Caught in the Aftermath

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Caught in the Aftermath Page 25

by Jami Gray

  ‘Doable,’ Reaper said. ‘There’s seven of us. As soon as Havoc and Mercy arrive, we’ll ride out and hook up with you at Stone Pen.’

  Vex always admired Reaper’s ability to think outside the box, but there were a hundred things that could go horribly wrong with his plan. Even if they made it through, there was one more concern overshadowing all the rest. ‘We take her down, there’s going to be blowback.’

  ‘We’ll do our damnedest to keep it contained,’ Reaper said, but didn’t bother to elaborate.

  Vex wasn’t sure they could, but since their odds of coming out of this breathing were iffy, it was a worry for after. ‘Not sure taking it to Boise is going to keep Simon off the radar.’ Yeah she was pushing, but damn she didn’t like the pit of guilt stirring at Reaper’s plan. Too many times, it was the bystanders who got burned when things went to hell.

  ‘Chance we have to take,’ he growled back. ‘I’m doing my best not to bring attention to him. Hence the reason why I’m not having doc go back and make the call from there.’

  ‘You think the doc’s not the only set of eyes and ears in town.’ Math watched Reaper, making it clear his observation was a statement, not a question.

  Reaper gave an arrogant shrug. ‘Said it yourself, Greer’s not stupid, so yeah, got to factor that in.’

  God, this was such a mess. Vex couldn’t shake the unsettling doubt wrapping tight around her heart. That could be because Mandy’s betrayal had blindsided her, left her reeling. Considering Ruin and Reaper’s reactions, she wasn’t the only one feeling it. Everyone was off balance. Not a good thing when you were getting ready to walk into a mess. Well, maybe not everyone, since Math appeared to be holding rock steady. Probably because his lifelong goal was within reach and his friend was alive and breathing.

  Deciding she might need to steal a little of his confidence to get through this, she stifled her sigh and laid her head against Math’s shoulder. When his arms curled at her waist and his lips brushed her hair, she closed her eyes holding that small, soft touch close. When this was over, she really hoped he’d hang around. She wasn’t ready to let go yet.

  ‘You two a thing now?’

  She opened her eyes to see Reaper watching her and Math, his face inscrutable. Behind him, Ruin was fighting a grin. She shot her brother a glare, but before she could give Reaper a response, Math sent her world reeling.


  Stunned by the surety in his answer, Vex floundered under her unexpected reactions. A cautious hope coloured by an unusual joy, and threaded through it, a hard-to-pin-down fear. There was no time to come to terms with any of it before Reaper pushed off the railing, closing in. Math’s arm disappeared as he rose to meet his brother’s advance. Vex’s throat closed up as the two men went nose to nose.

  ‘You playing games?’ A dangerous edge coloured Reaper’s question.

  ‘You know better,’ Math shot back, not backing down an inch. ‘She’s worth more than that.’

  With one simple declaration, Vex knew she wasn’t falling for the man standing at her side, she was well and truly gone. Dammit.

  Math wasn’t done. ‘Case you need reminding, I’m not the player in our family—that’s you, brother.’ His lips curled into a sneer. ‘I see something worth taking a chance on, I’m not screwing it over and then throwing it away.’

  Oh shit, this is not going to end well. Vex got to her feet, sent Ruin a frantic help-me-out-here look. Instead she found a mirror for her own worry at the turn the conversation was taking.

  A sound suspiciously close to a growl escaped Reaper. ‘Getting sick of your digs. Didn’t throw you or ma away.’

  ‘Didn’t you?’ Math shot back, completely unmoved by his brother’s fury. ‘You walked the fuck away without looking back. At first, I figured maybe I did something, then you did it again, years later. That’s when I figured it out. It’s just you.’

  Whoever, or whatever, Math referred to, found its mark. The air around Reaper went dark and cold. The bigger man drew up stiffly and took a deliberate step back, putting much-needed space between them. ‘Drop it, boy. She has no part in this.’

  It became crystal clear Math’s anger was riding roughshod over Reaper’s warning. Math held his position even as his lean frame shimmered with barely suppressed rage. ‘Keep telling yourself that, but I call bullshit.’ At his side, his hands curled into fists, his coiled tension ratcheting another notch. ‘You missed Greer because you’re still so tangled up with her and what happened, all you see is him.’

