Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance

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Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance Page 87

by Veronica Cross

  “Are you okay?” Llewis asked the immediately, wrapping his arms around her nakedness. She didn’t mind, he had seen her naked a lot of times anyway.

  Tears streamed down her face as things sank in her brain. Her cousin died to save her. And Llewis ended up killing her Uncle Jomari.

  It’s all because of me…

  What more reason could there be?

  ”Have you seen, Papa?” she managed to mumble in between light sobs.

  “He’s safe. He’s with Edmund.”

  “I’m sorry…” she grumbled, feeling guilty. She ruined everything for Llewis or should she call him Jacob?


  “I’m so sorry… I didn’t want this to happen.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Pulling away, Miranda looked at Llewis straight in the eyes, trying to see any emotion from them. But those orbs were blank. And she couldn’t even take a guess what’s going on his mind.

  She felt his hands wiping away her tears, comforting her.

  “You don’t need to apologize. Nobody wanted any of this to happen…”

  Miranda started to recover her senses – this time much powerful than what she had when she was just a normal human being. She could smell blood all over the place and Llewis was literally bathed with it.

  “D-D-Did y-you k-kill all of them?” she gasped in horror, hearing the loud pounding in her chest. Her sorrow was immediately replaced with fear as she watched the man infront of her very intently.

  The man she adored killed over a dozen of people. She trembled in fear, moving away from him, dragging her body against the carpeted floor.


  “No… don’t come closer.”

  “I just-“

  “Stop there.”


  “I don’t want to hear anything. Just stay away from me!” she shrieked. Everything happened too fast and she was not in the proper state of mind to absorb all of it.

  8 New Beginning

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Miranda heard her father, Marco Walker, ask her for the nth time. She had packed her bags and was more than ready to take the next flight to Italy.

  It has been two weeks since the incident of her turning. Over the past week, she had managed to control the wolf in her. And she wanted to get space and air away from everything.

  This is the only way to mend my broken heart.

  She had never seen Llewis ever since that night. Day after day, she waited for him to show up. But she couldn’t sense his presence. His familiar scent was not even around.

  Of course, he’s mourning for the loss of his mate. How stupid of you?

  She wanted to see him before leaving. But Miranda knew better. She never meant anything for him. The days they spent together were nothing. She was just a mere diversion. And seeing her would only remind him of Marcella – the woman he truly loves.

  A night before, she heard her father talking over the phone with Llewis. He was appointed as her father’s successor after learning that he was an alpha. He received praise and the trust of the pack, believing that he could take on the responsibility of her father in the future.

  Miranda believed in him.

  But she couldn’t imagine herself staying in the woods. She was born human and being a wolf wouldn’t stop her from living like she always did. She wanted to achieve her dreams and become a doctor. She would fall in love and have a family of her own – just like she planned.

  You already fell in love with someone, her alter-ego reminded.

  I could fall in love again when the pain goes away.

  She might have spent a short time with Llewis but she knew herself better than anyone else. Getting over him would not be an easy task. But she has to.

  “I’ll call you when I get there,” she said, kissing her father on the forehead.

  Going to Italy was not just about moving on or getting a new kind of environment. After learning about her mother, Miranda noted that she would find her. But that was a secret. She didn’t want her father to worry about her – worse, stop her.

  She wanted to meet her mother so bad.

  “You know you can visit me anytime if you want,” she joked, giving her father one last kiss on the forehead. She felt him pet her head and nodded.

  “I will, princess.”

  With that, Miranda left Wakerlin with a smile on her face. She felt good to have her father back. But her heart felt empty.

  Goodbye, she uttered quietly, getting on the private plane, a few minutes after arriving in the airport. She was not expecting to sense Llewis but she was half-heartedly waiting for him. But there was no trace of his scent.

  He is not coming, idiot.

  Miranda settled on her seat as the plane took off. She wanted to cry but it’s useless. She had decided to forget about him and leaving was the only way.

  Spending hours in solitude, she pressed her eyes closed and tried to plan the things she wanted to do when she arrives in Italy. Her father have arranged everything for her comfort and bought her an apartment in Venice. She was also told that a man named Mason Jones would be waiting for her arrival in the airport.

  Excitement started to crawl in her body as her mind drifted to the places in Venice. The possibility if finding her mother was the best thing she could ever imagine. She tried to relax and rested for the whole journey, expecting a new chapter for her life to get written.

  "For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belts fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign."

  Miranda shot up from her seat upon hearing the message. She was in a deep sleep. Thirty-two hours have passed but she was not able to eat a thing. She spent the entire flight sleeping.

  We’re here!

  When Miranda exited the arrival area, a man in his late thirties was holding a placard with her name on it. He was tall and had black wavy locks that lay just on his shoulders, giving him a move masculine aura. His nose was sharp and crooked matched with a pair of deep brown eyes. His brows were thick as well as he stubble beard.

  An artist, eh? Painter, maybe.

  “Hi,” she greeted, extending an arm. “I’m Miranda Walker. Are you Mason Jones?”

