Witch's Potion

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Witch's Potion Page 5

by Laura Greenwood

  “But what does any of that actually mean?” she asked him. She was feeling more confused than ever, and not just because the way she’d felt about Skyler seemed to have completely changed over the course of the day. There was definitely something more going on, and it had her worried.

  “Have you considered the option that he’s after you for something?” She laughed. What would anyone want her for?

  “Unlikely. Bex is far more powerful than I am. I can barely turn the kettle on with magic.”

  “But you could lock a door?”

  “It might not have actually been locked. I’m not sure.”

  “Interesting,” he said, smiling suggestively. He was probably having flashbacks to their earlier activities, much like she was. It was almost tempting to forget about the Skyler issue and initiate something else between them to distract him. Hell, it would distract her.

  “What’s happening?” she asked, tears welling up in her eyes as she considered the various answers to the question. Something was definitely off about the Skyler situation, but she couldn’t put her finger on what.

  “Maybe he saw you with your familiar, or out picking cabbage leaves under the full moon or something.” He shrugged.

  “I don’t think cabbage leaves would get you very far,” she quipped, trying not to let the stress overtake her or else she’d never recover, and she couldn’t return to Bex’s wedding clearly upset, it would raise too many questions, especially when her Mum had just been introduced to Felix and correctly guessed that he was her mate. Eurgh, she hated that word. But there wasn’t another one that was widely used by witches, and she knew even less about dryad mating habits. She guessed she’d find out later.

  “Well I know next to nothing about potions. Maybe you can teach me.” He nuzzled his lips into her hair, distracting the pair of them again.

  “Stop,” she said, pushing him away firmly. He looked hurt, but he obeyed, taking a step back and putting some much needed distance between the two of them. “We need to figure this out, Felix. If there’s something dodgy going on, then I want him away from my family. Bex has enough to deal with today as it is, and don’t get me started on Faye.”

  “Faye and the dark haired guy she was with?”

  “Reese. Yes. I’ll explain later.” Maybe she could even enlist his help in trying to figure out the best way to help Faye and Reese move past the not being able to touch thing. Dryads were renowned for their work with natural remedies.

  “Okay. Have you considered that he might have had you under some kind of enchantment?”

  “Like what? A love potion?” she threw back, only for the two of them to stand in complete silence as her words sunk in. The way she’d been acting was almost exactly like someone had been using a love potion on her. “That rat bastard,” she muttered.

  “Meeting me must have broken through it,” Felix said softly and she looked up at him, meeting his eyes and seeing the pain and hope that was there.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice cracking as tears threatened. He smoothed his thumb over her cheek again.

  “You’re welcome. But don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.”

  Chapter Twelve

  As little as he wanted to, Felix knew that he had to go and find Robert. With his growing obsession over one of the bridesmaids, he’d almost completely abandoned his role as the best man. Not that much needed doing. Unless making sure that Robert hadn’t gotten too drunk that he couldn’t stand anymore. There was always a chance that could have happened.

  He exited the reception room and made his way outside, something telling him that his friend would be about. If he was honest, he quite wanted to be outside and close to nature as it was. It’d been a hectic day, and being inside so much, not to mention away from his tether overnight, had taken it’s toll on him. No dryad should be away from nature for that long. He couldn’t regret it though, not when it was the exact turn of events that had led him to Mia. Felix smiled to himself. Despite the worrying turn of the day, and the concerns he still had about Bex and Robert’s marriage, it had been a good one. Which was definitely a good thing considering this was the day he’d be telling his future children about when they asked how he met their mother.

  He spotted a lone figure sat under a tree, and started to make his way over. He’d bet most of what he owned that it was Robert under the tree, though he had no clue what he was doing. Normally, Robert would be busy drinking or hitting on someone. Though the latter was probably a little difficult at his own wedding.

  “Robert?” he called out, and the figure looked up, proving Felix right. He quickened his pace and soon found himself stood under the tree with his friend next to him looking a lot worse for wear. In fact, it almost looked as if Robert had been crying. Which was odd to say the least.

