Knee Deep in the Game

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Knee Deep in the Game Page 16

by Boston George

  Once Pop felt the warm blood running down his arm he knew exactly what time it was. “Yo, get down,” he yelled as he pulled out his 9 mm, aimed it up at the sky, and let off two shots.

  Pow, pow!

  Those two shots were just to keep Tito at bay and to give Pop a second to get his thoughts together. “Come on let’s go!” Pop said as he and Nika ran at a low, hunched-down squat as they ran down the line of parked cars. Pop’s heart was beating a thousand miles per second, not ‘cause he was scared but because he didn’t want anything to happen to Nika ’cause of him. Once Pop reached the end of the block he thought he was out of harm’s way until he saw another hooded man holding something in his hand. Pop quickly raised his 9 mm and sent three shots in the man’s direction.

  The flunky managed to dodge all the bullets and returned four shots of his own. One of the bullets exploded in a car window right above Nika’s head, causing shattered glass to rain down on top of her head. Straight ahead the flunky contin-ued popping shots the whole time, still walking forward. Not knowing what else to do, Pop quickly sprang up from behind the parked car, firing. One shot found a home in Tito’s thigh. The impact from the shot caused Tito to stumble backward and he crashed into a parked car, not before letting off a shot of his own. The bullet grazed Pop’s neck, causing him to drop down to one knee.

  Once the flunky saw Pop drop to a knee he was about to go in for the kill, until he heard the sound of more than one siren.

  “Fuck!” the flunky huffed as he ran over to Tito’s aid. “Come on we gotta get the fuck out of here!” he yelled as he placed Tito’s arm around his neck and help escort him back to the stolen Acura.

  “Oh my God, baby, are you okay?” Nika asked as she picked Pop’s 9 mm up from the ground and stuck it in her bag before the cops arrived.

  “You all right?” Pop asked weakly.

  “Yeah, I’m fine just got some glass stuck in my foot,” she answered with a smile.

  “You too good to me,” Pop said as he watched a swarm of cop cars pull up, followed by an ambulance.

  “Yo, we going to have to come back on this nigga twice as hard, but we have to be smart at the same time,” Fresh said, speaking to a roomful of his soldiers. “Any suggestions on how we can get rid of this cocksucker Tito without attracting too much attention?” Fresh asked, leaning back in his chair.

  “There’s no way you can kill a loud nigga quiet,” Rusty stated, taking a pause. “We just going to have to go out and find this mu’fucka old-school style.”

  “Yeah, I think you right,” Fresh agreed. “Fuck it, we going old school on this mu’fucka. Rusty, I want you to pay his moms a little visit, don’t hurt her too bad, just make sure she delivers our message, the rest of y’all niggas hit them streets, and try to find that clown,” Fresh ordered, ending the meeting.

  Once everybody was gone Rusty locked the door, before he began to talk. “We going to have to make a strong statement ’cause you know the streets is talking, this mu’fucka Tito running around taking over niggas’blocks, and doing a whole bunch of other shit, in the streets he’s looking like Mr. Untouchable.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I want you to pay his moms a visit,” Fresh said quickly. “Like I told you, make sure she delivers our message to him,” he said, winking at Rusty.

  “Say no more, I’m going to get on that right now,” Rusty said as he made his exit.

  Pop sat laid up in the hospital waiting for his nurse to bring him his discharge papers. “Damn, this shit is taking forever.”

  “Have patience, baby,” Nika said, sitting right by Pop’s side.

  “As soon as I get out the first person I’m going to see is Tito,” he said with anger in his voice.

  “No, baby, that shit is over with,” Nika told him.

  “What if you would of got shot the other night?”

  “But I didn’t get shot, baby,” Nika pointed out. “The shit is over with so let’s just move on with our lives. You need to just be happy you are still alive.”

  “I been trying to let it go but I just can’t,” Pop said, shaking his head. “I didn’t start this beef, but I’m definitely going to finish it.”

  Nika just shook her head. “You got the world in your hands and you about to throw it all away for what? Some stupid-ass jail nigga that won’t make it to live past next year. You smarter then that, Pop.”

