Time magazine, 33
time, giving of, 81–84, 87, 137
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 33, 52, 134–135
Too Big to Fail policy, 4
trust, 133–134
Tunisian revolution, 12–13
Twain, Mark, 106
ultimatum game, 48–50
uncertainty, economic decline and, 146, 149
uncharitable behavior, 82–84
underprivileged, 15, 53–55, 71–73, 88–89
facts regarding, 148
government growth and, 150
government intervention in, 151–152
rising, 147–148
unionization and, 150–151
in welfare states, 6
in free enterprise, 45
of income redistribution, 61–63
unhappiness, in learned helplessness, 30–31
unionization, 150–151
universal moral values, 45–47
upper class, 57, 82, 161
Urban Institute, 54
vacations, 35
Virginia Declaration of Rights, 10
voluntary contributions, 87–88, 136–137
voting, 84
wage inflation, 161
Wall Street Journal, 96, 102
War on Poverty, 99
warranties, 128, 130
Washington Post, 96
Watergate scandal, 3
The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 11, 119
welfare states. See also entitlement programs
failure of, 6
learned helplessness in, 30–31
sacrifice and, 38–40
social democracy and, 100
welfare system reform, 14–16, 118
Western artistic approach, 114
Wilde, Oscar, 106
Wilson, Woodrow, 97, 98
American/European views, 33–35
earned success and, 31–32
free enterprise and, 33
good luck vs., 55–56
soul in, 31–33
working class, 57, 71
world distribution of income, 72
World Values Survey, 50, 55–56
Yogananda, Paramahansa, 36
The Road to Freedom Page 21