  “Hello, welcome to Italy,” the man replied, shaking her hand. There was a weird smile on his face that was giving Miranda goose bumps. “I’m Mason. It’s nice to meet you. Finally.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” she found herself answering timidly when he squeezed her hand.

  Is he interested in me or something? Is he trying to flirt?

  She shook her head and swallowed hard before looking away from Mason. He was looking at her like a specimen under a microscope.

  “Shall we?”

  “Y-Yeah, sure.” Mason took her luggage and carried it to the cab that was waiting for them. He looked startled and somehow excited. And it’s getting on her nerves.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she questioned when it finally ticked her off.

  “Am I making you uncomfortable?” he inquired from the front seat. The taxicab driver was stealing glances of her from the rear-view mirror as well.

  “Yes, you do.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just reminded of my little sister when I saw you,” he said, shaking his head.

  Miranda was surprised with his fluency. English was definitely his mother tongue with the way he uttered words. He didn’t sound like he was having a hard time talking to her.

  “Are you sure you’re Italian?” she voiced out.

  “Yes, why?”

  “You don’t sound like one.”

  9 Reunion

  It didn’t take too long for Miranda to feel comfortable with Mason. He was friendly, the kind that made her feel like she had an older brother. She also learned that Mason was a painter and architect.

  “What was your sister like?” she asked when they took a right turn in an alley

  “I-I don’t really remember.” He smiled bitterly. “We were too young when we parted our ways.”

  “What happened?” she didn’t want to pry but curiosity was eating her.

  “Our parents decided to get separated.”

  She felt sorry for him. But she knew she didn’t have the right to. They were in the same boat.

  “That’s sad,” she commented, looking out of the window.

  “Nah, it’s okay. At least she gets to live comfortably with my Dad,” he said, chuckling softly.

  “Where are we heading?” They were in the suburbs. She thought Mason was taking her to her new apartment which was supposedly in Venice – city proper.

  “To your apartment.”

  “I was told that my apartment would be in the city.”

  Mason laughed.

  “Of course you were, or else you wouldn’t go alone.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Dad must have known your hidden agenda for coming here,” Mason answered laughing out loud.

  “What are you saying?” she asked confusingly.

  “You’ve grown so much,” Mason said, reaching out to pet her head.

  “Who are you?” she asked firmly, trying to snap out of Mason’s weird manner.

  “Hello, Miranda. I’m Mason Jones,” he spoke in an animated voice. “I’m your long lost big brother. It’s nice to see you.”

  With that, Miranda started dialing on her phone. Her father was the only person who could answer the questions that were popping in her mind. Was she really related to this weird guy?

  Pity, he’s such a good catch.

  “Hello, Papa,” she blurted the moment her father picked up. “I arrived in Venice safely but unfortunately I’m with a weird guy who is claiming to be my brother. And you told me I would get to live in an apartment in the city. Why are you sending me into some god-forsaken-who-knows-where place with who-knows-who?” she in exasperation very quickly.

  Miranda didn’t get any answer to any of her dilemma because Mason took her phone away and started talking on the line.

  “Hello Dad,” he spoke with a sly grin on his mouth. “Yeah, I did expect a brat. But this is way too much,” he laughed heartily, making the younger sibling pout in annoyance.

  Mason nodded a few times before saying, “Yeah. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Give me that,” Miranda hissed pulling the gadget away from her newly-found relative.

  No wonder he speaks fluent English.

  She studied Mason’s face a bit longer and found out the resemblance he had with her father. They both had deep brown eyes and that crooked nose. He also got Marco Walker’s thick stubble beard. And their hair… they have the same hair.

  “Don’t get the wrong idea. We’re siblings,” Mason teased, wiggling his brows, snapping her back to reality.

  “In your dreams,” she growled, rolling her eyes. She had always wondered what it felt to have a sibling. But Miranda was starting to regret for wishing to have one. It has not been an hour and Mason was already getting into her nerves.


  “They said you’re going to Medical School this fall,” she heard him spoke in a normal tone.

  “Yeah,” she nodded, “it has always been my dream to be a doctor.”

  “Are you sure you can do it?”

  “Of course.”

  “I mean, you know. It’s going to be really hard.” A hint of worry was in his voice and she knew what he meant.

  Yes, it would be an easy task if she was human. But now that she had turned into a wolf, smelling blood would be a nasty business to deal with. But she knew she could.

  What Miranda Walker wants; she gets – either by hook or by crook.

  I just need to get used to the smell of human blood.

  “I can deal with it.”

  “You can always think of something else, you know.”

  “Like what?” she asked, as if Mason’s suggested would be of good used.

  “I can’t answer that, you know. It is you who should choose what you wanted to do with your life…” her older brother looked at her then smiled, “It must be something that interests you.”

  Interest? I don’t have much interest on anything aside from human anatomy, she thought.

  Yes, you do, her mind responded.


  Llewis Summers.

  Oh, shut up.

  “I don’t know…” she murmured softly.