  “This nigga got me laying up in a hospital bed and you want me to just let it go?”

  “Pop!” Nika said, grabbing his face. “Let it go, baby, it’s not worth it. He shot you and you shot him back that’s it it’s over with.”

  “You know what, baby?” Pop began. “You are absolutely right, this shit is not even worth it.” Just as he was about to give Nika a kiss, the Chinese detective busted in his room.

  “Can we help you?” Nika asked with an attitude.

  “Just can’t stay out of trouble can you?” The detective said, shaking his head.

  “What do you want?” Nika asked in a uninterested tone.

  “I just need to ask your boyfriend a few questions,” the Chinese detective said, turning to face Pop. “Who shot you?”

  “A yo, my man,” Pop huffed. “I done already told the other cop what happened earlier already.”

  “Well, now you can tell me,” the detective said as he pulled out his pen and pad.

  “Listen, just like I told your friend, we was at a restaurant, I had a few drinks. As soon as we came out the restaurant somebody was having a shoot-out and we got caught up in the middle of it,” Pop lied effortlessly.

  “Did you happen to see one of the shooter’s faces? the detective asked.

  “Nah, the shit happened mad fast,” Pop told him.

  “I know you lying, you little shit,” the Chinese detective said, getting all up in Pop’s face. “You play in fire long enough and you going to get burned,” he said as he turned on his heels and stormed out of the room.

  “And stay out, mu’fucka!” Pop yelled loud enough so that the detective could hear him. “I can’t stand them fuckin’ pigs,” he said as him and Nika busted out laughing.

  Once out of the hospital Nika helped Pop inside the car.

  “I’m done with all this shit,” Pop said as he leaned back and turned up the new Fabolous CD Loso’s Way. “I’m just going to get this money until we be out.”

  “It’s about time,” Nika said, smiling, as she pulled out into traffic. “That street shit ain’t how it used to be anyway, might as well get out while you can and count your blessings.”

  For the rest of the ride home Pop just sat deep in his own thoughts as he enjoyed the ride.

  “Damn!” Tito winced in pain. “Take it easy”

  “Stop being a pussy,” Maria joked as she stitched up Tito’s leg. Maria and Tito had been together since high school. The two fought all the time, but it was always out of love. They would always threaten to leave one another, but the truth was neither one of them was going anywhere.

  “Stop being a pussy?” Tito repeated. “Fuck you, this shit hurts. Let me shoot you in your leg and see if you like how it feels.”

  “First of all, ain’t no young nigga or bitch going to pop me and still be walking around,” Maria said as she finished stitching her man up. “You let that young boy get the drop on you, you must be getting old, papi,” she joked.

  “Fuck you mean getting old?” Tito asked as he limped over to the kitchen where Maria stood.

  “Don’t act like that, papi, you know I was just joking.” Maria tried to laugh it off and downplay the situation.

  “It look like I’m fuckin’ joking right now? Tito asked as he turned and smacked the shit out of Maria. The impact from the slap caused her to stumble back against the counter.

  “Baby, I was just joking,” Maria said, holding the side of her face as she saw Tito still coming toward her.

  “Shut the fuck up!” he snarled as he swung five hard blows that hit Maria in her face and on the top of her head. “Now laugh at
that shit!” he said as he limped into the back room. Maria lay on the floor crying, feeling stupid. She knew how Tito was and how he got down. And she knew she should have just kept her mouth shut.

  After forty-five minutes of wild sex Pop was ready to go straight to sleep, but his ringing cell phone caught his attention. When he looked at the caller ID he saw Fresh’s name flashing across the screen. Immediately, Pop pressed the no button on his phone and placed it on the dresser.

  Pop didn’t bother to answer his phone; he knew Fresh was only calling for two reasons: one, to kill somebody, and two, to kill somebody. Pop was tired of living like that. If Fresh wanted him he would just have to wait until tomorrow.

  “Two more weeks, and I’m gone,” Pop said to himself as he placed Nika in his arms and fell asleep.

  The next morning Pop woke up to the sound of his ringing cell phone.

  “Who the fuck is that calling so fuckin’ early,” Nika growled, mad that the phone had interrupted her beauty sleep.

