Forbidden Quest

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Forbidden Quest Page 2

by Alaina Stanford

  Todd glanced up as he pulled his clothes out of the suitcase and pointed to the far bed. "That one's yours." He said casually pushing back a handful of his sun bleached hair from his deep blue eyes.

  Jack tossed his suitcase on the far bed and surveyed the room. A large gold framed mirror hung on the far wall. It was the only decorative ornament in the entire room except for the faded wallpaper covered with giant purple tulips. His travel sense gave it a rating equal to those Bohemian Hotels terrorized yearly by Spring Breakers. Jack began to unpack the small duffel bag that served as his luggage. He pulled out the two T-shirts and one pair of jeans that were to serve as his wardrobe for the

  weekend. He glanced up as Tom's dossier caught his eye and said, "So you're going to be an elf?"

  "An elf warrior” Todd corrected as he stuffed the last of his underwear into the small white dresser between their beds.

  “Oh yeah, Tom said this was supposed to be a role playing weekend.” Jack said and opened his file. He read through the description of the barbarian he was to become. The details were astounding. It listed the type of weapons he used and how efficient he was with each. Included in the description was also a list of how many different creatures he'd killed and the weapons used for each beastly battle. "Do you know much about hypnosis Hopper?" Jack asked as he looked up to find the young athlete sitting at the head of his bed absorbed in his own dossier.

  "No, but Sarah took psychology in college for her degree and she's convinced it's harmless " Todd answered, "Providing it's done correctly."

  "How does this thing work anyway? Are we going to spend all weekend studying these files then be hypnotized for 10 minutes and think we've been on a wild ride through fairyland?" Jack tossed the file on his bed as he sat down sinking into the old worn mattress.

  "Tomorrow morning, we'll eat a huge breakfast then Dr. Strong will give us some last minute instructions and hypnotize us. We'll stay under until Sunday afternoon." Todd put down the papers and eagerly faced Jack. "He's a professional, this is going to be awesome."

  "What about eating? And when, how do we sleep?"

  "That's the beauty of it. We'll think we're eating wild boar while sitting next to a mountain stream or in a tavern somewhere in this enchanted realm when we'll really be sitting at a card table eating chicken." Todd grinned, "I think it's a hoot."

  "And . . ." Jack stared blankly.

  "We'll find a campsite and go to sleep. They'll have sleeping bags or cots or something ready for us. The days will last around six hours, and then we will think it's night and Strong will send us into a deep sleep for a couple hours and then off we go. It'll seem like a week has passed by the time it's over. When in reality we'll have only been here for a few days.”

  "Is it okay to be hypnotized for so long?"

  "Don't be such a baby, Jack. Where's that crazy sense of adventure that's always getting us into so much trouble? Remember kayaking down the Zambezi?" Todd grinned.

  "What if we don't like it? What if we want to stop?" Jack didn't like the idea of someone playing with his mind for an extended period of time.

  "If it gets too hairy or you feel uncomfortable with your character, just give the word and Strong will bring you out."

  "What kind of credentials does this guy have?"

  "Come on Jack you’re starting to sound like Nicole. She questioned this every step of the way. It all checks out. He's legitimate. Hypnosis is just like vegging out on the couch totally involved in some movie at 3 a.m. If you get bored you get up and go to bed. There's no mysterious control factor going on." Todd picked up his dossier, and then paused to stare at Jack and added, "Zambezi."

  "I swear I didn't know about the crocodiles." Jack said with a sigh, not wanting to rehash

  the past.

  "And the friendly devil worshiping natives that lined the Amazon?" Todd grinned wickedly at Jack.

  "Just what would you do if you hadn't eaten any meat in a year or so?" Jack laughed despite himself, tossed his bag into the corner of the room and fell back on the bed.

  "You know Nicole's right, if this trip is as wild as Strong claims it to be. The good doctor could have a real money maker on his hands." Todd added with a grin, "And this time we are in no danger of being eaten by man or beast."

  Jack had to admit it was hard to ignore the potential of this new adventure. Nicole was talking investment and Hopper was sold on the idea before they even got started. Sarah had even given it her medical stamp of approval. Jack leaned back against his pillow and hoped his friends weren't too disappointed if the entire weekend turned sour in the morning.

