Shattered (Book Two of the Beautifully Broken Series)

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Shattered (Book Two of the Beautifully Broken Series) Page 2

by Angela Stephens

  Kathryn softened at the entreating look in his eyes. It was true. Since the incident with Heather she had thrown herself into keeping James as busy as possible with every imaginable media exposure. It was mostly for the magazine’s new look and more diverse contents, but not completely. Throwing herself into her work had helped distance her emotions from James, and with Sandra’s help, the timing of appointments, meetings and other venues was scheduled to keep James out of the office for the better part of the day.

  It had also provided a more unexpected benefit of bringing her closer to Frank Manticorp, who now spoke with her daily by phone. Though Kathryn regularly emailed him updates, she noticed he was become less formal with her and seemed to enjoy their conversations. It occurred to Kathryn that having him as an ally would also be helpful to strengthen her position in case Heather, or even James, presented a threat.

  Though she hoped that would never become an issue, Kathryn realized that playing a little politics of her own could better safeguard her position rather than remaining passive and frightened. She thought of Sandra and felt a sense of gratitude.

  “Where’s your head?” James asked.

  “Sorry,” she said. “Just trying to stop the recorded messages buzzing in my head.”

  “I hope I’m not included in those messages,” he said.

  “Of course not. Why would you even think of such a thing?”

  James paused to look at her.

  Kathryn felt herself blush. Even now she couldn’t control her responses and it annoyed her that she continued to act like a lovelorn adolescent. If she couldn’t change her feelings for James, they would have to remain sidelined. Until when was a question that could not be answered.

  “So how have you been, Kat?” he asked.

  Kathryn motioned toward her chaotic desk. “Doing my job,” she said. “And enjoying it.”

  “I’m glad to hear that but that’s not what I asked.”

  “There’s really nothing else to discuss, James.”

  James reached out and touched a strand of her hair. The touch of his fingers fired memories and Kathryn pulled away from him.

  “You can pretend all you want,” James said, “but your eyes tell me quite a different story.”

  “James, please don’t do this,” Kathryn said, turning away.

  “Do what? You don’t think I know there’s more behind my twenty-four/seven schedule than the new magazine edition? It’s great that it’s all my father talks about and everyone’s excited about it, but sooner or later things are going to normalize and you’ll have to face me.”

  “Well, things should normalize once you’re married,” Kathryn said.

  James cast her an enigmatic look. “That remains to be seen. Marriages have a habit of destroying relationships rather than nurturing them.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Kathryn said. “And it’s not a topic I can really focus on at the moment.”

  “Is that why you’re not focusing on me?” James asked.

  Kathryn felt a twinge of irritation. The day had been going well until James turned up. She was starting to get past the emotional rollercoaster his presence caused her but now that he was within arm’s reach her self-control was fading.

  “I’m focusing on you the way I should be and always should have been. I’m sorry, James, but I asked you to give me some space. Don’t start crowding me now.”

  James shook his head. “You’re a lousy actress,” he said softly.

  Kathryn bolted from her chair just as a knock sounded from the door. Sandra stepped in and glanced at James as though unsurprised to find him there.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” she said coolly. “James, the rep from Euromondo Green just turned up an hour early. He apologizes. Got his times confused. Can you see him now?”

  James slipped off the desk. “I’m sure I can squeeze something else into my day.” He turned to Kathryn. “I’ll catch you later.

  Sandra glanced at Kathryn as she followed James out the door. Kathryn settled back into her chair and tried to focus on her work. There was a lot to be done. She couldn’t be distracted now, yet instead of seeing words on the email she tried to read, she saw the look in James’s eyes.

  There was no mistaking the emotion she read in them, and the emotion he no doubt read in her eyes. That they had feelings for each other could no longer be denied, but each time she felt her resolve weaken she had only to think of Heather. The fact that Heather had not shown her face since the incident worried her. Was she that sure that Kathryn would be too frightened to utter a word about what happened?

  But in a sense, she was. Not only for herself, but for James. To admit anything now would make matters only worse. Kathryn sighed. Maybe as time progressed and she continued to distance herself from James she would find her feelings different, or at least distanced enough for her to be less affected by him.

  The trilling office phone distracted her. She noticed it was Sandra’s extension and answered.

  “You okay?” Sandra asked.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Sorry I wasn’t there. UPS man had a stack of deliveries I had to sign for and James managed to get past me.”

  “Honestly, he was only here for a couple of minutes. No harm done.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Maybe you can set up a few more out of town appointments.”

  Sandra chuckled. “Actually looking into that as we speak.”

  An email from Frank Manticorp arrived in Kathryn’s mailbox. She opened it and saw a list of items he wanted her to follow up on.

  “Got to run,” she said.

  “Okay, stay strong.”

  Kathryn hung up and stared at the phone. How I wish I could, she thought to herself.

  Chapter Three

  The morning of the photo shoot could not have turned out better. Basking under glorious blue skies, Portland shone with diamond brilliance. From the outdoor patio, Kathryn gazed down at the shimmering river bustling with an armada of boats. Summer colors swathed the city and the brisk air resonated with the cry of seabirds.