  The rest of the trip was quiet and Miranda was enjoying the scenery when she smelled something familiar. It was a mixture of a man’s after shave and perfume mixed with sweat. The scent she has been yearning for weeks…

  “We’re here,” Mason announced when the cab parked infront of a cozy-looking townhouse.

  She didn’t say a word and vacated the vehicle. She inhaled, letting the air fill her lungs. Llewis was stronger and more stable. She closed her eyes, letting the wind touch her face, breathing in the scent of the man she loves.

  Pervert, her mind teased. But she didn’t care. She was glad he was somewhere near her.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked the moment her eyes peeled open. Llewis was standing right by main door of the townhouse.

  “Dude, I’m so sorry. My sister’s a bit perverted. She must have smelled something good,” she heard Mason, trying to make fun of her.

  “Sister?” Llewis repeated.

  “Shut up,” she hissed, glaring at her brother.

  “Alright, alright,” Mason raised both of his hands in surrender. “What’s up with you two? Do you know each other?”

  “No,” Miranda answered immediately.

  “Yes,” Llewis’ voice was deep and as usual, it was giving her the creeps. Oh, how much she missed his voice.

  Mason cleared his throat, sensing the heavy tension in the air.

  “Well, you should sort that out. Mom’s not going to be so happy when she hears about this,” Mason commented, dragging her luggage out of the taxicab’s trunk.

  “Is she here?” Miranda’s face brightened up upon the mention of her mother. She quickly followed Mason, leaving Llewis behind. Finding her mother was agenda in going to Italy. She would deal with him later.

  Or maybe not. We don’t have anything to talk about.

  “Mama Mia!” A woman in her late forties gasped in surprise when Miranda entered the living room. The woman was reading a book, sitting on the sofa with her legs raised on the center table.

  The spark of happiness on the woman’s face was visible the minute Miranda appeared. The woman had brown wavy hair and sharp nose. Her lips were pinkish and she had a heart-shaped face. And despite the aged appearance, Miranda could tell that she was one innocent beauty. Her eyes were a bit bigger but the kind that looked friendly.

  “B-Baby…” the old woman managed to utter, rising from her seat.

  Tears welled Miranda’s eyes when she heard the word. The woman was her mother… there’s no doubt to it. They looked so alike.

  “M-Mama…” Miranda spoke, feeling a lump on her throat. She was never able to see her mother ever since she was young. Now that she was finally standing right infront of the woman who gave birth to her, she didn’t know how to explain what she feels.

  Taking a step forward, Miranda embraced her mother. She didn’t know what to say, instead, she found herself crying stupidly.

  “Oh, come on,” she heard Mason protesting. But he joined them anyway.

  Miranda’s first day in her mother’s place was the last time she had seen Llewis. She learned that Llewis was one who brings her mother and brother news about her whereabouts. He was her bodyguard, after all.

  As much as she wanted to forget about him, her heart seemed to do the opposite. Day and night, Miranda find herself spacing out, wondering how he was or what he was doing.

  Did I ever cross his mind?

  Heaving a deep breath, she settled on the reclining chair and enjoyed the breeze. She was under the shady tree in th
e gazebo.

  After spending a few weeks in her mother’s place, Miranda realized how refreshing it was to live away from the city. The air was fresh and quiet. She enjoyed nature and its wonders. She also found herself liking the view of every sunset.

  Her mom enjoys sewing and cooking. Miranda learned to cook a few dishes but Mason would say she was far from getting better, so she stopped. Her older brother loved teasing her, making her swear to throw him into one of the dungeons when they go back to Wakerlin.

  “What’s bothering you?” she heard Mason’s ever annoying voice.

  “Nothing,” she murmured, letting the sunrays touch her face. The sun was starting to set.

  Mason scoffed, making her open her eyes.

  “You will never get yourself a boyfriend if you continue acting like that, Signorina,” he said before sipping from the cup of tea he was holding.

  “Don’t call me that,” she growled, punching him on the side.

  “You know, during this time of the day, I’m always reminded of Liza,” Mason’s voice suddenly became serious. There was a bitter smile on his face, as well.

  “Who’s Liza?”

  “Yeah, she was my wife,” Mason chuckled, shaking his head softly.

  “You’re married?” Miranda gasped. Mason was married? “She must’ve been crazy for marrying someone like you,” she snorted, directing her attention back to the setting of the sun.

  “Yeah, she was,” he agreed. His voice sounded lonely, making the younger sibling turn back to him.

  “What do you mean ‘she was’?”

  “She left me,” Mason voice started to crack. His eyes were focused to the horizon.

  “Oh, that’s sad.”

  “You see, people we love tend to leave us,” he murmured.


  “Why is that? I always ask myself.”

  “I don’t know,” she replied, watching the sun which has finally set. The orange sky seems to know the feeling they were having. And the sunrays were keeping them warm from the emptiness they were in.

  “Maybe because I didn’t love her enough,” her older brother said in between clicking of his tongue. “Or maybe she never really loved me.”


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