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Temptation Page 22

by Hawkins, JD

  I get out of the car, pay the meter, and walk purposefully toward that dark door. A little nervous about pushing it open, but even more worried that if I hesitate I’ll turn around and drive away. My adrenaline is singing. I’m finally really doing this.

  I push open the door and enter, the buzz of a tattoo needle humming in my ears and the smell of disinfectant noticeable as I step inside. If the exterior was slightly intimidating, the inside is overwhelming. It’s bigger than I imagined. The walls are covered with gorgeous, intricate artwork, from ceiling to floor. Patterns that can hypnotize, faces so beautiful they seem almost real, creatures and characters and crosses so vivid they dance as you look at them. There’s a vintage sofa, a Bauhaus design that could be a museum piece, artful enough to make you want to look at it rather than sit on it. In front of it is a low, carved Asian-style coffee table, littered with art books. A glass counter splits the room in half, and behind the counter there’s a curtain with an Indian pattern in purple and red. Inside, this place is nothing like I imagined, and yet it’s perfect all the same.

  A big guy stands behind the counter, talking animatedly with a female customer. I watch as he extends an arm, wide enough to see the entire wingspan of the dragon inked on it, and punches the fist of the customer, sending the spiky-haired young woman on her way.

  The customer gone, the big guy turns his sparkling eyes to me. The top of his head’s as bald as a baby, the bottom has a red beard long enough to braid. Is this him? Schurkenwolf? I know a few different artists work at the shop, but the main draw is Schurkenwolf, the owner—and the person I’ve scheduled my appointment with. Most famous tattoo artists use a nickname, but with a moniker that’s German for “rogue wolf,” I came here with no clue what to expect of the man himself…except that he’s probably from Germany.

  “Hey there,” he says, in a musical southern accent that is in no way German and immediately dashes all my assumptions. “Welcome. What can I help you with today?”

  “Are you—Schurkenwolf?” I ask, intimidated despite his friendly manner.

  “Nope.” He laughs. “I’m Ginger.”

  “Ginger! You’re the one who does all the micro tattoos I saw on the shop’s Instagram. I love your detail work on those,” I blurt.

  The big man actually blushes. “Thank you. You know we don’t take walk-ins as a rule, but I’m happy to offer a brief consultation, and then we can go from there, if you’re—”

  “Oh, um, I’ve already emailed with you guys, actually,” I say, stepping forward a little nervously, like I’m in a line-up. “I booked a tattoo with Schurkenwolf, around eleven today?”

  He taps at a keyboard and squints at the screen in front of him. “Ashley Carter?”

  My stomach lurches and I let out a nervous laugh. “That’s me.”

  His smile grows even warmer. “Perfect. Go ahead and have a seat. Be right with you.” He gestures at the sitting area and then disappears behind a curtain into the back of the shop.

  I wait a while, flipping through some of the art books and losing myself in the elegant shading of a jungle cat’s fur on a poster to the side. There are mumbled exchanges I can barely hear beyond the curtain, and then a voice grabs my attention.

  “So you’re Ashley?”

  The voice is strong. Confidently slow and projected with the kind of deep tones that can only come from a tough body.

  “Yeah,” I say, finding it hard to pull my eyes away from the wall now. “But you can call me…”

  I stop myself when I turn around, suddenly frozen to the spot. A wave of shock flushing all sense of reality out of my body.

  He’s big, shoulders broad enough to act as a battering ram, jaw strong enough to take one. Beneath his thick, dark hair he narrows his eyes into an icy-blue glare. A look of incredulous recognition.

  “Ash?” he says.

  “Teo?” I reply, in such a low whisper he probably couldn’t hear me three feet away.

  Still, I don’t quite believe it. Not until he gives me that half-smile I never thought I’d see again, and it becomes undeniable. It’s him.

  He’s filled out a little in the seven years since I last saw him, his smooth, boyish good looks gone rugged with time, the defined curve of his muscles adding some shape to that height. His arms sleeved with black and grey tattoos, a menagerie of geometric shapes, animals and flowers, hypnotic patterns joining them together. The memory that I carried around of him for seven years, of that brooding boy with his tight jeans and shaggy hair, who’d wait for me to get on the back of his bike so he could rev me away, gets violently torn up in my mind like a bad photograph. I can’t stop staring at the gorgeous man he’s become.

  My mouth goes dry and I panic a little. These few moments that I have to consider so many memories and so much emotion feel like an eternity, but somehow still too short to find my bearings. I’d need weeks—maybe months—to handle the shock of seeing him again. To figure out whether I should feel angry, hurt, forgiving…or nothing at all. Instead, all I’ve got is the time it takes to breathe deeply and struggle to put on a nonchalant smile.

  “How have you been?” he asks, moving close to the counter and putting those arms on it. He sounds totally neutral, totally laid-back. I know that seeing me must be a shock to him, too. But I have no idea how he feels about it.

  I fight to come up with some kind of casual verbal response. What do you say to the guy who you loved with the devout passion only a teenager loving for the first time can muster? A boy who was your secret, who you kissed by the light of the moon, to the music of owls? To the boy who climbed in your window at two in the morning and stayed just long enough to leave you with a stolen flower, the lingering aftertaste of his lips, and the feeling that all the dramatic romances you’d read about in books weren’t just true, but severely undersold?

