With the Band (With the Band #1)

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With the Band (With the Band #1) Page 6

by Natasha Preston

  “I’m sorry, Tex. Can we forget it?”

  Like we forgot the kiss, like we forget every look, every fight.

  Our whole relationship feels like one big cover-up. Either that, or he’s being straight up and honest, and I’m the delusional one reading more into it.

  At this point, I have no idea. I’ve spent such a long time thinking Kitt feels something for me, I’ve questioned and second-guessed his actions and words a million times over, and I’ve obsessed about every situation so much that I don’t know what to think anymore.

  Instead of saying everything I want to say and everything I should say, I take the coward’s way out. “I’m sorry, too, and it’s forgotten.”

  Kitt gives me the briefest smile, and then he picks up his beer again. The bottle is wet, but it’s stopped foaming now, so he takes a long swig. He’s tense still, and I don’t know if he’s forgotten it or what, but he’s not back to normal.

  Has he finally realised that some things can’t be easily forgotten? Or am I reading too much into this again?

  I definitely should crack open something stronger.

  After a few drinks and a lot of junk food, we head down to one of the meeting rooms Carl booked for the afternoon, so we can run through the next few days. My calendar is full of notes, so I know what they need to be doing at every second of the tour.

  Jodie and Carl have given me an opportunity to step up, and I’m determined to make it work. I’ll be the only one consistently with the bands through the whole tour, so it’s important I don’t mess this up.

  After the meeting that Kitt, Milo, and Cooper couldn’t wait to leave and radio engagement, we head outside, so Hank and Ted can drive us to one of the local clubs. Dad is taking the temps. He always has Ted go with me because he trusts him the most.

  Dad, Jimmy, and Will decided to go elsewhere in the end, which just means they want to behave like rock stars but don’t want to do it in front of me. As long as I don’t see a picture of my dad pawing at some girl tomorrow, I’m cool. Plus, it means I can enjoy myself straight off.

  Me and Filthy Sound are the back of the car as it whizzes along the pretty streets of Paris. Coop is trying to make me feel uncomfortable by staring at me. It’s an impossible task now. I know him too well.

  I have on a short black dress, which is pretty plain but shows off my legs. Those bad boys have gotten me into a lot of places I shouldn’t have been in before.

  Kitt, Milo, and Cooper are dressed casually, and even if there’s a dress code, we won’t be refused—mainly because the manager of the club has invited us. Filthy Sound being photographed outside the club is good advertising for them.

  Cooper turns to us. “Ready to get fucked up?”

  After today, I have never been more ready.




  There is no denying that I’m drawn to Texas, but I sure as hell can fight it.

  I owe it to Mark to fight it.

  She seems to unknowingly make it as fucking difficult for me as possible. Every time she looks at me, I remember the way she looked at me that night. Every time she gets pissed off and raises her voice, I want to shut her up with my mouth. Every time I hear her voice, I hear her moaning my name.

  And she’s wearing a dress tonight.

  The woman is the devil. She’s testing my strength to its breaking point, and I don’t know how much longer I can hold off.

  “I’m so ready to get off my face,” she says, swatting at Coop’s hand lying on her knee.

  He grins at her. I don’t need to intervene because she’s got this covered. But it does piss me off.

  Concentrate on all the women you can have tonight, not on the one you can’t.

  France is full of beauties, and there will be many, many models at this club.

  You do like models.

  “Glad to hear it because we’re not going back to the hotel until sunrise,” Milo says.

  “We’re here,” Coop says, pulling on the back of the driver’s headrest. “Are you two insisting on coming with?” he asks Ted and Hank.

  He knows the answer. Where Tex goes, Ted goes, and Hank has his orders, too. It’s the smart thing to do, but having someone there almost all the time we go outside takes some getting used to.

  We’re not used to it yet, but Tex never bats an eyelid.

  With humour in his eyes, Hank looks at Coop in the mirror. “What do you think, hotshot?”

