Fairy Ring

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Fairy Ring Page 4

by Nicolette Andrews

  She should have seen through his compliments from the start, she'd gotten so caught up in the beauty of this place, she'd almost forgotten where she was. She blinked as if she was seeing for the first time, the strange creatures all staring at her hungry, wanting. Was she the feast here?

  She sat up very straight in her chair aware of all the inhuman eyes upon her. It was dangerous to let her guard down even for a second. "Because that is what your kind do."

  He leaned in close to whisper in her ear, she should have slapped him or pushed him away but she let him, even being this near him she felt the ripple of excitement over her skin. "What if I was to tell you, I never wanted you to leave?"

  A shiver ran up her spine, a part of her wanted to stay.

  "I have no intention of staying longer than the night," she tried to laugh, and pretend that this was all a game. But she was in dangerous waters. The more he learned about her the more power he had over her. The only thing she had left to protect her was not letting him see how truly terrified she was.

  "Is that so?"

  "Once I find Edric, we are leaving." Her voice shook. If I can ever find him. I don't know why I agreed to play his games. I never think these things through.

  "Why are you waiting on him, when he's already forgotten about you?"


  By some miracle, Edric found his way back to the hallway where the Thorn King had left him. After a few minutes deliberation, he chose the third door. If the first door had led him astray perhaps the king expected him to try each door in turn. By that logic it meant Brenna would be behind the third.

  When he touched the sun-shaped knob, it glowed with bright light only to fade in a dark obsidian stone a moment later. Edric hesitated just a moment, but he could not stand to stay in this place another moment. He threw the door open and was blinded by sunlight. He found himself not in a long hallway but a sunny forest. The vale in which he had first stepped through the fairy ring, was filled with diffused light peeking through the canopy of the trees. A breeze blew through the branches and brushed against his skin, like a whisper.

  He let us go? He turned around, expecting a door where Brenna would appear. But there was nothing but an old tree, even the ring of mushrooms had disappeared.

  "Brenna!" He fell to his knees and clawed at the ground, as if he could dig through the earth back to her.

  "You said I had until sunrise to find her! Was this all a trick?" Edric shouted at the forest.

  Laughter filtered through the treetops, and he froze in place but his eyes flashed from side to side.

  "We had a deal!"

  A flash of gold moved about the trees jumping from branch to branch. Edric stood and with hands fisted at his side, tried to pin down whatever it was that was creeping around. But it moved too fast for him to pin down.

  "Come out and face me!"

  A woman dropped down from the treetops. Long golden hair fell down her shoulders and draped over her golden skin. She tilted her head to regard him, and as she did, revealed the top of her naked breast. There was nothing underneath her hair. Edric turned his head away to avoid looking where he shouldn't.

  "You've escaped the Thorn Kingdom, that is rather impressive." Her voice was a sultry purr. She sauntered around him and her fingertips brushed against his shoulder and sent a shiver down his spine.

  Though he tried not to look, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her exposed breast, tipped in a pink nipple.

  He swallowed hard and shut his eyes to avoid temptation. He had grown up hearing stories of Fair Folk's seductresses: they lured men in with their come-hither glances only to take their youth from them, or some other horrible fate.

  "You can look, I don't mind," she said.

  She stopped in front of him. The glow of her skin seeped through his eyelids, coaxing him to take just a single peak. A voice at the back of his head reasoned, what harm would it do?

  He opened his eyes halfway, the woman was very close, and she'd pushed her golden hair behind her back revealing everything down to the patch of golden hair above the apex of her legs.

  "I've heard a lot about you, Edric."

  His eyes snapped up to her face, "You have?" he stammered. Her lips were rosy red glistening and her eyes were large and framed with long lashes.

  She came very close to him. Her breasts pressed against his chest as she flung her arms over his shoulders. She shifted her hips back and forth, just inches from his groin in a tantalizing dance. All of the sudden his trousers were much too tight.

  She whispered in his ear. "Mmm." She trailed her hand down his chest. When her hand found the hem of his shirt, he opened his eyes and saw her smirking at him, her lips tantalizingly close, golden-brown eyes crinkled with mischief. Her hand stilled at the hem of his pants, daring him to stop her or urge her further.

  "How many times did Brenna tease you this way, getting you close only to pull away?"

  "Where is Brenna?" he asked, but only half-heartedly as she stroked the fabric along his thigh.

  "Don't worry about her. I can take care of you, and unlike her I will never age, never grow haggard," she purred in his ear before nibbling on his earlobe. "And I'll never tell you no."

  Images flooded his mind at her words of all the things they could do together. Edric groaned and threw his head back, closing his eyes as she kissed his neck. But soon his erotic fantasy turned to more domestic fantasy ones, of cuddling close with Brenna beneath a quilt. The soft feel of his beloved's lips against his.

  Very gently, he pushed the fae woman back. He did not want to do her any disrespect, but he had let this go on too far already. "Don't you want me?" she said with a pout.

  "I belong to Brenna."

  "I know what you saw in the dreamer's pool. If you remain together you'll only make each other miserable."

