It had her pulse pounding enticingly as her breath hitched up and her teeth caught at her own lip to curtail a smile. Up his hands went, one skimming up over the nape of her neck into her hair and then her head was pulled back, her body arching backwards as he caught at her hair firmly and dragged her towards the mattress. Even as she curved backwards his lips skimmed over the swell of a breast and then a shocked noise keened out of her as they closed over a nipple. She arched into him more, her legs drawing close as she tried to sink her chest away from the intensity of the sensation.
But he had caught her up and she felt his teeth graze and his tongue flick and her fingers twitched as her body flinched helplessly, winding tighter at the clarity of the pull of his mouth. Another cry escaped her, a quiet sort of rushed breath dragged in through her nose as he lavished her with attention. Her fingers buried up into his hair and curled tight against his shoulder as she pulled herself closer and clung to him tightly. He had barely started touching her and already she was so undone by it. Already she wanted more. She was so addicted to him, she had felt such giddy excitement at seeing him sprawled out in her bed like he had been. Suddenly she had a cohort in life, and he reveled in the dark parts of her that had never seen the light.
He was so much more intelligent than any other man she’d ever encountered. In bed and in speech and in action. The rough feel of his hands on her body was wondrous, it had her skin alive under his touch, every breath she took caught up in wanting to get closer to him and encourage the way he held her, touched her. By the time his lips left the soft peak of her, every tug of his mouth was directly tied to the clench of her insides in a way that had her pushing the full weight of her chest towards him until his attention turned to the other breast. His teeth skimmed past her, pinched at her and drew another keening noise out of her as she shivered, caught between pulling away and encouraging him.
When his hand brushed past her hip and his fingers teased over her stomach it sucked in slightly and then his hand was there, dipping between her legs and tight against her. His fingers rubbed into burning skin and then buried deep in the heat of her and she cried out as her body caught tight around him. He dragged his fingers through her until she was caught up around every shift, breath caught up with each blissful slide.
Then they slid free of her and she whined, left wanting. Her eyes focusing on him after a moment with unbridled desire, she squirmed towards him. “Do not stop, you cannot.”
“Is that so?” He grinned at her in that infuriating way he could and then dropped his head back down so his lips could catch at her skin again. The feel of his mouth and the teasing touch of his tongue drew her body into an arch as he moved downwards.
“What are you… oh…” She didn’t even get to finish the sentence because suddenly his tongue was velvet between her legs, teasing heatedly against her in a way that had her breath catching up again. A gasp moved through her and her toes curled. It flicked against her again and she groaned, knees pulling up a bit even as she shuddered. Pleasure caught like fire in her abdomen, the tight feel of her muscles enough to make her whimper with every movement of his tongue. “Xavier!”
He didn’t respond verbally, but then how could he talk when he was making her squirm with his mouth. As soon as his name jumped free of her she realized it would be better to keep quiet, who knew if those guarding her room or walking past outside the door would hear her. The need for silence only added to the intensity of what he was doing. It surpassed anything she’d ever felt before easily with each glancing brush of his tongue being too much to handle without moving. It didn’t take long for her body to fall apart from it, the quiver of muscle and the delicious clench of her body something that echoed out into every muscle.
When his face peeked up from between her legs he licked his lips and grinned at her, “Only five coins?” He crawled back atop her, settling between her legs as he kissed her parted lips. Her entire body tensed as she felt him fill her up, a groan moving through her even as he thrusted and wound her body up all over again.
Each movement had voice catching up in her gasped breaths, her head falling back against pillow as she clung to him and kissed him back. Their bodies meeting easily, colliding with soft impact and driving her to insanity until she felt her body release from it again.
“Maybe… six coins?” She offered breathlessly as he lay atop her, sated himself. The chuckle that escaped him vibrated through her tingling body, which had her grinning broadly herself.
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A Dragon Shifter Romance
Courtney Clein
Copyright 2016 by Courtney Clein
First electronic publication: December 2016
All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.
Warning: Due to mature subject matter, such as explicit sexual situations and coarse language, this story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older, and all acts of a sexual nature are consensual.
Chapter One
The leaves rustled as the nighttime breeze moved swiftly through them, from time to time emitting a low sound akin to a howl. But there were no animals that howl in this area of the forest. There were only creatures not known to man. They were creatures thought up only in legend, those of lore that elicited awe and horror simultaneously. It was deep in this forest that lived Guinevere, a young dragon who had recently been struck with devastating news. She held back her emotion but only looked sadly on her Elder, who was lying curled up on the floor of a large cave in which they dwelled.