  “Fine, but stay back. You guys need to give the master space to work.”

  Milo snorts. “Master of what? Being a complete knobhead?”

  “Fuck off. You’re jealous because you know I’ll score first.”

  “Keep dreaming, lads. The first one is mine,” I say, hopping over Milo and opening the back door.

  Hank and Ted are quick to get out now that the door is open. For blokes as big as they are, they can shift it fucking fast.

  “Suppose you’re my shadow tonight?” Tex says to Ted.

  “Unless you end up somewhere private, and I can wait outside, yes.”

  She links her arm with his, which makes his job easier. “Yeah, yeah, I know the drill.”

  The only time Ted will leave her is if she’s at a private after-party or event. I want them both to leave us alone tonight, so we can be normal, but it won’t happen. We don’t get normal anymore. It’s a small price to pay, but it’s still a price.

  We walk to the entrance, and the bouncer nods us through on sight.

  “Fuck yeah!” Coop says, raising his hands. “Let the shagging begin.” He thrusts his pelvis and ducks inside the club.

  “You must be so proud to share a band with him,” Tex says, laughing, as Coop runs ahead.

  “We felt sorry for him,” Milo replies.

  We turn the corner, and fuck, the club is insane. Everything is blood red besides golden cages hanging from the ceiling.

  Cooper is in his element as girls in bikinis dance in the cages. He’s looking up and, I think, praying.

  “Grab a table. I’ll get drinks,” I tell Milo and Tex.

  Coop wanders off, following a beautiful blonde in killer heels. He loves this.

  I head to the bar, keeping one eye on where they go. The lighting in here is intentionally dark, like the walls, giving a sexy and exclusive vibe. Only the golden cages are bright to draw your eye to what’s happening up there, but people seem more interested in their drinks than the dancing above their heads.

  Along the bar is another stunning blonde who Coop will be after if I’m not quick. She’s exactly what I need on a night where a certain brunette is dressed to have men falling at her feet. I’ve been there and done that, and it’s not something I can repeat even if it makes my balls ache like fuck.

  I step next to her and offer a smile. I don’t know who she is, but she must be someone if she’s in here. The place is apparently full of models most nights, and judging by the look of this girl, she is one of them.

  “Bonjour,” I rasp.

  She giggles, and I know I’m in.

  “Bonjour. That wasn’t bad for a Brit.” Her French accent makes the English language sexy.

  “Thank you very much.”

  “You’re Kitt Daniels.”

  I flash her a smile and bump my side on the bar, so I’m facing her. She mirrors my action.

  Don’t look at her cleavage before you get her a drink. You’ll look like a pervert.

  “I am.”

  “I’m Angèle.”

  I take her hand and place a kiss on her wrist. “Pleasure. Can I buy you a drink, Angèle?”

  She leans forward and places her hand on my chest. Her breasts press against my body, and my cock springs to life. “I would love a glass of champagne.”

  I order our drinks with Angèle attached to my side, and I’m told someone will bring them over because I couldn’t possibly carry five glasses anymore. To be fair, I didn’t even need to come to the bar. Servers are everywhere.

/>   I lead Angèle to our table, and we’re met by a frosty Texas. Milo is off dancing with someone already, and I can no longer see Cooper, so God knows where he followed that girl.

  Angèle introduces herself to Tex, and while she’s polite, I can tell she doesn’t like someone else coming to our table straight off. Or coming to our table with me?

  “I love it,” Tex replies in answer to Angèle asking if we’re enjoying Paris so far.

  I get the feeling she added, Until you came along, in her head.

  I look at them sitting next to each other, and all of a sudden, Angèle’s beauty is questionable. She’s pretty, don’t get me wrong, but Texas is out of this world.

  What the hell are you doing?

  I rub a building ache between my eyes. I can’t want her. Why do we want what we can’t have?

  I force a conversation with them both, and the whole time, Tex is avoiding eye contact with me. But Milo rescues me minutes later. Angèle is making Texas uncomfortable, and I don’t like it. Milo sits on the chair next to Angèle, so while he’s talking to her, I slip over to the one next to Tex.

