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Training Levi [Hard Hits 4] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by Tatum Throne

  The corner of Bray’s mouth ticked up as he stepped forward to get suited up in the safety gear. A sinking sensation spiraled through Levi’s belly. Brayden was going up. He was their rescue. It was not safe. This was crazy. Levi was about to point that out when Bray came up to him again.

  “If you don’t do this, I won’t sign off on your retraining.”

  The warning was like a spank to his ass. Levi looked back up to the ropes and the spikes of ice hanging from them. When the wind blew they struck together like a wind chime. “You may be up there for a while.”

  “No, I won’t. This challenge is timed.”

  What the fuck? Levi got the message. They didn’t always have the time in the field to make the save. He of all people knew that. The pressure of saving a life put a lot of strain on the situation. They were trying to recreate the situation with Brayden and Evans. By the looks of things, Bray was playing the bad guy and Evans was playing the hostage.

  Cold morning air slapped Levi in the face. He knew what he needed to do. He was going to get the job done fast and thoroughly just like he did in the field. After this time though, he was going to go throw up. That’s how much he hated heights.

  The simulated hostage situation was happening on the platform about a hundred feet above ground. Levi was up first. Evans’s long brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. Bray’s arm was wrapped around her neck in a choke hold and his finger was pointed at her head in the shape of a gun. Levi climbed the ladder slowly, taking his position in the make-believe shit storm. He was shaking on the inside as he went wrung by wrung upward. His boot slipped on the top rung as he scaled the top. Levi pointed his fake weapon, but quickly put up his hands in surrender.

  “Let the girl go,” Levi said.

  “Call off your dogs or the girl dies!”

  The platform was a sheet of ice. The safety lines holding them all in check didn’t feel like enough.

  “You have to let me help you. I can’t do that unless you let the girl go.”

  Bray pretended to look around at the cops surrounding the place. He flung Evans forward, and she slipped her way across the platform into Levi’s arms. Bray advanced with his finger pointed.

  “Bang! Bang!” Bray shouted.

  Levi grabbed Evans around the waist, swinging them both off the platform and into a free fall that had Evans screaming in his ear. The safety line spun out before it caught, swinging them back against the canopy of dormant trees. They hung fifteen feet from the ground, swaying in the wind. Evans’s eyes were wide as she caught her breath. She was shaking within Levi’s arms.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “I will be when my heart gets back into my chest,” Evans said.

  “Jesus, Levi. What the fuck was that, Maden?” Mason asked.

  Levi didn’t want to glance up at Bray, who was standing on the edge of the platform, watching him closely. He did anyway. “An end to a very complicated situation.”

  The corners of Bray’s lips ticked up. He could see that he had impressed Bray with that move.

  “You could’ve warned me,” Evans said.

  “You would’ve hesitated and then we’d both be dead,” Levi said.

  “Okay, someone lower Maden down and Evans back up!” Mason called.

  A grumble tore from someone on the team. “Come on! That’s fucking cheating. You can’t let him get away with that.”

  Someone else added, “Yeah, you wouldn’t necessarily be roped off in a situation.”

  “It’s called thinking outside the box,” Mason said. “You have to consider all options to save a hostage. Even your protective equipment. Good work, Maden. No one uses that move again. I want options, people!”

  “Maden should go again,” Bray said. “I want to see what else he can do.”

  “Okay then. Get back up there, Maden! I want you to work this as though you weren’t roped in,” Mason said.

  “Got it,” Levi said.

  Levi headed back toward the ladder, making his way back up to the platform. Evans and Bray took up their positions again. This time Levi knew how he was going to end the standoff and it wasn’t going to be pretty. As before, Levi tried negotiating the release of Evans, but this time Bray refused to let her go. Levi edged forward.

  “Let her go.”

  “If you want her, come and get her,” Bray taunted by edging her toward the edge.

  “Stop!” Levi yelled.

  “Too late!”

  Bray pushed Evans off the edge, causing her safety harness to spin out as he pointed the fake gun on himself. Levi rushed the edge, sliding on his belly like he was sliding over home plate to catch Evans. His arm snaked out, grabbing her arm. Evans swung back toward the platform. Levi dug his free hand into the gap between the boards just before he went flying off, too. Evans reached up, grabbing the platform with her free hand.

