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Exodus Page 4

by R. J. Wolf

  The door slowly swung open and a giant of a man stepped out. He looked like a gorilla with a human face. His enormous arms were covered in a thick, dark, brown fur. His hands looked like baseball gloves and his feet seemed to slowly sink into the asphalt the longer he stood in place.

  He wore a blue baseball cap pulled down to his eyes and a gray t-shirt that was probably a triple XL, but was still tearing at the seams. Attached to the belt loop of his khakis pants was a massive key ring and on the other side a shiny black pistol.

  The man nodded at the lady and walked towards the back of the van. She rolled her eyes at him and grabbed another box. As she turned away the man scanned the streets nervously, he looked passed Mikey’s house, his eyes lingering for a moment. Sucking his teeth he spit onto the road then turned back around and swung the doors open.

  There was a sudden bang and Mikey whipped around as Mit and Steve clamored through the bedroom door.

  “Okay, where’s the fire?” Steve said in annoyed voice.

  Mikey stepped away from the window and smirked. He pointed back over his shoulder then sat on the bed. “Mr. Clark said to keep an eye out. They looked weird enough.”

  Mit glanced out of the window and bit his lower lip. He squinted, straining his eyes to read the logo that was stamped across the side of the white van. Taking a step back he gasped and threw his hand over his mouth.

  “When did they show up?” he asked and turned to Mikey with a look of fear on his face.

  “Maybe an hour ago, why?”

  “They’re with LSK Labs,” Mit said the name as if it was cursed. “This can’t be happening. That’s too much of a coincidence. I gotta call Clark. We’ve gotta get in there.”

  Mit ranted on while Steve and Mikey stared at him in confusion. He started saying things about Q-jobs and batch transmissions as he paced back and forth. After five minutes of talking to himself, Mit finally looked up and noticed the blank looks on their faces.

  “You guys do know what I’m talking about, right?”

  “No clue,” Mikey mumbled.

  “Do you ever listen? LSK Labs doesn’t ring a bell? Mr. Clark was just telling us about them.”

  Mikey and Steve looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders in unison. Mit rolled his eyes and sighed.

  “This is bad,” he mumbled as he turned and looked back out of the window.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Without looking down, he thumbed the familiar numbers and took a deep breath. After several rings he put the phone back in his pocket.

  “No answer. I’ll be back. Mikey keep an eye on them, call me if anything else happens.”

  Mit stormed out of the room before anyone could say a word. Mikey looked at Steve who smirked back at him. Mit had always been level-headed; he never got excited, never worked up. Now he had practically sprinted out of the room jabbering about secret labs.

  “What was that about?” Steve asked as he walked over to the window and stared out.

  Mikey didn’t say anything. He sat down on the edge of his bed and closed his eyes. Suddenly the door burst back open and Mit charged in still ranting, but now he was on the phone.

  “Yes I’m sure! I’m staring at it Mr. Clark. Well can’t you get back tonight? Yes, yes I promise we’ll stay here.” Mit flipped the phone closed and sat down next to Mikey.

  “What did he say?” Steve looked away from the window.

  “Well, he said he thought LSK Labs were involved, but he had no proof. And how they’d never operated within the city limits. You know Nickie’s dad works there, well her stepdad or whatever.” Mit rubbed his face and sighed.

  “I don’t get it.” Mikey mumbled.

  “You’ve got a satellite office being set up right next door.” Mit grumbled.

  Mikey looked at him like he was speaking a language he’d never heard. He glanced over to Steve who seemed just as clueless as he was. He shook his head and sat up. “A satellite office… for what?”

  “I don’t know, for freaky experiments, for torture, for whatever they wanted Anthony for. The bottom line is those people down there have to know where Anthony is. You don’t really think it’s a coincidence that they’ve moved into a house right across the street from you? We’ve gotta go in.” Mit was now standing up moving his hands as he spoke.

  Steve turned back towards the window and looked out. There was an apelike man pulling cases out of the back of the van. Long, shiny aluminum cases, with LSK etched on the front in red and different element symbols in blue.