  She turned to gaze at the bustling activity on the patio. Caterers worked discreetly behind brilliantly colored screens reflecting rainbow colored banners and matching table covers. Local and international media hovered between the photographer and his assistants preparing for the shoot and the celebrities milling around the beautifully presented buffet and bar. Upbeat ambient music rose from discreet speakers, vying with the buzz of conversation.

  Kathryn smiled as Sandra emerged donning a brilliant gold dress accented with handmade bronze jewelry. She sipped from a daiquiri in her hand.

  “You look amazing,” Kathryn said, eyeing the cocktail.

  “I’m working,” she said defensively. “Besides, I know how to behave myself. Can I get you one?”

  “Maybe later. Need to keep a clear head.”

  Sandra surveyed the crowd. “So far everything’s turned out perfectly. You did a fantastic job, Kat. This event’s going to be a hit.”

  “With your help and the help of some very talented people,” Kathryn said.

  Sandra gave her a quick once over. “I think you’ll be quite a hit in that little black number you’re wearing. Nice shoes, too.”

  Kathryn shot her side glance as a security guard escorted James and Frank through the patio entrance. She could only stare at a painfully handsome James. Dressed in one of Rolf’s black suits but with no tie and an open-necked shirt, he was the epitome of urban executive chic. His father, a stouter, older version of James, bore a distinct resemblance to Howard Hughes down to the mustache and bushy eyebrows. Dressed in a sharp but more conservative suit, the contrast between father and son told Kathryn in a glance more than she could have imagined about their relationship.

  Frank acknowledged Kathryn and Sandra with a smile while James’s gaze was for Kathryn alone. Kathryn felt a sexual thrill from the eye contact so intense she could barely retain a professional demeanor. She smiled and nodded
, then they were engulfed by the applauding crowd.

  Kathryn reflexively scanned the area.

  “Don’t worry, she’s not here,” Sandra said. “Probably just as well considering that look James gave you.”

  Kathryn reached for Sandra’s drink. “I think I will have some of that,” she said, taking a hefty sip. “Do you think she’s going to show up?”

  Sandra shook her head. “She wouldn’t want to show her hand and seeing you would definitely bring out her inner beast. But she might have ears and eyes here so keep your guard up.” Sandra took her arm. “Come on, Frank’s about to make his announcement.”

  They wound through the crowd surrounding the photographer and stood near a low podium where Frank and James waited for the applause to stop. A tech fitted lapel microphones to both. Cameras began rolling. Kathryn felt the excitement in the air.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” Frank said in his distinguished voice. “I’d like to thank all of you for attending today’s photo shoot commemorating the launch of the revamped Mountain Dreams Magazine. As you know, Manticorp Media has championed environmental causes for many decades.” He glanced at James. “And it is my hope that this tradition of service to local and global communities will continue. But today’s launch is more than superficial. As we move through the twenty-first century and beyond, we must embrace new technology and new mindsets. It is my hope that all of you here will consider not only our words, but our goals in transforming the world into a better place for present and future generations.”

  Frank turned to James. His eyes scanned the crowd, then rested on Kathryn. Though his smile appeared universal, she knew it was meant for her. She felt Sandra’s scrutiny and desperately tried to maintain a calm exterior, but inside her heart raced.

  “I’d also like to extend my thanks to all of you here today,” James began. “I’ll keep it brief; I know everyone’s waiting for me to strut my stuff.”

  Laughter erupted, and Kathryn could see more than one appreciative glance from some of the women in attendance. Some seemed to be of Heather’s ilk and Kathryn could only wonder if they were friends sent to spy.

  “So I’ll simply say to you all,” James continued, “that we no longer have any excuses for inaction or apathy. Each of us is capable of making changes no matter how large or small. We just have to motivate ourselves to do so.” He smiled and nodded to the photographer. “So if Emilio is ready, let’s get this show on the road.”

  More applause erupted, voices chattered. Servers flitted around with trays of cocktails and appetizers. Frank moved aside to speak to Derek Lawton. The energy level had soared and to Kathryn it felt like a red-carpet event.

  She watched James with a sense of pride as he moved toward a section of the balcony strategically flanked by reflector screens. The volume of the music rose and the camera began clicking away. The crowd silenced. Moving with the rhythm, James transformed into a broodingly sensual creature that altered with each frame.

  Kathryn watched in amazement. The James posing effortlessly before the lens and the scrutiny of so many revealed a side of him that she didn’t know existed. It was the first time she had truly seen him freed from the constraints of expectation, the brief glance he cast her confirmed that this was no performance. A more mature, evolved James had emerged from the chrysalis.

  She felt a burst of pride at what was more than an accomplishment on paper. This was an achievement in the flesh, Kathryn’s own version of David. Wistfully she thought of how perfect everything would have been if James had been single. It was because her feelings were so strong for him that the situation had evolved the way it had, but with the specter of Heather lurking in the background, what could be one of her greatest achievements would be lost to someone else.

  “He’s looking mighty fine, isn’t he,” Sandra whispered.

  Kathryn snapped out of her reverie. James was leaning against the balcony gazing at the skyline like a young Zeus observing his domain.

