting it. That car?” He pointed at his Lexus. “It’s leased. You don’t own a god damn thing.” Mace took a solid step toward him, and the warrior’s face was daunting. “What else are you lying about?”

  “You’ve been a busy sailor, haven’t you? I assume you’ve told Nina this,” he spouted, losing grip on his reserve of calm.

  “No, none of my business.”

  “Good to hear it.”

  “My business is Gabbs and Nina. If your addiction has pushed you into a corner, that’s your problem, but if it splashes over, I expect you to keep the fuck away from them and deal with it, or I’ll deal with you.”

  They glared at each other for a moment. “See ya when you get back from the mission. It would be unfortunate if you got your ass blown to shit.”

  Mace offered him a two-finger salute before Wade started the car and backed out.

  * * * *

  Mace strummed Nina’s back as the first rays of light broke through the bedroom window. She had him all wrapped up tight to her body. Her legs twined with his, her arms snugly bound around his waist. He kissed the top of her head to let her know he was awake. “Two weeks will go by fast, babe.”

  She nodded and pressed her cheek against his chest. “I hope so.”

  A warm growl rolled up his throat. “I love it when you hold me like you don’t want to let me go.”

  She wiggled her breasts against his chest and his morning wood hardened from pine to oak. He’d loved her thoroughly last night. Their last few moments before he had to leave for the base were meant for this, holding each other close enough to become one. He inhaled her vanilla scent and nuzzled her neck.

  Nina dipped her head back and looked into his eyes. “Since it’s not a black op, I’ll be watching for your SITREPs,” she said and kissed his chin.

  He grinned down at her and brushed her nose with his. “Most gals can’t keep tabs on their men. Guess that relieves me of duty to call every day.” Her hand was swift and she swatted his bare ass.

  “Think again.”

  He chuckled. “Come on, let’s take a shower and wake up Gabbs.”

  Nina dropped him off at the airfield. The rest of the squad had already arrived. A gale force wind blew in from the ocean, swirling her locks into a frenzy. Nina threw her arms around his neck and held on tight, and he wrapped his arms around her slender waist, holding her even tighter.


  He kissed her quiet, and then brushed her cheek with a finger. “I’ll keep my eyes open, baby.” It didn’t stop her tears. He understood, but it didn’t make it any easier.

  “I know you will. Go, so you can come home.”

  He adjusted his gear over his shoulder and joined the squad milling about and saying goodbye to their wives. Tony fisted his arm.

  Nina threw Tony a kiss as well, and he caught it out of the air and brought it to his chest. “Be good, Ninja Girl. Say bye to squirt for me,” he yelled.

  “Bye, guys!”

  They all waved and turned for the hangar.

  “How did Wade take it?” Tony asked Mace, pushing some boxes from a bench and sitting back, head leaning against the wall.

  “Kept it together, but he isn’t happy,” Mace said, sitting down beside him and watched the other guys checking their gear.

  “You worried?”

  “Nah, what’s to worry about? It might be a couple bumpy days for Nina and him, but she’s got it in hand.”

  “Good.” Tony closed his eyes.

  Mace cracked a bottle of water and gulped most of it back. His nerves had started jumping unexpectedly in the car. It surprised him. This first mission out after being taken out of commission in Syria tingled with anticipation more than fear. His physical abilities were at peak performance, but his mind was doing a bit of a tap dance on his confidence. “You look tired, what the hell were you up to last night?”

  “Not sleeping well,” Tony said without opening his eyes.

  “Why not, man? Something bugging you?”

  When Tony opened his eyes they held a bit of anger and he knew it was directed at him. “Yeah, I’m pissed at myself.”

  “You look pissed at me.”

  “Maybe that too.”

  “Spit it out.”

  Tony’s mouth seamed tight. His nostrils flared as he breathed out. “I’m in love with your girlfriend.” He bent forward and put his face in his hands. “Fuck, I’m glad I finally said that out loud.”

  Mace wasn’t sure what the hell to do. “Jesus, T-man, why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I thought it would go away, buddy. It’s supposed to go away.”

  Mace thumped him on the back with his fist. “This is my fault. You went the distance for me.”

  Mace had noticed Tony hadn’t been going out to the bars with Tadpole and Ed lately. Normally he’d gloat about the babe he’d rolled the night before, but he hadn’t been doing that. “What about Coady? She’s cute.”