  “What do you think those are for?” Steve asked.

  Mit walked towards the window and peered out. He squinted his eyes trying to focus.

  “Can’t be anything good.” Mit finally spat. “Help me with this.” He unlocked the top latch on the window as Steve did the same on his side. With a grunt he pushed the window open and the warm breeze of springtime flooded the room. Immediately the voices down on the street carried through the window.

  “Take those and leave them by the front office. Vorcick will need the instructions as well. We can’t afford to be sloppy with this Hanson. The holders may now know of your mess up with the girl, but it’s not too late you know.” The woman’s voice seemed amplified across the empty street.

  Hanson nodded and slung one of the long cases over his back, stumbling towards the front door. With a heavy sigh he sat the case down and reached for the handle. Before he could turn it the door swung open and tall slender man walked out.

  Hanson immediately straightened up and backed away from the door. “Dr. Norton, I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “Of course you didn’t.” Dr. Norton snapped and glanced down at the aluminum case. “Be quick about it.” He flicked his hand and he strode past Hanson.

  “We need to get in there.” Mit mumbled. “There’s something going on.”

  “Didn’t Mr. Clark say to wait?” Mikey asked as he stepped next to them.

  “Since when has that stopped you?” Steve smiled back at him.

  “That guy’s been inside the whole time. I think he’s the boss.” Mikey pointed.

  Dr. Norton slowly walked away from the house and surveyed the streets. He was as tall as the other man, but where he seemed massive and solid; this man looked slender, but not quite delicate. He reminded Mikey of the old school basketball players his dad always talked about. He wore a button up shirt and a tie and although he was older he definitely looked like someone who meant business.

  The man stopped at the back of the truck and shook his head. With gritted teeth, he pounded his fist into his hand and stomped.

  “Hanson! Hanson get over here!” He shouted, disdain dripping from every word.

  Hanson dropped the case he was carrying and quickly ran to Dr. Norton’s side. From the look on his face, Mikey could tell he was apologizing. If it was possible for a man that large to look sheepish, he certainly did.

  Dr. Norton looked at him with disgust. He pointed at the van and then mumbled something.

  “Clean it up!” He shouted as he stormed off.

  Hanson began to fumble with something in the back of the truck. As he moved a case to the side a brown tarp slid down and a hand dangled out for just a second before he covered it up.

  Mikey jumped back from the window, his hand covering his mouth. Mit did the same, but Steve edged closer.

  “It’s not Anthony.” Steve calmly said. “It was a girl’s hand.”

  Steve watched as Hanson moved the remaining cases into the house and locked the door. Standing on the porch he twiddled his enormous thumbs and grinded his teeth. He spit a wad of tobacco out and lumbered down the steps into the street.

  Hanson slammed the doors shut on the van and walked around to the front. He motioned for Dr. Norton, but he’d already jumped into the truck with the other lady. Without looking back, they pulled away leaving Hanson fuming. He angrily crammed his enormous frame into the van and sped off after them.

  ‘Now is as good a
time as any.” Steve said, still looking out of the window after them.

  Mit grinned, but Mikey just sneered at him.

  “And how do you plan to get in?”

  “That ogre left a window open.” Steve shot back. “Look, if we ever want to get any answers, now is the time. What the hell have we been doing for the last two years?”

  “He’s right. I say we go.” Mit headed towards the door.

  Mikey hesitated for a minute and then followed. “Okay, but just remember I said this was a bad idea.”

  Steve smiled and followed them out of the room. They stopped on the front porch, eagerly staring across the street. The sun was slowly disappearing into the horizon casting an orange glow over the roof of the house.

  “Alright guys. Let’s hurry up.” Mit grinned and then quickly dashed across the street.

  Mikey shook his head at Steve and then reluctantly followed. One after the other they slowly walked up the steps onto the wrap around porch and stopped by the front door. A polished, wooden fan spun idly above them. It was an obvious recent addition since the rest of the house was covered in webs and dust.

