Legon Awakening l-1

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Legon Awakening l-1 Page 34

by Nicholas Taylor

  “Take it out and have a look.”

  The sheath showed that the blade, whatever it was called, was just slightly longer than a hand and a half, but it was significantly wider. Legon gripped the overly long handle and pulled. like the fenrra, the sword slid out silently. He held it vertically in front of his face, examining it. It was a match to the fenrra in all but the width, which was close to six inches. he instantly felt the balance. like the fenrra, the handle was a counter weight, but why so wide? It was also very light for a weapon this size.

  “Is it hollow?” Legon asked, stunned.

  “Very astute of you. in a way, it is. This is a fenna, or a Venefica Battle Sword, as some like to call them,” Sydin explained.

  “A what?” Legon asked.

  “You see, crystals break; they’re brittle, so you can’t make the core of a sword out of them. but there are some metals that hold magic, and those can form the core of a sword. Although the metals lose power much faster than crystals, you can still see the potential.”

  “So you can use these to do magic. but I still don’t see what makes that so special. can you kill easier with them or something?” Legon asked.

  “Well, yes and no. they give you a certain edge. what most do is imbue the blade with wards that affect only the blade. then if, say, a ball of fire is shot at you, then you can deflect it with the blade and not tax your own wards. They are impractical for offensive magic.”

  “Why is that?” Legon asked

  “You know that magic is affected by space, so a ward only has to protect the surface of the blade, which is very close. Never does it have to affect anything that’s not itself. if it does it takes much more energy.”

  “But you could still do it?” Legon asked.

  “Yes, you could. you may try and kill a dragon, for example. they have wards that help against swords and claws, so you could use the energy to get past those wards and more important, the wards that help the dragon heal after getting hurt. But I make this warning to you now, Un Prosa: if you used the fenna in that way it will take all of the blade’s energy, then you are stuck with an oversize fenna against a dragon. so pick your attack well or don’t try it at all,” Sydin said.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Now, did Arkin teach you how to fill objects with magic?” Sydin asked.

  “Yes, he did.”

  “Good. Fill the sword as much as you can over the next few hours as we have lunch.”

  After that they went and ate lunch with Iselin and Sasha. Iselin seemed to be irritated about something, but she wasn’t letting on. Sasha told him about her test with Iselin. she went on to say just how fast and graceful Iselin was and how powerful she was when using magic.

  “You fought with magic?” Legon asked.

  “Yes, and your sister did very well,” Iselin said.

  Ise wrapped her arm around Sasha and squeezed.

  “Did her minor help her at all?” Legon wondered.

  “Yes, it did. She is very good with elements like metal, fire, and water. I want to start working with her on crystals as soon as we can. I think that she will show promise in that area.”

  Sasha beamed at Legon. he was happy to see her doing well. No one other than family had ever told Sasha she was good at something or doing well, or at least they didn’t to her face. He knew just how much Iselin’s praise meant to her.

  “That’s good. We need as many people as we can working with them,” Sydin said.

  After lunch Legon was to have his test with the fenrra and magic. Sydin said that because Iselin saw him fight with magic once before, they would go straight to working with the blade and magic together. Sasha and Iselin were to join them for this. Sydin explained how to activate spells in the fenrra.

  Legon gripped the handle. there were four gold bars that moved down it and into the blade, providing a faster connection. it felt odd in his hand. once charged, it moved differently. It was connected with him, and as such it felt like a small extension of his arm, but an extension that almost seemed to think for itself.

  Sydin pulled out a fenrra of his own and stood opposite Legon. Iselin had been giving Legon new spells to learn, ones that were more advanced than what he had learned on their journey.

  “Legon, you need to put a stop-all ward on me, and I will put one on you. Think of this as a guard,” Sydin said.

  “But if we get through each other’s wards, won’t it hurt the attacker and the defender?” Legon was talking about draining his own ward if he made it through Sydin’s.