Her Elder had been with her since the time of her birth. When she had no parents to care for her, to teach her all the valuable lessons of living life as a dragon in the deep and unknown forest, the Elder had always been there. Now, however, Guinevere was faced with losing the only nurturing dragon she had ever known. Her Elder was deathly ill and it was unsure what could save the Elder’s life. Guinevere feared the unknown. She feared not finding a cure or being unable to conjure it up on her own. It was always under her Elder’s guidance that she had lived but now she was being tasked with saving that very dragon’s life. It was her turn to repay the favor.
Guinevere looked up at the night sky, dotted with stars upon stars. She wished to take off and soar freely but she could not leave, not now. She gazed sadly at the midnight blue canopy as memories of her earliest flights with her Elder flooded her mind. She could not help but wonder how it was possible that the strongest dragon she had ever known was now so weakened. A grunt of pain made her look back; the Elder had shifted while sleeping and even that small movement made the now fragile body suffer. Guinevere spread her wings. Would it really be so terrible to go on one short midnight flight? Those always helped her clear her mind.
“Something must be done,” she heard a weak voice speak from behind her.
Guinevere turned to see her Elder’s small, glass-like eyes peering up at her from beneath a heavily hooded lid. She immediately rushed over and rested beside the long body that had always been her safety net. Even know, the only thing in the world that brought her comfort was the infirm dragon resting on the cold floor of the cave.
/> “Anything,” Guinevere responded, “I will do anything to help you.”
The Elder struggled to pull up the weight of the body that had recently become a traitor to its owner, or rather its inhabitant. Guinevere watched with sadness, the feeling of hopelessness growing ever stronger. She wracked her brain over and over, day in and day out, hoping a way to help would suddenly appear written in the clouds. All of it had resulted in nothing.
“It is time,” the Elder said.
Guinevere was unsure if it was just a prolonged pause in the Elder’s words or if she was being told it was time to say goodbye. Unable to stand the thought of the latter possibility, Guinevere straightened up and cried out, “No! Please do not say that! There must be something I can do for you! Elder, please give me the opportunity. Please give me the answer I seek. I will do anything for you!”
“I am,” the Elder responded calmly and feebly. “I am giving you the answer.”
“Letting go is not the answer!” Guinevere cried in a panic.
She found herself wishing she had taken off for a flight through the night. If she were not here now maybe this conversation would not have taken place at all. At the very least, it would have been postponed. It was too soon. It was far too soon to give up.
“I am not,” the Elder said between heavy breaths, “letting go.”
Guinevere stopped for a moment and looked down into those glassy eyes she had not seen on any other dragon. She wanted to ask what the Elder actually meant to say but knew that any urging at this time would not only be pointless, it would be insensitive.
“It is time to call on Althaeda.”
Guinevere remained quiet. She knew who Althaeda was but only by name. She was the regional healer dragon. She was one reputed to be so great clans of dragons sought her out far and wide. Althaeda was not a dragon healer called upon unless the situation was dire. Guinevere knew her Elder’s situation definitely fell under such a description but to hear it said aloud with such certainty made her heart tremble with worry.
“I shall call upon her, as you wish.”
Guinevere bowed out of the cave and spread her wings. She would be taking off into the night after all but it was not to feel a moment of liberation or clarity.
Chapter Two
It was nearly dawn when Guinevere reached the area where Althaeda was rumored to reside when not out attending to an ailing dragon. She arrived at the foot of the large nest constructed by Mother Nature and stared up at the slowly lightening sky. It was of good manner to wait until the sun rose and announce her arrival but she feared her Elder could not afford to wait. So Guinevere took the courage to enter only one step and call out.
“Madame Althaeda, I come from a clan in the deep of the forest on a special request of the utmost urgency,” Guinevere announced loudly.
She waited with baited breath, ears picking up every little sound in hopes a positive response would soon be heard. There was nothing for what felt like an eternity but even Guinevere knew better than to be too pushy. Finally, just as the sun crested over the horizon, she heard a grunt. There was shuffling, a louder grunt, and a bit of scraping.
“All who seek me are on a mission of utmost urgency,” she finally called out unsympathetically.
"Madame Althaeda, I do understand the weight of your statement. I should only hope for you to grant me an audience to explain in the hopes of acquiring your assistance."
“Wait out a while longer and I’ll meet with you.”
Guinevere did not much like the idea of waiting around for an indeterminate amount of time but she knew there was no choice. At this moment in time, the healer was just about her only option and no risk was worth compromising the already severely failing health of her Elder. So Guinevere moved to the clearing in front of the healer's nest and sat, long and thin neck stretched out with her head pointed at the sky. She retracted her wings and held them tight, a nervous habit she'd acquired from a young age. She huffed a sorrowful sound as the sun began its daily ascent. The waiting felt like it could kill her.
Finally, when she felt she could wait no longer, a loud sound came from within the nest. Not more than a second later, a large and snow-white dragon appeared at its entrance. The dragon was smaller framed and thin, with feathered wings and a long mane of silky, straight white hair. Althaeda’s appearance brought a feeling of serenity, white all over save for the jet-black eyes.