  “Does this count as a save?” Levi called.

  “I think it does,” Mason said.

  Two hours later, Bray was down and finished playing the bad guy. Levi couldn’t ignore the look of approval he saw in Bray’s eyes. He liked the fact that he’d impressed Brayden with his jump off the platform and his quick save of Evans. It nearly scared him shitless, but Bray didn’t need to know that now.

  Bray came over, taking off his safety helmet. “I thought you were afraid of heights.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “It was written up in your personnel file. You had to put your fears down when you went through the police academy.”

  He’d forgotten all about that. “I guess I’m not afraid of anything when it comes to you,” Levi said.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Will we, Sir?”

  “Yes, we will. Tonight.”

  They would all be going home within the next three hours. Tonight wasn’t good. He had plans. “I can’t see you tonight.”


  “I have something I need to do. We’ll have to make it later.”

  Questions formed within Bray’s eyes, but Levi couldn’t answer them now with so many people around. They really shouldn’t be having this conversation with so many of their coworkers within earshot.

  * * * *

  Bray knew that Levi was shutting him out. There was something going on in Levi’s personal life that was weighing heavily on his mind. They headed back to the cabin to change before lunch. Snow crunched beneath their feet as they headed away from the rest of the group. The sky was a dark gray with the sun shining behind the clouds. The trees were stripped bare. Pine trees were covered in snow, weighing down their branches heavily. Bray could see deer tracks and spots around the pine trees were the deer had nested overnight.

  They had one more set of drills before they were officially done for the day. Bray couldn’t let go of the fact that something was going on in Levi’s personal life that was overshadowing his professional life.

  “Who is she?” Bray asked.


  “Cedar? Is she your girlfriend?”

  The question seemed to surprise Levi and throw him off his stride, but he shook his head. “Not anymore. I mean we were once. I tried dating her. I wanted to fit, you know? It just didn’t work.”

  “No, I don’t know. I’ve never tried to be something I wasn’t. Did you sleep with her?”

  Levi blew out a weighted breath as though it was something he was embarrassed about. “It was five years ago, Bray. My coming out was why we broke up. She knew I wasn’t into her and it was more than just the physical. I knew I was gay, but I was in denial about it. I didn’t know how to deal. I tried dating Cedar to figure it all out.”

  “Was she upset?”

  “At first. We took things pretty far. She felt used.”

  “How far?” Bray asked.

  Their eyes met. Regret passed through the shadows around Levi’s irises. “We slept together twice. We did anal both times and the entire time I was thinking about guys.”

/>   “Yeah. We’re friends now, but it took a while for her to figure things out. I do love her. I think I always will, but just not in that way.”

  Silence echoed between them as they finished their long walk back to the cabin. Bray stuffed his hands into his pants pocket. He watched the blue jays play within the thicket. Spring was right around the corner, but winter was getting one last hit in before the weather changed.

  “I came out in college to my family,” Bray said.

  “What? Wait? You have a family? I thought you were this soldier made out of the latest and greatest government-issued weaponry.”

  “There’s more truth to that statement than you know,” Bray said. “I went into the military, but that whole don’t ask crap was bullshit. I thought if I got out things would change.”

  “Not so much, eh?” Levi asked.

  “Not really. It’s just civilian life now.”

  “Did you grow up around here?” Levi asked.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t have it perfect. I went to live with my grandparents when I was ten. My parents went to prison for dealing. Someone was killed.”

  “Shit. I’m sorry.”

  They were back at the cabin. Bray looked at the blue weathered boards and imagined them on a home he built. “I always wanted a real home. My grandparents tried to do their best, but they were older.”

  “Maybe you’ll have one someday.”

  Bray looked at Levi and saw his future staring back. His heart started to race. He tried to play it cool, but felt himself failing miserably. “Do you think so?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Bray shook his head. “I’m your Dom. I’m the one that’s supposed to be taking care of you.”

  “You do take care of me, Sir. Maybe it’s about time you let me take care of you.”

  It sounded like a promise he wanted Levi to keep.