  A boy who skipped town without telling you on prom night, the night you were going to show the world you didn’t care about them enough to keep your love a secret anymore?

  I wonder if he’s experiencing as much turmoil as I am, if he feels like his insides are being chewed up as well. If he is, he’s not showing it. There’s no softness in his eyes, no hint of recognition, nothing of what is owed to the girl he crushed.

  Part of me wants to scream, to slap Teo in a futile attempt to hurt him as much as he hurt me. But the other part of me wants to grab him and hold him against me, tight enough to stop the wounds that bled for seven years without him. I’m so overwhelmed and want to do so much at once that I end up doing nothing.

  “I’m fine. You?” is all I manage to say.

  “Good,” he says firmly.

  “So you’re—you’re Schurkenwolf?”

  “In the flesh,” he says with an easy grin. “So what are you having done today?”

  “Oh. Right.” Automatically, I reach for my bag and pull out the old photo, sliding it across the glass counter to him. His expression softens.

  “Your mom, huh? A memorial tattoo.”

  I nod. “Just her face. I’d like it on my inner arm. Bicep,” I say, brain struggling to make the words sound like a proper sentence.

  Teo picks up the photo and studies it with the calculating detachment of a mechanic looking at an engine. I wonder if he remembers the picture, remembers seeing it framed in silver on my nightstand all those years ago.

  He casually places a pad of art paper on the counter beside the photo and uncaps an architect pen. Then he leans over the pad, deep in concentration as he sketches out what the tattoo will look like. I’d heard about this before, the way the flash for Mandala tattoos are usually sketched out right in front of the customer, instead of planned weeks or months in advance. I’d heard some people say they did this to save time, or maybe to keep things more organic, and I’d heard others say the fact that Mandala tattoos are so ‘in the moment’ made them even more incredible. Either way, the tattoo is the last thing on my mind right now.

  I stare at him, less self-conscious now that his attention is entir
ely taken by the art. I take a step closer toward the counter, as if to look at what he’s drawing, but really just to be nearer to him. He still smells the same, a mixture of bike grease and sweetness that’s been baking in the sun. His hair is shorter now, but still that thick, never-tangled mass I could never resist playing with. In his tight black tank I can see the tattoos that cover his exposed muscles. I find buried in the patterns and scripts the motorcycle handlebars tattoo—the only one he had when I knew him—the one I used to trace with my finger back and forth, over and over…

  Teo stands up to his full, overbearing height and spins the pad around so I can see the face.

  “What do you think? Something like this? It’ll have more depth and dimension when I do the shading, but this should give you an idea.”

  I only glance at the sketch—I’m in no state to perform art criticism.

  “Looks great,” I say, all polite smile and customer satisfaction.

  Teo gestures to the curtain and leads me behind it, where the chairs and equipment are set up. With the professional demeanor of a doctor he pulls out some latex gloves and puts them on, talking at me over his shoulder as he sets out rubbing alcohol, ink, and packages of new needles. My heart is racing, a million thoughts and memories still flooding my mind.

  “Take off your shirt and have a seat.”

  Once again I freeze as about a dozen emotions fight it out somewhere in the battlegrounds between my head, my heart, and my gut. Is he really going to not say anything? Is he really going to treat me like I’m some random girl who walked in off the street, and not the girl he swore his very soul to?

  More to the point, am I really going to do this? Am I about to sit for hours in this strange state of unasked questions, unresolved angers, while Teo draws my deceased mother on me? I haven’t felt this vulnerable, this confused, this paralyzed since that night, listening to the muffled music and laughter of other couples while I stood outside in my prom dress staring at the empty road as the night darkened, telling myself he’d show up any minute and waiting until the parking lot had emptied at the end of the night before finally calling a cab to bring me home.

  I bring a hand to the lapel of my plaid shirt and start unbuttoning it slowly, hands acting of their own accord though I keep telling them to stop. He glances back, and I see his eyes flicker downward from my eyes to the bare skin, the thin strap of my bra visible. Despite everything else, I blush a little, remembering different times now. Remembering how it felt to be naked with him, on top of him, those same eyes covering my body like a slow kiss. He turns back to the equipment but I just stand there, feeling flustered and overwhelmed, noticing my ever-quickening heartbeat. But it has nothing to do with the tattoo.

  Teo turns to me again and this time shoots me a confused look, as if wondering why it’s taking so long. Suddenly he gets that half-grin again.

  “You nervous?” he says.

  “You know what?” I say, as I pull my shirt around me more tightly. “I think I am. I think I’m not…really ready for this, I guess. Sorry. Think I’m gonna bail.”

  I’ve already turned, pushing back through the curtain before Teo can say anything else. When I’m at the door I hear him call behind me.

  “Hey Ash. Wait.”

  I turn to see him standing at the curtain, face still hard as ever, expression still unreadable, but a little softness in his eyes now that could just be my imagination.

  “It’s been…nice seeing you again,” he says. “And if you change your mind, you wanna come back, just email Ginger and we’ll get you in here right away.”