  “She’s a baby,” he said glumly. “She’s not a woman. Not like Nina. No one’s like Nina.”

  “This has never happened to you before, has it?” Tony kept his hands over his head and shook it. Mace stared at the cement hoping a message would appear with the right thing to say. “I’m glad you got it off your chest.”

  “Maybe it’s not love. I don’t know, but it sure is dug in deep.” Tony finally sat up and stared at him. “I’m sorry. I really am.”

  Tony’s face was wracked with guilt.

  “We can’t decide who we love. It happens. You and I have been flying together for years. Maybe now that I’ve found Nina and not hanging out as your wingman anymore it’s making you take another look at being a bachelor.”

  “Maybe. When I started to get these crazy thoughts I tried to get them out of my head, but no one seems to do a thing for me. Fuck, I can’t even get a boner with some of the women I’ve been with before.” He shook his head in disgust. “I feel like a fucking loser over this, like I’m betraying you.”

  Mace’s shoulders lifted with a laugh. “Nah, I’m the last guy to condemn you for loving Nina.”

  Tony’s lips curled at the edges. “Thanks. I keep telling myself it’s not love, but it’s like I’m tasting chocolate for the first time.” He looked down at his hands. “I touched her skin, held her against me. Fuck. I can’t forget it, I’m sorry. Maybe I’m misdirecting that high with love.”

  Mace shrugged. “I gotta feeling you’re right, but I also think Mrs. Bale is still out there somewhere, and you’re going to know it when ya come face to face with her.” Lieutenant Cobbs called out their departure, and all the guys stood. Ghost was already missed, and this would be Cobbs’ last ride.

  “I hope you’re right, man, but until then I can’t be responsible for my dreams. So don’t kick the shit out of me if I’m sleeping and calling out Nina’s name.” Tony laughed and grabbed him around the shoulders as they walked toward the tarmac.

  “Too busy doing that myself, buddy.”

  * * * *

  Wade booked off work and paced his living room like a caged animal in the zoo. Pedro’s goons had intercepted him this morning and gave him his final warning. Five hundred grand. He had to find five hundred grand to wipe the slate clean. How the hell had it gotten that high? They’d just kept giving him money and extending the loan. Course, he’d told them he had equity in a home and could cover it, but now that bitch Nina had decided she wanted the SEAL instead of him. The next thing she’d be doing was going to court to sue for bac
k child support.

  “Fuck, man, it’s your own fault,” he said out loud to the sparsely-furnished living room. He didn’t think he had a problem. He enjoyed poker. What was the big deal? The big deal was he’d lost his savings, the little he’d put aside over the last fifteen years thinking he could recoup his losses.

  A guy had been at the casino and offered him a loan, something manageable. No paperwork and an easy payback plan. Paying it back wouldn’t be an issue because his luck had changed at the tables. Least for a while, then it was gone. He accepted another loan. Bigger than the last.

  His phone beeped with a text. He knew what it would say, but he grabbed it anyway seeing it was from Pedro himself.

  Call me or the next visit you get will be painful.

  “Pedro, it’s Wade Cayson,” he said when he picked up.

  “We have a problem don’t we, Wade? What is the solution going to be?”

  “Pedro, I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know! Here’s what I know friend, you have two weeks to find the money. If you do not produce it in two weeks, I will take the loss and you will be dead. That is the solution.”

  Pedro hung up. Wade felt the fear begin in his legs and it climbed straight up to his throat. The bank wouldn’t give it to him. He’d tried that already. Borrowing it from another lender, even one as shady as Pedro, would only give him time. He needed out from under this. Fuck that bitch, why the hell hadn’t she opened her damn legs to him? Together they could have gotten the money. Maybe her rich parents would have given it to them if she would have asked. Now that fuckin’ SEAL had taken roost and he wouldn’t be able to get to her.

  He stopped pacing. Money wasn’t a big deal to those who had it. He needed it. He rubbed the back of his neck. Pedro wasn’t the kind of guy you sweet-talked. He ran his operation out of Las Vegas. Prostitution, drugs, he dealt with every underground illegal activity there was, and he led people into their dark places like Lucifer talked people out of their souls.


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