  When Pop looked at the caller ID he saw Fresh’s name flashing across the screen again.

  “Yoooo,” Pop answered, still half asleep.

  “Where the fuck you been at all night? I been trying to contact you,” Fresh barked into the receiver angrily.

  “Yeah, I was out late last night and my battery died on my jack,” Pop lied.

  “Yo, you know where the new spot is at, right?” Fresh asked.

  “Yeah, I know where it’s at,” Pop answered, looking at his wristwatch.

  “Good, get over here ‘cause I need to holla at you,” Fresh said, hanging up in Pop’s ear.

  “This mu’fucka starting to get out of control,” Pop said to himself, still looking at the phone.

  “Baby, I’ll be right back, I have to go take care of something,” he stated, hopping out of the bed.

  “You want me to make you some breakfast before you go?” Nika asked, sitting up.

  “Nah, I’m not hungry,” Pop answered as he planted a kiss on his girl’s lips, then headed toward the door.

  “Okay be careful out there,” Nika said, tossing the covers back over her head.

  “So what’s so important that it couldn’t wait until the afternoon?” Pop asked as soon as he stepped through the door.

  “What the fuck has been going on with you? You haven’t been yourself lately, seems like something is bothering you,” Fresh said, pouring himself a drink.

  “Nah, everything is cool, I just been a little busy with a few other things, you dig?” Pop said.

  “You know if something is wrong you can come talk to me, right?”

  “Yeah, I know,” Pop answered quickly.

  “The real reason I called you down here was because I wanted to know did you know where Melissa was,” Fresh asked.

  “Nah, I haven’t seen her in a long time,” Pop replied.

  “How long is a long time?” Fresh asked suspiciously.

  “Let me think,” Pop said, searching his memory. “The last time I saw her was in the parking lot at the supermarket if I’m not mistaken,” he lied with a straight face.

  “Listen, Pop, I know you and her were involved with each other, so if you know where she’s hiding please let me know, ’cause if I find out you’re hiding her it s not going to be a pretty scene,” Fresh warned.

  “Listen, B. I just told you I don’t know where the fuck she’s at, right?” Pop said, raising his voice.

  “Listen, you watch your tone in my presence,” Fresh said, pointing his finger at him.

  “Ever since I started dealing with you have I lied to you? So why the fuck would I start now?”

  “Pop, I just want to make sure you do the right thing, I got a lot to lose if this shit blows up in my face,” Fresh said, covering all of his bases.

  “I feel you, but this what I’m going to do: I’m going to personally hunt this bitch down, and kill her myself just for you.” Pop stated plainly.

  “Good looking, I appreciate it,” Fresh said, giving Pop a pound.

  “Matter of fact, I’m going to get on that right now,” Pop said as he stood up and made his exit.

  “Fuck!” Pop screamed loudly as he hopped in his Benz.

  Pop knew he had fucked up. Instead of Melissa going out of town he had convinced her to live in a hotel with him for a while until they came up with a plan. It was hard for Pop to get away from Melissa. When he would go home with Nika, he would tell Melissa he was going to take care of some business, but he knew it would only be a matter of time before the plan went sour and he got busted.

  Pop quickly pulled out his cell phone and dialed Melissa’s number.

  “Hello?” she answered in a frail voice.

  “What you doing?”

  “Waiting for you to come back,” Melissa said, as her voice changed into a whining tone.

  “Listen, I don’t want you to leave that hotel room, okay?”

  “Why what’s wrong?” Melissa asked with her voice full of panic.

  “Nothing, just do what I tell you,” he told her.

  “Pop, if something is wrong I think you should tell me,” Melissa said pushing the issue.

  “Listen, I don’t have time to explain, just do what I tell you, Pop said in a firm tone.

  “Pop, what am I suppose to eat? ’cause ain’t shit in this mu’fucka to eat,” Melissa whined.

  “Just be cool for a minute, I’m going to bring you some groceries over there a’ight?”

  “Okay, just hurry up ‘cause I’m starving,” Melissa said, pouting like a child.

