Dawn of the Dragons

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Dawn of the Dragons Page 8

by Joe Dever

  ‘I haven't seen him in the town for near-on a week,’ he says, anxiously rubbing his many chins. ‘We 'ere had no inkling that somethin' bad was happenin' up there at the castle. It's right put the shakes up me, I can tell you.’

  In the warm comfort of the inn, you use your Kai healing skills to mend the Lord Constable's injuries. He is carefully testing his weight on his newly-mended ankle when suddenly there is a commotion outside in the street. An angry mob of hard-faced men, many clutching torches, staves, and coils of rope, are marching down the cobbled avenue towards the inn.

  ‘Hang the Talestrian thieves!’ they shout. ‘String up the murdering swine!’

  ‘What's going on? Who are these men?’ says Nathor. The innkeeper's face turns white and he begins to tremble with fear.

  ‘I … I don't rightly know,’ he stammers. ‘I ain't never seen 'em before. They's not from these parts. We've never had no quarrel with Talestria. You've always been our friends.’

  Suddenly a chunk of cobblestone smashes through a window and an angry cry arises from the mob:

  ‘Come out, you Talestrian dogs. Come out or we'll burn you out!’

  Nathor calls everyone to the rear of the inn where a passage leads directly to the stables.

  ‘I fear this is some kind of crude ploy to murder you, Grand Master,’ he says. ‘If you are to stand any chance of reaching your homeland, you must continue your journey at once. I and my men will do what we can to hold this mob at bay, but you must leave now and you must go alone.’

  Another window shatters and a burning brand is hurled into the inn.

  ‘Very well,’ you reply, uneasily. ‘I shall leave at once.’

  Turn to 161.


  You are part-way across the ford when alarm bells sound on both sides of the river.

  ‘Deserter at the ford!’ goes the cry from the Eldenoran fort. ‘Enemy spy approaching!’ shout the Slovian guards.

  Moments later, a hissing cloud of arrows and bolts descends on you from both sides and several missiles graze your back and thighs: lose 5 ENDURANCE points. But the speed of your surprise crossing and your Kai camouflage skills enable you to reach the Slovian side intact, and you disappear swiftly into the darkness of the plains beyond.

  Turn to 92.


  The instant you pass through the Shadow Gate, you are assailed by howling gales and icy winds that freeze you to the bone: lose 3 ENDURANCE points. You feel as if both you and the Lavas are whirling downwards in ever-decreasing circles into the core of the vortex, and rapidly you lose all track of time. Then, as abruptly as it began, the whirling ceases and the frigidity of the abyss is transformed into a harsh and blistering heat. With fearful apprehension, you force open your eyes to look upon the nightmare realm that surrounds you.

  Turn to 64.


  The moment you strike your killing blow, the evil power of Lutha's ring implodes and consumes the Prince's body in a whirlwind of supernatural fire. You turn your back on the intense heat and, when the heat subsides, you turn around to see that he has been incinerated beyond all recognition. No sign of the ring remains, and only a glowing heap of bones marks the place where he fell.

  From beyond a closed door you hear a horde of guards come running along an echoing corridor towards the chamber in which you stand. Beside your feet is the Dagger which Prince Lutha used against you, and you stoop to pick it up (record this in the Weapons List section of your Action Chart).

  Then you lower yourself back into the shaft and descend to the bottom of the pit. There you use the dagger to prise open the circular panel in the wall and, as it falls away, you discover a chute which leads to an underground river. Quickly you crawl along the slime-smeared chute and slip into the river, where you are carried swiftly away by the strong undercurrent.

  Turn to 150.


  You enter Quill Street and ride along this narrow avenue, which is flanked by aromatic jala houses and perfumeries, until it turns abruptly right into a wider thoroughfare called Brass Street. Here you see the courtyard entrance to a grand building whose brick and marble façade is adorned with the words ‘Halls of Learning’. Suddenly you feel inexplicably drawn towards this building; it is as if it possesses the solution to all your problems.

  You enter and ride along a gravelled path which leads to a building where a sign, hanging over its richly-carved oak door, simply says ‘Library’. You feel compelled to stop here and, without quite knowing why, you dismount from your horse and tie his reins to a ring which is set into the wall. Then you push open the door and enter the library's cool interior.

  Countless thousands of books and parchments crowd the stone shelves of this magnificent library. Your eyes travel along them until they reach another door at the far end of the hall. There, standing framed in its archway, is an old man clad in plain brown robes. He looks at you and smiles knowingly.

  ‘Welcome, Grand Master,’ he says. ‘I have been expecting you.’

  If you have ever visited a hut on Raider's Road, the city of Tahou, or Lake Vorndarol (in previous Lone Wolf adventures), turn to 348.

  If you have never visited any of these places, turn to 184.


  You grab Dorst by the wrist and shake a dozen cards from his sleeve. A deathly silence descends on the group as all eyes look first at the cards, and then at you. Simultaneously, the men start to laugh like hyenas until tears are soon streaming down their faces. One by one, they jiggle their hands over the blanket and hidden cards cascade from all their sleeves.

  Turn to 15.