  I instantly relax. This is where I’m supposed to be.

  Fuck it!

  Tex looks over at me. She looks hurt, and I want to go up and throw myself from one of those cages. It’s like a knife to my chest.

  I’m sorry. You have to forgive me.

  Jesus, what are we doing here?

  It’s like we’re opposite ends of magnets. I can’t help it. I need to be near her. Nothing feels more right than when we’re together. Since Christmas, something has drastically changed even if neither of us will admit it aloud.

  “Are we getting drunk tonight?” I ask, slinging my arm over her chair. It’s a territorial move as well as one to show Angèle that she should absolutely keep flirting with Milo because I made a big mistake. This is where I need to be.

  “We?” Texas wants me to clarify. In her mind, I’m already shagging Angèle.

  I lean a fraction closer. “Me and you, Tex.” Always.

  There’s a glimmer of forgiveness when her lips turn up into a beautiful little smile that lights up her eyes.

  You. Are. Perfect.

  And you are going to hell, Daniels.

  “I can be corrupted.”

  Oh, I hope so.

  The server arrives with another tray, and I pass a drink to Texas. “To us getting drunk,” I say.

  “To not being able to stand later.” She necks the drink and looks longingly at the empty glass, wanting another.

  That’s my girl.

  My girl?

  Two hours later and it’s just me and Tex around the table. She looks up and her eyes bulge. “Cooper is in a cage!”

  Milo has left the club with two girls—I’ve never seen anyone smile so much—and Cooper is apparently in a cage.

  I swing my head up, and sure enough, he’s being straddled by a girl in a cage. The dancers are gone now, so everyone else is allowed up there to dance.

  I won’t be going.

  Coop’s shirt is undone, and his arms are stretched out to either side as he holds on to the bars. The blonde is going for it, rubbing her arse in his crotch and giving the dancers a run for their money.

  Tex shakes her head. “How can she dance so sexily and elegantly in a swinging cage? I can’t even walk properly on a sloped path.”

  Laughing, I chuck my arm over her chair. “I’d make a dick of myself up there, too.”

  A slow grin spreads across her lips. “Want to come up with me?”

  “Nope.” I take a swig of my beer.

  “Come on. This club is invite-only, so there won’t be people taking pictures. Besides, no one is really looking up there.”

  “You did.”

  “Because I saw Cooper going up there. I dare you, Daniels.”

  Maybe I will be going.

  I stand up and see panic in her eyes. She didn’t think I’d go through with it. I love our bets, and I never back down.

  She gets up and keeps her back straight to appear confident, but her breath wavers with nerves.

  Angèle comes over from her table of friends and stops beside us. “Are you dancing, Kitt?”

  Tex’s face falls, and she goes to sit down. Without thinking, I step closer to Tex, my hand circles her wrist, and I haul her into my body. I don’t want to dance with Angèle. I want Texas.

  I always fucking want Texas.

  “We are,” I say, giving Angèle a polite smile so that she knows me and her isn’t happening.

  She looks at Texas and back to me. Her eyebrow quirks, like she doesn’t think Tex is good enough, and then she walks off.

  I grit my teeth. Now, I don’t give a shit about what people think of me, but there is no one better than the girl leaning on my chest, looking up at me.

  “Ready?” I ask.

  Instead of responding, she stares, and it silences the whole room. There is no noise and no people. Just me and her.

  “Take me then,” she whispers.

  I groan. Fuck, I would love to hear her moan that in bed. Doesn’t even have to be in bed. Anywhere. Literally.

  I snake my hands around to the small of her back and tug her flush against my chest. “Are you sure?”

  Her lips part, and I want to dive in. I’m unimaginably hard, and all I can think about is getting my mouth on hers. Last time was intoxicating. This time would be explosive. I can feel it.