  “Okay, I’ll be over there in about an hour,” he said, ending the conversation.

  Melissa stood in the hotel room drying off her wet body. She knew that something was wrong, but she just couldn’t figure out what.

  Melissa stood in front of the full-length mirror, applying lotion on her beautiful skin, when she heard a key unlock the front door. “Hey, baby what’s up?” she asked, standing in the middle of the room naked as she watched Pop come through the door with both of his hands full with groceries.

  “What’s up, babes? I brought some DVDs for us to watch since you sounded so bored.”

  “I’m not bored, I just missed you,” Melissa said, wrapping her arms around Pop’s neck as she hugged him.

  “How much you missed me?” he asked, cuffing both of Melissa’s ass cheeks in the palm of his hands.

  “I can show you better than I can tell you,” Melissa said in her heavy accent as she dropped down to her knees. As soon as Pop felt Melissa tugging at his belt buckle his manhood immediately rose and was ready for action. He watched as Melissa slowly licked on the head of his dick like it was an ice cream cone. Pop loved how wet Melissa’s mouth was, along with all the sexy sounds that she made.

  “I want you to fuck my mouth, papi,” Melissa begged, holding Pop’s dick in a two-handed grip. Pop immediately grabbed the back of Melissa’s head and began fuckin’ her mouth like it was a pussy. He fucked her mouth so good that juices and saliva began to run from the corner of her mouth and down her chin. When Pop felt his orgasm building up he quickly took a step back.

  “Turn around,” he demanded as he watched Melissa turn around and bend over on the counter. Melissa gasped when she felt Pop inside of her; it was as if his dick and her pussy were the perfect match. Pop wanted to take his time but the way Melissa was looking he knew it wouldn’t be a long night. He started off with slow, deep strokes, making sure that Melissa felt every inch of him as he spread both of her ass cheeks apart watching himself go in and out of her love box.

  “Mmm ... papi,” Melissa moaned as she began to throw her ass back, causing a clapping sound to form as her ass bounced off Pop’s torso. Pop pulled Melissa’s hair and turned her head to the side so he could see her face while he fucked the shit out of her. Seconds later he came all over her ass cheeks.

  “Oh my God, papi I love my dick,” Melissa said, out of breath as she walked to the bathroom to clean herself off.

  Twenty minutes
later she found herself in the kitchen cooking dinner. “So, baby, what’s the deal about me staying in this hotel all day?” Melissa asked, seasoning the chicken in front of her.

  “Nothing, I just don’t really want you to be out in the streets until I find out who killed Amanda, ’cause you never know, you might be next on the list,” Pop said flatly. “I just don’t want to see anything bad happen to you.”

  “I understand, baby,” Melissa responded.

  In all reality Pop knew Fresh had people out on the streets looking for Melissa and Tito right now. All Pop wanted to do was leave the state without anybody close to him getting hurt, and that’s just what he planned on doing. He was running out of time and he felt it in his heart. He knew he could be the next one to end up dead.

  Week Three

  “I heard Fresh got a couple of dollars on your head,” Bamboo said, letting out a light chuckle. “So how you going to play it?”

  “Listen if this mu’fucka want a war then that’s just what the fuck he going to get, ’cause I ain’t hiding,” Tito said as him and Bamboo traded duffel bags.

  “I see you got yourself a little entourage,” Bamboo said, noticing the four men following Tito around.

  “Come on, B. You know I’m still on parole, I can’t always be the shooter,” Tito said, smirking.

  “Where you headed?” Bamboo asked with a smile on his face.

  “To break this down,” Tito said, nodding to the duffel bag. “Why, what’s up?” he asked, noticing the smile that rested on Bamboo’s face.

  “Word on the streets is Fresh and your Friend Rusty supposed to be having a big cookout at some park downtown.”

  “Fuck outta here,” Tito said in disbelief. “Who told you that shit?”

  “Some chick that I deal with, she knows some chick that messes with Rusty,” Bamboo answered.

  “What time that shit supposed to be going down?” Tito asked with a thirsty look in his eyes.

  Bamboo flipped his arm so he could look at his watch. “Right now,” he said with a smile.


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