  “No. If you ward me, you can produce the most powerful spell in history and it will stop harmlessly against your own wards, no matter how weak. that’s why you can have fire in your hand and it won’t hurt you. Now stop stalling,” Sydin said with a smile.

  Legon raised his wards, seeing little flickers of light, and then on the other side he saw black flickers indicating Sydin’s wards. last, he placed a stop all around Sydin. these were crude wards and could be broken by amateurs, but apparently not by oneself.

  He saw the flicker of black around himself. Sydin’s eyes seemed to glitter more than usual and they walked in a circle. Who would attack first? Legon noted the flickers of color around Sasha and Iselin; no doubt Iselin was protecting them from any stray spells. Sydin nodded and they added their own.

  Sydin thrust his hand forward and a great flash of gray-black magic shot from his hand. Sydin had the same minor as Sasha; so this would be an element of sorts.

  The Jezeer had taught Legon to use his muscles like he was playing a fine instrument, and play he did, pivoting out of the way as the dark blur shot past him. Legon sent a cutting curse flying at Sydin, but the first attack had been a feint. before the curse left Legon’s hand, Sydin’s flame curse hit him hard. He felt a jolt of energy leave him. There was another curse right behind it. this time he swung the blade, deflecting the magic without effort. he understood now.

  The fight progressed quickly. soon Legon was jumping off walls and benches, sending magic in all directions. Sydin followed suit, but Legon was much too strong for him. Legon came in close, slashing with the blade and forcing Sydin to stop and fight hand to hand. He did this a few times until he learned the more powerful Venefica’s style. Sydin broke the encounter by coating the floor with ice at Legon’s feet. Legon came in close again, and this time when an ice spell came at him he deflected it down in front of them. at the same time he feinted back, tricking Sydin into moving forward without thinking.

  It worked. Sydin slipped on the ice and landed hard on his back, at the same moment flicking up his blade to block Legon. Soon Legon was anticipating Sydin’s moves and he changing his style frequently to keep his opponent off balance. Finally, Sydin called a stop, which was a good thing. Legon could feel that the sword was almost spent and then he would have definitely been in trouble. His own magical reserves were all but gone as well, but Sydin looked as though he hadn’t done anything.

  “Good, Legon. You are good at changing styles and learning your opponent. even very old and experienced class fives will have a challenge with you in one-on-one combat,” Sydin remarked.

  “Are you sure? You don’t look tired at all,” Legon said.

  Iselin laughed. he started. He had forgotten she and Sasha were there. “Legon, when are you going to learn that we are not like you two? We are Ascended. I’m a class six and Sydin a seven. Our skills are far beyond your own.”

  “I’m sorry, you’re right. That was…” Legon said.

  “Look, I’m not mad. You’re new to this. It will take you a while to overcome this perception. But hear this: if you see a Venefica with flecks in their eyes, you run and run fast, you got me? I’m not going to your funeral,” Iselin said firmly.

  “Yes we understand Iselin. Thank you,” Sasha said.

  “What about in combat? Haven’t people ever attacked a Dragon, I mean an Ascended, before?” Legon asked.

  “That is a good question. Yes, if you are in combat and there
are two dragons fighting on the ground you may assist, but likely the Iumenta will be doing the same. In that case it would be wisest to attack the Iumenta. but be careful. You may be strong, but you can still be crushed,” Sydin said.

  The point was made. Abruptly, Sydin’s eyes slid out of focus. he was receiving a message.

  “What was it?” Legon asked.

  “Our trick worked. The Iumenta are only coming with three legions of humans and half a Legion of Iumenta,” Sydin said.

  “How many Ascended?” Iselin asked.


  “Twenty-four? That’s twice as much as-” Legon started.

  “No, there are others in the mountains. They’re in case the Iumenta try guerilla tactics,” Sydin assured them.

  “So we need to get moving then, I take it?” Legon said.

  “Yes. You will have to make do with what training you have. we will teach you more on the go. now we need to get you armor, and Sasha, we need to get you a store,” Sydin said.

