Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance

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Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance Page 2

by Veronica Cross

  The entire food section was set up like a buffet. Alex could see a roast beef carving station, a salad bar, a desert station lined with cakes and pies, and at the end of the center sections were two selections of soup. As she wandered around looking at the salad bar, she saw another girl making stir fry. No wonder the freshman fifteen is such a big deal. Alex carefully filled a bowl with some spinach and a few cucumber slices. She made her way to the soups and poured herself some tomato basil before grabbing a cup of water and wandering into the seating section, looking for Erika.

  “Over here!” Erika waved from the far side of the room. Alex walked up and sat her tray on the long table. “Eating healthy, huh?” Erika laughed through her mouthful of mashed potatoes. “Good luck with that.”

  “What do you mean?” Alex blew on her soup to help cool it down.

  “Most freshies come to college dead set on not gaining the freshman fifteen. By the time the third week rolls around, everyone is stress eating. It’s just part of it.” Erika shrugged her shoulders and took a drink of her soda.

  “Found ya!” Tish plopped down next to Alex. Her tray was mounded high with roast beef, sweets, and a slice of peperoni pizza. “So what’s your schedule like?” Tish took a bite of pizza and a strand of cheese slowly pulled away from the crust. Alex’s stomach grumbled as she looked back to her own plate.

  Alex pulled out her schedule from the folder she had been given, “Chemistry at nine, Biology at ten, then I’ve got World Religions at noon, English 101 at two, and I’m going to wrap up my day with yoga at seven. I’m not really a morning person, so not having class until nine is amazing.” Alex chimed off her classes and did a happy dance.

  Tish looked over at the slip of paper in Alex’s hand and struggled to suppress a laugh.

  “What?” Alex looked between Tish and Erika, not understanding what was so funny.

  “Your yoga is at seven a.m., not seven p.m.” Tish pointed to the physical activity column on Alex’s schedule.

  “No!” Alex held the paper closer to her face. Her eyes grew wide as the reality set in. “Who in their right mind even makes a class for seven in the morning? That’s insane!” Erika and Tish laughed as Alex ate her soup, not even tasting it anymore. “How could this even happen?” Alex slouched in her chair. Out of the corner of her eye Alex caught a glimpse of curly, dark hair. She tilted her head to get a better look.

  Erika followed her gaze, “That’s Liam, and trust me, girl, he’s not your type.”

  “Why do you say that? —I mean, oh, no, I don’t…” Alex stammered and placed her hands in her lap. Her cheeks tinged pink as she stared at her salad.

  “Relax, Freshie. Every girl goes through a bad boy phase. It’s part of life.” Erika took a bite of ice cream and twirled her spoon in the air as she talked, “But Liam Riker, he’s what a daddy’s nightmares are made of.” Erika leaned closer over the table while she continued, “He’s got the hair, those eyes, he has a motorcycle, and last year some people saw him making out with a girl on the hood of a campus security car. You need to try out your training wheels before you jump on that.” She jerked her head in Liam’s direction. “And I’ve got just the thing!” Her voice rose in hushed excitement. “Tonight, over at Marcus, they’re throwing the annual beginning of school party. What do you say? You girls up for your first college party?” Erika raised her eyebrow.

  “Sounds awesome!” Tish said as she downed the last of her drink.

  Alex’s stomach tossed and turned, but she was determined to come out of her shell some this year. “Sure.” She smiled weakly and sipped on her water. She silently hoped that she wouldn’t regret this.

  Chapter 2: Marcus Manor

  Tish was stringing beads onto a strand of her hair, “You almost ready?”

  “Just about.” Alex brushed some glitter along her cheekbones. “I don’t even know how to dress for a college party.” She frowned at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a light pink tank top and khaki shorts. She had fake pearls dangling from her ears and another on a thin gold chain around her neck.

  “Don’t sweat it. Most of them will probably be too drunk to see straight anyway.” Tish straightened her low cut, black tank top. She had on a grey mini skirt and fishnet hose with black and white converse. Alex looked from her roommate back to her own reflection and let out a disgruntled sigh.