“Why have you called upon me?”
“My Elder is deathly ill and has sent me in search of you,” Guinevere responded. She wanted to launch into a greater explanation and describe in great detail the condition of her Elder. However, she knew it was wisest to answer Althaeda’s questions simply.
Althaeda spread her white, feathery wings and glided down swiftly to where Guinevere stood. She stood tall and straight, beady eyes surveying the dragon before her carefully. Guinevere was solid black save for the silvery blue plate running up the center of her body and along the bones of her gossamer wings. Once Althaeda had sized her up and perhaps memorized her look, she asked, “What is your name?”
“Guinevere,” she repeated quietly. Something about the way she asked the next question made it seem like she knew the Elder in question. “Tell me about the illness.”
“My Elder has been left weak, barely able to stand upright. Food is rarely consumed and even speaking is difficult.”
“And you are sure your Elder is deathly ill?”
“Yes,” Guinevere responded brokenly. She looked quickly away from Althaeda and up at the sky. It was difficult to say it out loud to another dragon. She could not even come to terms with it herself in silence in the dead of night.
“Very well,” Althaeda said, “Lead the way.”
As Guinevere spread her wings and took flight, she wanted to ask if there was nothing the healer needed to take on the journey. As they zoomed over the sprawling forest, so expansive that humans never ventured anywhere near the area, she could not help but wonder what the healer’s methods were. How was it possible to just take off from one second to the next? She had no herbs or special medicines with her, at least not that Guinevere could see. But these were not questions to be asked because it could be perceived as questioning the legitimacy and even knowledge of such a renowned healer. If dragons often sought her out and hers was a name known to everyone, surely there was merit behind such reputation.
The journey was long and quiet save for the sounds of the huffing from both dragons and the gentle flapping of their wings. Guinevere flapped more often than Althaeda, but it was not just because her wingspan was shorter. Despite her Elder’s best attempts, Guinevere had never quite mastered the art of gliding gracefully through the skies. She’d seen baby birds flap fretfully only inches away from the safety of their nests and felt she looked nearly the same. Only she was a large dragon, a creature to strike fear in the hearts of many. Her appearance may have been beautiful and quite unique, but she lacked the poise of other dragons she’d encountered sporadically in her clan.
They finally arrived when the sun was closer to setting for the day. Guinevere could only hope this would not interfere with Althaeda’s evaluation of her Elder. She feared another day passing could not be afforded at this point. Guinevere stepped inside the cave cautiously, not wanting to startle the ill and sleeping dragon. In the waning light entering the cave, Guinevere’s heart trembled once again with worry and sorrow. The once majestic body, large and silver with curved horns and large talons along the wings, was lying in a quivering heap on the cave floor. Small sounds came from it of pain and discomfort, sounds Guinevere had never heard before if not from her own mouth.
“My Elder, Althaeda has arrived with me,” Guinevere announced in a soft voice.
The Elder’s head lifted a mere inch off the ground, eyes peeking open for a fraction of a second, before collapsing down once more. Guinevere turned away and took a moment before heading out to invite the healer inside.
ou must wait out here,” Althaeda told Guinevere.
“Madame Althaeda, I fear I cannot comply with your request. I must be by my Elder’s side.”
At this defiance, Althaeda rounded on Guinevere with stern eyes and a menacing aura. “It was not a request,” she warned. She stared Guinevere down for a few seconds before turning back to face the mouth of the cave. She then emitted a drawn out, low screech before entering.
Guinevere walked to the mouth of the cave and waited beside it, eyes looking straight ahead into the darkness forming slowly between the thick of the forest trees. If she had thought the wait for Althaeda to exit her nest had felt like ages, this one was eternal.
Chapter Three
The sun had set and the night progressed but Althaeda still remained inside the cave with Guinevere’s Elder. Not so much as a sound of shuffling or hushed whispers had reached her ear and Guinevere was starting to wonder if she would ever know what was happening. She once again looked to the dark sky dotted with shining orbs and wished to fly away. She wanted to sail into the night and not look back for a long time, but only if it somehow meant she was not abandoning her Elder. Lost in her thoughts, she wailed out mournfully into the night. She curled up at the side of the cave’s mouth and waited impatiently for an answer or anything at all. Her eyelids grew heavy with tiredness and her body threatened to fall into a slumber. After all, she had not slept at all since she left to fetch Althaeda.
She refused to give in to the tiredness of her body. She wanted to be awake and as alert as possible the instant there was news. As if reading her mind, Althaeda swept out of the cave and onto the clearing immediately in front of it. She turned to look at Guinevere with a look that relayed the unfavorable news.
“No,” whispered Guinevere. She stood up and moved to stand in front of the healer. “Please tell me there is hope. I beg of you.”
Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance Page 60