Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance

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Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance Page 65

by Veronica Cross

  “That’s what I thought,” Doran sniggered. She saw him reach out and grab the man’s shoulder. It must have hurt because the man winced. “Run along now. It’s late and you know how bad things have a knack of happening at night.”

  The man stared at him and mouthed something but Guinevere could not make it out. She doubted if even Doran was able to make it out. The man turned on his heel and took off in the opposite direction. She saw Doran remain still, watching until the man’s running figure disappeared into the darkness. He turned slowly and she immediately dropped to the floor, heart racing. She hated that now it was frightening to think of what he might do should he catch her eavesdropping.

  She heard his footsteps approaching and realized he would become suspicious if he found her in the bedroom. She darted into the main room and collapsed on the couch, chest heaving. He came inside and looked at her for a moment before working to get a fire going in the fireplace. He was silent the entire time and she could feel the bad energy coming from him. It was the first time she counted down the seconds for him to leave. Even the first night had not been this distressful. He stood up and turned to look at her with a smile. Somehow it looked contorted now, like a wicked grin.

  Doran walked over to her and leaned down, wrapping his arm around her waist. She flinched and looked into his eyes. He pulled her up and asked, “Everything okay?”

  Guinevere nodded. It was a blatant lie but it was the only way to be safe. He looked deep into her eyes and she could feel him trying to read her. She closed them and tilted her head slightly to one side. Then she felt his lips press against hers. Before she had time to think, she pushed him off her and shook her head. He stared at her, whether it was in confusion or anger she could not be sure.


  “Don’t worry about it,” he croaked.

  He turned around and walked straight out the door. She walked outside to watch him run off to his house, wanting to be sure he made it inside. And that was when she saw it– a signal only the dragons knew. Smoke curled into the night sky; smoke made from burning a special kind of branch hidden deep in the forest where the dragon clans lived. It was a signal that let her know it was time to return, whether she had gathered everything or not.

  Chapter Ten

  Guinevere ran. She ran as fast as she could without drawing attention to herself, a sack full of the acquired items clutched tightly in her hand. The run felt eternal as her eyes were fixed on the curling billows of smoke. She ran and ran, with only one thing on her mind– her Elder. This could not be it. This could not be the signal that she was too late and life had been lost. She did not have everything. She'd tried her best. Every fiber of her being longed to transform back into a dragon to fly speedily over the canopy of trees until reaching home. She knew it was not safe. She knew it would put everyone in danger. She ran and ran until she finally reached the area of the forest marked for safety.

  Then she sped. She moved so quickly through the forest she could hear the wind tunneling in her ears. She made her way through the thickening trees so quickly the tears spilling from the corners of her eyes flew off her face in a streak. Her eyes searched desperately for the first glimpse of a sign she could transform back into a dragon and fly. Even when her journey had seemed long and frightening at the start, it was nothing compared to this moment. She looked up but could not see the sky through the leaves of the tall trees. And then she saw it– safety. She pushed her body to move faster than it ever had until she reached that line and transformed into a dragon at once.

  Her skeleton stretched and curved. Scaled burst out over her skin and she felt like she was exploding out of a small bag. She grabbed the sack with her teeth and took off flying into the night. If she flew fast enough she would arrive before sunrise. It had to be a record time for a dragon to arrive at that clan's territory from the nearest human town. She soared through the skies and beat her wings, feeling like she was moving too slow. She beat and beat her wings and stretched her neck forward until soreness moved through her. She kept going, the thought of her Elder keeping her up. Sure enough, she arrived before sunrise. She skidded to a halt at the mouth of the cave and Althaeda rushed out at once, an alarmed look on her face.

  “Please tell me my Elder has not–”

  “It is not that! Come inside! Quickly!”

  Guinevere followed Althaeda in and her heart broke immediately when she saw her elder collapsed on the cave’s floor, looking frailer than ever. The body shuddered every few seconds and a weak whimper could be heard. The condition had worsened significantly.

  “Show me what you have,” Althaeda commanded.

  Guinevere placed the sack on the floor and it opened to reveal its contents. Althaeda sifted through them and separated them into two piles, muttering to herself. She looked up at Guinevere and then over to her Elder.

  “You have brought back everything at least for one of the treatments.”

  “It was difficult. I can acquire the rest.”

  “Not now. There is no time,” she said, looking over at the Elder, “We need one to get through this and then we will see. Then we will see.”

  “Madame Althaeda, please, what is happening?”

  “We must leave with haste. A band of dragons this way comes. They are trouble dragons and your Elder cannot withstand a battle or anything they may try. The best thing we can do is have your Elder gather just enough strength to travel with assistance.”

  Terror filled Guinevere. She looked at the weak body on the floor and thought it impossible to travel safely or in time. She had no idea what dragons these were that posed a threat but if even Althaeda was in a panic, surely it was something to worry greatly about. For Guinevere, however, her greatest point of concern was her Elder.