  “What are you doing here Felix?” he slurred his words, at least Felix had got the drunk part right.

  “Come to find you, it is your wedding day after all.”

  “Huh. Some day that turned out to be,” Robert muttered, turning Felix’s curiosity up a notch. Something was going on, and he suspected it was bigger than he’d originally suspected.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing.” Robert spoke quickly, waving a dismissive hand as he did.

  “No, not nothing Robert. It’s your wedding day, you should be inside celebrating with your wife.” To Felix’s surprise, the last word came out as a hiss, and he had to wonder what had happened to him. He didn’t think that he’d ever spoken to Robert that way before. Maybe he was just on edge with the whole Skyler thing.

  A rustle sounded from some bushes that were off to the side and Robert glanced around uneasily, peeking Felix’s interest even more. Something was definitely off with his friend.

  “You need to go Felix,” Robert said, his frantic tone betraying far more than his words.


  “Go, now, don’t let him see you.” Well that was odd. But Felix listened, backing away slowly and going a few feet before realising that if he hung around a bit more, then maybe he could find out more about what was going. He crept up to another nearby tree, suddenly very thankful to the gardeners who’d designed the garden all those decades ago. Pulling on one of his dryad powers, he merged into the tree. Well, not merged, more like camouflaged. He was still a separate entity to the tree, but anyone looking his way would be clueless to the fact he was there. Except perhaps Mia. She’d probably be able to see him, or at the very least feel he was there. He strained his ears, wishing that he had some shifter blood, that would make this far easier he was sure.

  “I don’t know what you want Skyler.” Robert’s voice shook, which was probably to do with the other man, even Felix was a little wary of Skyler. But how did they know each other? And what was Skyler doing here?

  “I want proof. That’s the whole point of you being here isn’t it?”

  “Proof of w-what though?” Robert stuttered. If Felix hadn’t been worried before, then he certainly was now.

  “I want proof of Rebecca’s powers. Or if not hers, Amelia’s or Faye’s. That family is hiding something and I want to know what it is.” Skyler’s voice was cold, and Felix hated the way he said Mia’s full name. Almost like he held her in contempt. Things were not looking good, they were not looking good at all.

  “Powers? What are you on about?” Robert sounded a bit stronger this time. Meaning that Robert was clueless about Bex’s true nature. He didn’t know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

  “Anything unusual, potions, foresight, magic.” Skyler’s tone curled in contempt around the last word, which just made the whole thing even more curious. What the hell was going on with Skyler?

  “Are you suggesting that Bex is a—”

  “A witch. I’m not suggesting it. I’m aware of it. I just need proof. Which is where you come in.” Dread found itself a spot in Felix’s stomach, this wasn’t good for Mia. And he needed to protect Mia at every opportunity.

>   “Me?” Robert squeaked, and if he’d said more, then Felix imagined that his stutter would have returned. This was nothing like the brash, confident friend that he’d come to know and kind of hate. This was a broken man.

  “Yes. You’re married to Rebecca now. You have a reason to be in every aspect of her life. Find me something.”

  “But Bex has done nothing wrong,” Robert protested.

  “Yet she’s the reason we have your daughter.” Felix could imagine Skyler’s sadistic grin as he said the words and his heart sank. He hadn’t even realised that Robert had a daughter, but he could imagine having her held over his head wasn’t a good thing. Hell, when Felix had a daughter, he’d do anything to protect her. Anything.

  “You want Bex in return for her?” He sounded sad.

  “No, I want all of the Thornheart witches for her. And you’re going to get them for us.”


  “Yes, all. There are six in case you’re wondering.” Felix frowned to himself. Three of the witches were clearly Mia and her two sisters, but who were the other three? And what was Thornheart? he’d have to ask Mia later. In a way that didn’t freak her out about the fact someone seemed to be out to get her. No challenge there at all.

