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Forbidden Quest

Page 10

by Alaina Stanford

  "No," Nicole swore, darkly.

  “Someone beat us to it." Jack reasoned, sliding his arm around her.

  "That's impossible," She answered and shoved him away. "Why don't you give me a hand instead of trying to distract me. I don't have time to play. Your primal desires are going to have to wait." Nicole glared at him then turned back to the chest.

  "What's with you?" He growled, pulling back. "Last night you couldn't keep your hands off me. Today, all I get is cold stares and arguments."

  "I'm sorry, Jack." Nicole turned back to him, sighing. "I don't want to go in there again. Hopper can't take any more abuse and we're running out of time. This has to be what we're looking for. It's just another illusion like the tunnel."

  "What about last night?" Jack asked softly . "Was that just an illusion?"

  Nicole’s expression softened, “It was great, Jack. But can you honestly say we really made love? After all, this is a fantasy.”

  He frowned and pulled her close. "Last night was the most incredible experience I've ever had and I'd like to repeat it as many times as possible.”'

  "That’s what I mean, Jack. It was too incredible to believe." She kissed him, lightly. "Everyone has an image of the perfect lover . Last night I met mine and so did you. But was my perfect lover really you or someone my mind fabricated, with the help of Dr. Strong?"

  “It was me." Jack announced, sternly. "Dr. Strong is not in control of our every move. You said so yourself."

  “Jack, I'm not trying to destroy what happened last night. I'm just trying to understand it." Nicole caressed his cheek with the back of her fingertips.

  "Don't try to understand it, Nicole. Just be1ieve it." Jack whispered, kissing her deeply. "It was me. Maybe you're just a bit embarrassed by the thought of us making love on the floor of that obstacle course with Dr. Strong looking on. "

  “I admit, the idea of his voyeurism has occurred to me and strangely enough, it doesn't bother me at all." She whispered, snuggling close to him.

  “Then maybe what you need is to stop over analyzing and listen to reason." Jack winked at her.

  "All right, if it will make you feel better, I'll stop thinking about it all together. All of this so called analysis is giving me a headache." She started to kiss him, then gasped and turned back to the box. ''That's it! I'm over analyzing! Everything about the troll's tunnel was deceiving. It wasn't what we expected. We worked too hard to find something that was right in front of our eyes."

  She drew the small knife from Jack's belt and tested each jewel imbedded in the top of the chest with its point. Only one came away at her urging, the large oblong jewel in the center. Hidden below the sparkling black crystal was a long brass chain attached to the top of the gem by a tiny pewter gargoyle. "The talisman." She declared with triumph.

  Chapter Eight

  The glow of the sun disappeared behind them as they headed back into the mist of the trolls’ valley. Hopper, free of his infestation, led the silent riders toward the long, deep gorge the map described. The entrance to the cavern was located at the base of a large ravine. A thick mist greeted them as they neared the remains of the charred shack. The silence of the forest sent chills through Jack. It reminded him of the sensation that Shala had given him that night in the clinic. What was it about her touch that sent such iciness through him? Why was he secretly grateful for the elderly doctor's intrusion on their plans? Was it was possible that Dr. Strong hadn't known about Shala's promise to 'entertain' him? Either way, Jack felt Dr. Strong had rescued him from some unknown disaster.

  Shala and Homun didn't fit into Dr. Strong's world. Perhaps they had been patients of his once. Homun certainly seemed strange enough to be under psychological counseling, and there was something unusual about the way Shala oozed with raw sexuality. Shaking off the eerie sensation that the curvy blonde was hovering over him waiting to pounce on Jack’s sleeping form. Jack searched the mist for signs of the diseased trolls. Several times Hopper motioned for them to stop tilting his head, he would listen to the silence that threatened to smother them.

  Jack caught sight of something large moving in the shadows of the mist, parallel to their trail. It disappeared before Jack could speak. He kept his silence no sense in upsetting Sarah any further. Yet the shadow continued to follow them. Jack caught brief glimpses of its existence, teasing him, taunting him to pursue. Something inside warned him not to rush into battle in the darkness of the mist. He would wait for it to show itself, if it dared.