  Yet in the two years he'd known Nicole, she'd never even considered anything remotely speculative. Perhaps there was something about this adventure she was not telling the rest of them. He'd just have to wait and see. The 'Ice Lady' was no fool. She wouldn't drag her friends, or herself for that matter, away for a weekend if there was the slightest chance Dr. Strong wasn't legitimate.

  "Hey, don't you have a game Monday?" Jack asked.

  "It's an exhibition. Besides I should be back in plenty of time. They'll never know I was gone." Todd winked at Jack and went back to his file.

  "You didn't tell them?" Jack grinned.

  "It's one weekend out of my life. The only secret I’ll ever keep."

  Jack shook his head at Todd, the most straight laced guy he’d ever known. "Tell you what, I’ll run downstairs and see if I can get that receptionist to give me another room. These can't be the only usable ones in this oversized barn. You and Sarah deserve some alone time."

  "It's all right, Jack. Sarah and I will have the next two days together. She was

  getting a little nervous about spending the night alone in the same room with me anyway."

  "What are you saying, Todd?" Jack stared at him. "You and she . . ."

  "It's none of your business, Jack." Todd countered. "I have a great deal of respect

  for Sarah. She knows her own mind and I like that."

  A soft knock at the door drew Jack away from his impending interrogation. "You've been dating for over 2 yearss, Todd," Jack managed before he reached the door and opened it to find the sultry receptionist standing there smiling at him.

  "Jack, Dr. Strong would like to meet with you before the session tomorrow. He wants to make sure Tom's dossier is right for you. We don't want any last minute . . . complications." She cooed as her long red-tipped fingers reached out to take his hand. "It won't take long."

  Feeling drunk with the anticipation of being alone in the elevator with the blonde seductress, Jack turned back and flashed a wicked grin at Todd before disappearing down the hall.

  "I’m Shala. I was also hoping we'd have a private moment together, before your adventure begins." She spoke softly and slipped her hand into the crook of Jack's arm.

  "Shala, you read my mind," Jack replied as they reached the elevator. "After Dr. Strong and I talk, how about you show me the sights of Landon."

  "The most exciting thing in Landon is in my suite." Shala whispered and leaned hard against him, forcing his back to the wall. Her fiery smile sent an unexpected chill through him. Jack squirmed uncomfortably as he glanced up at the panel above the elevator doors. The second floor indicator lit and held. The doors silently slid aside to reveal a large banquet hall just as Shala's fingers penetrated his shirt front.

  "We're here." Jack managed, then slipped out of her grasp and headed into the hall. Massive twin chandeliers twinkled dimly above them, giving off just enough light for the pair to avoid the series of athletic equipment scattered throughout the pale green carpeted room.

  "What is this place?" Jack asked, squinting at a ten-foot high pile of thick foam mats resembling a pyramid.

  "This is where your adventure will take place," Shala answered. She stopped in front of a large wooden door at the far end of the room. “Dr Strong's office is through that door. I'll return for you in one hour." Shala spun and headed toward the lift. Jack's eyes focused on her swerving hips
as she glided across the room. Shaking off the tantalizing effect, Jack knocked softly on the large ornate door. Receiving no reply, he pushed it open to find, a tall, white-haired gentleman striding across the large room toward him.

  Unlike the previous room, the light in the doctor's office was bright. The room was extremely cluttered. Piles of books of every size and shape lined the walls. Amidst the worn, dusty shelves were beakers filled with thick dark liquids, clay flasks stopped with large corks and small cloth bags stuffed full of unknown treasures.

  Dr. Strong held out his hand and addressed Jack in a surprisingly deep voice, "Jack Tyler, this is an unexpected turn of events. Although I'm sure we'll have no trouble compensating." The broad shouldered doctor had an iron grip. He looked to be more than three times Jack's age but walked with the strength and agility his handshake portrayed.

  "That’s good to hear, Doc. I’d hate to have to explain to the others that our trip up here was a waste of time." Jack answered as he sat down in the straight-backed chair the doctor offered.