  Vex didn’t think Math’s ‘her’ had shit all to do with Greer. But then who?

  Proving the two furious men shared blood, Math’s voice went arctic in a strange mimicry of Reaper’s. ‘Ready for your world to go dark again, brother?’

  Reaper’s head snapped back as if Math’s question was a punch.

  ‘Because if you don’t open your eyes, you’re going to lose them—’ Math shoved a hand in the direction of Ruin and Vex, ‘—just like you did her.’

  Yep, Math was definitely not talking about Greer. Despite the volatile situation, Vex really wanted to know who the ‘her’ was, because damn, whoever she was, she left some serious damage in her wake. Considering who carted that damage around, that was saying something.

  With a muted roar Reaper lunged at Math, who met him halfway. Vex stumbled out of the way as the two collided, the impact echoing through the wooden slats under her bare feet. A hand caught her elbow as Ruin dragged her back, keeping her clear of swinging fists. Standing beside Ruin she watched with a bit of amazement as Math and Reaper went at each other. It was fast and it was savage.

  She winced when Reaper shoved Math against the thick post and nailed him in the ribs. Math came back with a vicious knee, followed by an even sneakier hook. They spun away from the railing and stumbled down the steps to the front yard. She and Ruin followed, standing at the top step watching as the two men continued to pound on each other.

  ‘Definitely brothers,’ Ruin muttered as Reaper sent Math to his knees with a kick.

  Math blocked the next incoming, locked Reaper’s thick thigh with his arm and sank his fist into the sensitive nerve running along Reaper’s other leg, then shoved him away. Off balance, Reaper fell back even as Math followed him down.

  ‘We should probably stop them.’ Vex cringed as the thick sound of flesh impacting flesh filled the night. Between the shadows and the weak reach of the porch light, the fight became a tangle of limbs. But the sounds proved it wasn’t losing any of its intensity.

  ‘Not feeling like looking for my damn teeth in the dark,’ Ruin drawled as he crossed his arms over his chest. Math managed another hit and Ruin sucked in a breath. ‘Yeah, that’s going to hurt.’

  They watched another minute or so, before the hits slowed and started to miss their intended targets. A sure sign it might soon be safe to interrupt. ‘Vex?’ Ruin called softly.

  ‘Hmm?’ She didn’t look away as Reaper rolled to his back, trapping Math under him. When Ruin didn’t say anything more and Math managed to fight his way free, she looked over to find her brother watching her.

  ‘You sure about him?’ From Ruin’s quiet question, Vex knew this was coming from the heart of her protective brother.

  She shifted over until their shoulders brushed. ‘Yeah.’

  Ruin’s voice stayed low. ‘Rough road.’

  ‘Hasn’t stopped me before.’ And that was the God’s honest truth. Didn’t matter how bumpy the ride got, she was determined to take it, with Math. ‘Know it’s quick, know it doesn’t make sense to anyone watching outside, but—’ She rubbed a hand over her chest, ‘—all those hollow spots? He fills them.’

  Ruin rubbed his cheek against her hair and sighed. ‘Happy for you, sis, but fair warning.’ He waited until she lifted her head. ‘He hurts you, I’m taking him down.’

  Flashing Ruin a grin, she aimed her thumb at the two men going at it in the yard. ‘You might have to get in line.’

  ‘Right.’ Rui
n straightened, and Vex did the same, both of them taking in the two punching bags still circling each other in the yard. ‘Which of us gets to step in?’

  Seeing the worst of whatever triggered the brothers was gone, Vex decided to call it a night. ‘That’d be me.’ She made her way down the stairs, taking her time so when Math circled around, his back to her, she found her opening and took it. Trusting Reaper to keep his shit tight, she slipped in front of Math, giving Reaper her back. Math’s hands went to her arms to put her aside, but she stopped him by pressing her hand to his chest. ‘Enough, hot shot.’

  The hands on her arms tightened, making her wonder if she’d be carrying his bruises tomorrow, but she didn’t move, just waited him out. The tension surrounding Math leaked away, and the coiled muscles under her palms eased. He sucked in a deep breath, then another before he looked away from Reaper and down at Vex. Taking in the new marks left by Reaper’s fist, she sighed and cupped his face. ‘Day three, fight number four.’