  “Todd, I think we're traveling in circles." Sarah said as she moved her horse closer to the blonde troll. "That bunch of trees looks familiar and I think that's the same thicket we passed over an hour ago.”

  “I can't see anything in this fog." He admitted, “Why don't we find a place to sleep and start fresh in the morning? The mist should clear by then."

  Nicole nodded, in agreement. "That cluster of trees is in a hollow. It's as good place as any."

  They headed for the trees dismounted and made camp. Believing the fog too thick for enemies to spy a fire, they warmed themselves. Nicole made a small bow using a long thin branch and hair from her horse’s tail, then went in search of wild game. Without mention of the shadow, Jack silently followed her into the night. She ventured a mere three meters into the darkness when a large jackrabbit appeared before her.

  Nicole sent an arrow through its heart. “Thank you.” She whispered and returned to camp. Nicole tossed to Hopper. He skinned it deftly and placed it on a makeshift spit, consisting of two large forked sticks leaning over the fire . The others gathered bits and pieces of dry wood from under the large trees nearby. They ate in silence, fatigue and muscle ache consumed them. When the last of the rabbit disappeared and the remainder of the berries and nuts were eaten, Sarah and Hopper nestled together against a large fir tree, a short distance from the flames.

  "Have you checked that dense patch of brush behind you, Hopper?" Jack asked, gazing past them from his perch on a small log.

  "Checked it for what?" Hopper yawned and stretched his long back then pulled Sarah back into his arms.

  " Trolls, snakes, badgers, wild boars . . .”

  "Is our little adventure finally getting to you, Barbarian?" Nicole teased from across the fire.

  "No, I just thought that might be a good hiding place for a bear or something.” Jack stammered trying not to sound paranoid.

  "Is there something you're not telling us?" Sarah asked softly as she leaned forward staring at him.

  Gazing into the fire, Jack silently assessed their situation. "I'm pretty certain that something has been following us. I caught sight of it in the shadows a while back."

  "What is it?" Nicole asked, rising to throw another log on the fire.

  "I'm not sure. It stays back out of sight. I've only been able to catch glimpses of it." Jack sighed.

  " It's big and there could be more than one, I’m not sure. It doesn't always walk upright. I can't tell you anymore all I've seen are shadows.”

  "When was the last time you saw it?" Hopper shifted, slightly. Sarah slid gently off his lap and onto the grass beside him.

  "About an hour ago." Jack rose and met Nicole's eyes. "Just before we broke for camp."

  "That explains why the hair on the back of my neck was standing on end. " Hopper smiled wickedly.

  "I'll take the first watch." Nicole offered as she moved into the shadows. "Get some sleep, I'll wake you if anything comes near. "

  “How about you and me checking out that patch of brush?" Hopper said to Jack as Sarah moved closer to the fire and opened her book.

  Jack and Hopper headed into the thicket, taking two thin logs from the fire to act as torches. Surprised at the dampness inside the underbrush Hopper thrust his makeshift torch ahead of him and moved inside. The bushes gave way quickly to reveal the narrow entrance to a cave in the side of the knoll. Smiling in triumph the two friends headed back to inform the women they had found the entrance to the cave.

  "I guess
Dr. Strong's taken pity on us." Hopper said.

  “Or you had a better idea of where you were going than you realized.” Jack countered as they cleared the brush and glanced around.

  Sarah sat before the fire studying her book, Nicole was nowhere in sight. Looking up, she smiled and beckoned them near. “I've found the incantation to set the Elf Queen free. There's an emancipation spell that sounds right."

  "Great! We found the entrance." Hopper announced, “its right behind the brush.”

  “Where's Nicole?" Jack interrupted, searching the darkness surrounding them.

  Sarah frowned. "She insisted on taking a look around. I told her it was a bad idea, but she wouldn't listen."

  “Which way did she go?" Jack asked as he pulled his sword free.

  "Calm down, she can take care of herself. She promised she'd stay within hearing distance." Sarah reasoned.