  “That he certainly is,” she said.

  The music reached a crescendo and James copped a few more poses. Growing more playful, he pouted at some of the women and undid a couple of buttons from his shirt. That met with clapping and catcalls, including Sandra. A few more pensive glances over his shoulder and the shoot was over. Resounding applause erupted from the spectators and James was instantly mobbed by the media.

  Reaching for a water bottle presented by one of the shoot technicians, James took a generous swig and scanned the crowd. His eye caught Kathryn’s, but his view was blocked by the an approaching woman.

  Kathryn smiled but the response was too late as James was out of sight. She clapped enthusiastically, but her emotions were tempered by the sight of so many other women crowding around James. She wanted so badly to do the same but knew it wouldn’t be appropriate.

  Frank Manticorp threaded toward his son smiling and nodding. Waiting for the din to subside, he addressed the crowd.

  “Well, after that performance I’m expecting our subscriber base to at least double,” he said. “Of course this is the first of many other events James will be hosting. We’d love to have your support at these venues. Our staff would be happy to provide you with schedules.”

  He paused while James whispered something in his ear and nodded. “I’d also like to take a moment to thank our image consultant, Kathryn Denton, along with her team, for their superb work in making this one of Manticorp Media’s most memorable events.”

  Kathryn’s shock and surprise was met only by the tidal wave of media and cameras engulfing her. Barraged by congratulations and questions, she quickly recovered and responded with a charm and poise that had many inquiring about her services. Sandra busily collected business cards and contact info on her phone while Kathryn shook hands and smiled her way through the crowd.

  The day had turned out far better than she could have imagined and it would have been perfect... had she not turned to glimpse a spray of blonde hair vanishing through the entrance doors.

  Chapter Four

  Sitting at her desk a few days later, Kathryn scrolled through initial proofs from the photo shoot. She sipped her coffee and paused to study the many faces of James Manticorp. Choosing a cover image was proving to be a challenge as all of them were outstanding. She mused over one particularly brooding shot of him staring toward the river. It was ironic that her efforts to distance herself had been almost too successful, for now, his photos were almost all she saw of him.

  Kathryn switched to another document listing the updated venue schedule for James. Over the next few days he would be almost completely committed. Sandra had been very diligent in booking every possible green-related event. Be careful what you wish for, she thought, feeling a sudden and intense pang of loneliness.

  She couldn’t deny that she sorely missed James, but if separation meant James’s safety, there was nothing else she could do. The fleeting image of that blonde hair at the photo shoot resurfaced in her mind like the lingering remnants of a bad dream. Though she and Sandra had scanned the attendees several times, their attention had been distracted a great deal and it was more than likely that Heather had managed to slip in unnoticed.

  She thought it odd that Heather had not made her presence known nor had there been any mention of her. A shiver coursed through her. Something about the situation was not sitting right with her and she worried that Heather might be planning something. Like a trapdoor spider, she was simply waiting for Kathryn to stumble across her well-concealed hole.

  An email from Frank Manticorp arrived in her mailbox. Kathryn couldn’t help but smile as she read his request for yet another update. Though her relationship with James’s father had always been cordial, since the recent spate of promotional events, and especially since the photo shoot, they had become closer.

  Grateful for the distraction, she picked up the phone and dialed his extension. It would have been just as simple to respond to the email, but she felt like she needed to hear another voice.

>   “Frank Manticorp.”

  “Mr. Manticorp, it’s Kathryn.”

  “Kathryn, please. I think we’re well past the formalities now. If you have a free moment I’d like to talk to you about some other ideas I have about James.”

  “I’ll be right up,” Kathryn said.

  She hung up and stared at the phone. Things really had changed. She rose and headed out of the office, disappointed to find Sandra AWOL yet again. It was to be expected as she had relegated numerous campaign tasks to her, but she found herself missing her friend and partner in crime. She paused by her desk, scribbled a smiley face on a post-it note and left it on her seat.

  Kathryn approached the elevator and pressed the call button, noticing that James’ door was partially open as she waited. When she stepped into the elevator she saw Heather emerge from his office and close the door behind her. Dressed down in ripped jeans, a nondescript T-shirt and flats, her dark-circled eyes and unkempt hair belied her normally polished appearance. She looked both ways before heading to the stairwell and vanishing through the door.

  As the elevator doors closed Kathryn wondered why Heather was behaving so sneakily, normally she would blaze through Manticorp Tower making sure she was noticed. The thought distracted her as she arrived at Frank’s floor and made her way to his office.

  “Kathryn, it’s so good to see you,” Frank Manticorp said, ushering her into his office with a broad smile. “Please have a seat.”

  Kathryn sat in a comfortable chair Frank had positioned beside his desk.

  “Would you like some coffee?” Frank asked, pouring himself a cup from an expensive looking espresso machine.

  “No thanks. If I drink any more you’ll have to haul me down from the ceiling.”

  Frank laughed. “I love a sense of humor in a woman.” He sat down and sipped his coffee. “I’m not seeing much of James these days, which I take as positive.”

  “His schedule is pretty full. Have you reviewed the latest update?”


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