  “Pre-gaming, anyone?” Erika stumbled into the room in a loose t-shirt and a pair of Soffe shorts. Her face was already flushed with alcohol, and she had a water bottle of clear liquid in her hand.

  “Yes, please!” Tish took the bottle from her cousin and took a swig. She wrinkled her nose as she swallowed and shook her head trying to chase the bitter taste of vodka from her mouth. She offered the bottle to Alex.

  “No, thanks,” Alex smiled politely. “I don’t drink.” She mentally prepared herself for them to insist on her taking a shot.

  “No worries.” Tish shrugged, surprising Alex, and took another drink.

  “If you don’t want to drink,” Erika said as she used her reflection in the mirror to remove the mascara smudges from under her eyes, “then just grab a cup and put some water or juice or whatever in it.” She turned around to look at the two younger girls. “That way you won’t feel left out, and people won’t keep offering you drinks.”

  “That’s actually really smart…thanks.” Alex felt a surge of relief and sudden gratefulness towards both Tish and Erika. Her nerves settled a little as they headed out the door.

  Once they were outside of Garner, Alex could hear music faintly from the other side of campus. Streetlamps scattered along the walkways gave off an orange glow in the haze of the night heat. Tish and Erika took turns swigging out of the bottle as they made their way towards the source of the music.

  The front doors of the boys’ dorm were flung open, and on each side of the entry was a shirtless guy with a black bowtie around his neck. Their skin reflected in the street light. “Welcome to Marcus Manor, ladies!” The two guys spoke in unison and gestured them inside.

  Erika leaned in and whispered, “They take two of the best looking sophomore guys and cover them in baby oil.” She wiggled her eyebrows as they laughed.

  Marcus Manor wasn’t really a manor. The floor was sticky with half-dried, spilt booze. It smelled like alcohol and sweat. The first door on the left was open wide. Inside there were people dancing, and the music drowned out any conversations that may have been going on. There was a line of people waiting to get into another door down the hall. A few girls came out sipping from red cups. Erika danced her way into the room on their left and motioned for them to follow.

  Alex grabbed onto the back of Tish’s shirt as they squeezed into the room. Bodies swayed to the beat of the music. The desks had been stacked on top of one another to make more room for dancing. Alex noticed the beds were missing. There was a girl dancing on the windowsill, and another was on top of a dresser. Alex recognized the girl on the dresser as the pixie haired girl she had seen with Liam earlier. She was wearing a bikini bottom, and flower shaped pasties covered her nipples. Alex tapped Tish on the shoulder and gestured for her to look. Tish spotted the girl and gave Alex a look of shock mixed with amusement. The girl with the pasties was on her phone, texting while she danced. A guy came up behind Tish and put his hands on her hips. Tish started grinding on him and flashed an excited smile at Alex. Alex smiled uncertainly and glanced back up at the girl on the dresser. Both of her hands were in the air now, phoneless. Where did she even put it? Alex didn’t want to think about the possibilities of that answer.

  Alex felt a pressure around her waist as someone pulled her close. Her body tensed up, and every part of her screamed no. At that moment, a drop of moisture that had condensed on the ceiling dropped onto her shoulder. The fact that the ceiling was dripping plus the random stranger trying to grind his crotch into her butt cheeks was too much for her to handle. She gently pulled away from him and yelled over the music to Tish, “I’m going to go grab some ai
r.” She pointed at the window.

  Tish followed her finger and then looked back at her roommate, “Want me to come with you?”

  Alex could tell the vodka was starting to kick in, “No, that’s ok. Are you going to be alright?” Tish gave her a thumbs up and winked at her. Alex nodded and wiggled out of the crowd and into the hallway. She shivered in disgust as she wiped the sweat and whatever else was dripping from the ceiling off of her arm. “So gross,” she whispered under her breath as she made her way back outside.

  The heat of the night felt almost cool compared to inside the room, packed with all of the body heat and friction. Alex sat down on the edge of a brick flower bed a small distance away from the Marcus building. She wanted to distance herself from the music blaring out of the open windows, but needed to stay close enough to see Tish or Erika if they decided to leave or came outside to find her. She pressed the toe of her shoe into a crack in the sidewalk as she took a deep breath.