  "I'm going after her. You keep your eyes open. If anything happens head for the cave." Jack ordered and headed in the direction Nicole disappeared.

  "Should I go with him?" Hopper asked, staring after him.

  “No, Jack can handle it. Sit down and relax." Sarah tugged at his enormous hand.

  "Tell me about the spell." Hopper asked as he settled down beside her.

  The mist caressed Jack, embracing him with its musty scent as layers of dampness penetrated his clothing. The coolness sank into his muscles sending them into spasms of

  protest against the further strain of his search. The twisted trees thickened as he entered an area of tiny knolls and hollows. Climbing the embankment Jack followed an unknown path, not thinking, only searching. The trees grew sparse, revealing a small glen carpeted with tall grass. The moon broke through the thin layer of clouds to reveal a white fog laying low along the length of the glen. The silence of the forest gave way to the songs of its creatures as Jack realized his search had ended.

  In the center of the flowing grass Nicole stood, swaying to the music of the forest. Jack stood at the edge of the glen, frozen at the sight of the dark nymph dancing in the pale light. Her movements, subtle at first, changed to a graceful array of swirling limbs as she moved slowly across the glen. She danced as if making love to the darkness, offering her delicate talent to the gods of the night. Her long ebony hair swirled around her as their eyes met. Jack's breath left him as her glowing emerald eyes searched his.

  Si1ently, ceasing her dance of enchantment, she reached out a delicate arm toward him. Without hesitation , he crossed the glen and took her in his arms. Her kiss burned like fire, he pulled back, uncertain. What was the magic she held over him? Since the first time he’d laid eyes on her, no other woman had interested him. She gazed up at Jack, her eyes compelling him back toward her. They fell into the mist as their lips met, oblivious to all that surrounded them.

  Hopper gazed into the fire as he gathered Sarah in his arms and pulled her to him. "This would have been the perfect adventure . . . " He began, quietly.

  “If you hadn't been turned into a troll?" Sarah finished his sentence for him.

  "You've got to admit, I'm not one of the best looking guys you've met today." Hopper said, twirling her curling red hair around a long black claw.

  "I don't care what you look like, Todd. You're still the same old hockey jock to me." Sarah snuggled into his large hairy chest.

  "I'd planned something special for this journey. Something I've been planning for a long time." Hopper whispered as he cupped her chin in his hand and turned her face toward him. "I hope you understand why I can't see it through like this."

  "What could be so important that how you look would affect it so drastically?" She asked.

  "I've never been able to express how much I care about you, Sarah.” Hopper began, "The words ' I love you' just don't describe the depth of emotion I feel. I thought this weekend I could finally show you how deeply I care about you."

  "There's no doubt in my mind how much you love me, Todd. I see it in your eyes every time you look at me." Sarah sat up and turned to face him. "Actually I was going to tell you this weekend, I’m ready to take our relationship to another level.”

  Hopper pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. ''The truth is . . . I was going to propose."

  Sarah leaned forward and whispered, "What's stopping you?"

  “It doesn't bother you that our memories of this moment could be overshadowed by the fact that I look like a bobble head Big Foot?"' Hopper stared at her, unsure.

  "We'll have the most original, romantic, tale of ‘love conquers all' to tell our grandkids.” Sarah smiled.

  Hopper jumped up and pulled the beautiful blue-eyed sorceress to her feet and knelt before her.

  "Sarah Sims, the love of my life, the only woman that I will ever, could ever love, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

  "Even if you stay a troll forever, yes.” Sarah answered as she reached down to caress his cheek.

  Letting out a hoop that echoed through the valley, Hopper leapt forward and took her into his arms, completely unaware of the approaching shadow.

  The darkness deepened, Nicole felt the presence of another. Dressing quickly, she left Jack asleep in the grass and moved toward the stand of trees at the edge of the glen. A tall, ancient looking elf emerged from the shadows as she neared. He wore long velvet robes similar to Sarah's. He was a sorcerer, yet his eyes were soft and guileless. His long white hair stretched out to encompass his shoulders and arms. His high cheekbones and pointed ears told her all she needed to know. He was with their pursuers.