  The front door was also new, made of a deep mahogany wood with a circular opaque window in the middle. On the right side of the door there was a small square window that was left open. A pink and blue curtain blew lightly in the wind, flapping in and out of the window.

  “It’s your plan Mit; you’re climbing through the window.” Mikey pushed him forward.

  Mit smirked and rolled his eyes. Glaring back at them he slowly clamored through the open window and fell to the floor with a bang. A few moments later the brass handle on the door jingled and it swung open.

  “Mi casa es su casa.” Mit grinned.

  “Move dork.” Steve shoved him as he walked in.

  Mikey slammed the door behind him and the reason for the open window was immediately obvious. An unbearable stench filled the air. An odor unlike anything he’d smelled before. It was sweet, but tart at the same time. He could taste it on his tongue with every breath. Like bitter apples and hot motor oil mixed the unmistakable smell of death.

  Mit covered his face and squinted. Holding his breath he passed through the living room and stopped next to a set of double doors. “I think the office is in here.” He gasped.

  He pushed the double doors open and nearly tripped on one of the LSK cases. Mikey caught his arm before kneeling down and trying to open the case. It was secured with a number lock and a space to place your thumbprint.

  Mit sucked his teeth and edged further into the office. It was actually more of an empty room with a few cases and boxes thrown about. The floor was a dusty white tile, like they would use in a hospital. The walls were a creamy yellow color and smelled like they’d recently been painted. A metal desk was pushed into the corner and covered in papers.

  Steve walked over to the desk and began to rummage through it. Nothing on the papers made any sense to him. One of the papers read “Genome X Alpha-B” at the top. What followed was a series of codes and decimals that may as well have been written in Mandarin.

  “Mit, what the hell are we looking for?” Steve asked angrily.

  Mit had already grabbed and empty box and started tossing papers into it. “I don’t know, grab anything.”

  “What about this!” Mikey smiled.

  He was holding up a small, black, laptop with LSK stamped across the front.

  “Found it under a box.”

  Mit grabbed the laptop and examined it then tossed it with the others things he’d collected.

  “We really should take one of those cases.” He mumbled.

  “That’s too risky; they’ll notice its missing.” Mikey shook his head.

  “Did you see that dumb looking guy? He can’t count and if they find out they’ll just assume he lost it.” Mit jabbered looking to Steve for support.

  “Whatever, just grab the damn case and let’s go.” Steve stormed out of the office and slammed the door.

  “He’s been pretty crabby lately.” Mikey laughed.

  Mit shrugged and continued to pile papers into the box. He’d amassed stacks of maps and what looked like instruction manuals, nothing he thought they’d miss. Once he was done he slid it outside of the office and started dragging one of the aluminum cases.

  “Mikey help me with this thing.” Mit gasped and leaned against a wall.

  He’d managed to move the case three feet before dropping it in defeat. Mikey was still rummaging through drawers hoping to find another laptop. He looked up at Mit and sighed when the office doors suddenly burst open.

  “They’re back!” Steve yelled as he ran into the office. “Let’s go!”

  Mit dove at the window and peeked out of it. A dirty, white van was slowly backing into the driveway. His heart fluttered and his head swayed like he’d stood up too fast.

  “How do we get out?” He stammered in a panic.

  “I told you this was a bad idea. I said it over and over, but no one ever listens to me. I say things and they’re smart things and they’re things you could learn from. Why can’t you people ever just listen?” Mikey started to rant.

  “Both of you shut up and follow me.” Steve waved his hands, cutting him off.

  Without another word, he bent down and grabbed the box that Mit had slid into the hallway and took off towards the back of the house. Mit and Mikey scrambled to grab the aluminum case and scurried after him.

  They went down an empty hallway and stopped next to Steve who was slowly inching the door open. He looked back at them and pressed his fingers to his lips.

  “Cut through the backyard and we can take the side streets to Clark’s place.”