  Moving around to sit behind the large oak desk situated in the center of all the clutter Dr. Strong smiled at Jack, "No more than I, Mr. Tyler." Jack found the doctors smile a little cold; it set his senses on alert. "So tell me Dr. Strong, exactly what kind of a doctor are you? I mean what type of degree is necessary to be considered an expert in hypnosis?" Jack leaned back in the chair staring at the intricacy of the carved figures that decorated the dark wood of the desk. They appeared to be all sorts of gargoyle and bat-like creatures.

  "I have a Doctorate in Psychology. I studied at the University of Chicago. However, my expertise in hypnosis came from years of personal study. My father was a Psychiatrist obsessed with the inner workings of the mind. His goal in life was to enter into the depths of the human thought processes through hypnosis. He believed it to be the key to unlocking mental illness." Dr. Strong's dark gray eyes searched Jack with such intensity, Jack felt as if he had just had a full body MRI. "But enough of me. I'll explain everything you'll need to know about the procedure tomorrow morning, before we begin. What I would like to do now is discuss your personal background."

  "I'm afraid I'm not very interesting." Jack answered, suppressing a yawn.

  Dr. Strong insisted, "It is essential that I have a concept of the type of person you are. How you grew up, your family life and the extent of your education." The doctor leaned forward and clasped his hands together on the desk before him.

  "Well, I'm a travel consultant with a large firm in St. Louis. I handle international flights and tours for several of our larger corporate clients. My mother died when I was very young. I'm afraid I was a disruptive child. I grew up in Maine, in a series of foster homes. Most were great; they took decent care of me, a few weren't. Finally I landed at the Tyler's home and they decided to adopt me. They were old enough to be my grandparents, but I had a good home and lots of love. I graduated from high school, went to a trade school and here I am." Jack suddenly wanted to get the meeting over with quickly.

  "I see. You may well be the only person I've ever met that's capable of describing their entire life in less than sixty seconds." Dr. Strong said, quietly. "Are you satisfied with your life, Mr. Tyler?"

  "Satisfied?" Jack stared back, hesitating. "I enjoy what I'm doing. I get to travel all over the world for practically nothing. I've seen and done more than any of my hard working, high paid corporate type friends. Being a travel agent pays terrible, but it's not a bad job."

  "How old were you when you arrived at the Tyler's home?"

  "Twelve." He answered, shifting uneasily in his chair. "You making a point?"

  "What did twelve year old Jack want to be when he grew up?" Dr. Strong asked, unaffected by Jack's growing annoyance.

  "Most of my friends wanted to be an outer space hero. I wanted to be a fireman. Because that's what my new dad was. He was the only real hero I'd ever known." Jack answered, "But I daydreamed a lot about fighting my way through the galaxy."

  "Dreams of adventure with a practical attitude." Dr. Strong said quietly staring at Jack.

  "Well now you've condensed my life into one simple sentence." Jack answered, bluntly. "I'm not sure I like that."

  "I meant no offense. You seem to have your priorities in order. The realization that life is an upward climb doesn't appear to cause you any distress. It's enough for me to discern that you'll do fine with the barbarian identity " Dr. Strong declared, rising from his seat. “Tell me, how did you meet your friends? “

  “Todd Hopper and I grew up together. He has a large family, mostly brothers and his parents understood my foster parents were older and weren’t very active. They let me hang out with them. Hopper’s parents included me in there family outings. They allowed be to feel like part of their family. The Tylers loved me and cared for me, the the Hopper’s taught me what a real family was like.” Jack paused for a moment then continued. “As for Sarah, she met Hopper in college a few years ago, they were best of friends forever then recently started dating. She’s a very intelligent, sweet kid. She’s perfect for Hopper. As for Nicole, she’s my friend Tom’s girl. Tom grew up on the other side of town, where the kids all had their own brand new car at age 16 and went to Europe or Hawaii on spring break. He’s a corporate attorney headed for greatness. Nicole’s as full of ambition as Tom is, they make the perfect political candidate couple.”