  “Or what, you’ll kill me?” Robert sounded a bit stronger this time.

  “No Robert. If you don’t get them, we’ll kill your daughter. In front of you. Slowly.” Skyler laughed, a hollow sound that had Felix convinced he was finding some kind of sadistic pleasure from this.

  “Okay, I’ll get them for you,” Robert said, his voice cracking with unvoiced emotion. Something needed doing to stop this. Robert might not be a good person all of the time, but even he deserved a chance to be happy, and a chance to know his daughter.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Why’ve you brought me here Mia?” Bex asked, her misery tainting her words and increasing the guilt Mia felt over not working harder to convince her not to get married. She’d cocked up massively, but had been too engrossed in Skyler to do much more. She shivered, thinking about her and Felix’s realisation that she’d probably been under a love potion the entire time. There was an irony there, she was sure, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

  “I thought you’d want these.” Mia held out the two necklace boxes that Felix had got for her earlier. To her surprise, Bex shook her head.

  “I don’t want them.”


  “I don’t want them, Mia. Give them to Faye and see if one will open for her and Reese.”

  “It won’t,” Faye said as she walked into the small room off the side of the great hall. Mia gave her younger sister a questioning look, to which she waved a dismissive hand. “Please, the two of you disappear, I’m going to follow. You should know that by now.” Mia had to admit that she had a point. It was what she’d been doing since they were children after all.

  “But you were so upset about it not opening earlier,” Mia said.

  “I wasn’t upset about that,” Bex bit back. Faye placed a comforting hand on her arm, but didn’t say anything. Neither did Mia. It wasn’t the time right now. “I was upset because it did open for you. I knew it wouldn’t open for me.”


  “Reagan told me.” Mia’s mouth fell open. She’d never really considered that Reagan might have talked to Bex about this kind of thing. “And she said that I had to marry Robert if I stood any chance of saving us.”

  “Saving us, Bex?” Faye asked softly.

  “I don’t know any more, that’s all Rea would say. But there’s something about a Coven and our grandmothers, but she hasn’t seen more. I’m sure you’ve heard what the sight is like.” Mia nodded. The sight was a touchy subject for witches. Only some of them had it, and Reagan was one of the lucky few. Even her brother didn’t seem to share the power, but according to his mate, his gut feelings were to be listened to under all circumstances. She liked that about Eira. She was laid back and forthcoming, even if she was asked about the fact that she had three mates. It sounded like fun to Mia, but also like a lot of hard work.

  “So what do we do?” Mia asked,wondering what they could actually do with the information. Maybe they needed to talk to Reagan again, Mia was sure she’d seen her around here somewhere.

  “I don’t know.” Bex seemed shaken, and Faye dropped her touch so that she could put her arm around Bex’s shoulder.

  “There’s more isn’t there?” she asked as she watched Faye offer comfort to their older sister. Something wasn’t adding up, and she wasn’t sure what it was, but she had an inkling. “How do you know none of the boxes will open for you?” Bex looked up from where she’d nestled into Faye’s shoulder.

  “Because I’m marrying him to save his daughter.” Mia’s mouth dropped open as the words sunk in.

  “What?” Faye asked, pulling away to look at Bex, who now had silent tears streaming down her face.

  “Robert’s daughter was in trouble, and one of the ways to save her was for me to marry him.”

  “And you believed him?” Mia’s anger was rising at the thought of her kind hearted sister being taken in by Robert’s plan.

  “I didn’t need to, I saw a photo. They’re keeping her in a cell, Mia. A fucking cell.” Mia just stood there, unsure how to process what her sister was telling her.

  “What can we do?” she asked softly, with Faye nodding along.

  “I don’t know. Robert didn’t tell me what they wanted, other than him marrying me.”

  “Them?” Faye asked, stroking Bex’s back. Mia glanced at the door, almost wanting to go and find Felix. He’d know what to do. Eurgh, when did she become that person? She wasn’t the kind that needed a man around for everything to be okay.