  “Needed a break?” Liam was standing a few paces away. He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt with faded jeans. His sleeves were rolled up to the elbow. His hands were in his pockets as he looked at her. He walked over to her slowly. Alex was reminded of the posh gangsters from the twenties as he sauntered to her side. “May I join you?” Liam raised an eyebrow and gestured to the edge of the flowerbed beside her.

  “Sure.” Alex caught herself staring at him and looked at her shoes. The ice blue of his eyes contrasted with his dark hair. It was a breathtaking combination that drew her in all too easily.

  “Not much of a party girl?” Liam leaned forward as he rested his forearms on his legs.

  “It’s not really my thing.” Alex shrugged and bit her bottom lip. She could feel his eyes on her. “I saw your girlfriend in there though.” Alex pointed to the window. She threw him a quick look to see his reaction. The girl inside on the windowsill was still visible. Her hips matched the rhythm of the music that drifted across the sidewalk.

  “That must have been pretty difficult.” Liam’s mouth curled into a half smile as Alex looked at him questioningly, “I don’t have a girlfriend.” Alex felt her cheeks turn pink as his eyes looked into hers. “I’m guessing you’re taking about Jennifer though. The girl you saw me with earlier? Yeah. We used to date, but not anymore.” Liam brushed a strand of hair away from Alex’s face. Her heart skipped a beat at his touch.

  “Liam!” Jennifer stumbled out of Marcus Manor yelling drunkenly. Her breasts jiggled with every step. Alex tried to keep her disgust from showing on her face. She watched as Pasty Girl tried to sit in Liam’s lap. “Where have you been? I’ve missed you!” She pouted as she tried to loop her arms around his neck.

  Liam grabbed her hands and spun her in a circle, distracting her from trying to sit on him as he stood up. “Been drinking again, Jen?” Liam looked at her with disapproval. “What are you wearing?” He started unbuttoning his shirt. Underneath, Alex caught a glimpse of a white t-shirt. Liam pulled off his shirt and draped it over Jennifer, trying to cover her up. His shirt swallowed her, and she grabbed his belt loops trying steady herself as she swayed involuntarily.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Alex saw Tish wander out of the party. Erika followed after her. She caught Alex’s eye and gestured for her to come help with Tish. Alex looked back at Liam who was still fending off Pasty Girl’s advances. “Nice to meet you...again.” She gave a small wave and looked from Liam to Jennifer and back to Liam.

  “Alex! You’re beautiful!” Tish shuffled towards her.

  “See you around, Alex.” Liam called after her. Alex turned to face him but kept walking backwards towards her roommate before facing the direction she was going again.

  Tish grabbed Alex’s face in what she thought was a gentle cupping. In reality, she squished Alex’s cheeks until she made a fishy face, “I have something important to tell you.” Tish brought her face close enough for Alex to smell the vodka on her breath. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Alex said with her face still squished. She reached up and pulled Tish’s hands away from her face, “Why don’t we go home, ok?” She nodded reassuringly.

  “Ok.” Tish smiled and started weaving back and forth along the sidewalk, tottering back in the direction of Garner.

  “At least she’s a happy drunk.” Erika fanned her t-shirt to cool herself. Her mascara was smeared under her eyes, and sweat beaded on her neck and arms. She and Alex followed a few paces behind Tish.

  Ahead of them, Tish stopped at the edge of the sidewalk. She was leaned over, peering into the bushes, “Hello little frog.”

  “Tish, whatcha doing?” Erika sounded like she was scolding a toddler.

  “I’m going to tell the frog a secret.” Tish looked at them with wide eyes as she whispered and then looked back at the frog sitting in the grass, leaning over it slightly.

  Alex and Erika stood beside her. The frog gave a slow ribbit as they watched it.

  “Shh, little frog, I have to—,” Tish’s words were cut off as she suddenly vomited.”

  “OH MY GOSH!” Alex hurried to hold back Tish’s hair.

  “That poor frog.” Erika looked at the ground sadly.

  Tish spit to try and clear the last of the vomit out of her mouth. “Al,” she braced herself on her knees, “I don’t feel so good.”