  “How long will it take?”

  “If I start now and this works, we can leave not long after the sun rises.”

  Guinevere stood at the mouth of the cave on guard as Althaeda worked on the Elder. She looked up at the sky and watched the color lighten little by little. She silently hoped everything would work out. Her Elder's condition was delicate enough without having to face yet another challenge. She felt resentment toward the trouble dragons that wanted to come and ravage the land she called home. It was incomprehensible to have such a greedy, heartless character. Doran flashed in her mind. She shut her eyes and faced down, feeling like she was back in her human form just for a fraction of a second. The last thing Guinevere wanted to believe was that he was as terrible of a being as the trouble dragons heading their way. It was more heartbreak than she could handle.

  The sun rose and she looked into the cave but there were no signs of her Elder being strong enough for travel. As the sun slowly made its way across the sky, she began to fear the treatment had not worked. “What if it doesn’t work? I’ll have to stay behind with my Elder. I cannot take off to safety in good conscience. I have to wage the battle.”

  “That will not be necessary,” said a weakened version of a familiar voice.

  Guinevere turned to see her Elder resting against the side of the cave right by the opening. She felt joy swell up in her chest and she looked up at the sky, opening her mouth and expelling fire in celebration.

  “It worked! You’re better,” Guinevere called out happily.

  "Let us not get ahead of ourselves. We do not know what my condition shall be when we arrive at our refuge… If I arrive.”

  “Please do not say such things,” Guinevere beseeched.

  “Let us go,” Althaeda interrupted, “For we know not how far off those dragons are.”

  The three of them took off in flight, Althaeda and Guinevere flying just below the Elder in the case of a collapse. They made their way slowly in a direction Guinevere had never been. She had no idea how far their destination was or what clan they would now be united with. She did not even know what had become of the rest of her clan. The sun had just begun to set when Althaeda began to descend. Guinevere followed suit, careful to make su
re her Elder was still in decent condition. Her heart trembled with sadness when she saw the heavy eyes filled with the pain of her Elder.

  “We are nearly there,” Althaeda reassured them.

  They landed in a large clearing surrounded by large boulders, where a green dragon stood. There were two other green dragons flanking him, but they were smaller. Althaeda approached them as Guinevere helped her Elder rest back on one of the boulders. She did not bother to overhear the conversation. Instead, she fretted over the state in which she saw the old, white dragon she had always shared her life with. Althaeda then walked over to them and informed a dwelling had been prepared in advance. The green dragon led the way and although he was not very amiable, he welcomed them to his clan’s land. It was strange for Guinevere to be in such a structured hierarchy of dragons, having come from a clan that rarely interacted.

  “You cannot leave,” Althaeda muttered to her later that night as the Elder slept.

  “But the other items…”

  “As much as they are needed, you cannot leave your Elder just yet. You must remain here for at least three days and then inform the leader of your journey.”


  “Guinevere, do not question their ways or authority! Do not disrespect their clan! They have welcomed you with open arms, indefinitely. They will care for your Elder in your absence. They will alert you of anything necessary. Must you really ask for reasoning?”

  Guinevere stayed quiet and lowered her head in apology. This would take much getting used to but she was thankful they were somewhere safe now. Her stomach growled and she knew her Elder must be hungry as well. But now she did not know if it was acceptable to just go out and hunt. She cautiously asked Althaeda who flew off to have a meeting with the green dragon in order to relay important customs of this clan and their land. Guinevere, meanwhile, sat beside the sleeping Elder. She watched the white chest fall and rise. She heard the whimpers of discomfort and pain.

  She looked up at the sky and wished to fly away more than ever. How had she lost her home so suddenly? Everything had changed so drastically. And if her Elder did die, her life would never be the same. She could not help but think of Doran and wonder what it was he was doing. She questioned whether or not he even cared about her sudden disappearance. Would he remember her? Would he miss her? She felt sadness weigh down on her with thoughts of her sick Elder and the disillusionment of Doran. She was so disappointed in herself for engaging in an act of intimacy with a human all because she had been unable to keep her emotions under control. She did not even know what it was, exactly, that she felt for Doran. What she did know was that, in spite of it all, she missed him.

  Althaeda returned later with food for bother her and the Elder. “You can hunt however and whenever you would like,” she informed Guinevere, “But this welcome offering has been sent to you.”

  Guinevere gratefully took the food and helped her Elder eat first. It was a painstaking process that left the old, white body more exhausted than before. Guinevere knew the next three days would feel longer than any other period of time before.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I have to confess to something.”

  “What is it, my sweet Guinevere?”

  “I hate to burden you in your state, my Elder.”

  “You are never a burden to me.”

  “I met a human. He helped me.”

  “You were cautious?”

  “Yes, but not enough.”

  “What happened?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t understand it.”

  “Ah. You grew to care for him.”


  “Is he a good man?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Guinevere soared through the night over the forest on her way back to the human town. She was to avoid Doran. Even her Elder could not tell her with certainty not to be wary of his actions.