  “If you want to go find him you can,” Bex said, her glazed eyes meeting Mia’s. She shook her head. No way was she leaving her sisters right now.

  “I don’t think Robert will tell us anything we don’t already know,” Faye said.

  “She doesn’t mean Robert,” Mia replied, keeping her voice soft and reassuring. “She means Felix. But I don’t know where he is right now.”

  “Can he help?”

  “I’m not sure,” Mia admitted. “I can’t say I know much about him apart from that he’s mine.”

  “He’s definitely it?” Bex asked, a bit of awe filling her voice. Mia nodded.

  “Yes.” She smiled to herself. thinking back to the fun the two of them had had in the cupboard. Yes, Felix was definitely it for her. The sparks had been more than enough to convince her of that.

  “You have a smile on your face like you just got laid,” Faye teased. Mia bit her lip, avoiding her sister’s eyes. “Oh my God, you have. At the reception Mia? Really?”

  “You understand-“

  “No, Mia I don’t. I can’t touch my mate, remember?”

  “Sorry,” Mia muttered.

  “No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped. Whatever the problem is between Reese and me, it’s not your fault. Maybe I broke something in him that time I turned him into a toad.”

  “I don’t think that’s it, Faye,” Bex interrupted for the first time.

  “Then what is?”

  “Remember what Reagan told us about Josh and Eira?” The two of them nodded. “Maybe it’s something similar to that.”

  “You think we might be waiting for someone else?” Faye asked, hope blooming in her eyes.

  “Maybe. It’s possible.”

  “Don’t give up Faye, you never know what might happen.” Mia finally moved over to her sisters, taking each of their hands in hers. “But we have bigger things that we need to sort out. Like what the hell we’re going to do about Robert.”

  “And about your date.” Felix’s voice came from the doorway and Mia instantly dropped their hands to turn to him. She wasn’t even fully aware what she was doing until she was by his side and slipping an arm around his waist. Luckily, he responded instantly, putting an arm around her shoulders and droppi
ng a soft kiss against her head. She glanced over at her sisters and saw the sad smile on Bex’s face, which almost made her feel bad about how she was being with Felix. She opened her mouth to speak, but Bex held up a hand to silence her.

  “Don’t. My turn will come. Who am I to deny you what we all want.” Her smile spread a little more, becoming more genuine. Mia relaxed a little more into Felix who squeezed her closer.

  “What do you mean what we need to do about Mia’s date?” Faye asked, looking Felix up and down as she did. Probably sizing him up. “And what are you?”

  “Faye, don’t be rude,” Bex admonished, finally slipping back into elder sister mode and chastising Faye. Mia hid a snigger in Felix’s shoulder.

  “I’m a dryad.”

  “You didn’t have to tell her,” Bex said, and Mia felt Felix shrug from her position tucked into him.

  “Makes no difference to me. I’m sure that Mia would have told you.”

  “See,” Faye said, and Mia could imagine her sticking her tongue out in response. Though she imagined Faye had just about held back. Mia untucked herself, there was no way she could stay hidden inside Felix’s arm when there was a potential mess of her making about.

  “Now what about Skyler?” she asked Felix, looking up into his concerned looking eyes.

  “Who is Skyler?” Bex whispered to Faye.

  “Her date I think. You know the blond man she’s been ignoring the entire night?” Bex nodded, and Mia threw a glare at the two of them. Though she guess it was true. She had been ignoring Skyler all night, but that was hardly her fault. She’d met her mate, that was always going to overtake any other obligation.

  “Yes, Skyler’s my date. Yes, I gave him a love potion,” Mia said off hand. They should at least know the truth.

  “You did what?” Bex sounded horrified.

  “I gave him a love potion. Because for some reason I’ve been mooning over him for months but not actually getting anywhere.”

  “Except I’m pretty sure the love potion hasn’t worked. When did you last give it to him?” Felix asked as he stroked her lower back soothingly.


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