  After the dangers of Eldenora, the plains of peaceful Slovia seem like a tranquil paradise. The grasslands are rich and fertile, and an abundance of game keeps you well fed during the five days it takes you to ride north to the walled city of Tekaro. Here, at an inn close by the city's cathedral, where, years ago, you discovered one of the Lorestones of Nyxator during your quest for Kai knowledge, you spend a fortunate evening in the company of a band of Salonese mercenaries. Aided by your Kai skills, you fleece them of 30 Gold Crowns while playing cards, and with your gain you purchase a fresh horse for your continuing journey home. (Your new horse and a night's lodging at the inn cost you 25 Gold Crowns; you may add the balance of 5 Gold Crowns to your Action Chart, maximum allowances permitting.)

  Early the following day you leave Tekaro and set out on the highway bound for Tido. You plan to reach Casiorn by means of the North Pass through the Slovarian Range, but during your second day on the road you are forced to revise your plans drastically. During a chance meeting at a wayside inn with a merchant who has journeyed from Casiorn, you learn that an avalanche has blocked the North Pass and travel by that route is now impossible. It will be several months before the pass is cleared and the mountain road rebuilt. You resolve instead to reach Casiorn by way of Varetta, the ancient city of crossed swords, and the following day you resume your ride north.

  During your ride, you stop to assist a farmer whose cart has shed a wheel. In return for your help, he offers the services of his brother who operates a raft ferry across the River Quarl. Gladly the brother transports you and your horse across the river to Salony, where you enter the Great Forest by way of a timberland trail. After a full day's ride along this lonely track, you find yourself approaching the outskirts of a town called Ellio.

  During your long day's ride through the Forest of Salony, unless you possess Grand Huntmastery, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 138.


  You leap over the heaped bodies of the bogus castle guardsmen and sheathe your bloodied weapon. Then you take hold of Nathor and carry him into the stables where you heave him across the neck of a saddled horse. Quickly you mount this steed and urge it to the gallop, bursting forth from the stable doors at a breakneck speed. Outside, the castle keep is alive with screams and curses as you steer your horse towards the gatehouse, where, to your mounting horror, y
ou see that the portcullis is beginning to fall.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Telegnosis and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Lord or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 2. If you possess Animal Mastery, add 1.

  If your total score is now 2 or less, turn to 21.

  If it is 3 or higher, turn to 230.


  As the sun rises above the waters of the Holmgulf, it sheds its golden light upon the hopeful citizens of Holmgard who have gathered to cheer your departure. You ride out of the King's Citadel at the head of the Guard Cavalry regiment, with Captain D'Val at your side. Bouquets of Sommlending roses are thrown before the hooves of your warhorse, and your ears ring to the jubilant cries of the crowd as you, and the brave horsemen at your back, ride with pride through the city streets that lead to Holmgard's north gate.

  Once outside the city, you order your troop to couch their lances and form up in column, four abreast, in readiness for a swift ride north. At midday, you cross the River Unoram and meet with a patrol of Border Rangers who are guarding a junction. A track emerges from the Fryelund Forest and joins with the main road from the west at this point. Although it is unsigned, you recognize its rutted surface at once: it is the Alema Trail, one of several forest tracks which lead to the Kai Monastery, thirty miles distant. Captain D'Val tells you that the enemy line is weakest at a place several miles along this trail.

  The Border Rangers come quickly to attention when they see you approaching. Their leader, a sergeant with a battle-wounded leg, warns you that the enemy were seen earlier flying over this area of the forest. You acknowledge his salute, and then you give the order for the regiment to form up in column, two abreast, before leading them along the trail and into the Fryelund Forest.

  You have covered less than a mile of this woodland track when you find yourself descending a gentle slope towards a stream, a tributary of the Unoram. There once was a bridge which crossed the watercourse at this point, but it has long since collapsed. Its ancient stones now form a ford which carries the trail over to the far side of the stream.

  If you possess Grand Huntmastery and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord or higher, turn to 203.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 151.


  You focus your Magnakai powers of Psi-surge and launch a pulse of energy at the prisoner's mind in an attempt to weaken his resolve. Unexpectedly, you discover that his memory is protected by a magical shield and it takes a great effort for you to break through this defence (reduce your ENDURANCE score by 4 points).

  Suddenly the man's mind shield crumbles. He shrieks with fear and his body is racked by uncontrollable tremors. You command the prisoner to reveal the identity of the person who sent him here to Garthen to murder you, and a mass of images begins to swirl and solidify in your mind's eye. They are the images of a past meeting in a far-off place which you recognize to be Duadon, the capital city of Eldenora. You see a shadowy figure, sheathed in ornate chainmail, handing a bulging pouch of gold to the prisoner in a dimly lit alleyway. The figure speaks your name before melting away into the shadows.

  ‘Who is this person?’ you say, commanding the trembling prisoner to answer. He parts his bruised lips and tries to utter a name but no sound emerges. You sense that he is fighting to overcome the remnants of the shielding spell placed upon his mind. Moving closer, you try to make out the name he is struggling hard to whisper.

  Turn to 326.