  “Do you think she has alcohol poisoning?” Alex turned to look at Erika.

  Erika leaned over and pinched the skin on Tish’s arm. “Her skin is still warm. She’s not blue. Breathing’s good. She’ll be fine. She’s just gonna have one hell of a hangover though.” Erika took Tish’s arm and put it over her shoulder, “Come on, sweet girl. Let’s get you to bed.” She looked at Alex, “Get her other side.”

  Alex positioned herself under Tish’s other arm, and the three of them stumbled back to the girls’ dorm. They passed a few other girls in the lobby. The freshmen whispered to one another. An older girl asked if they needed any help. Erika reassured her that she had it under control as they wobbled down the hallway. Alex fumbled her key into the lock, trying not to drop Tish. They guided Tish into the room as she stumbled over herself.

  “Alright, set her down.” Erika gestured to Alex, and they slowly eased Tish down onto the floor. Erika propped her cousin up against Alex’s dresser. “Get her a cup of water.”

  Alex rummaged through her things until she found a plastic cup at the bottom of her duffle bag. She went to the sink and rinsed it out before filling it with cold tap water. She saw Erika’s reflection in the mirror, “What are you doing?”

  “Pulling down her mattress. She doesn’t need to be sleeping in a lofted bed tonight.” Erika tugged Tish’s bedding down and situated her mattress in the middle of the floor.

  “Here you go,” Alex gently handed Tish the cup. Tish tried to put the cup on the ground beside her. “No,” Alex guided her roommate’s hand with the cup back to her lips, “sip this, ok?”

  Tish sipped the water slowly then lowered the cup, “I have to pee.”

  “I’ll take her.” Alex helped Tish to her feet. Erika nodded as she continued tucking the sheets back around Tish’s mattress.

  Alex and Tish made their way down the hall to the bathroom. Alex led her to a stall, “You got it from here?”

  “Yup,” Tish swayed a little and gave Alex a thumbs-up before closing the door to the stall.

  Alex hopped up on the edge of the sink counter and waited. She could hear Tish struggling to get the lock into place. The sound of the metal lock clanging clumsily made her chuckle a little to herself as she swung her legs back and forth. Alex heard a tinkling noise, and then Tish opened the stall door again.

  She washed her hands as Alex slid off the edge of the counter. “The world is spinning.” Tish grabbed on to Alex’s shoulder for support.

  “I bet it is. Come on, let’s go back.” Alex helped brace her as they walked back down to their room.

  “Alright, princess, into bed.” Erika turned down the covers and patted Tish’s m
attress with the palm of her hand. Tish groaned and crawled into the bed. Erika handed her the water again and two Tylenol. “Take these. You’ll thank me in the morning.”

  Tish popped the pills into her mouth and took a sip, “Thanks.”

  “I’ll check in with you tomorrow. Night.” Erika waved as she closed the door behind her.

  Alex let out a sigh, “This day has been crazy.” She pulled off her shorts and found some pajama bottoms in the second drawer of her dresser.

  “I’ll just be happy when the ceiling stops moving.” Tish groaned from the floor as Alex climbed up into bed.

  “I bet,” Alex laughed. She pulled back her own covers and settled in. She thought about Liam and the way his hair had looked in the light from the street lamp. She raised her hand to touch where he had brushed against her cheek.

  “Hey, Al?”

  “Hmm?” Alex mumbled distractedly, still remembering his touch.

  “I have to pee again.”

  Chapter 3: Moxie and Mayhem

  Sunlight trickled through the blinds and draped across Alex’s face. She blinked slowly and squinted into the light. She took a deep breath and stretched her arms above her head. Her stomach growled. Alex turned around in bed and stretched her feet over the edge until she found the first rung. She eased herself down, one step and a time. The wooden slats felt strange under her feet. Alex gently placed one foot on the tile and glanced at Tish’s pallet on the floor.

  “You don’t have to worry about being quiet.” Tish’s face was pale. “I’m already up.”

  “How ya feeling?” Alex ran her fingers through the tangles in her hair as she leaned against her bed post.

  Tish winced at the unexpected volume of her voice, “Like crap.”

  “Think I’m going to head to breakfast. You want to come?”


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