  A flash of amusement pierced the darkness of Math’s eyes and he turned into her touch. ‘You keeping count?’

  ‘Someone has to.’ She studied him, part of her relieved to see the worst of his anger slithering away. Giving him a small nod, she turned to face Reaper and waited until he looked at her. He winced as he wiped away the blood trickling from a cut above his eye. When she had his attention, she asked, ‘Feel better?’

  Reaper shot a dark look at Math, then dropped it to Vex. ‘Hope you know what you’re doing.’

  Difficult though it was to read him since he was half hidden by shadows, she didn’t miss the protective note under his warning. Because of that, she kept her voice gentle, despite the rasp of irritation that he and her brother kept questioning her decision. ‘I’m a big girl, Reaper.’

  He moved towards her, trapping her between him and Math. His gaze was filled with a difficult mix of emotions. Hard as it was, she held it. There was a depth of love, pride, and worry, so much like what she saw in Ruin’s eyes, reflected back that her throat grew tight. His hand rose, brushed her cheek with a startling gentleness before dropping away. He switched his attention to Math, the softer emotions disappearing under a hard glare. ‘Hurt her, and I’ll make sure you feel it.’

  Yep, Ruin would have to wait in line.

  Reaper didn’t wait for Math’s response. Instead he stalked by, deliberately knocking his shoulder into Math’s in one final, silent warning. Then he headed up the steps and inside. Ruin silently followed. Shaking his head, he disappeared inside.

  As it was the closest thing she’d get to a blessing, from either of them, she’d take it. Not that she needed their blessing, but she wanted it. They were family. Family mattered.

  She helped Math onto the porch and settled into a chair. Now that the immediate storm had blown over, her mind decided to kick into high gear. She wanted to poke at Math’s claim, making sure it wouldn’t disappear like a soap bubble.

  Too soon?

  Probably. Best to give it a few.

  Math shifted and released a quiet hiss. The sound dragged her out of her head. ‘How bad?’

  ‘Bastard has a heavy fist.’ Math managed a grimace, gingerly touching his battered lip. ‘But I’ll be fine.’

  ‘You want to go in?’

  ‘Nah, rather sit out here for a bit.’

  She settled in next to him, close, but not so close as to aggravate his aches and pains. Deciding to ease into their various conversational options, she decided to tackle the mysterious ‘her’ first. There was something important there. ‘So, who is she?’


  ‘The ‘her’ Reaper threw away.’

  Math sighed, then looked at her. ‘Lilith.’

  Struck speechless, she blinked. Lilith was one scary ass woman, and currently the Vultures were in a tentative partnership with her against Michael. Vex met her once when she came to Pebble Creek to reclaim her kidnapped daughter, Tabby. The incendiary way she and Reaper interacted left no doubt they had a shared history. Like two rabid dogs vying for the same juicy bone. No-one dared get between them. But Vex never guessed it was the kind of history Math’s accusations indicated. Holy shit. Reaper and Lilith? It almost boggled the mind. Almost as much as Lilith having a daughter. Her brain screeched to a halt. ‘Wait, is—Tabby—Reaper’s?’

  Math’s lips thinned. ‘That’s not my story to tell, Vex. Bad enough I shared the who. If I give you more, tonight will look like a cakewalk.’

  ‘Understood.’ And she did. Despite her pesky curiosity, she couldn’t deny that Math’s reluctance to share his brother’s story, despite their differences, proved just how deep his honour ran. She studied his battered and bruised profile, and her next question slipped out without permission. ‘You serious about us?’

  That earned her an unreadable look, almost as if he was concerned about her reaction. ‘Is there any reason I shouldn’t be?’

  Since he and Reaper just finished pounding each other into the ground, partially because of their history and partly because of her, she figured her biggest concern had been answered. Her family thought it ill-conceived, but they would stand by her and help pick up the pieces, if necessary. It was up to her. She could either crawl back behind the crumbling wall she erected, or she could woman up, step out of that dubious protection, grab Math’s hand and see where this road led. ‘Some think I’m too high-maintenance.’