  Chapter Nine

  It was dark by the time Levi got home from Camp Tack. Levi’s boots crunched in the snow. It felt odd coming back to his house alone after spending two days with Bray at Camp Tack. He parked his car. He already missed Bray. He checked his cell phone, hoping for a missed call or text. There wasn’t one. Levi got out of his car, grabbed his shit, and headed up the front walk.

  He hunched down, looking at the daffodils that were starting to spring up through the ground and snow. The deer had munched the tops off. Levi swung his keys in his hand as he jumped up onto the porch. It was a good feeling to be home and to be home to good food waiting for him in the fridge. The mail was tucked under his arm and his overnight bag was in his left hand as he opened the front door.

  Levi dropped his bag in the living room. He closed his eyes, listening to the quiet hum of the clock ticking in the kitchen. His big old farmhouse felt empty without Bray. He nearly reached for his cell phone when a knock sounded on his front door.

  Hope made his heart race. Levi wanted Bray to be on the other side of those doors. He opened the door.


  Brayden’s hand was pressed against the doorframe. He looked absolutely predatory with that look of heat in his eyes. He came in, slamming the front door and locking it behind him. The house was still dark but was losing the quiet, lonely quality Levi felt moments before.

  “Miss me?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  Levi loved it how Bray muscled him up against the stairs, leading him back until he was submitting. Their mouths connected in a hungry kiss. Levi opened his mouth, moaning when Bray stuffed his tongue inside. Levi threaded his fingers into Bray’s hair, licking his tongue across Bray’s. Heat flashed through Levi’s body, landing solidly in his cock. He felt his prick thicken, squeezing tight as he flexed it hard against his fly. Bray’s cock brushed over Levi’s as their cocks rubbed together.

  Bray yanked his mouth away, pinning Levi’s wrists back by his head. “I’ve been so fucking hungry for you.”

  Levi felt the same way. “Why are we still dressed?”

  “Good question. Undress for me.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Levi pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside. The rest of his clothes hit the floor fast. The entire time Bray watched him with that heavy-lidded gaze that promised dirty moments.

  “Turn around and get on your knees. Eyes forward.”

  The order came fast from Bray’s parted lips. Levi heard the rustling of Bray’s clothing and knew he was getting undressed. He couldn’t resist looking. A spank came across his ass, knocking his hard dick into the edge of the stair.

  “I said eyes forward.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Bray’s hands smoothed over his hips and down over his ass, purposely avoiding his rock-hard twitching cock.

  “Lean forward. Spread your legs.”

  Levi obeyed, taking his knees all the way to the corners of the stairs. His ass was so open and tingled with anticipation. Levi’s heart hammered as he waited for the next order to come.

  “God, you’re flexible. How did I miss this?”

  “Yoga, Sir.”

  “Aw, fuck me. I think we need to talk more.”

  “Yes, Sir. We do.”

  Levi sensed Bray coming in close. He heard the creak of the stairs as Bray kneeled down. His hands caressed over Levi’s ass with his thumbs brushing down between his ass cheeks. Levi’s cock flexed, causing pre-cum to spit twice from the tip of his cockhead. He sucked in a harsh breath as Bray licked his tongue down over his anus and his facial hair pressed in close. Bray’s tongue flicked over his rim as his thumb teased lower to rub over his perineum. The sensation made Levi melt forward into the stairs and his ass arch out. The wicked heat of Bray’s tongue twirled and flicked over his tingling anus.

  All of a sudden he felt Bray’s tongue push hard against his rim. Levi cried out with pleasure, making his body shake. Just as he felt his anus start to open, Bray pulled his talented tongue away and darted it back, over and over again. The teasing lasted a really long time. The rim of Levi’s anus felt wet and tingled for more. Levi’s cock pushed hard against the edge of the stair it was trapped under. Sweat glistened Levi’s skin. His arms shook from trying to hold his body up and his ass out. Bray’s goatee rubbed seductively between his ass cheeks as his tongue continued to flex and dominated the edge of his anus.

  Bray pulled away. “Don’t move.”

  “I won’t, Sir.”