  He waited patiently for her to approach. This could not be the evil wizard that Dr. Strong had spoken of, her elfin senses found no danger. Yet suspicion lingered inside.

  "What do you want of me?" She asked, as she stopped mere inches before him.

  "Freedom." He answered, simply. A light breeze came from behind. His long white hair flowed at its touch.

  "You are unencumbered I see no need to assist you." She answered, staring into his deep blue eyes.

  "I seek your assistance none the less." He replied. His voice was calm. Wisdom seemed to radiate from him.

  ''In what way?" She hesitated and took a step backward.

  "Deliverance." He whispered, closing the gap between them.

  "You wish me to rescue you?" Nicole asked.

  "To rescue us all." He finished.

  "From whom?"

  ''From the evil that threatens to consume this land and all who dwell within." The wizard's eyes narrowed as he spoke. "The one that sent you here has deceived you, as he has many others before you."

  “Dr. Strong?” She smiled, coldly, understanding.

  "Puissant, as he is called here. He is evil."

  "You are a deceiver." Nicole countered.

  "He was banished from this land."

  "Just as the Elf Queen was I suppose."

  "Queen Briees is unharmed and living in the comfort of her palace." He stated.

  "You lie!" Nicole reached out and took hold of the front of his robes. "I am here to end your reign of terror. I will free the Queen and break your hold over her warriors. "

  "I am brother to the Queen." He said calmly. "I am her protector, tutor of the prince, sorcerer, only for their protection."

  "Fabricator of tales, propagator of deceit. " Nicole refused to release him.

  "You will find only death in the Cave of Sorrows. It would be a true pity. Your people cannot afford to suffer such a great loss. There is merely a handful of woodland elves left to walk these mountains. You may well be the last female among them. That is why you have appeared. Not to free the beast, but to continue the woodland heritage. I see that now. My magic has worked its own will. I have made you what you are. You would have been lost as a sorceress.”

  “What?” Nicole stammered, caught off guard.

  "A woodland elf has been hiding inside you all of your life. The unexplained anger you have felt since birth was the elfin magic trying to surface." He raised his hand and a spark lit the a
ir. The vision of their arrival filled the ball of 1ight before her. Nicole saw herself screaming with rage and shoving the others from her.

  "My spell shifted your transformation, freed your magic. It was here that it battled your fears, ambitions and the disappointment of your real life. Only here can you be truly happy. Free the beast in the Cave of Sorrows and you will return to a life you were never to lead."

  "There is no beast in the cave. We are here to free the elf queen, you have imprisoned there.” Nicole shoved him backward as she released her grip. “Your lies do not affect me old man." She pulled her short sword from her belt and held it to his throat.

  "Move on or die.”

  "It would be wise to listen to me.” He answered.

  "I take it by your resistance that you choose death." She whispered.

  "I will leave you, but heed a warning. Your peril begins here and will end in death if you continue toward your goal. The only way to freedom is through me."

  “We will continue and we will succeed.” Nicole shoved him from her, watching as he moved back into the shadows.

  Nicole glanced back toward Jack and considered the old man's words.

  Hopper was violently jerked from Sarah's arms. He screamed in pain as the

  Giant black beast buried its teeth into the back of his neck. Sarah stood frozen in horror. The large black serpent-like monster threw Hopper across the hollow as if he were a rag

  doll. Rolling with the impact, Hopper landed on his feet and turned to meet the charge of the giant creature, ignoring the pain and blood that flowed down his shoulders.

  Its long jawed snout reached out in front of it, snapping viciously as it neared. The firelight reflected off its long razor-like teeth. Suddenly it rose on its short back legs and raced across the clearing, its thick tail snapping in its wake as it emitted a shrill howl that stung Sarah's ears jolting her into action.

  The beast locked onto Hoppers legs, diving under him, sending them both rolling back down the embankment and into the dying embers of the fire. Tumbling with the beast, Hopper managed to encircle its thick throat with his hands. The long black snout


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