  He reached out, curled a hand around her neck and drew her close. She braced a hand on his chest and let him capture her lips in a kiss. She lost herself in his taste and touch, finding a sense of peace despite the storm waiting on the horizon. When he finally drew back, her body ached to follow through on the promise of his kiss, but she was more than happy to sit on a porch and just be. They sat there, letting the quiet soothe the rough edges. But shaking years of experience was difficult and she couldn’t help but voice her worry over what the future held. ‘What happens now?’

  Math’s chest rose and fell under her hand and the arm around her shoulders tightened. His chin brushed across the top of her head. ‘Got enough to worry about right now. Best not to borrow future trouble. We’ll deal with it, if or when, it hits. You good?’

  No doubt trouble was coming. Holding his words tight in her heart, she gave back a soft, ‘Yeah.’

  Chapter 21

  The next couple of hours, Math listened to his brother hammer out the details of his risky plan. Vex told them she and Math had run across Bane in Boise, but couldn’t say if he remained nearby or not. Ruin promised he’d keep an eye out, because you never knew when you could use an extra pair of hands.

  Reaper’s lost trust in Mandy was made clear when he didn’t bring her into the conversation until the very end. Even then, he shared only what she needed to know, and nothing more. Once their roles were in place, Math and Vex disappeared into one of the bedrooms to grab a couple of hours sleep before hitting the road. They would be the first ones to go as they needed to get into Stone Pen while darkness hid their presence from whoever might be watching.

  The dead of morning pressed heavy and deep against the windows, when Math managed to untangle himself from Vex’s warm body without waking her. He dragged on his jeans and padded down the hall to Cam’s room, where he found Reaper keeping vigil. He stopped in the doorway.

  Reaper slowly got out of his chair and came over. Together they stood there looking to the man sprawled on his stomach in the bed.

  Reaper spoke first. ‘His fever broke few hours ago. Doc said he needs rest, but should be back on his feet in a day or so.’ He looked at Math, not missing the signs of worry. ‘You did good. He’ll make it.’

  Math dipped his chin in acknowledgement as something deep inside relaxed. Hearing it from doc was one thing, but from Reaper, who never pulled his punches—physically or verbally—was another.

  ‘Going to grab some coffee. I’ll be back.’ Reaper gripped Math’s shoulder in reassurance, then walked away.

  ‘You going to stand there staring?’ C
am shifted, wincing as he turned so he could see Math.

  ‘Just letting you get your beauty rest.’ Math went over and took the chair Reaper left. He winced at Cam’s battered face and wondered if the end result would bring him peace. The caustic mix of anger, guilt, and shame churned in a noxious brew in his gut. Swallowing down the bitter taste, he managed to keep his voice steady. ‘How are you feeling?’

  ‘Like shit.’

  ‘Good, because you look like shit.’

  ‘You’re one to talk. Did Vex whip your ass for sassing her?’ He studied Math, his brief flash of humour draining away. ‘Fill me in.’

  Without hesitation, Math did. He shared everything, including the Mandy and Greer situation and the brotherly quarrel. Then he moved on to Reaper’s plan.

  Cam frowned. ‘A lot of ways for it all to go to shit.’

  ‘Not telling me something I don’t know,’ Math agreed. ‘As whacked as it is, it’s our best bet.’

  For a long moment, Cam didn’t say anything. ‘Dammit, don’t like you going in without me.’

  Understanding Cam’s frustration, Math shared his. ‘Just saved your ass, brother, not real keen on exposing it again.’

  That earned him a telling gesture and glare.

  Math’s lips twitched. ‘Love you too, man.’

  Cam heaved a sigh and studied Math before saying, ‘Dangerous game you’re playing.’

  Resting his arms on his knees he held Cam’s gaze. ‘It’s the closest we’ve been to the bitch in a while. I hate to lose this opportunity.’

  ‘I get that, but …’ he trailed off.


  ‘Okay, got to put this out there. I’m glad you’re finally dealing with your brother.’ He ignored Math’s glare and kept going. ‘No matter how much you try to deny it, you two were close once. Blood is blood, and no matter how much anger sits between you two, that bond isn’t going away. So yeah, fucking ecstatic you’re reconnecting there.’ There was a shift in his expression, as sly humour crept under his worry. ‘Even better, I’m beyond thrilled you finally got yourself tangled up with a woman, but—,’ humour drifted away to something more serious, ‘—you’re so focused on getting payback, you’re risking what you just found.’


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