  ”Thank you, I'll leave you to your studies, Mr. Tyler. It is essential you comprehend the material Shala has given you, If you want to enjoy your adventure." Extending his hand, the doctor smiled blandly. "Good night Mr. Tyler."

  Jack rose and shook the doctor's hand. He was pleased that the interview was at

  an end. "I've got to admit, you've peaked my interest. This place is full of character. That Olympic stadium you've got in the next room shows a lot of promise."

  "It's all part of the adventure. I'm merely setting the mood. It will make the transition much easier for all of you." Dr. Strong's eyes grew dark as he glanced past Jack toward the office door.

  The stocky little man stood silently waiting as Dr. Strong concluded the session. "Homun will see you to your to room. I'm afraid Shala has a few tasks she must complete before tomorrow."

  Chapter Two

  "The hall is furnished with several different types of exercise equipment. One of my earlier clients referred to it as an obstacle course. Which is indeed what it will become." Dr. Strong explained as the others stood and watched.

  "While you are under hypnosis the wall of netting might become a series of vines or perhaps the side of a rock cliff. The weight machine will serve as stimulus if you are required to lift or push a heavy object. The stair climber will act as a tree, fortress wall or perhaps a rock incline you must scale. Each of these sections will be used to enhance your experience by providing stimulus as well as exercise for your muscles. You won't be lying around for the next two days dreaming. You will work hard and come away

  from this adventure physically energized as well as emotionally."

  Dr. Strong walked in front of the small group as Shala, dressed in a tight red jumpsuit silently demonstrated the use of each piece of equipment without so much as breaking into a sweat.

  "There are six sections; each area has a specific purpose." The doctor continued

  as they entered a small area enclosed by tall oriental screens. "This is where you will be


  "Dr. Strong, Sarah has a few questions about the inducement." Todd interrupted.

  He turned to find Sarah's large blue eyes peering at him from behind Todd's immense form.

  Dr. Strong smiled softly. "Of course my dear, I'll be happy to answer any questions. Trust is essential between the hypnotist and his subjects. But if you could indulge me a while longer, I believe you will find all your questions answered." He smiled at Sarah as if she was a small child, then turned toward Shala and nodded as he continued. "The session will begin shortly. First, I would ask you each to choose a co
t and lay down. Shala is an accomplished flutist. She will play a soft Celtic lullaby to relax you. The lights will be dimmed and a pastel light presentation will begin. While this is in progress you will hear my voice softly and slowly drawing you into a deep hypnotic sleep."

  "Dr. Strong, I'm sorry to interrupt again, but Sarah's been researching hypnosis, trying to get a better understanding of what we are about to experience." Todd nodded at Sarah encouraging her questions.

  Sarah sat on the edge of her small cot a few feet from Dr. Strong. "It is my understanding that each subject falls under hypnosis at a different pace, ranging from seconds to minutes, even longer." She began in a quiet voice.

  "So Nicole and I could fall asleep right away, but you or Hopper could take half an hour to fall under the good doctor's spell?" Jack asked as he turned his gaze expectantly from Sarah to Dr. Strong, pleased that someone in their group seemed to have a concept of what they were doing.

  "Normally that would be a correct assumption. Fortunately, I have developed a mild sedative that will allow you all to relax and enjoy a quick entry into hypnosis.” Dr. Strong answered as he gestured toward the entrance of the sleeping area were Homun stood quietly holding a tray of what appeared to be chocolate milk shakes. "Homun has mixed the sedative with a high protein vitamin supplement. It is quite delicious." Dr. Strong motioned for Homun to come forward. "As a fellow member of the medical community Miss Sims, I assure you that it is very mild and will wear off in less than 15 minutes." The silent little man offered each of the adventurers a glass of the chocolate mixture. The sweetness of the drink was overwhelming. Nicole forced herself to swallow the thick liquid, making a note to recommend an alternate formula when their adventure was over.

  Remember this is a fantasy, nothing you experience will be real. However, you will take on the skills and knowledge of the character you are about to portray so as to further enjoy the illusion. But know this, although it is a game, if you allow your character to be killed your adventure will be concluded." Homun collected the last of the glasses.


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