  Mikey nodded struggling to hold the heavy silver case in his hands. He turned and whispered to Mit, who had been anxiously trying to nudge him out of the door.

  “I get it. Let’s go!” Mit squirmed.

  “Shut up!” Steve shot back. “I’m trying to keep this door from squealing.”

  Mit started to respond, but the sound of the handle on the front door jingling sent him into panic. Without thinking, he shoved Mikey forward and all three of them burst through the door and fell into the lawn.

  “Idiot!” Steve mouthed at him as he rolled over and stood up. “Well don’t just lay there. Get the case and let’s go.”

  Mikey jumped to his feet and grabbed the case. Mit grabbed the other side and hoisted it onto his shoulders. Running awkwardly they took off behind Steve, trying their best to keep up.

  They raced through the grass and down the narrow street. Once they were clear of the house they paused to catch their breath.

  “They’re gonna know somebody was there. The house is a wreck and we left the door open.” Steve started as he stepped towards Mit.

  “That place was a wreck before we got there and I closed the door back when I grabbed the case.” Mit shot back.

  “Come on.” Steve rolled his eyes and walked off.

  The sun had completely vanished and the buzz of streetlights masked their steps. They marched silently between the houses as inconspicuously as possible. Mikey and Mit moved slowly behind, straining under the weight of the dense case.

  Steve paused as they came to a cross street and could see the Clark’s house in the distance. A light shined through the window, signaling that Mrs. Clark was in the kitchen. Mr. Crusty darted back and forth across the porch locked in deadly combat with his tail.

  “Let’s hurry up and get inside before someone comes.” Steve waved them on.

  Gripping the box close to his chest, Steve darted across the street without looking back. Mit barely had time to open his mouth as a set of headlights appeared from around the corner. Steve whipped his head around as he heard screeching tires, but he was too late.

  The white van clipped him in the side and he rolled onto the windshield before being flung into the air like a ragdoll. The van didn’t even slow down, it continued down the street, the taillights fading into the darkness.
/>   “Steve!” Mikey yelled, a blood curdling sound.

  Dropping the case they both rushed to his side. He lay halfway on the sidewalk, halfway in the street. His eyes were closed, his arm turned awkwardly behind his back.

  Mit cringed as he turned Steve’s head, revealing a gash that ran the length of his skull. Blood trickled from his mouth into a small pool accumulating on the street. His chest rose slowly each time seeming to take longer.

  The box he was carrying had been thrown across the street. Papers and folders were everywhere and the laptop was lying broken in half on the sidewalk.

  “Mikey, Mikey I need your help.” Mit finally said frantically.

  He pulled his shirt off and pressed it to Steve’s head. Mikey stood over him, his hands shaking and tears falling from his eyes. As Mit looked up his eyes stared past Mikey at the tall figure making their way across the street.

  “Get him up! Get him up we need to take him inside.” Mr. Clark yelled.

  He ran down the sidewalk covering the distance in a few strides. Kneeling next to Mit he lifted Steve’s head. He touched the side of his neck with two fingers then let out a sigh of relief.

  “Mit grab his legs. Mikey, gather his things and bring them in.”

  Together Mit and Mr. Clark carried Steve into the house and laid him down on the couch.

  “I need towels and ice.” Mr. Clark said as he tore off around the corner.

  Mit looked at Steve for a moment with tears in his eyes then dashed back outside to help Mikey.

  “Fullerton! Oh my god Fullerton what happened?” Mrs. Clark screamed as she walked out of the kitchen.

  “It’s nothing mother. Go lay down, he’ll be fine.” Mr. Clark called.

  He rolled a towel in his hands as he walked back to Steve. Mrs. Clark stood behind him, her hands clasped together over her mouth. Mr. Clark dabbed at Steve’s head, slowly cleaning off the dried blood that stuck in his hair like paint.

  “Mother can you fetch the peroxide.” He whispered.

  She turned to head back to the kitchen when Steve Suddenly jerked. He sat up and his eyes shot open. Mr. Clark stumbled backwards almost tripping over his feet.


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