  “A what?” Sasha asked.

  “It’s a large crystal you wear on your back. during the battle you will be connected with Legon, giving him a broad perspective of the fight. you will wear the crystal so that he may get more energy for magic. you will see. Now let’s go,” Iselin explained.

  Barnin let the kid finish buckling his armor. The empire was making its move, so they would be heading out as soon as possible. Unfortunately, most of their troops had to be sent back to Manton due to the difficulties of keeping an army fed. they would be too far away to help, but initial intelligence said that the Cona forces were comparable to their own.

  Barnin moved his arms around, feeling the confinement of the armor. It would loosen up in a little while. The cavalry was considered to be a specialty unit, so they got better equipment than the other units. Even so, most of his men didn’t have plate armor and chainmail. Legon had fixed that problem. house Evindass made a donation to his unit, and now all twenty men and horses were fully armed. Barnin looked them over. They looked more confident now that they shone like mirrors and the horses looked better too. they would be an intimidating force.

  “I am truly sorry, my old friend.” He heard Legon’s voice coming from the entrance. all of the faces in the room turned to see Legon and Sasha walking in.

  “For what?” Barnin asked.

  Legon walked up to him, inspecting his new armor. “Even with all of this, you can’t fix ugly, but I promise we are working on a way to fix your ailment.”

  “Blow me,” Barnin said.

  “But seriously, how is it working for you guys?” Legon asked.

  “It’s great. Everything fits nicely and we’re a lot more protected. don’t worry, we’ll earn it,” Barnin said.

  “We know you will,” Sasha said with a grim smile.

  “Sash, you’re not sticking around, are you?” Barnin asked.

  “Yes, of course I am. I have to-I’m a Venefica,” she responded.

  Barnin turned curiously to Legon. “You’re going to let her go into combat? Are…”

  “She’s not going into combat, but she will be there connected with me and helping me out. it’s common enough, and she will be safe,” Legon said.

  Barnin didn’t want to push the subject. if Legon said that Sasha was safe then she was.

  Legon was in armor as well, but his was extremely lightweight, like all Elven armor. With their speed and the use of fenna, heavy armor was impractical and ineffective, so they went for the light, fast-moving type. this armor was just for stray arrows, and as such it did almost nothing for the fenna. Barnin noticed a large shield-looking plate on Legon’s left shoulder. he nodded to it, not wanting to move and disturb the kid finishing up with his armor.

  “It’s heavy armor. when we charge we lean into opponents with it to try and, well, we ram people with it,” Legon said.

  “Ok, got ya. There’s Keither and Sara,” Barnin said.

  Keither and Sara were walking to them in a hurry. they looked like they had something big to tell them.

  “What’s going on?” Sasha asked.

  Sara went first. “I’m a medic. I can do minor healing so I will be working with the medical staff at the battle, all behind the front lines of course.”

  Then Keither broke in. “And I’ve been put on the strategy committee. well, I’m assisting the committee on this battle, but I made it on.”

  Barnin broke in. “They put you on that? Wow, Keither, I’m impressed.”

  The strategy committee was what commanded a battle. they used the Mahann and mental networking to figure out what the enemy was going to do and how to respond. It was a big deal and that meant that if Keither tried, for once in his life he could be in command of entire armies.

  Keither was looking at Legon’s armor, confused. Barnin helped out.

  “Elves don’t have a cavalry. they’re too fast on their own and most can outrun a horse that’s laden with armor. That plate on his shoulder is for ramming his opponents and Iumenta. an Elf and Iumenta running at full speed into each other create a lot of force.”

  “Why did you ask what it was then?” Legon asked, confused.

  “I didn’t. I nodded and you took it that way. I just wanted you to have that one time in your life when you felt like you knew something I didn’t, that’s all.” He gave him a toothy smile.