  This time I manage to keep it together. I purse my lips in an ambiguous gesture of acknowledgment, and leave.

  * * *

  Seven years ago, Teo broke Ash’s heart. Now, he will do anything to win her back. Read Love & Ink now! FREE on KU!

  Also by JD Hawkins

  Insatiable Part 1

  It’s not cocky when you've got the goods to back it up.

  Lust-maker. Pleasure giver. Fantasy creator. I can blow your mind in five seconds flat — but trust me, you’ll want this to last all night.

  There’s not a woman in the city who can resist me. Except one.

  Now she’s got a proposition: Seven days. Every position. No strings attached.

  She wants to know what she’s been missing.

  Who am I to say no?


  Insatiable Part 2

  It was supposed to be simple: I teach her a crash course in pleasure. No commitment. No strings.

  Now she’s found the perfect guy — and it’s not me.

  I should move on, but I need her. And I never back down from a fight.

  Now I've got one last lesson for her:

  I’m going to make her mine.



  "I’m going to show her just how good a bad boy can be..."

  When you're the prince of Hollywood, and everyone wants a piece of the action. I’ve got paparazzi stalking my every move, and supermodels lined up to spread their legs for a shot at fame. But this girl is different. She’s been hired by the studio to keep me in line. One wrong move, and my comeback is going up in smoke.

  I should keep my distance, but I’ve never played by the rules.



  I'm going to show her just how good a bad boy can be...

  Everything's riding on my comeback, but suddenly, Hollywood is the last thing on my mind.

  Gemma Clark was supposed to keep me out of trouble, but now I'm in way over my head. What we have is real -- too real. It's just a matter of time before it all comes crashing down.

  I need to face my demons, but what happens when she discovers the truth?



  What would you do if a famous producer approached you at a club and told you he wants to make you a star? Would you take the leap?

  Brando Nash is a bad boy with a wall of platinum records and a line of girls just begging to work with him--and under him. And he wants to make me famous. Who could say no? But I’m not in this for cheap thrills, no matter how hard his body is, or how good he is at charming my panties off.

  When we start working together, I fight to keep my heart in check. He's unbelievably hot, a musical genius and a dirty talking, arrogant playboy. There's no way I can resist.

  But when I find out he’s just in this for a bet, everything changes. I’m not just a dirty game. With my heart and career on the line, I have too much at stake. Can I risk it all and give him a second chance?

  The Bet is a full length, stand-alone romance starring a dirty talking alpha male. If over the top sexual fantasy and out of control chemistry offend you, don't buy this bestselling book.



  Confessions of a Bad Boy Episode 1: Never Commit I’m the internet's favorite Bad Boy - the guy who’ll tell it to you straight. No bullshit charm. No excuses. Consider it a public service, letting women know the truth about what guys are really thinking and teaching guys how to get what they want. Yes, we were checking that girl out. No, you don't want to meet her parents. And no, ladies, we don’t care what shoes you wear - as long as they’re up around our neck by the end of the night. Life was simple, until fate brought me back together with Jessie. My best friend's younger sister, who I just happened to have the hottest one night stand of my life with four years ago. Who calls me at 3 AM to get bailed out of jail. Who I can’t keep my hands off of. And who can never find out who I really am. She’s off-limits, but I don't care. And when I need a fake girlfriend to help me out of a jam at work, she’s the only one who can help. Now I’m stuck sharing a hotel room with her for the weekend. A long, sexy weekend. This is your Bad Boy, signing off.



  What happens when a cocky bad boy falls for a good girl?

  I'm Connor 'Alpha Male' Anderson. Pound for
pound I'm the best MMA fighter in America, and I've got the brains, balls, and brawn to back it up - 230 pounds of pure muscle, infinite charm, and the stamina to last all night long. But with the biggest fight of my career coming up, I've got to keep my pants zipped and get my head in the game.

  That's when Frankie Jones comes in. An amazingly hot yoga teacher, she drives me crazy with those booty shorts and sports bras. I'll hold downward dog as long as she wants so I can show her my cobra. She's a total bombshell, feisty, and challenges me every step of the way. She doesn't fall for my alpha game, and that only turns me on more. But how can I get myself into her skin-tight leggings, with the pressure of this title match coming up and my trainer's orders to keep it in my pants?

  Before I met Frankie, all I wanted was to win this fight.

  But now?

  All I want is her.

  Opposites attract in this Standalone Romance Novel with an HEA that will knock you out!



  What happens when you fall in love with your best friend?

  I have the best job in the world. Date beautiful women and write about it.

  But I want to take it to the next level: instead of writing about my experiences make it into an online reality show.

  But here is the catch. My boss wants me to share the show with a woman co-host. And he wants that woman to be my best friend and co-worker, Margo.

  I’ll date beautiful women and she’ll date hot men. Sounds fair enough.

  So now I have to watch her fake date hot men. I used to love going home with a different woman every night, but suddenly this isn’t as fun. Seeing Margo with anyone else is driving me crazy.

  And the more time I spend with her working on the show, the less I want to keep our relationship in the friends’ zone. And the harder it is to stop myself from imagining her bent over the copier.


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