  You resolve to reach a clearing in the Fryelund Forest, a mile to the east of the monastery, where a secret entrance and passageway are located. The passage leads directly to your vault beneath the Tower of the Sun, and it is your intention to gain entry to the monastery by this way.

  Before you set off towards the woods, you use your psychic Mindblend ability as an extra camouflage precaution. Quickly it proves to be wise, for no sooner have you begun to run for the trees, than a flight of winged Lavas come soaring out of the clouds overhead. You throw yourself to the ground and they pass by without slowing.

  Once they have disappeared beyond the ridge, you get to your feet and continue your run for the trees.

  Turn to 51.


  You leave your horse at the derelict barn and make your way on foot towards the ferry post, arriving there just as the boat is docking at the jetty. Using your Kai camouflage skills, and aided by the frenzy of activity, you merge with the crowds of anxious travellers who are jostling to get aboard. An impatient trio of Eldenoran soldiers are collecting tickets from passengers before allowing them off the jetty. When it is your turn to board, you say that you have dropped your ticket and lost it.

  ‘Pay again!’ shouts one of the soldiers. ‘Yeah!’ sneers another. ‘Cough up another 2 Crowns, y' scab, and be sharpish about it!’

  Hurriedly you give the soldier 2 Gold Crowns (erase these from your Action Chart) and take your place aboard the crowded boat.

  Turn to 77.


  As if in answer to your prayer to the Goddess Ishir, the blade of your divine sword suddenly radiates a blinding halo of golden light. You sense that you hold in your hands a weapon capable of destroying the dragon and this realization greatly lifts your spirits (restore any ENDURANCE points lost so far).

  The dragon growls with disdain as the light of your sword washes over his scaly hide. He raises a claw-tipped forepaw and lashes out in an attempt to swat the Sommerswerd from your grasp, but you duck the blow and thrust the blade into his side. He roars with pain, but then he leaps at you with frightening speed.


  This creature is immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast. Due to the increased power of your sword while upon the Plane of Darkness, you may add 4 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.

  If you win the fight, turn to 288.


  You look up to see the loathsome creature circling directly above, less than twenty feet above the tops of the trees. Instinctively, you crouch down and take cover amongst the nearby foliage, your weapon drawn in readiness, as it attempts in vain to force a landing amongst the densely-packed pines. Its incessant cawing and the crash of its leathery wings against the upper branches bring Dorst and his men hurrying to investigate. They each pause to grab a bow and quiver from their saddlebags, and then they loose off a volley of arrows at the beast. Shrieking with frustration, the Kraan takes to the night sky and quickly disappears, heading away to the north.

  A chill night wind whistles through the trees and you shiver. But it is not the cold that is chilling your blood — it is the nagging fear that you may never live to see your homeland again.

  Turn to 275.


  From a secret drawer beneath the stone table, Gwynian brings forth a golden crystal the size of an apple. Its multi-faceted surface radiates a myriad tiny beams which shimmer and sparkle with the fiery energy that is locked within its core.

  ‘This is a Sun-crystal, Grand Master,’ he says, placing the object into the palm of your hand. Its surface feels pleasantly warm, inviting your touch. ‘If you are to save your brethren, you must close the Shadow Gate for good. This crystal can achieve this aim. It contains power sufficient to destroy the Shadow Gate and prevent its return.’

  Illustration VI—‘This crystal contains power sufficient to destroy the Shadow Gate,’ Gwynian tells you.

  You look down at the glowing crystal with fearful respect. Gwynian notes your concern and smiles.

  ‘You need not fear the crystal's power for it cannot cause harm in our world. Only if it is cast into another plane of existence will its powers be released. Grand Master, you must cast it into the Shadow Gate that Naar has created.’

  ‘So this is how I can save my brethren,’ you whisper, as you peer into the glittering head of the

  ‘Just so,’ replies Gwynian. ‘Just so.’

  ‘Then I must away at once,’ you say, placing the Sun-crystal into the pocket of your tunic. ‘Now that I have the weapon I need to save my people, I can stay not a moment longer; I must leave for Casiorn at once.’

  ‘Yes,’ says Gwynian, still smiling, ‘I know of your plans, and I have made provision for you to travel to the City of Merchants more swiftly. Come, follow me, and all will be revealed.’

  Record the Sun-crystal on your Action Chart as a Special Item. You must discard another item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number permissible.

  Turn to 323.


  The figure beside the fireplace does not reply. Instead, it stretches out a gloved hand and takes up an iron rod which is lying upon the stone mantle. The moment its fingers close around the haft, a crackling blue flame ignites at its tip.

  ‘Draw steel!’ commands Nathor, and his men respond by unsheathing their swords in readiness for combat. The Sommerswerd hums with power as you release it from its scabbard and hold it before your face. You sense that the figure is not human: it possesses an aura of evil that marks it as a dark disciple, a magician versed in the forbidden black arts of the Nadziranim.

  Suddenly there is a low, concussive boom and a spiral of blue flame shoots the length of the hall, fired from the tip of the figure's iron stave. It connects with the blade of your divine sword and rebounds, shattering one of the tall windows into a thousand glittering shards.


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