  “I can certainly see why you are confused. Be careful,” her Elder had said.

  Guinevere flew and flew until it was time to hit the forest floor running. As she ran, she knew she could not show up to town the way she previously had. She stopped and placed her hand to the bark of a tree. She closed her eyes and focused. As she turned into her human form, she willed her wings to cover her in a different way than they had before. It was a floor length dress, straight, with long sleeves. It had a cape-like element that allowed her to pull her hair back and cover it. Only a tall figure draped in black would be seen. Perhaps it was not inconspicuous but it was the best she could do. She ran. She ran until the edge of town came into view. The sun had just broken over the horizon and the sky was lightening. She could not waste time in acquiring the final few items.

  But as she approached the town she saw him in a field. She stopped for a moment, breathing heavily. As much as her mind screamed for her to get away before he spotted her, she could not tear her eyes away. He was even more stunning than she remembered. He captivated her every bit as much as before. She wanted to feel his warm embrace and his lips against her lips once more. She wanted him to touch her until pleasure rushed through her body. She wanted to be close to him but knew it was not for the best. He could have been a dangerous man and she was none the wiser.

  “Dangerous,” she muttered under her breath.

  That word alone was more than enough to make her run in the opposite direction. She ran faster than she should have; her thoughts were focused only on getting as far away from him as quickly as possible and nothing more. By the time she realized she was running at a speed not possible for a mere human, she was already out in the middle of nowhere. She stopped and breathed heavily. There was nobody around but horror flooded her anyway.

  “I’ve given away my secret,” she cried out to the emptiness.

  Not knowing what to do, she took off running in the same direction. Surely there had to be another human town if she kept running. Perhaps the final few items could be acquired there and she would never have to set foot in Doran's town again. It was about a half a day's worth of a run until she finally saw the edges of another town come into view. Even at a distance, it was very different from the other town.

  She approached it with caution. It was a good thing evening had not fallen yet. The buildings were dark and the people milling about looked unfriendly. As she moved closer, Guinevere began to feel uncomfortable. Still, she pressed on. She walked forward with long strides and upright posture. Even if she was afraid on the inside, she had to look strong on the outside. But as she started to walk through the streets the great differences between this town’s people and the ones she’d seen with Doran truly stood out. Here, everyone stared at her as well. But there were no looks of awe. People leered at her. They reminded her of the man who had visited Doran on the night she saw the ugly side of him. They looked dangerous, especially when they continued to malignantly stare at her.

  She slowed her walk to a stop and thought it might be best to return. Perhaps running into Doran was still the safer bet. As she stood deliberating, a small and old woman limped toward her. Guinevere looked at her and an eerie feeling crept down her spine.

  “I know everything you don’t want me to know,” the old woman hissed.

  Guinevere felt chills run all over her. Without a word, she took off running. She did not pay attention to the direction in which she ran, all she wanted was to get away from the old woman and all the other townspeople. When she was finally somewhere on the outskirts and away from them all, she took off running back in the direction of the other town. Out of all the decisions she had made since the start of this journey, this had been the worst one.

  Trusting and becoming close to Doran was not the mistake. Trying so desperately to avoid him to the point of putting herself in danger had been had been her error. As she ran toward the other town and night began to set in, she wondered if the old woman truly knew her secret. And if that were the case, what did it mean for Guinevere and the other dragons? None of it was safe. Now she understood why
both her Elder and Althaeda had warned of the dangers of walking amongst the humans. Even when being cautious, it was possible to face pitfalls.

  She continued to run but was careful to watch her speed the entire time. Perhaps she ran faster than most humans but it was not to what she was fully capable. Even late at night in the middle of nowhere, Guinevere could not risk being spotted. When the outskirts of town came into view she slowed down significantly. It was not just to play it safe, it was also because a part of her was putting off going back. She no longer had a place to stay or anyone to talk to. This time she was truly on her own.

  Just as the gravity of that thought hit her she spotted a figure standing in wait. She approached with caution and, with a shock, saw it was Doran.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Guinevere,” he said coarsely.

  She stared at him. Her mind was racing. She did not know if it was better to run away or stand and face him. But as she looked at his handsome face and felt his strong energy, her strong resolve started to crumble. Thinking of all his kindness toward her made her rethink her conclusion that perhaps he was not a good man after all. She recalled the night he confided in her about his reputation and how she could tell he was soft at his core. Had she been wrong? Or was she wrong now? It was all too confusing.

  “Guinevere,” he repeated, “Why did you disappear? Where did you go?”

  She looked away from him and shook her head.

  “How- how is it possible for you to run so fast?”

  Guinevere heard his footsteps fall and draw nearer to her. She felt her heart begin to thump in her chest.

  “Guinevere,” he said, voice so close to her she knew he was standing too near, “What are you?”

  “Please don’t ask me questions I cannot answer,” a shaken Guinevere pleaded.


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