  Laughing, I twist her around and walk us toward the stairs. She doesn’t move far ahead in front of me. We’re still touching, and although it’s awkward, I’m getting off on the fact that my dick keeps grazing her back. And I get the impression that it’s intentional.

  Little tease.

  I want to show her what I do with women once they finish playing that game.

  Two of the eight cages are empty, so we head for the one in the corner. It’s more private. I shouldn’t even be doing this, so privacy here is key.

  Texas grips the sidebars and tentatively steps into the cage. Fuck knows how they get away with health and safety here because there’s about a foot gap between the edge of the walkway and the cage.

  It swings gently as she walks inside, but the whole thing is held to the ceiling tight, so it’s not too bad. I don’t think it would swing past five or six inches either way.

  She turns and smirks. “Your turn.”

  I’m not backing out. I just needed a minute because my self-control is almost out the window. She looks entirely too beautiful in there. Without taking my eyes off her, I grab a bar with one hand and step inside before closing the door behind me. The cage sways a little more but not enough to make us stumble.

  “Now that you have me in here, what are you going to do with me?” I ask.

  Her eyes burn a hole in me. In the dim light, they look browner.

  Silently, she raises her arms and holds on above her head. Stretched out, her breasts are pushed up and straining against the material of her dress.

  Fuck. Me.

  She watches my reaction as she starts to sway to the music.

  I suck in a breath. I’m so jacked up that I could come in my fucking jeans. I have to grip on to the bars on each side of the cage to stop me from grabbing her. Letting go, she wraps her arms around my neck, and the second her chest touches mine, I groan.

  “Shit,” I hiss as she arches herself into me. I take one hand off and wrap it around her back, cementing her to my body.

  “Kitt,” she whispers, letting her head drop on my shoulder.

  I feel like a fucking volcano ready to erupt. I’m so horny that if she’s not careful, I’m going to fuck her in this cage. Consequences be damned.

  Her head lifts, and her lips are so close, too close.

  Fuck it!

  I dip my head and mould my mouth to hers. She moans and presses her body into mine. I trail my hand lower and cover her arse, pulling her onto my dick.

  I’m instantly on edge, and from the way her tongue dives into my mouth,
I can tell she is, too. Our kiss is hungry and urgent. It’s a battle, and right now, I don’t care who fucking wins because the way she’s grinding herself on me is making me lose my mind.

  “Oh God, Kitt,” she murmurs into my mouth.

  I growl. I’m wound so tight that my balls ache, and all I can think about is the end goal.

  She’s attacking every one of my senses simultaneously. I’ve never been this desperate to come before. I grip her tight, sinking my nails into her hips, and I pull her into me harder while I devour her mouth. Her fingernails cut into my scalp, and she bites down on my lip.

  She’s coming.

  Fuck. So am I.

  I moan long and deep as my body shudders. My fist clenches a bar so hard that it feels like it’s going to snap. If I wasn’t holding on, I’d collapse.

  Texas breaks the kiss, but she doesn’t move away.

  Finally letting go of the side, I wrap my arms around her. Neither of us speaks, but we hold each other, trying to catch our breaths.

  We fucked up. Again.

  But I can’t regret it.




  I can’t get my mind off the cage last night. It was singularly the most erotic and sexiest thing that has ever happened to me, and I didn’t even enter Texas. I came harder than I’d thought was fucking possible and nearly passed out.

  A replay of that night is on a loop in my head. I keep seeing her grinding herself into me. I can still taste the champagne on her tongue and feel the softness of her lips. When I wash my hair, I feel the sting from the tiny half-moons she cut into my scalp. I want to do it again. I want her pressing herself against my cock. I want to do it without the clothes.

  Filthy Sound have just finished our last appearance of the day on another radio show. Now, we’re heading back to the hotel for a chilled night. Well, I am. Coop and Milo are meeting up with two models they met at the club.

  I’d love to take Texas back to that cage, but she’s been avoiding me all day. She woke Milo up and told him to make sure Coop and I were awake and ready to go.


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