  Legon shook his head at him and Barnin saw him place his hand on the handle of a large sword. there was a purple glow. He knew those swords. They were called fenrra, and he must be charging the blade. Legon was going to the front line. This was sobering; his best friend, the last of his childhood, was going to the front line.

  “Are you a forward then?” Barnin asked.

  “Yes, I’m a class five,” Legon responded.

  “My unit will be with you then.”

  “What? But you-”

  “I get to choose what unit I back up, and it will be yours. you guys will take the Iumenta and we will take the human cavalry that’s with them.”

  Sasha saw what Barnin was doing. he wasn’t going to have another friend die. She felt a twinge of sympathy for him. was he thinking that he was somehow to blame?

  A tall man walked up behind Barnin. He looked to be in his early twenties and was about six foot seven. He was thin with sandy hair, pale blue eyes, and a friendly face.

  He spoke. “My lord, you have given us this armor. We owe you. Also, if you are going to have a cavalry unit with you, it may as well be the best.”

  Confident and respectful. Those were good traits. he knew where the line in the sand was.

  Barnin smiled. “Meet Ankle. He’s my second.”

  Sasha paused. “Ankle?”

  “He’s never had a major injury in combat, and believe me, he puts himself out there enough. but get him back home and try and play a game and crack, he sprains his ankle every time.”

  She wanted to ask more but she sensed Iselin’s mind requesting that they go back to the dome and to her hangar. They left at once, Keither and Sara in tow. it didn’t take long to get to the hanger where she saw Iselin waiting. Against the walls were piles of metal that looked like armor, but way too big to be any normal armor. there were five other Elves there as well.

  “Good. I’m glad you are here. I thought you might like to see a dragon getting fitted for battle.”

  “What could you guys get fitted with for battle?” Sara asked.

  “Watch. That’s why you’re here,” Iselin said warmly.

  Sasha felt Cat winding her way around her legs. she reached down and picked her up. Iselin walked to the center of the hangar and turned to them. Sasha’s heart stopped as she saw her. Iselin’s head jutted forward and up misshaping itself. her hands stretched to the ground and wings came from her back. She grew huge, and scales glittered along her body. The tail was there now snaking out behind her, and then in just a moment there stood a giant pink dragon in front of them. She looked down at them all and winked.

  “Pretty neat,
isn’t it?” she said into their minds. they chose to speak aloud.

  “Very,” Legon said.

  “Good. Now help out if you can.”

  Iselin spread her wings, keeping them level with the ground. her tail was outstretched and her neck was level. At once the Elves started moving around the metal and Sasha realized that it really was armor. The Elves directed them to help and Iselin explained in their minds what everything was.

  As they wrapped her neck and back with chainmail and plate armor, she informed them that it was mostly for show. The chainmail was nothing to dragons; only a few pieces actually did anything.

  Sasha figured those out on her own. they were obviously different. they were made of the same material as the fenna, but they were thicker. There were pieces that went along her spine, at least four inches thick, and then long ones that ran along the leading edge of her wings. These were eight inches thick. All of her joints got the real armor too, and then a helmet. There was no bottom, leaving her jaw free to move, but there was a large piece that covered her head. On the nose were three blade-like spikes. they reminded Sasha of a drawing that Arkin had shown her once, something he had called a “rhino.”

  Next they put long, curved extensions on her claws. Heavy plates also went on the bottom of her feet. they had to be a foot thick and they restricted her movement. Iselin told them that these were used to block blows from other dragons. They also lifted a set of large plates onto her chest. in the center of them was a dark blue dot. in that dot were a purple triangle and a green tree, the crest for house Evindass. Sasha felt a bloom of gratitude upon seeing how loyal Iselin was to their house.

  The final piece was the most terrifying. on her tail they placed spikes and an elongated blade. the whole thing looked like it was from a nightmare. When she walked it sounded like she was on over-sized tap shoes. Sasha was a little confused about how thick all the armor was. if it was as strong as the metal that the fenna was made of then it should be unbreakable. She asked Iselin about it and she heard a voice from behind.


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