  He thought back to that horrid vision once more, they were trying to trick him. This had to be a test, like the ones all heroes endured when they wandered into the Fair Folk realm.

  "I don't care if she gets old and fat, I'll love her anyway."

  She laughed again, throwing back her head. Her breasts bouncing as she did. He started to lower his gaze but he thought of Brenna, her smile, her laugh. He turned his back to the temptress. That was the only way he was going to avoid further temptation.

  "You think you're a good man, Edric?" she asked as she pressed her breasts against his back and traced her hands over his chest running down and down once again. For a moment, he let himself get lost in the spell of her and let his mind wander. He thought about how it would feel to have her peel off his clothes, and to lay her down on the soft grass and make love under the canopy of trees.

  He mentally shook himself. You cannot do that to Brenna, she's the one you love.

  He broke free of her grip once more and stormed to the opposite side of the clearing.

  "I do not mean to insult you, but I have someone I love and I would rather remain faithful to her."

  "Do you really love her Edric?" the woman asked, "or is it her body that you're lusting for?"

  He turned around to refute her accusation but when he did, she was gone and so was the forest. All that remained was a wooden door set into a cave wall.


  A band of creatures played instruments that were both familiar and foreign. The otherworld creatures at the table, abandoned their meals to dance in the center of the room, under a hundred globes of multi-colored light that changed with each unearthly tone.

  The king stood and outstretched his hand to her. Did he know how much she loved to dance? Or was it mere coincidence. He had yet to return to his true form, perhaps knowing that she preferred the handsome human visage. All of these things to trick her, Edric would not leave her behind, she knew it.

  "Will you dance with me?"

  "What happens if I say no?" she stared at his outstretched hand, as if it was laced with poison.

  "I will be disappointed."

  The creatures aroun
d the room stared at her, waiting with expectation. She did not need to be told that disappointing a fae king, would hold consequences yet unspoken. Perhaps playing along with his games would help her find Edric.

  The Thorn King took her hand and led her onto the dance floor. The music swayed and shifted as the singer's voices wove together with words that were ancient and full of power. When she danced with the king, he placed his hand on the small of her back, keeping her close, the racing of her heart pressed against his firm chest. His gaze burned into her.

  "You still don't trust me?" It was more of a statement than a question.

  She looked around the room to the creatures that stared at her with hungry eyes. She doubted the king often danced with human girls. She thought of her friends back in Thornwood, they would never believe she had done this. But I'll never go back. Once she and Edric escaped, she could never go home again.

  She shook herself of melancholy thoughts, "I know Edric, he would not leave me behind."

  He twirled her around the floor, fast enough that her head spun.

  "Why him?" the king asked as they came to a sudden stop in the center of the dance floor.

  It took Brenna a moment to gain her bearings, the Fair Folk continued to dance around them, the music took on a thumping beat which seemed to vibrate through her. The king held her close, looking at her as if she were the only one in the room.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You're leaving everything behind for him, why?"

  Her breath caught in her chest, no one had ever put it to her quite that way before.

  "Because I love him," she said a little breathlessly but it sounded flimsy even to her ears.

  The Thorn King tugged her along, resuming the dance. Together they glided across the room together, her feet finding the rhythm with ease. If she just kept looking into the king's eyes everything else just melted away.

  "I think there is more to it than that," he said, leaning forward, his breath whispered against her cheek. It smelled like pine and the earth after the rain. She shivered anew.

  "I wanted adventure," she admitted, though she had never said so aloud before. "Nothing happens in Thornwood. My entire life was planned out for me. Edric was different, he went where he wanted. He wasn't like those stiff gentlemen my father invited over. I want to travel, to see the world."

  He scoffed and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she'd only ever talked about these sorts of things with Edric.

  "Why do you laugh?"

  "Your dreams amuse me."

  "They're not just dreams. That is how I will live my life once I leave here."

  He twirled her around before saying, "I have been around a long time and very rarely does reality match up with imagination."

  "You're wrong."


  "How can you possibly know what it's like to be human."

  A crooked smile crossed his expression. "I do not."

  She frowned up at him, everything else seemed to melt away, even the music faded to nothing. It was as if they were dancing together in starlight, lost to the world, just the two of them.

  "Then you cannot say what the future will hold for us."

  "I can see your heart Brenna, being a farmer's wife will never suit you. And after this night you will always wonder if you could have had more."

  "After tonight, I will be thankful I am with my beloved. We shall be too happy to care about anything else."

  He leaned very close, his green eyes focused on her, entrancing her. "Does your Edric know about your aspirations?"

  "Yes, of course," her breath hitched. His lips were too close. This was dangerous.

  "Not your silly dreams. Your addiction to opulence, your craving for all eyes upon you."

  "I do not want those things!"

  "Do you not? Then why did you not leave when I gave you the chance."

  "I have to save Edric."

  "I told you he left. So tell me the truth, why did you stay?"

  There was a strained silence. She was wasting time, indulging in the King's attentions, while Edric was likely worried sick about her while she twirled in a pretty dress, flirting with the Thorn King. I should demand he set us free, not that it would do any good.

  When she didn't answer he asked, "Do you tell him everything?"