  Bray climbed over Levi, sitting down on the stair above his head. Bray’s throbbing prick was in Levi’s face. His mouth watered and the tip of his tongue licked out over his top lip. He wanted to suck Brayden. Levi leaned in to inhale his lover’s scent as Bray smoothed his long arms down Levi’s back, grabbing at his ass. He pulled away, spanking him hard. Levi cried out as his ass stung, heat surfaced, and his cockhead knocked against the stair.

  “I want to suck you, Sir.”

  Bray groaned. “You have my permission.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Levi licked his tongue over Bray’s cock, sucking him deep. Bray’s hands moved down Levi’s back. A groan tore from the back of Levi’s throat as Bray spanked him over and over. The hits caused him to lose control of Bray’s cock and it slapped against his face. Pre-cum shot out of Bray’s throbbing prick and landed on his lips. Levi licked out, tasting his lover’s sweet juice. Bray squeezed his ass, pinching it hard. Levi whipped his tongue over Bray’s cockhead, sucking him hard. He twirled his tongue over the hard ridges of his cock, loving the heady taste of his man.

  Bray’s finger pushed between his ass cheeks, rubbing over Levi’s wet rim. Levi edged forward, feeling his prick knock hard against the underside of the stair. His mouth worked overtime on Bray’s cock. Bray’s hand threaded tightly into Levi’s hair, stopping him. Bray’s cock beat wildly against his tongue. He undulated his tongue over the tip of Bray’s cockhead.

  “Oh, fuck. Stop!”

  Levi obeyed his lover’s order, but he was tempted to keep going. Bray’s hand reached down to palm Levi’s cock, tugging and rubbing it hard
. Bray lifted Levi’s mouth from his cock and kissed him passionately. Levi felt that one kiss all the way through his body, branding it on his heart. Bray pulled away.

  “I’m not done with you.”

  “No, Sir. You’re not.”

  “Stay on your knees.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Bray’s footsteps were light on the stairs as he ran up them. Levi heard him rush down the hallway to his bedroom. Levi thought about all those special toys Bray had left the last time he was over. Bray returned dressed in black leather straps that hugged his hips and emphasized his throbbing cock. The black leather came around his shoulders, attaching to the leather belt around his hips. Ropes of chain hung from the belt as though they were waiting to be used. Bray held a new toy in his hand. Levi now regretted not going through the bag Bray left behind.

  The cock was bright blue and was huge with nothing fancy about it. There was a bottle of lube in Bray’s other hand. He positioned the cock on the side of a stair, giving it a push so that it suctioned against it. The cock was pointed right at Levi’s hungry mouth.

  “Suck it.”

  Levi worked the cock into his mouth as Bray came up behind him. Bray worked the leather collar in his hand around his neck, clipping a length of chain to the collar. Levi moaned when he realized he was being leashed. Levi heard the flip of the lube bottle snapping back into place. God, that sound made his cock weep with pre-cum. Levi held still as Bray edge his cockhead over his anus. His rim tingled with anticipation as Bray shoved his cock inside, lifting Levi’s hips up high. The impact sent Levi’s mouth down upon the cock and his prick slapping against the stair. He groaned as Bray’s hand came down upon his neck, holding him in place as took his ass. Their balls slapped together with a bang-bang motion that Levi loved to feel. With each thrusting move, Levi felt the smack of cold chains on his ass. The rough edge of those chains hit the smooth, sensitive side of Levi’s ass. The sensation was painfully sweet and nearly made Levi’s spunk fly. Levi wanted to feel those chains hitting his ass as he came.

  Bray’s free hand reached around, stroking Levi’s cock with tight, firm tugs. He let go to grip their balls together, pinching them tight. The sensation was painfully sweet and made Levi want to shoot his hot cum from his dick. Levi sucked hungrily at the cock as Bray took his ass and played with his balls. The old wooden stairs creaked with their movements. Levi could feel Bray’s entire body shaking as he lost control. He released Levi’s balls, gripped his hips, and pounded his ass with quick thrusts. Levi loved hearing the sound of their bodies slapping together. Bray’s prick stiffened hard. He pulled out. Levi reached between his legs, grabbing his Dom’s cock. A groan of surprise and disbelief escaped Bray’s lips as Levi’s hand locked on to Bray’s cock. He pumped Bray’s dick as he unloaded his spunk onto Levi’s balls.


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