  She looked away from the king, but he grabbed a hold of her chin forcing her to look at him. His eyes on her lips. "Why wouldn't I?" she said in a husky whisper.

  He kissed her. She knew she shouldn't, but between the sway of their bodies, the sound of his voice, she had gotten lost in him. Her breath came in short gasps. She wanted to taste him. His tongue parted her lips with ease, he tasted like honey. Like ecstasy and danger in one body. And then just as suddenly as it happened, the music faded away and she was back in the chamber, but everyone was gone but her. The lights had all disappeared but for a single glowing orb hanging above her.

  She spun around and saw not a sign of the revelers. She touched her lips where the king's had been moments before.


  Edric emerged from one of three doors on the far wall. She stared at him for a moment. Not sure it was a dream or not. And then he started to run toward her and she ran into his arms, throwing her arms around his neck.

  "I have been looking everywhere for you," he said as he buried his head in her neck.

  She inhaled the scent of him, as relief calmed her nerves. The king had brought Edric back to her, maybe he wasn't so bad. She had played his game and won, it seemed.

  "The Thorn King said you left for the human world," a sob caught in her throat. She hadn't realized how terrified she was of that until she had him back in her arms again.

  He cupped her face in his hands, staring into her eyes. "I would never leave you..." He looked away. There were shadows in his gaze.

  "Edric, what is it?"

  "Nothing. We should get out of here, before the Thorn King changes his mind." He took her by the hand and led her to the middle of the three doors, painted red and fading to black and shiny like it had been burnt.

  "How do you know the way out?"

  "I am not certain, but I went down that one and it leads nowhere we want to go." He pointed at a blue door, with river rocks around the edges. "And that one...." He trailed off. "This is the only one I haven't tried yet."

  Something had happened, she could see it in his eyes but she feared to ask because she was holding her own secrets.


  The relief at finding Brenna again was overshadowed by the visions of the dreamer's pool and what the fae woman had said. When he looked at her, he saw the hag she would become. He held her at arm's length, there were tears in her eyes. She looked a vision in the strange fae dress, it clung to her body, accentuating her hips and the swell of her breasts in a way no human garb ever had.

  They held onto one another a moment longer, but time was running out, he could feel it. They had to leave before the sun rose. Whatever the future held, he owed it to her to get her away from this cursed place.

  She squeezed his hand and leaned on his shoulder as they walked up a flight of stairs. It felt good to have her lean upon him once again. Unlike the passageway that led to the pool, this hall was filled with light. The walls were a dark onyx, which glimmered beneath the hanging globes. From the corner of his eye, he thought he saw minuscule figures in the light's reflection following their steps. But when he would look again, he saw only the reflection of the globes and nothing more. This must lead to the surface, where else could it go?

  "This place is beautiful, isn't it?" she asked as she stared enraptured by the reflection of light in the black walls.

  He had to pull her along behind him. "This place has been a nightmare." If only she'd move a little faster.

  They hadn't gone long when Brenna started to lag further behind. "I'm tired, can't we rest a while?" Sweat made her hair damp and it clung to her forehead in curling tendrils. Even more than before her dress hugged her body
, and the very outline of her breast drove him wild. He had to look away. His clothes were sticking to his body, the stairwell was damn hot.

  Brenna sat down on the steps and fanned herself. Each moment felt like a tick on the clock, if only he knew how much longer to sunrise. Just the thought of it was driving him mad.

  "We don't have time to waste," Edric said, he scooped her up into his arms.

  "Edric!" she screeched, but she only wrapped her arms around his neck as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "Isn't this terribly romantic, what a story we'll tell our children." She sighed against him. Her breath felt like flames licking against his skin.

  He couldn't set her down, or her dawdling would doom them both. The air was stifling hot in the tunnel and sweat gathered along his neck and rolled down his spine. With both his hands occupied, he couldn't even wipe away the sweat from his forehead and instead it rolled into his eyes making his vision blurry. Where was this heat coming from? It felt as if they'd wandered into the pits of hell itself. Brenna's close proximity only made it worse.

  "You're going so fast, you're jostling me," Brenna whined as she wriggled in his arms.

  He was forced to set her down, as his breathing was labored and each step seemed to take more and more effort. They'd stop just long enough for him to catch his breath. He leaned back against the wall, dabbing at her his sweaty forehead. How much further did they have to go, he tried looking back where they had come, but the lights had gone out as they passed, leaving him guessing. Looking ahead, he could not see the end, there seemed no end to this infernal tunnel.

  "Edric, you're drenched in sweat. Perhaps we should go back, there has to be another way out." She reached out to touch his face, but when he looked at her he saw not his beautiful Brenna but the weather old woman from his vision.

  He smacked her calloused hand away. "Don't touch me."

  She recoiled and once more returned to her youthful self. He'd spent too long in this horrid place, it was starting to play tricks on his mind.

  "You don't need to snarl at me." She turned to pout. The heat was affecting her, and her dress clung to her body in a tantalizing way. There'd been many times where he'd fantasized what her body looked like under all the layers she wore. This dress left little to his imagination. But it occurred to him, he'd never seen such a thing before and lust turned to jealousy.


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